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San Benito, Surigao del Norte

School I.D.: 304781


Learning Area Practical Research 2

Grade-12 – Diamond (GAS) - Senior High School

Time and Date October 20, 2022 (11:00 – 12:00 a.m.)

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

1. differentiate the kinds of variables (CS_RS12-Ia-c-3);

2. give examples of dependent and independent
3. appreciate research as an avenue to help the



Reference Senior High School

Practical Research 2
Quarter 1 – Module 3, pages 6-8

Materials Photocopies of the lesson, cut-outs for cooperative

learning group activities



(As the teacher enters the room, she calls for a (The student who volunteers will lead the prayer
volunteer to lead the prayer.) before the class starts.)

Aivene please lead the prayer.

In the name of the Father… Amen.
Thank you Aivene.

Good morning class.

Good morning Mrs. Lagarde. We are glad to see you!
Please be seated.
Thank you Mrs. Lagarde.

Is everybody here today? Yes Ma’am.

As a recall, who can give the topic we have I, Ma’am!

discussed yesterday? Anybody?

Yes, Mark! Yesterday, we discussed about the definition and

sample titles or topics of the kinds of quantitative

Very good Mark! Anymore? I Ma’am!

Yes, Jannyveb! We also had a game on identifying the kinds of
experimental and non-experimental research.

You are right Jannyveb. It is good that you have

remembered our game yesterday.

This time we have a new lesson. I just hope that

you still remember the topics you have read from
your modules last school year. Because this lesson
is one of the topics in Practical Research during
your Grade-11. And in order to check if you have
remembered it, let us have a five-item check-up (The students will get ¼ sheet of paper.)

Kindly get ¼ sheet of paper and number it from (The students will answer the check-up test honestly.)
numbers 1-5 only.

The teacher reads the following items for the

check-up test.

1. A variable that is presumed to cause a change in

another variable is called:
A. intervening variable C. dependent variable
B. independent variable D. numerical variable

2. A teacher-researcher is studying the effect of

cooperative learning activities (or structure group
work) toward the academic achievement in
science. The independent variable in this study
is ________.
A. science subject
B. cooperative learning activities
C. academic achievement of students in science
D. effect of the study to the teacher-researcher

3. In the example study in number 3, the

dependent variable is _______.
A. science subject
B. cooperative learning activities
C. academic achievement of students in science
D. effect of the study to the teacher-researcher

4. They are the outcome on the influence

of the independent variable.
A. intervening variable C. dependent variable
B. independent variable D. numerical variable

Now, we will check if you have answered the

check-up test correctly. Please exchange your
papers with your nearest seatmate.

The following are the correct answers.

1. B 2. B 3. C 4. C (The students will exchange papers with their nearest
Okay, total the numbers of correct answers. The
score is 4/4. (The teacher then asks who among
the students have high scores and how many are
not through raising their hands.)

Congratulations to those who have good scores yet

to those who have low scores, please listen
properly to our lesson today.
Today, we will be tackling on DEPENDENT AND

Kindly read the performance standard of our Jey-Ann reads the Performance Standard of Practical
subject Jey-Ann. Research 2.

The learner demonstrates the ability to perform things in

life with all accuracy or precision to avoid producing
erroneous decisions; thus, knowing the extensive use of
modern pedagogical methods and techniques, the
learning approaches of discovery, constructivism,
transformative learning, and other correlative assumption
resulting from any paradigm in teaching-learning
situations, these contemporary learning methodologies
and strategies in research empower every learner in
satisfying his quest for the right and exact answers to
day-to-day problems and questions.

Thank you Jey-Ann. Now, let us all read the The whole class reads the following:
Content Standard for this quarter.
The learners transfer his knowledge about research
through applying and using the investigative method of
determining accurate, precise, acceptable and valid
discoveries of knowledge using the scientific methods of
arriving at answers and solving problems.

