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“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking

System of SBI with special reference to Yavatmal City”

A dissertation submitted by

Mr. Vicky J. Dhore


(MBA programme 2022-2024)

Under the guidance of

Prof. Husain A.

Bharmal (BBA, MBA)


Sant gadge Baba Amravati University,

Amravati In Partial Fulfillment Of The


For The Award Of Degree Of

Master Of Business


Department Of Management

College Of Management And Computer

Science, Yavatmal- (445-001)






This is to certify that the dissertation entitled‘‘A Study of Customer

Satisfaction In Mobile Banking System of SBI with special reference
to Yavatmal City”

Submitted by

Mr. Vicky J.


In the partial fulfillment of the conditions for the award of degree of master of
business administration to sant gadge baba Amravati university, Amravati has
been prepared under supervision and guidance of Prof. Husain A. Bharmal.
it is also certified that:-

1. The candidate has satisfactorily conducted this research for not less
than oneacademic year.
2. The dissertation is of sufficiently high standard to warrant its
presentation forexamination.

Prof. Ritesh D. Chandak Prof. Husain A. Bharmal Prof. Husain A. Bharmal

( Principal) (HOD, MBA Dept) (Project guide)



I (Mr. Vicky J. Dhore) hereby declare that the dissertation entitled„„A Study
of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking System of SBI with special
reference to Yavatmal City” is the result of my own work and that the same
has not been submitted to any examination.

Date: Mr. Vicky J. Dhore

Place: Yavatmal ( M.B.A II )


The completion of this undertaking could not have been possible without the
participation and assistance of so many people. Their contributions are
sincerely appreciated and gratefully acknowledged.

My sincere gratitude to Mr. Milind Naik (Manager of The Yavatmal Bank SBI
Yavatmal) I am also thankful to all the employees of the bank for their co-
operation in successful completion of the project.

I am thankful to honorable president Mr. Prakashji H. Jajoo, secretary Mr.

Ashishji P. Jajoo, principal Prof. Ritesh D. Chandak for giving me an
opportunity to present this project. I express my sincere thanks to our HOD
Prof. Husain A. Bharmal for his valuable guidance and support. I am highly
obliged in taking the opportunity to sincerely thanks my guide Prof. Husain
A. Bharmal for her immense support and guidance.
I am feeling oblige to thanks all my lecturers for their support. I am also
thankful to my family and friends for their valuable suggestions.

Mr.Vicky J. Dhore Prof. Husain A.

Bharmal (M.B.A.II) ( Project guide)

Sr.No Contents Page No.
1.1 History
1.2 Meaning
1.3 Features of mobile banking system
1.4 Functions of Mobile Banking
1.5 Importance of Mobile Banking
1.6 Employee Perception About Mobile Banking System
1.7 Risk Management at Mobile Banking System of RBI


3.1 Introduction
3.2 Objective Of The Study
3.3 Scope Of The Study
3.4 Hypothesis
3.5 Limitation Of The Study
3.6 Tools Of Data
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Bank Profile
5.1 Data Analysis, Interpretation
5.2 Findings-
5.3 Hypothesis Testing
6.1 Conclusion
6.2 Suggestion & Recommendation
7.1 Questionnaire On Risk Management
7.2 Bibliography
Sr.No Name of table
1 Gender of Respondents 18
2 Age of the Respondents 19
3 Education of the respondents 20
4 Occupation of the Respondents 21
5 Income of the respondents 22
6 Are you aware about the E-banking Services provided by SBI ? 23

7 What is your level of knowledge while using digital banking 24

services ?
8 From how long you are Using Digital banking services ? 25
9 What is the purpose of using Digital banking services ? 26
10 Which factors recommends to use digital banking service? 27
11 What kinds of money transfers you prefer ? 28
12 What are the Challenges faced while using digital banking 29
13 Did the facilities and interaction of bank apps are motivating 30
to use the online transactions ?
14 Are the customers satisfied with the Banking services provided 31
by SBI ?
15 How Frequently does you are using Digital Banking service? 32

16 Does digital banking services make your day to day life easy ? 33
17 What kind of services and products provided by bank that 34
make you feel comfortable?
18 Are you aware about the E-banking Services provided by SBI, 35
19 Does online banking provides more reach and frequency than 36
traditional banking?
20 Does online banking done well according to your expectation ? 37
LIST OF GRAPHS Name of table
1 Gender of Respondents 18
2 Age of the Respondents 19
3 Education of the respondents 20
4 Occupation of the Respondents 21
5 Income of the respondents 22
6 Are you aware about the E-banking Services provided by SBI ? 23

7 What is your level of knowledge while using digital banking 24

services ?
8 From how long you are Using Digital banking services ? 25
9 What is the purpose of using Digital banking services ? 26
10 Which factors recommends to use digital banking service? 27
11 What kinds of money transfers you prefer ? 28
12 What are the Challenges faced while using digital banking 29
13 Did the facilities and interaction of bank apps are motivating 30
to use the online transactions ?
14 Are the customers satisfied with the Banking services provided 31
by SBI ?
15 How Frequently does you are using Digital Banking service? 32

16 Does digital banking services make your day to day life easy ? 33
17 What kind of services and products provided by bank that 34
make you feel comfortable?
18 Are you aware about the E-banking Services provided by SBI, 35
19 Does online banking provides more reach and frequency than 36
traditional banking?
20 Does online banking done well according to your expectation? 37

Inside the developing global competition, the productivity of any commercial

enterprise challenge depends upon the behavioral aspects of consumers. This
subject matter offers with improve product from SBI at Chamarajapate. This
assignment report carries 5 one-of-a-kind chapters, the record starts with the
introduction to organization, its region of operation, its business enterprise shape,
its achievements etc.

