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ĐỀ THI THỬ SỐ 10 - Khóa Đề

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 1: A. forged B. appalled C. composed D. noticed

Question 2: A. resort B. island C. hesitate D. desert

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three
in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 3: A. dietary B. deceive C. decisive D. disguise

Question 4: A. concept B. engage C. resolve D. foretell

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.

Question 5: Some major causes of ocean pollution include oil spills, toxic waste and hazardous materials
_____ into the ocean.
A. that dumped B. dumped C. which dump D. are dumped

Question 6: Every means ______ tried to solve the current problem but without much result.
A. is B. are C. has been D. have been

Question 7: Eating organically grown food is a clear, intelligent, delicious choice. ______, finding and
affording only organic food is sometimes tough.
A. Although B. However C. So D. Regarding

Question 8: Mr. Pike would scarcely keep track of his business by cell phone when he was in his one-
month traveling, ______ ?
A. wouldn’t he B. didn’t he C. would he D. did he

Question 9: But for the fact that I had owed him a favor, I _______ to help him.
A. would have agree B. wouldn’t have agreed C. couldn’t agree D. would agree

Question 10: Scientists think that plague bacteria circulate ______ low rates within populations of certain
rodents without causing excessive rodent die-off.
A. with B. in C. on D. at

Question 11: People become contaminated ______ directly from household products _____ by eating
contaminated seafood and animal fats.
A. either - or B. neither - nor C. either - nor D. neither - or

Question 12: Total weight of all the ants in the world is much greater than ______.
A. is of all human beings B. that of all human beings
C. to all human beings D. all human beings is that

Question 13: A man chosen from the university was told to ______ a copy and keep the original in the
A. complicate B. sophisticate C. contemplate D. duplicate
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Question 14: Pokémon Go is ______ this season’s hit game. But we’re just over a month out, so it’s too
soon to know exactly how Pokémon Go is faring in the longer term.
A. unquestionable B. questionable C. unquestionably D. questionably

Question 15: In Viet Nam’s traditional society, women bear children and _____ responsibility for
A. get B. hold C. accept D. make

Question 16: The sandwich was bought a week ago; I don’t think it is ______ now.
A. editable B. efficient C. edible D. effective

Question 17: After months of searching, I finally _____ to land a job as an accountant in an insurance
A. committed B. obtained C. attended D. managed

Question 18: I was _______ tired after working my third 12-hour shift in a row.
A. live B. dead C. lively D. deadly

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete
each of the following exchanges.

Question 19: A mother is complaining to her son that his room gets dusty now.
- Mother: “Haven’t you tidied up your room yet?”
- Son: “____”
A. I will, after I do all the exercises in my textbook.
B. I have my hands full with my tidying.
C. The more I tidy, the worse it gets.
D. Why don’t you give me a hand with cleaning?

Question 20: Two friends David and Tom are talking about their last driving test.
- David: “I failed my driving test yesterday.”
- Tom: “_____”
A. You should try your hand at it. B. I wish that we could talk about it.
C. Oh well. You’re in a good company. D. You want to pass the test. Dream on!

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 21: Though it was early in the morning, I still could see a constant flow of traffic.
A. diverse B. rising C. equal D. continuous

Question 22: He wants to start a successful business without money; he’s simply crying for the moon.
A. doing something with enthusiasm B. asking for what is unattainable
C. making a completely right decision D. crying a lot and for a long time

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 23: The girl’s arrogant behavior made people forget just how talented she was.
A. bossy B. genuine C. elegant D. humble

Question 24: Stop beating around the bush and tell us the main points of the problem. We don't have
much time left.
A. speaking directly B. telling lies C. talking noisily D.saying nothing
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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction
in each of the following questions.

Question 25: If cultural groups join forces, they will be more effective in reaching common goals than if
each group operates in isolate.

Question 26: The United States government program Head Start prepares children for school encourages
the involvement of local communities in the children's development.

Question 27: We’re specially concerned about the rise in tuition fees, which discourages students from
continuing their studying.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 28 to 32.

Twitter is an online micro-blogging platform (28) _______ enables you to post short updates with
images and videos attached. The social network was launched in 2006 and has more than 300 million
monthly (29) _______ users around the world. Twitter users share their thoughts, news, real-time
information and jokes in 140 characters of text or less.

