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Sunday 15 October 2023 *** telegraph.co.uk No 3,251 £3.


Seven reasons you crave junk food

We just can’t help it – or can we? Yes, we can with a little help from the experts Sunday


Israel set to Pro-Palestinian protests marred by anti-Semitic chants

hit Hamas
from ‘land,
sea and air’
Next stage is coming, Netanyahu tells troops
preparing ground operation into Gaza
By Nataliya Vasilyeva in Jerusalem we are supporting them through intelli-
and Edward Malnick gence-sharing.”
Separately, Tzipi Hotovely, Israel’s
ISRAEL is preparing an assault on ambassador to the UK, told The Tele-
Hamas “from the air, sea and land”, as graph: “The coming days and weeks
Benjamin Netanyahu declared that “the will be tough.
next stage is coming”. “The inhumanity of Hamas knows
The Israeli prime minister signalled no limits. We have seen the evidence
that a ground offensive in Gaza was of this, of the beheaded, burned, mur-
imminent as he visited infantrymen dered and raped bodies of inno-
close to the border yesterday. cent Israelis.
A video showed Mr Netanyahu, clad “Israel will do all that it can to ensure
in military body armour, asking Israeli that Hamas never again be able to make
troops: “You ready for the next stage? another Israeli suffer. The only way to
The next stage is coming.” do this is by destroying the capabilities
Shortly afterwards, the Israel Defense and infrastructure of Hamas.
Forces (IDF) said it was preparing for a “Hamas is responsible for the tragic

“significant ground operation” in the innocent loss of life that we are seeing,
Gaza Strip as part of a “wide range of both Israeli and Palestinian. No one
offensive operational plans”, including else. Hamas.”
a “joint and co-ordinated attack from Tzachi Hanegbi, Israel’s national
the air, sea and land”. security adviser, said that between 150
Writing in The Sunday Telegraph, and 200 Israeli hostages remained in
Oliver Dowden, the Deputy Prime Min- the Gaza Strip.
ister, said Britain’s support for Israel’s After toppling Hamas, Israel would
right to defend itself “must not dissipate find an “alternative to ruling Gaza that
when the reality of fighting an enemy does not pose any threat”, he added.
that hides in tunnels and amongst civil- The preparations to invade Gaza
ian homes, schools and hospitals came after a day of chaos in the 140 sq Protesters at a march in central London attended by an estimated 30,000 people. Some of those attending were pictured wearing images of paragliders on their backs
takes shape”. mile territory, with tens of thousands of
He added: “The test is not of our people fleeing southwards to escape. By Edward Malnick where the Jews were in 1940.” Chants in ing behaviour and shameful anti-Semi- including Liverpool, Bristol, Manches-
words now but our actions in the weeks Video footage confirmed by the BBC and Patrick Sawer Arabic caught on video at the London tism online and on our streets with ter, Cambridge, Norwich, Coventry,
to come.” showed several bodies strewn across rally included: “Oh Jews, the army of attempts to stir up tensions. Edinburgh and Swansea.
Columns of tanks were seen moving one of the exit roads following a strike TENS of thousands of people attended Mohammed is returning.” “I say: not here. Not in Britain. Not in Separately, The Sunday Telegraph
towards Gaza yesterday and on Friday. pro-Palestinian protests marred by anti- The Community Security Trust, our country. Not in this century. We reveals today that Hizb ut-Tahrir, an
drones could be heard overhead in the Israel accused Hamas of setting up Semitic chanting yesterday, as Rishi which monitors anti-Semitism has said will do everything we possibly can to Islamist extremist group that David
border region. roadblocks to prevent citizens fleeing, Sunak insisted he would not tolerate the chant is “effectively a call for Jews to protect Jewish people in our country. Cameron and Tony Blair both attempted
The IDF announced it had completed while Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of the hate against Jews, saying: “Not in our be killed”, and the Metropolitan Police And if anything is standing in the way of to ban, hosted an online event last week
its call-up of 360,000 reservists and terrorist group, said Gazans would not country. Not in this century.” said a video of the incident had been i n wh i c h p r o m i n e n t m e m b e r s
that bases had been set up near the bor-
der to equip soldiers with weapons
cross into Egypt.
“Our decision is to remain on our
Some 30,000 people attended a
march through central London, which
“passed to our Crime Team and officers
on the ground”.
‘We’ve seen shameful described the massacre of Israelis as
“good news” and “egg on the face” of
needed for combat. land,” he said. featured chants including “From the One photograph showed a stall with anti-Semitism. I say: not the Jewish state.
A spokesman said the military’s goal
was to “completely destroy the govern-
Hamas released a video of its gunmen
firing rocket-propelled grenades at
river, to the sea, Palestine must be free”.
Suella Braverman, the Home Secre-
piles of pamphlets on “Zionism” featur-
ing a Star of David intertwined with a
here. Not in Britain. Not The event was one of several in
which prominent, UK-based members
ing and military capabilities of Hamas”. tanks, under the title: “This is what tary, has warned this chant could be swastika. in this century’ of the group appeared to celebrate
The forces in the north were at “full awaits you in Gaza.” understood “as an expression of a vio- The Met’s Counter Terrorism com- last week’s attack by Hamas – despite
readiness”, added the spokesman, warn- The Israeli military last invaded Gaza lent desire to see Israel erased from the mand said it was reviewing 55 new keeping the Jewish community safe, we the group previously insisting that it
ing that the operation would take “a in 2014 and faces a dense network of world”. cases opened since the attack by Hamas, will fix it.” “does not promote fear, criminality or
long time”. tunnels and booby traps, manned by as Photographs showed some of those as it urged members of the public to Sir Keir Starmer, the Labour leader, terrorism”.
Writing in this newspaper, Mr Dow- many as 30,000 Hamas terrorists. attending the demonstration wearing continue reporting online material that said he had told members of the British Meanwhile, it emerged that the Star
den said: “The Government is deter- Yesterday, Germany ’s air force images of paragliders on their backs, in may amount to terror offences. Jewish community “that we stand with of David had been graffitied on the
mined not just to say that Israel has a announced it was sending two planes to an echo of the tactics used by Hamas to A week on from the massacre of 1,300 Israel and with them at this time”. doors of several homes in Berlin and
right to defend itself but to show it. evacuate its citizens from Israel, with a infiltrate Israeli territory last weekend people in Israel last Saturday, Mr Sunak He added: “There must be zero toler- France was preparing to mobilise up to
“We have sent P8 Aircraft, surveil- Continued on Page 2 to massacre 1,300 people. said: “At moments like this, when Jew- ance of any increase in anti-Semitism or 7,000 soldiers to increase security after
lance assets and two Royal Navy In Glasgow, a video showed one ish people are under attack in their Islamophobia.” a teacher was killed and three others
ships to deliver practical support to Reports: Pages 4-9 woman draped in a Palestinian flag homeland, Jewish people everywhere Outside London, pro-Palestinian ral- wounde d in an attack which
Israel and partners in the region, and Editorial Comment: Page 19 shouting: “Free Palestine... Don’t forget can feel less safe. We’ve seen intimidat- lies took place yesterday in UK cities Continued on Page 2