The second chapter is the conceptual background of the study and literature
review, the brief idea regarding the advanced products and services provided by
the State Bank of India, branch in chamarajapate, Bangalore, where the project is

The third chapter contains the research design, methodology adopted in preparing
this report is mentioned. It includes the sample procedure, types of data used, data
collection methods and need for the study, limitations etc.

The fourth chapter comprehensive coverage of forecasting concepts techniques

which shows the analysis of data and interpretation through graphical
representation, ratio analysis, data collected from survey.

The fifth chapter deals with the findings, suggestions and conclusion part which is
very important after analysis is made.
“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”



In the digital era, mobile banking has emerged as a cornerstone of modern

banking systems, revolutionizing the way customers interact with financial
institutions. State Bank of India (SBI), being one of the largest and most
prominent banking entities, recognizes the pivotal role of mobile banking in
delivering convenient and accessible financial services to its vast customer
base. As such, ensuring customer satisfaction within its mobile banking
ecosystem is paramount for SBI to uphold its reputation and stay competitive
in the ever-evolving banking landscape.

The advent of mobile technology has redefined the traditional banking

experience, offering customer’s unparalleled convenience, flexibility, and
accessibility to banking services anytime, anywhere. SBI, cognizant of these
evolving customer preferences, has invested substantially in developing and
refining its mobile banking platform to cater to the diverse needs and
preferences of its clientele.

However, while the proliferation of mobile banking presents immense

opportunities, it also brings forth unique challenges, particularly concerning
customer satisfaction. The success of SBI's mobile banking system hinges not
only on its functionality and features but also on the seamless user experience
it provides to customers. Thus, understanding the factors influencing customer
satisfaction and continuously enhancing the mobile banking experience are
imperative for SBI to retain its existing customers and attract new ones.

This paper aims to delve into the various dimensions of customer satisfaction
within SBI's mobile banking system, exploring factors such as usability,
security, reliability, responsiveness, and customization. By comprehensively
analyzing these aspects, SBI can gain valuable insights into the strengths and
weaknesses of its mobile banking platform, enabling the bank to implement
College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page1
“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”
targeted strategies for improvement.

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“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”

Furthermore, the study will also examine the evolving trends and
technological advancements shaping the mobile banking landscape, thereby
assisting SBI in staying ahead of the curve and adapting its mobile banking
offerings to meet the evolving needs and expectations of customers.

In essence, the pursuit of customer satisfaction in SBI's mobile banking system

is not merely a goal but a continuous journey towards excellence and
innovation. By prioritizing customer-centricity and leveraging technology
effectively, SBI can reinforce its position as a leader in the digital banking
domain while fostering enduring relationships with its valued customers.

1.1 History
The history of customer satisfaction in the mobile banking system of the State
Bank of India (SBI) is marked by a progressive evolution driven by
technological advancements, changing consumer behaviors, and a relentless
commitment to enhancing the banking experience.

2000s to Early 2010s:

As mobile technology advanced and smartphones became ubiquitous, SBI

expanded its mobile banking offerings to include more sophisticated features
and a user-friendly interface. The bank introduced dedicated mobile apps
tailored for various platforms, enabling customers to perform a wide range of
banking transactions, including fund transfers, bill payments, and mobile
recharges, from their smartphones.

2010s to Present:

In recent years, SBI has continued to innovate its mobile banking offerings to
align with evolving customer preferences and technological trends. Artificial
intelligence, and machine learning to enhance the security, efficiency, and
personalization of its mobile banking services.

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“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”
In parallel, SBI has placed greater emphasis on data analytics and customer
feedback mechanisms to gain deeper insights into customer behavior,
preferences, and pain points. This data-driven approach has enabled the bank
to identify areas for improvement and implement targeted strategies to
enhance customer satisfaction continuously.

Looking Ahead:

SBI remains committed to staying at the forefront of innovation and customer-

centricity. The bank's strategic focus includes harnessing emerging
technologies like block chain, Internet of Things, and augmented reality to
further enrich the mobile banking experience and meet the evolving needs of
its customers.

1.2 Meaning

A mobile banking system refers to a digital platform provided by banks or

financial institutions that allows customers to conduct various banking
transactions and access banking services through mobile devices such as
smartphones or tablets. This system enables customers to perform a wide
range of financial activities remotely, without the need to visit a physical bank

1.3 Features of mobile banking system

Account Management: Customers can view their account

balances, transaction history, and account statements.

Fund Transfers: Users can transfer funds between their own accounts
within the same bank or to accounts held at other banks.

Bill Payments: Customers can pay bills, utilities, loans, credit card dues, and
other expenses directly from their mobile devices.

Mobile Deposits: Some mobile banking systems allow customers to deposit

checks by capturing images of the checks using their mobile device's camera.

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“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”
Mobile Wallet Integration: Integration with mobile wallets allows users to
store payment cards, loyalty cards, and digital currencies for convenient

Alerts and Notifications: Customers receive real-time alerts and notifications

for account activities, transaction confirmations, account balances, and
payment due dates.

Security Features: Mobile banking systems incorporate robust security

measures such as encryption, multi-factor authentication, biometric
authentication (e.g., fingerprint or facial recognition), and secure login
methods to protect customer data and transactions.

1.4 Functions of Mobile Banking

Convenience: Mobile banking allows customers to perform various banking

activities anytime and anywhere, without the need to visit a physical branch.
This convenience enhances customer satisfaction by saving time and effort.