Thank you very much class. Our objectives today

are the following:

1. differentiate the kinds of variables;

2. give examples of dependent and independent
3. appreciate research as an avenue to help the


At this point, I would like to ask you these


Question 1: When you still ask for your baon from Dependent Ma’am!
your parents, it means that you are still

Correct Rizalyn! Limang bagsak for her please. Independent Ma’am!

Q2: When you are on your own, you don’t rely

anymore from your parents regarding your needs
everyday such as food, money and other things,
you are already an _______ person.

Very good Eajie! Let us give hands to Eajie.

Okay, this time you will be more clarified with what

is dependent and independent variables on its
simplest terms through this initial situation.

Consider this study:

A study on the relationship of parental support and

academic performance of Senior High School
students in San Benito National High School.

I would like you to fill the table with the appropriate I Ma’am!
answer from the sample study. Any volunteer?

Yes, Brix! Brix writes the answer on the box. He pasted the paper
with the line ‘independent variable’.
The following table must be filled-in this way.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

PARENTAL SUPPORT Academic performance

of Senior High School

Good work Brix! ‘Parental support’ is the

independent variable.

What about the dependent variable? Anybody? I Ma’am?

Yes, Venus! Venus puts the paper strip with the word ‘dependent

You have the right answer Venus! The ‘academic

performance of the Senior High School
students’ is the dependent variable.


Now, can you share to the class why did you ‘PARENTAL SUPPORT’ is the independent variable
answer such Brix? because it influenced the outcome or the performance of
the students.

You are very correct, Brix! Let us clap our hands to (The students will clap their hands for Brix.)

Now, what about your answer in the dependent In the sample study or title, the ‘ACADEMIC
STUDENTS’ is the dependent variable because its
outcomes or results is influenced by the independent
variable (PARENTAL SUPPORT) and it depends on the
kind of parental support showed which makes their
Great answer, Venus! Big hand for Venus please! performance high or low.

(NOTE TO THE OBSERVER: The students may

give the wrong answer or they may state the
correct lines, too. Whatever is the case may be, the
teacher will now give the definition of the

Now, let us take this. (The teacher will

present/show the powerpoint presentation on

I need a volunteer to read the kinds of variables. I Ma’am!

Anybody who likes to read?

Yes, Via! (Via reads the definition of independent variables.)



probably cause, influence or affect outcomes. They
are invariably called treatment, manipulated,
antecedent, or predictor variables.

2. DEPENDENT VARIABLES – those that depend

on the independent variables; they are the
outcomes or results on the influence of the
independent variable.

Thank you very much, Via!

I Ma’am!
What about number 2?
(Kenn reads the meaning of dependent variables.)
Yes, Kenn!

Thank you Kenn!

Now that you have read the meaning of dependent

and independent variable. Let us go back with the
table you have filled. Let us check if you have
placed/answered the boxes correctly.

(TO THE OBSERVER: At this point, the teacher

will give the explanation and deepen the
topic/lesson of the day based from the answer of
the students. the teacher will encourage the class
to think hard, understand, analyze and interpret the
variables which belong to independent and

When reading a research/study, one way to identify

the variables is that such can be observed and
measured. Variables vary among people or
organizations being studied. The word ‘vary’
comes from the word ‘can change’.

Variables can also be defined as something that

can take more than one value, and values can be
words or numbers. The most common variables in
social research are age, sex, gender, education,
income, marital status, and education.

Other experts define a variable as any entity that

can take on different values.
Yes Ma’am!
Do you understand class?

I hope so.

(The teacher may give another example if

I Ma’am!
Now, who can share a very simple study which has
a dependent variable and an independent variable?
Any volunteer?
(Jackelyn will then give her example of a dependent variable
Yes, Jackelyn! and an independent variable from a study she has been
(Answers from volunteers who will give the examples will or
(The teacher will continue to call for volunteers if may vary.)
there are students who want to share their

Excellent! All your examples are valid. I am happy

that you have given samples which have an impact
in the community. This simply means that research
does not solely give credit to the researcher but it
must also help the community improve the lives of
the people.
Yes Ma’am!
Do you agree class?