The most successful Twitter users don't just broadcast messages. They engage with other Twitter
users (30) _______ asking and responding to questions, sharing interesting links and monitoring what
people say about them. Businesses use Twitter to engage audiences within their sector; not only posting
information about themselves (31) _______ encouraging discussion, gathering useful (32) _______ about
products or services and offering helpful customer service.

Question 28: A. where B. when C. what D. that

Question 29: A. active B. lively C. blocked D. famous

Question 30: A. from B. on C. by D. to

Question 31: A. nor B. but C. also D. or

Question 32: A. assistance B. refusal C. background D. feedback

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 33 to 37.

Would you like to visit a rain forest in the United States? Olympic National Park which is found in
the state of Washington has one. It is a temperate rain forest that is different from a tropical rain forest. A
tropical rain forest is often found close to the equator, so if it is far from the equator, it is a temperate rain
forest. A temperate climate has four seasons. All rain forests get a lot of precipitation and the rain forest at
Olympic gets an average of twelve feet of rain each year.

The rain forest is on the west side of the mountains. The western valleys get most of the rain. On
the east side, there is a rain shadow effect. The east side is much dryer. A rain shadow is the area that does
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not receive as much rain because something tall, such as a mountain, is in the way. The east side receives
only about 25 inches of rain each year.

There are many things to see at Olympic National Park. There are Pacific coast beaches. Over
seventy miles of wild Pacific coast are protected by the park. There are glacier-capped peaks on the
mountains. Most of Olympic is wilderness, which means the land is protected from development. The only
road is on the outer edge of the park. If you want to see something inside the park, you have to go without
a car.

Many different plants and animals live here. Piper's bellflowers are unique to the Olympic
mountains. They grows in cracks or crevices of the rock at high elevations. Olympic is also home to
Roosevelt elk. It has the largest unmanaged herd of this type of elk that is found anywhere in the world.
Visitors to Olympic National Park have much to explore.

Question 33: It can be referred from paragraph 1 that the temperatures in Olympic National Park _______.
A. depend on rain level here B. are never too hot or too cold
C. are equal to those in the equator D. change considerably each year

Question 34: The east side receives less rain than the west one because _______.
A. the rain shadow affects the west side
B. it is as dry as the west one
C. there are high mountains between the two sides
D. the amount of rain the west one receives is not measured.

Question 35: The word "peaks" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _______.

A. group B. tops C. blocks D. ranges

Question 36: The word "they" in paragraph 4 refers to _______.

A. Olympic mountains B. piper's bellflowers
C. plants and animals D. visitors

Question 37: Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A.The park has four seasons and is far from the equator.
B. There are many types of means of transport to go inside the park.
C. The park is located near a coastal area.
D. There are a lot of things for exploration in the park.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 55 to 64.

The weather phenomenon called El Nino was first recorded in the 1500s when fishermen in South
America noticed that near Christmas some years the water was noticeably warmer than others. They named
this El Nino, or the infant, as it happened near the celebration of the birth of Christ.

Only in recent years has there been any serious investigations into the causes and results of El Nino.
The 1997 - 1998 El Nino was the first to be studied extensively. Scientists from France, Japan, Korea and
Taiwan combined the various readings they had from satellite and surface measurements of wind speeds
and water temperatures to make the Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Array. This combined information
allowed them to see the overall patterns of an El Nino and helped them predict when one was starting.

Weather pattern rely heavily on the operation of the “planetary heat engine”. Essentially, this means
that because the sun is closest to the equator the seawater in that region is the warmest. The warm water
evaporates and forms clouds, which move toward the poles powered by their heat. These atmospheric
loops, which move heat from the tropics to the poles, are called “connective cells”. Without this process
the equatorial regions would be hotter than they are and the north and south would be much colder.
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The wind in the central Pacific tends to blow from the east. This pushes water from South America
towards Australia and Indonesia. As a result, sea levels have been found to be up to 60 centimetres higher
in the west. The water that is pushed westward from the South American coast is replaced by colder water,
which has a high nutrient level that consequently attracts fish. This makes the waters off Peru and Ecuador
good fishing grounds.

An El Nino happens when the winds weaken and sea levels drop. The warmer water moves east and
less water evaporates to form clouds. The results of this are twofold. The warmer water in the east reduces
the number of fish and the lack of rain causes droughts. This can cause problems such as the forest fires
that have plagued Indonesia and Australia in recent years. Additionally, El Nino is thought to be one of the
causes of hurricanes that have devastated Central and North West America.