Accessibility: Customers can access their bank accounts and perform

transactions using their smartphones or tablets, making banking services more
accessible to a wider range of people, including those in remote areas or with
mobility issues.

Account Management: Mobile banking apps enable customers to check their

account balances, view transaction history, and manage their accounts in real-
time. This gives customers greater control over their finances, leading to
increased satisfaction.

Transfer and Payments: Mobile banking allows customers to transfer funds

between accounts, pay bills, and make payments to merchants or individuals
electronically. These quick and hassle-free transactions enhance convenience
and satisfaction.

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“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”
Alerts and Notifications: Mobile banking apps can send real-time alerts and
notifications to customers about account activities, such as deposits,
withdrawals, or low balances. This proactive communication keeps customers
informed and reassured, contributing to satisfaction.

Customer Support: Many mobile banking apps offer customer support

features such as live chat, FAQs, or contact information for customer service.
Quick and responsive support channels can address customers' concerns
effectively, improving satisfaction levels.

Personalization: Mobile banking apps can analyze customers' transaction

histories and behaviors to offer personalized recommendations, such as
budgeting tips or tailored product offers. This personalized experience
increases engagement and satisfaction.

Integration with Other Services: Integration with other digital services, such
as mobile wallets or personal financemanagement apps, provides customers
with a seamless and interconnected financial ecosystem, enhancing
convenience and satisfaction.

Overall, the functions of mobile banking contribute significantly to customer

satisfaction by offering convenience, accessibility, security, personalized
experiences, and responsive support.

1.5 Importance of Mobile Banking

Mobile banking plays a crucial role in enhancing customer satisfaction in the
modern banking landscape. Here are several reasons why mobile banking is
important for customer satisfaction:

Convenience: Mobile banking allows customers to perform various banking

transactions anytime, anywhere, without the need to visit a physical branch.
This convenience factor greatly enhances customer satisfaction as it saves time
and effort.

Accessibility: Mobile banking provides accessibility to banking services for

customers who may have difficulty visiting physical branches due to mobility

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“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”
issues, distance, or other constraints. This inclusivity contributes to higher
customer satisfaction by ensuring that banking services are available to a
broader range of individuals.

24/7 Availability: Mobile banking applications operate round the clock,

providing customers with access to their accounts and banking services at any
time of the day or night. This availability ensures that customers can manage
their finances and address any banking needs promptly, leading to increased
satisfaction with the banking institution.

Transaction Speed: Mobile banking enables fast and efficient transactions,

such as fund transfers, bill payments, and account inquiries. The immediacy of
these transactions enhances customer satisfaction by providing quick solutions
to financial needs and queries.

Enhanced Security: Mobile banking applications often incorporate advanced

security features such as biometric authentication, encryption, and real-time
fraud detection. These security measures help protect customers' financial
information and transactions, fostering trust and confidence in the banking
institution and ultimately increasing satisfaction.

Personalized Services: Mobile banking platforms can offer personalized

recommendations, alerts, and notifications based on individual customer
preferences and transaction history. By tailoring services to meet the specific
needs and preferences of customers, mobile banking enhances satisfaction by
delivering a more personalized and relevant banking experience.

Cost Savings: Mobile banking reduces operational costs for banks by shifting
transactions from costly physical branches to digital channels. These cost
savingscan be passed on to customers in the form of lower fees, higher interest
rates, or enhanced rewards, further increasing satisfaction with the banking

Innovative Features: Mobile banking platforms often introduce innovative

features and functionalities, such as mobile check deposit, peer-to-peer
payments, and budgeting tools. These features enhance the overall banking
experience for customers, making it more convenient, efficient, and enjoyable,
thereby boosting satisfaction levels.

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“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”
Overall, mobile banking plays a pivotal role in driving customer satisfaction
by offering convenience, accessibility, security, personalized services, and
innovative features that meet the evolving needs and expectations of today's
banking customers.

1.6 Employee Perception About Mobile Banking System:

Convenience: Many employees may appreciate the convenience of being able

to access their banking services from anywhere using their mobile devices.
This can save them time and make managing their finances easier.

Flexibility: Mobile banking systems often offer a range of features such as

fund transfers, bill payments, and account monitoring, which can give
employees greater flexibility in managing their finances according to their

Security Concerns: Some employees might have concerns about the security
of mobile banking systems, especially if they perceive them as being
vulnerable to hacking or unauthorized access. Clear communication and
demonstration of robust security measures can help alleviate these concerns.

Learning Curve: For employees who are less familiar with technology or
who prefer traditional banking methods, adopting a mobile banking system
may involve a learning curve. Providing adequate training and support can
help mitigate any challenges associated with this transition.

Dependence on Technology: Some employees may feel uneasy about relying

too heavily on technology for their banking needs, especially if they prefer
face-to-face interactions with bank staff or are concerned about technological
glitches or outages.

Integration with Workflows: Depending on their job roles, employees may

appreciate mobile banking systems that integrate seamlessly with their work
processes, such as enabling direct deposit for payroll or facilitating expense

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“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”

1.7 Risk Management at Mobile Banking System of RBI:

Risk management in a mobile banking system, particularly within the context

of a large institution like the State Bank of India (SBI), involves identifying,
assessing, and mitigating various risks associated with providing financial
services through mobile channels. Here's an overview of how SBI might
approach risk management in its mobile banking system:

Cybersecurity Risk: SBI would prioritize cybersecurity to protect its mobile

banking platform from hacking, data breaches, malware, phishing attacks, and
other cyber threats. This involves implementing robust encryption techniques,
firewalls, multi-factor authentication, regular security audits, and employee
training programs.

