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Mid Exam English

Closing of The TikTok Shop

The closure of the TikTok shop, like any business decision, comes with its own set of advantages and
disadvantages. Here are some pros and cons:


 Focus on Core Platform: Closing the TikTok shop allows the company to focus more on its
core platform, which is short-form video content and not be distracted by the challenges and
risks associated with e-commerce, such as unauthorized resale of products, counterfeit
items, and price wars. This could lead to improvements in the user experience, content
creation tools, and overall engagement within the app.
 Compliance with regulations: Closing the TikTok Shop allows the platform to comply with
regulations, such as Minister of Trade Regulation No. 31/2023, which may help to avoid
potential legal issues and maintain a good reputation
 Resource Allocation: By shutting down the shop, TikTok can reallocate resources, both
financial and human, towards areas that are more critical for the company's growth and
sustainability. This could include research and development, marketing, or improving
existing features.
 Reduced Risk: Managing an e-commerce platform comes with its own set of challenges,
including logistics, inventory management, and customer support. By eliminating the shop,
TikTok reduces the risk associated with running an additional business vertical.
 Brand Image: Focusing solely on the core platform can help reinforce TikTok's brand identity
as a leading destination for creative expression and entertainment. This clarity can resonate
better with users and potential advertisers.


 Missed Revenue Opportunity: Closing the shop means forgoing potential revenue streams
from e-commerce transactions. TikTok may lose potential revenue from transaction fees and
commissions if they close the shop. While it may not have been a significant source of
income compared to advertising, it still represents a missed opportunity for diversification.
 User Engagement: The shop might have provided additional avenues for user engagement,
such as through branded content or collaborations with influencers. Its closure could
potentially reduce the time users spend on the platform or limit their interactions.
 Competitive Landscape: With the rise of social commerce, especially on platforms like
Instagram and Facebook, shutting down the shop could put TikTok at a disadvantage in
terms of competing for users' attention and shopping dollars.
 Loss of Data Insights: Operating an e-commerce platform generates valuable data insights
into consumer behavior and preferences. By shutting down the shop, TikTok may lose out on
this data, which could have been used to improve targeting and personalization on the
 Missed Opportunity for Inovation: . Separating social media and e-commerce into different
platforms may hinder innovation and disadvantage small businesses in Indonesia, which
have benefited from TikTok's e-commerce features.
In conclusion, the closure of the TikTok shop presents both advantages and disadvantages for the
platform. While it allows TikTok to refocus on its core strengths, allocate resources more efficiently,
and mitigate certain risks associated with e-commerce operations, it also means missing out on
potential revenue streams, opportunities for user engagement, and valuable data insights.
Ultimately, the decision reflects TikTok's strategic priorities and its commitment to enhancing the
user experience and reinforcing its brand identity as a leading destination for creative expression
and entertainment.

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