As the population has increased the effects of changing weather have had a greater impact. People
are living in places, often in areas more likely to be affected by adverse weather, than they ever did before
and in increased densities. This means that natural disasters affect more people. Natural resources are
being used closer to their limits, so small changes in their availability can cause disruption. For example, in
the past, South American fishermen could make a profit even during an EL Nino, but modern industrial
fishing needs larger fish stocks to be profitable.

Knowing when an El Nino is developing allows people to make plans to lessen its negative effects.
The system of buoys and satellites monitoring the Pacific allows scientists to predict the start of the 12 to
18 month El Nino cycle. As a result people can prepare. For example, in North East Brazil during the 1987
El Nino, farmers only got 15% of their normal grain harvest, but in 1992, when the government advised
them to plant fast maturing plants, they got 82%.

The question of whether El Nino has been strengthened by global warming is unanswered. The
National Centre for Atmospheric research believes that El Nino could be responsible for the increased
temperatures in North America by changing the jet stream. Global warming may not be the direct cause.
However, global warming may cause the local warming changes that cause El Nino and change
atmospheric circulation. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration suggests that global
warming may increase El Nino effects by increasing temperatures and increasing water evaporation over
land leading to floods.

Question 38: When does an El Nino occur?

A. The wind in the Pacific blows from the east B. The equatorial regions become hotter and hotter
C. The sun is closest to the equator D. The winds weaken and sea levels drop

Question 39: The first extensive study of the El Nino phenomenon took place ______.
A. in 1992 B. in 1500s C. from 1997 to 1998 D. during 1987

Question 40: The system used to track variations in weather conditions is called ______.
A. Planetary Heat Engine B. Connective Cells
C. El Nino or the infant D. Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Array

Question 41: What is the benefit of monitoring the weather in the Pacific?
A. Provisions can be taken in advance against the El Nino.
B. The length of an El Nino is reduced by six months.
C. Farmers will harvest more grain.
D. Scientists can prevent El Ninos.

Question 42: The word “Essentially” in paragraph 3 mostly means ______.

A. Consequently B. Accordingly C. Basically D. Primarily
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Question 43: All of the following are the effects of El Nino EXCEPT ______.
A. There are plagues in Australia and Indonesia. B. There is a lack of rain.
C. There are more strong storms. D. Fewer fish for fishermen to catch.

Question 44: The word “adverse” in paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to ______.

A. unpropitious B. unfavorable C. disposable D. commodious

Question 45: Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A. It is possible for scientists to predict the time when an El Nino was starting.
B. If atmospheric loops don’t move heat from the tropics to the poles, the north and south would be much
C. Global warming may directly cause El Nino and change atmospheric circulation.
D. The origin of the name El Nino is based on the time when it happened.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to
each of the following questions.

Question 46: As soon as I solved one problem, another appeared.

A. I solved one problem as early as another appeared.
B. Scarcely had I solved one problem when another appeared.
C. Not until I solved one problem did another appeared.
D. I succeeded in solving one problem followed by another.

Question 47: “Why don’t you take a trip to the beach, Jane?” said Alex.
A. Alex advised Jane not to take a trip to the beach.
B. Alex wondered why Jane hadn't taken a trip to the beach.
C. Alex suggested that Jane should take a trip to the beach.
D. Alex reminded Jane to take a trip to the beach.

Question 48: She didn’t understand what he was saying because she hadn’t read his book.
A. If she reads his book now, she will understand what he is saying.
B. She understood what he was saying as if she had read his book.
C. Not having read his book, she could have understood his book.
D. Had she read his book, she could have understood what he was saying.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair
of sentences in the following questions.

Question 49: She can sing beautifully. She can play the guita as well.
A. He can sing beautifully as long as she can play the guita as well.
B. Because she can sing beautifully, she can play the guita well.
C. Not only can she sing beautifully, but she can also play the guita.
D. She can sing beautifully, but she can play the guita better.

Question 50: My uncles likes collecting stamps a lot. He even spends half of his salary on them.
A. My uncles likes collecting stamps a lot because he even spends half of his salary on them.
B. My uncles likes collecting stamps a lot as far as he even spends half of his salary on them.
C. My uncles both likes collecting stamps a lot and spends half of his salary on them.
D. My uncles likes collecting stamps so much that he spends half of his salary on them.

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