Compliance and Regulatory Risk: SBI must comply with various banking
regulations and industry standards related to mobile banking services. This
includes adhering to data protection laws, Know Your Customer (KYC)
regulations, Anti-Money Laundering (AML) requirements, and Payment Card
Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliance.

Operational Risk: Operational risks encompass failures in internal processes,

systems, or people. SBI would implement measures to ensure the reliability,
availability, and performance of its mobile banking platform. This involves
contingency planning, disaster recovery strategies, and continuous monitoring
of system uptime and performance.

Fraud Risk: SBI would deploy fraud detection and prevention mechanisms to
identify and mitigate various types of fraudulent activities in mobile banking
transactions. This mayinvolve real-time transaction monitoring, anomaly
detection algorithms, biometric authentication, and customer education
initiatives to raise awareness about common fraud schemes.

Third-Party Risk: SBI may rely on third-party vendors for various

components of its mobile banking system, such as cloud services, software
development, or customer support. Managing third-party risks involves

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“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”
conducting due diligence on vendors, negotiating robust service level
agreements (SLAs), and

Reputational Risk: Any issues or failures in the mobile banking system could
damage SBI's reputation and erode customer trust. Therefore, SBI would focus
on providing transparent communication, timely incident response, and
effective customer support to maintain a positive reputation in the market.

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery: SBI would develop

comprehensive business continuity and disaster recovery plans to ensure
uninterrupted operation of its mobile banking services in the event of natural
disasters, system failures, or other disruptions.

Customer Education and Awareness: SBI would educate its customers

about the risks associated with mobile banking and provide guidance on best
practices for secure usage. This may include issuing security alerts, publishing
educational materials, and offering training sessions for customers.

Overall, effective risk management is critical for SBI to maintain the security,
stability, and reputation of its mobile banking system while delivering
convenient and reliable financial services to its customers.

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“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”


Bhumika Agarwal (2020) This review looks at published literature related to

the use of the internet by older people and the impact on their QoL. The
articles of relevance are discussed after grouping them into subsections
entitled: internet use: communication and social connectedness; internet use:
information and services; and internet use: impact on well-being. There is a
section on critical analysis and a table summarizing the reviewed studies.

Msweli & Mawela, (2020). Given the sparse literature on mobile banking and
the elderly, this study was instigated to identify the factors that influence
mobile banking adoption among the elderly towards supporting their broader
financial inclusion and participation in society as they age. The research
question underpinning the study is: What factors influence the adoption of
mobile banking among the elderly in South Africa.

Touchaie and Hashim (2018) into the attitudes of elderly Malaysians show
that they actively oppose the use of innovations for making financial
transactions, which then slows the uptake of internet and mobile banking.
However, if older consumers have to use these applications, important factors
in their favor are ease of use and well-designed user interfaces (UIs) that take
into account the impaired vision and problems with fine motor control that
many older consumers have to contend with. Elderly users of the internet and
mobile banking are also often worried about the safety of carrying out
financial transactions on these apps and so banks must ensure that app UIs and
customers’ user experiences (UX) take account of these factors.

BASA, (2018) These studies about the financial inclusion should encourage
access to and the use of various low-priced financial products and services,
affording convenience to individuals who are financially excluded, unbanked
and underbanked.

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page11

“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”
Chaudire et al., (2018) Given the sparse literature on mobile banking and the
elderly, this study was instigated to identify the factors that influence mobile
banking adoption among the elderly towards supporting their broader financial
inclusion and 9 participation in society as they age. The research question
underpinning the study is: What factors influence the adoption of mobile
banking among the elderly in South Africa.

Gatsou et al., (2018). As a result, technology design should undoubtedly be

modified further to accommodate the needs of elderly users. These potential
users that may be willing to adopt mobile devices and banking need to
understand how to use the new technology.

Albashrawi & Motiwala, (2017). Studies about mobile banking offer both the
clients and banks a variety of benefits including portability, accessibility,
inexpensive service, readily available service, convenience as well as a
broader reach of consumers, a high level of security and enhanced revenues.

Ambachew (2016). The research gap identified was that all the studies
done so far had concentrated on providing observations or self-styled solutions
to this problem, but this study tends to use a theory from Economics to explain
the effect it would have on teaching internet banking to senior citizens. s.
Harris et al., (2016) argue that understanding the adoption behavior of the
current elderly group can guide and influence the future adoption choices of
the ageing population. However, the ActInformaticsPragensia Volume 10,
2021 4 literature indicates that a limited
number of studies focus on understanding mobile banking adoption by the

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“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”



3.1 Introduction


This study about Digital banking helps to make the economy become
digitalized in the future it is encouraged and support society for cashless
transaction and prefer online payment or transaction. In that to identify and get
to know the difficulties and their perception of digital banking

3.2 Objectives of the Study:

This study is aimed at assessing the impact of Mobile Banking on Customer
Satisfaction concerning Retail Banking. The major objectives of the study are
as follows:
1. To study the influence of demographic variables on the factors of mobile

2. To study the influence of demographic variables on the customer


3. To study the impact of mobile banking factors on customer satisfaction.

4. To study measures to improve the mobile banking transactions.

5. To study the impact of mobile banking factors on marketing

6. To study the conduct of financial transaction via the internet.

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page13

“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”

3.3 Scope of the Study:

This study is entitled about the challenges faced by elderly citizens towards
digital banking and this study aims to find out the challenging factor of using
digital banking for elderly citizens and their perception towards accepting the
digital banking services.