And now, let us test if you have understood what is

an independent variable from the dependent
variable. I would like to group you into two.

Take these activities. Each group will be given a

situation or a title. Each group, too, will identify the
dependent and the independent variable; thus, they
will explain, too, on why they have arrived to such
answers. You are given 5 minutes to analyze and
point out the independent and dependent variables.
The leader of the group will appoint somebody to
paste or stick the answer on the board for each
group and he/she will assign, too, somebody who
could explain why they have arrived at such an
Yes Ma’am!
Do you understand class?

Are you ready now? Yes Ma’am! We are ready.

Every answer has 10 points and that would make it

20 points in all for each group. I will give a bonus to
the group who can analyze and can explain the
answer well.
(The students in each group will then work together in
(The teacher will then distribute the titles/situation
to the respective groups.) order to arrive at a correct answer and explanation.)

Group 1 will have this title/situation:

Students’ level of achievement when taught Volunteers from Group 1 must answer the following:
first aid by programmed instruction and that of
the traditional method. Independent: PROGRAMMED


The independent variable is the PROGRAMMED

it influences the level of achievement of the students
when taught through the programmed instruction or the
traditional method.
The dependent variable is the LEVEL OF
depends on how a students looked and understood the
programmed instruction/traditional method being shown
or being shared.

Volunteers from Group 2 must answer the following:

Group 2 will have this title/situation:
Customers preferences for accessories on a Dependent: CUSTOMERS PREFERENCES
The independent variable is the ACCESSORIES OF THE
HEADBAND because it influenced the outcome or the
preferences of the customers in buying the headband.

The dependent variable is the CUSTOMERS

PREFERENCES because the preference of the
customers depends on the kind of headbands the store
owners would design.

Very good! You have arrived at the correct answer.

I Ma’am!
Now, who can differentiate the independent from
the dependent variable?
An INDEPENDENT VARIABLE is a variable that causes
Yes, Cedrix! the dependent to change while the DEPENDENT
VARIABLE is the effect, outcome or result on the
influence of the independent variable.

Very good Cedrix!

Finally, to make sure that you have really

understood the lesson today, let us have a post
test. Still, it has 4 items only. You will use the ¼
sheet of paper in your pretest.


Answer the following post-test honestly. (The students will answer the post-test.)

1. You design a study to test whether changes in

room temperature have an effect on math test
scores. The dependent variable is __________.

A. designing a test for studies

B. changes in weather
C. changes in room temperature
D. math test scores

2. In the example study in number 1, the

independent variable is _____________.

A. designing a test for studies

B. changes in weather
C. changes in room temperature
D. math test scores
3. This variable can change and will depend on the
result of another variable. What variable is this?

A. numerical variable
B. dependent variable
C. independent variable
D. intervening variable

4. What do you call a variable that influences the

outcomes of another variable?

A. numerical variable
B. dependent variable
C. independent variable
D. intervening variable

(After answering, each will exchange papers with

his/her nearest seatmate.) Yes Ma’am!

I want you to check properly and honestly.

The correct answers are:

1. D
2. C
3. B
4. C

(After checking, the teacher will check the scores of

the students.) Thank you Ma’am!

Very good!

Your scores are better now than during the pre-

test. Congratulations! Let us give everybody a
warm applause for the good scores.


For your assignment, do the following to check

your understanding.

1. Give one example of a possible study that shows

the independent variable and the dependent
variable. Encircle the independent variable and
underline the dependent variable twice. Write this
assignment in your research notebook.

2. Please read the four (4) types of variables such

as nominal, ordinal, internal and ratio. Be able to
give 2 examples for each. (Photocopies are given.)

It is already time for the next subject and to end our (Sheila leads the prayer.)
class today let us request Sheila to lead the prayer.

Thank you Sheila. Thank you very much class for

your participation and cooperation today.

Goodbye and thank you class! Goodbye and thank you Mrs. Lagarde. See you on


Prepared by: IVIE C. LAGARDE

Master Teacher – II/Subject Teacher

Head Teacher-III/School Head

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