Alternative Hypothesis

 Customer are aware about the E-banking Services provided by SBI,

 Customer are satisfied with the E-banking Services provide by SBI,

Null Hypothesis

 Customer are not aware about the E-banking Services provided by SBI,
 Customer are not satisfied with the E-banking Services provide by
SBI, Yavatmal.

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“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”

3.5 Limitations of the study :

Technical Glitches: App crashes, slow loading times, and transaction errors
frustrate users.

Security Concerns: Worries about data breaches and identity theft affect trust
and satisfaction.

Poor User Experience: Confusing interfaces and navigation lead to


Limited Functionality: Inability to perform certain transactions

or accessservices impacts satisfaction.

Accessibility Issues: Lack of smartphones or reliable internet restrict usage,

especially in rural areas.

Customer Support: Inadequate support channels or slow response times

diminish satisfaction.

3.6 Tools of Data

Collection Primary Data


 The primary data are those which are collected a fresh and for the first
time & thus happen to the original in character.

 It can be collected by using methods like observation, experimentation,

etc collection of primary data is costly & time consuming.

Personal discussion with Manager and Employees.

 Questionnaire filled by Customers and Employees..

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page15

“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”

Secondary Data Collection

The secondary data on the other hand, are those which are already been
collected by someone else and which already have been passed through the
statistical process

The data is collected through the secondary sources like:

● Annual Report of the Bank.

● Study of various Magazines& books

● Internet

Span of the study

The span of study is 2023-2024 i.e. one year.

Sample of size

Sample Size: 100

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“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”



4.1 Introduction

SBI is the 43th largest bank in the world and ranked 21st in the fortune global
500 list of the world largest cooperation of 2020 being the only Indian bank on
the list it is a public sector bank in India with 23% market share of the total
loan and deposit markets. Nationalized bank such as state bank of India ( SBI)
thought pygmies in the international banking market and banking behemoths
of India . they branches spread over the entire length and breathe of the
country. SBI in particular is all pervasive enjoying a sprawling of 9000
branches. SBI is a very conservative to approach to accounting particularly
when itcomes to declaration of assets.
SBI enjoy monopoly of the government business. The reserve bank of India
owns about 60% of the banks equity’s equity to its credit. SBI was formed
under the SBI act 1955 with the take over of imperial bank and amalgamation
of bank of Bengal.. The government moped up 93% of the equity leaving 7%
of the ownership. By this act the equity of RBI cannot be diluted below 5%.
SBI enjoys a pool of best managerial talent assured government business a
countrywide network of branches and strong brand credibility in the Indian
market. But the Numero Uno position is sliding with the entry of sleeker
private and foreign banks into the Indian banking scene. The bank is
continuously restructuring itself for this the even hire the services of foreign
consultants but the place to be hastened.
With the government offering assure business nationalized banks of India in
the particular should not take complacent view. They should evolve service
intensive products and make their employees customer friendly.

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“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”

4.2 Company Profile -

Name : SBI
Industry : E-banking
Founder : The Government Of
India Head Office : Mumbai
Manager : Mr. Alok Kumar
Choudhary Manager : Mr. Milind Naik
No. of Employee : 50

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“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”


5.1 Data analysis and interpretation

1. Gender of Respondents:

Sr. No. Particulars No .of Respondents Percentage

1. Male 60 60%
2. Female 40 40%
3. Total 100 100%
Table No. 1
From the above table the graph is prepared

No .of Respondents



Graph No. 1

The above mentioned pie chart interpreted that number of respondents
and their gender is 39% were female and 61% are male.

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“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”

2. Age of the Respondents:

Sr.No Particulars No .of Respondents Percentage

1. 50 –60Years 50 50%
2. 60 –65Years 30 30%
3. 65 –70Years 10 10%
4. 70&aboveyears 10 10%

5. Total 100 100%

Table No. 2
From the above table the graph is

Graph No. 2


The above-mentioned pie chart interpreted that number of respondents

was 64%were 50 – 60 Years, 31% of respondents were 60 – 65
Years,3% of respondents were 65-70years and2% of respondents were
70 & above years.

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“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”

3. Education of the respondents:

Sr.No. Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

1. Noformale 20 20%
2. High school 30 30%
3. UnderGraduation 30 30%
4. Post-graduation 20 20%
5. Total 100 100%
Table No. 3
From the above table the graph is prepared

Graph No. 3


The above-mentioned pie chart interpreted that number of respondents

22% of respondents were no for male education, 41% of respondents
were in high school, 35% of respondents were under graduation and
2% of respondents were post-graduation.

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page21

“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”

4. Occupation of the Respondents:

Sr.No. Particulars No .of Respondents Percentage

1. Business 30 30%
2. Govt. Sector 30 30%
3. Privatesector 20 20%
4. others 20 20%
5. Total 100 100

Table No. 4
From the above table the graph is

Graph No. 4


The above-mentioned pie chart interpreted that number of respondents

36% ofrespondents were private sector,31% of respondents were said
business, 27% of respondents were said govt. sector ,and 6% of
respondents were said others.
College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page22
“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”

5. Income of the respondents:

Sr.No. Particulars No .of Respondents Percentage

1. Lessthan10000 30 30%
2. 10000–20000 20 20%
3. 30000–40000 30 30%
4. 40000&above 20 20%
5. Total 100 100%
Table No. 5
From the above table the graph is prepared

Graph No. 5

The above-mentioned pie chart interpreted that the number of
respondents 17% of respondent’s income is less than 10000,36% of
respondent’s income is 10000 –20000,21% of respondent’s income is
30000 – 40000 and 26% of respondents’incomeis 40000 &above.

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page23

“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”

6. Are you aware about the E-banking Services provided by SBI ?

Sr.No particulars No of respondent percentage

1. Yes 90 90%
2. No 10 10%
3. Total 100 100%
Table No. 6
From the above table the graph is

Graph No. 6

The above-mentioned pie chart interpreted the number of respondent. (90%) of
respondent said yes they know about mobile banking. (10%) of respondent
said no.

90% of customer says that, they are aware about e banking services,
& 10% of customer says that, they are not aware about e banking services.

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page24

“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”
Hence, the hypothesis is proved.

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page25

“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”

7. What is your level of Knowledge while using digital banking services ?

Sr.No particulars No of respondent percentage

1. High 60 60%
2. Medium 20 20%
3. Low 20 20%
4. Total 100 100%
Table No. 7
From the above table the graph is

Graph No. 7

The above-mentioned pie chart interpreted that the number of
respondents 36% of respondents were said I know to use some
specific type of rules,16% of respondents were said I don’t know to
access and use the services,14% of respondents weresaid I know very
well about services and trying to update and 34% of respondents were
said that I have limited knowledge get to access the services.

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page26

“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”
8. From how long you are Using Digital banking services ?

Sr.No Particulars No .of Respondents Percentage

1. Lessthan1year 40 40%
2. 1 –2 years 30 30%
3. Above2 years 30 30%
4. Total 100 100%
Table No. 8
From the above table the graph is prepare

Graph No. 8


The above-mentioned pie chart interpreted that the number of

respondents 55% of respondents were using less than 1 year, 26% of
respondents were using between1 –2years and 19%of respondents
wereusing above2 years.

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page27

“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”

9. What is the purpose of using Digital banking services ?

Sr.No Particulars No .of Respondents Percentage

1. Businessactivity 40 40%
2. Electronicpayments 40 40%
3. Allkindsoffinancial purposes 20 20%
4. Total 100 100%
Table No. 9
From the above table the graph is prepare

Graph No. 9


The above-mentioned pie chart interpreted that the number of

respondents 45% of respondents were said for business activity, 39%
of respondents were said forelectronic payments and 16% of
respondents were said for all kinds of financial purposes.

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page28

“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”

10. Which factors recommends to use digital banking service?

Sr.No Particulars No .of Respondents Percentage

1. Friends 40 40%
2. Family 20 20%
3. Throughads 30 30%
4. Anyothers 10 10%
5. Total 100 100%
Table No. 10
From the above table the graph is prepared

Graph No. 10


The above-mentioned pie chart interpreted that the number of

respondents 43% of respondents were said through friends,27% of
respondents were said through ads,20%of respondents were said
through family and10% of respondents were said by others.

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page29

“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”

11. What kinds of money transfers you prefer ?

Sr.No Particulars No .of Respondents Percentage

1. ATM 30 30%
2. NetBanking 20 20%
3. Gpay/Paytm/Phonepe 50 50%
4. Total 100 100%
Table No. 11
From the above table the graph is prepared

Graph No. 11


The above-mentioned pie chart interpreted that the number of

respondents 31% ofrespondents were said ATM,26% were said net
banking, and 43% were said Gpay/Paytm/phonepe.

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page30

“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”

12. What are the Challenges faced while using digital banking services ?

Sr.No Particulars No.of Respondents Percentage

1. Securityandfear 60 60%
2. Lackofinformation 20 20%
3. Inadequateofknowledge 10 10%
4. Needanotherpersonhelp 10 10%
5. Total 100 100%
Table No. 12
From the above table the graph is prepared

Graph No. 12

The above-mentioned pie chart interpreted that the number of
respondents 57% of respondents were said security and fear, 40% of
respondents were said lack of information,25.7% of respondents were
said inadequate knowledge, and 23% ofrespondentswere saidto
needother personhelp.

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page31

“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”

13. What is your Satisfaction level, while using digital banking service ?

Sr.No Particulars No.of Respondents Percentage

1. Satisfied 30 30%
2. VerySatisfied 20 20%
3. Neutral 30 20%
4. Dissatisfied 20 30%
5. Total 100 100%
Table No. 13
From the above table the graph is prepared

No.of Respondents

20% 0%



Graph No. 13

The above-mentioned pie chart interpreted that the number of
respondents 34% of respondent were satisfied,22% of respondents
were very satisfied,39% of respondents were neutral,5% of
respondents were said dissatisfied.

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page32

“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”

14. Are the customers satisfied with the Banking services provided by SBI ?

Sr.No Particulars No. of respondent Percentage

1. Yes 90 90%
2. No 10 10%
3. Total 100 100%

Table No. 14
From the above table the graph is prepared

Graph No. 14

The above-mentioned pie chart interpreted the number of respondent. (90%) of
respondent said yes they are satisfied with the services provided. (10%) of
respondent said no.

90% of customer says that, they aresatisfied with the services provided
& 10% of customer says that, they are not satisfied with the services provided
Hence, the hypothesis is proved.

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page33

“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”

15. How Frequently does you are using Digital Banking service ?

Sr. No particulars No of respondent Percentage

1. Daily 40 40%

2. Weekly 20 20%

3. Monthly 20 20%

4. yearly 20 20%

5. Total 100 100%

No of respondent
20% 40%

20% Daily
Monthly yearly


Table No. 15
From the above table the graph is prepared

Graph No. 15

The above-mentioned pie chart interpreted that the number of

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page34

“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”
respondents 37% of respondents were said weekly,35% of
respondents were said daily,21% of respondent were said monthly.

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page35

“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”
16. Does digital banking services make your day to day life easy ?

Sr.No Particulars No.of Respondents Percentage

1. Stronglyagree 50 50%
2. Agree 10 10%
3. Neutral 10 10%
4. Disagree 10 10%
5. StronglyDisagree 20 20%
6. Total 100 100%
Table No. 16
From the above table the graph is prepared

No.of Respondents
StronglyagreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStronglyDisagree 20%



Graph No. 16

The above-mentioned pie chart interpreted that the number of
respondents 21% of respondents were strongly agreed,56%of
respondents were agreed,18% of respondents were neutral,4% of
respondents disagreed and 1% of respondents strongly disagreed.

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page36

“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”
17. What kind of services and products provided by the bank that
make you feel comfortable ?

Sr.No Particulars No .of Respondents Percentage

1. CreditCard/Debitcard 20 20%
2. Mobilebanking 60 60%
3. NEFT/RTGS 20 20%
4. Total 100 100%
Table No. 17
From the above table the graph is prepared

Graph No. 17


The above-mentioned pie chart interpreted that the number of respondents27%

of respondent were credit card/debit ard,39% of respondents were mobile
banking ,21% of respondents were NEFT/RTG Sand13% of respondents

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page37

“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”

18. Are you aware about the E-banking Services provided by SBI, Yavatmal?

Sr.No Particulars No of respondent percentage

1. Yes 90 90%
2. No 10 10%
3. Total 100 100%
Table No. 18
From the above table the graph is prepared

Graph No. 18

The above-mentioned pie chart interpreted the number of respondent. (90%) of
respondent said yes they know about mobile banking. (10%) of respondent
said no.

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page38

“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”

19. Does online banking provides more reach and frequency than traditional

Sr.No particulars No .of respondent percentage

1. Yes 80 80%
2. No 20 20%
3. Total 100 100%
Table No. 19
From the above table the graph is prepared

No .of respondent



Graph No. 19


The above-mentioned pie chart interpreted the number of respondent. (80%) of

respondent said yes they are satisfied with the services provided. (20%) of
respondent said no.

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page39

“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”

20. Does online banking done well according to your expectation?

Sr.No particulars No .of respondent percentage

1. Yes 80 80%
2. No 20 20%
3. Total 100 100%
Table No. 20
From the above table the graph is prepared

No .of respondent



Graph No. 20


The above-mentioned pie chart interpreted the number of respondent. (80%) of

respondent said yes they are satisfied with the services provided. (20%) of
respondent said no.

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page40

“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”

5.2 Finding-

 64% were 50 – 60 Years, 31% of respondents were 60 – 65

Years,3% of respondents were 65-70years and2% of respondents
were70 & above years.
 22% of respondents were no for male education, 41% of
respondents were in high school, 35% of respondents were under
graduation and 2% of respondents were post-graduation.
 36% of respondents were private sector,31% of respondents were
said business, 27% of respondents were said govt. sector, and 6%
of respondents were said others.
 17% of respondent’s income is less than 10000,36% of
respondent’s income is 10000 –20000,21% of respondent’s
income is 30000 – 40000 and 26% of respondents ’incomeis
40000 &above
 36% of respondents were said I know to use some specific type of
rules,16% of respondents were said I don’t know to access and use
the services,14% of respondents weresaid I know very well about
services and trying to update and 34% of respondents were said
that I have limited knowledge to access the services.
 36% of respondents were said I know to use some specific type of
rules,16% of respondents were said I don’t know to access and use
the services,14% of respondents weresaid I know very well about
services and trying to update and 34% of respondents were said
that I have limited knowledge to access the services.
 55% ofrespondents were using less than 1 year, 26% of
respondents were using between1 –2years and 19% of respondents
were using above2 years.
 45% of respondents were said for business activity, 39% of
respondents were said for electronic payments and 16% of
respondents were said for all kinds of financial purposes.
 43% ofrespondents were said through friends,27% of respondents

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page41

“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”
were said through ads,20% of respondents were said through
family and10% of respondents were said by others.
 31% of respondents were said ATM,26% were said net
banking, and 43% were said Gpay/Paytm/phonepe.
 57% of respondents were said security and fear, 40% of
respondents were said lack of information,25.7% of
respondents were said inadequate knowledge, and 23% of
respondent were said to need other person help.
 34%of respondents were satisfied,22% of respondents every
satisfied,39% of respondents were neutral,5% of respondents
were said dissatisfied.
 8% of respondents Strongly agree,65% of respondents agree,19%
of respondents wereneutral,3% of respondents disagreed and5%
of respondents have Disagreed.

 63.3%of respondents were said cash transfers,56.9% were said

bill payments,18.3% respondents managing loans,21.1% of
respondents were said to make investment sand 35.8% of
respondents were said to view bank account details.
 37% of respondents were said weekly,35% of respondents
were said daily,21% of respondents were said monthly.

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page42

“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”
5.3 Hypothesis testing-

Hypothesis 1: Customer are aware about the E-banking Services provided by

SBI, Yavatmal

18. Are you aware about the E-banking Services provided by SBI, Yavatmal?
Sr.No Particulars No of respondent percentage
1. Yes 90 90%
2. No 10 10%
3. Total 100 100%

Graph No. 18

The above-mentioned pie chart interpreted the number of respondent. (90%) of
respondent said yes they know about mobile banking. (10%) of respondent
said no.
90% of customer says that, they are aware with the services provided
& 10% of customer says that, they are not satisfied with the services provided
Hence, the hypothesis is proved.

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page43

“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”

 Hypothesis 2Customer are satisfied with the E-banking Services

provide by SBI, Yavatmal.
14. Are the customers satisfied with the Banking services provided by SBI ?

Sr.No particulars No. of respondent Percentage

1. Yes 90 90%
2. No 10 10%
3. Total 100 100%
Table No. 14
From the above table the graph is prepared

Graph No. 14

The above-mentioned pie chart interpreted the number of respondent. (90%) of
respondent said yes they are satisfied with the services provided. (10%) of
respondent said no.

90% of customer says that, they aresatisfied with the services provided
& 10% of customer says that, they are not satisfied with the services provided
Hence, the hypothesis is proved.

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page44

“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”


6.1 Conclusion –

As shown in the research, elderly is shown to migrate toward

embracing technology when they are no longer physically able to
carry out their everyday activities. It could also be due to their desire
to gain independence from relying on others for financial transaction
assistance. Senior seniors concur that they lack computer essential
knowledge, but they value it if they did since they believe it would
have eased their innate views and completely changed their attitude
about using different channels.
The source of knowledge is shown to be a significant aspect in
transferring knowledge to senior adults, and they believe that the
demonstration impact requires such support from the source of
knowledge. The research found that the majority of elders have
security and knowledge issues when it comes to using digital banking.
This analysis found that the system's usefulness, ease of use, and
understanding of the hazards associated with it are the most important
aspects in deciding whether or not to use it. These elements have a
significant and favorable impact on the elderly. According to
respondents who have a positive or negative attitude towards digital
banking, banking services are rated on many factors.

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page45

“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”
6.2 Suggestions and Recommendations:

• Banks should educate elders regarding use of genuine sites and give security
tips regarding payment via credit card, debit card etc.

• We have to train them to use these kinds of technology then only they won’t
struggle. We have to motivate and guide them with good guidelines.

• Banks and government should take serious actions on fraudulent. Digital

banking is a good change to elders this technology make elders life become
digitalized in future.

• Integration of legacy and user interface - This lack of proper integration sets
back the digital transformation goals of banking and financial organizations by
large measures. The current approach of integration is done by building a layer
of applications around the legacy systems to provide a customer interface
because a 360-degree transformation would involve replacing or extensively
upgrading the existing back-end systems.

• Some elders are hindered by lack of computer skills, they need to be

educated on basic skills required to conduct digital banking.

• Stricter security measures-The respondents argued for more security

measures to ensure their details and money is safe. Credit cards also require
protection from credit card fraudsters operating online.

• Training and educational information: Lack of understanding leads to low

confidence in the use of technology. Some individuals resist mobile banking
because they lack the knowledge and skills to use it. The elderly indicated that
banks should provide them with training to enable them to use mobile

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page46

“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”



7.1 Questionnaire

1. Gender of Respondents:

 Male

 Female

 Prefer not to say

2. Age of the Respondents:

 50 to 60years

 60 to 65years

 65 to 70 years

 70 & above Years

3. Education of the respondents:

 No for male education

 High School

 Under Graduation

4. Occupation of the Respondents:

 Business

 Govt.sector

 Private .sector

 Retired

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page47

“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”
5. Income of the respondents:

 Lessthan10000

 10000-20000

 30000-40000

 40000 & above

6. Are you aware about the E-banking Services provided by SBI ?

 Yes

 No

7. What is your level of knowledge while using digital banking services ?

 High

 Medium

 Low

8. From how long you are Using Digital banking services ?

 Less than year
 1-2years
 Above 2 years

9. What is the purpose of using Digital banking services ?

 Business activity
 Electronic payments
 All kind of financial purposes

10. Which factors recommends to use digital banking service?

 Friends
 Family
 Through ads
 Any others

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page48

“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”
11. What kinds of money transfers you prefer ?

 Net banking
 Gpay/ paytm /phonepe

12. What are the Challenges faced while using digital banking services ?
 Security and fear
 lack of information
 Inadequate of knowledge
 Need another personal help

13. What is your Satisfaction level, while using digital banking service ?
 Satisfied
 Very satisfied
 Neutral
 dissatisfied

14. Are the customers satisfied with the Banking services provided by SBI ?

 Yes

 No

15. How Frequently does you are using Digital Banking service ?

 Daily

 weekly

 monthly

 Yearly

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page49

“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”

16. Does digital banking services make your day to day life easy ?

 Strongly agree

 Agree

 Neutral

 Disagree

 Strongly disagree

17. What kind of services and products provided by bank that

make you feel comfortable?

 Credit card/debit card

 Mobile banking


 Mobile applications

18. Are you aware about the E-banking Services provided by SBI, Yavatmal?

 Yes

 No

19. Does online banking provides more reach and frequency than
traditional banking?

 Yes

 No

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page50

“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”
20. Does online banking done well according to your expectation?

 Yes

 No

College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page51

“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”


Reference Books:

1. BOOKS 1.BELL.B and 2012 business research method Delhi Oxford


2. COOPER S and 2013 business research method Delhi Tata MCG RA raw
3. JAGROOP SINGH 2015 Indian banking system New Delhi.
4. SUESH PS PAUL J 2012 Management of banking and Financial service,
New Delhi India , Pearson.
5. GURDON, E S NATRAJAN K 2015 Banking ; Theory Law and practice
Mumbai Himalaya publishing house.
6. NIGAM L 1985 Banking Law and practice New Delhi ,Vani Educational
7. VADAV S.K 2015 Elements OF Research writing ,New Delhi . VDH
Publisher and Distributors Ltd.




College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page52

“A Study of Customer Satisfaction In Mobile Banking to System of SBI
with special reference to Yavatmal City.”

Satisfied with Bajaj Finance

10% Yes No


College of Management and Computer Science, Yavatmal Page53

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