BBC Arabic reporters appear to justify killing of civilians by terrorists

By Henry Bodkin grandmother who was abducted by
ists also have a “particular responsibil-
ity” to uphold the principle in their
‘Language racy in Middle East Reporting and Anal-
ysis (Camera) has found social media
any civilians among the youth. This is
what the ignorant often don’t know. I
THE BBC is embroiled in an impartial- Another tweeted that “Israel’s pres- actions on social media. matters and activity by six BBC journalists and one am in favour of fighting them with love, member of
ity row after its journalists appeared to
justify the killing of Israeli civilians by
tige is crying in the corner”.
Separately, the output on BBC Arabic,
Responding to the allegations, Dame
Caroline Dinenage, chairman of the
it’s vital that affiliated freelancer which it alleges dis-
plays anti-Israel bias.
yes, this is the solution.” Followed by a
laughing emoji.
the Zionist
Hamas. which is funded by the licence fee, pro- Commons culture, media and sport the events Several in the past week questioned The Cairo-based journalist also took entity
The corporation said it was “urgently
investigating” after social media activity
voked a flurry of complaints alleging
bias and inaccuracy, such as for referring
committee, said yesterday: “Language
matters and it’s vital that media cover-
are covered the designation of Israeli non-combat-
ants as civilians, despite evidence of
part in a Twitter conversation in which
he joked about a woman whose grand-
served in
by several of its journalists in the Middle to towns inside Israel’s internationally age of the heartbreaking events in Israel with the indiscriminate slaughter of women, chil- mother was abducted by Hamas receiv- the army at
East appeared to celebrate the attack recognised territory, rather than con- and Gaza are covered with the utmost utmost dren and the elderly by Hamas. ing an “inheritance”. some point
that left approximately 1,300 dead. tested areas of the West Bank, as “settle- sensitivity and impartiality by all jour- Mahmoud Sheleib, a BBC News sen- Aya Hossam, who describes herself
Reporters at BBC News Arabic ments” and their residents as “settlers”. nalists, especially our public service sensitivity’ ior broadcast journalist, tweeted sug- as a broadcast journalist at BBC Arabic, in his life’
endorsed comments likening Hamas, Campaigners said this “ white - broadcasters.” gesting that young Israelis were liked a tweet saying: “Every member of
which is a designated terrorist group, to washed” the targeting of Jewish civil- It comes amid growing calls for the effectively combatants. the Zionist entity served in the army at
freedom fighters, as well as describing ians. BBC to call Hamas terrorists, rather “[I see] In front of me on Al Jazeera, some point in his life, whether men or
the Oct 7 atrocity as a “morning of hope”. The BBC is obliged to achieve “due than a “militant group”. their so-called civilians are standing women, and they all had victims of
One senior correspondent appeared impartiality” in all its output, according An investigation by the Arabic armed alongside the police and shoot- explicit violation. This term “civilians”
to make fun of the Israeli relatives of a to its guidelines, while its news journal- department of the Committee for Accu- ing because they basically don’t have Continued on Page 2

INSIDE Alex Chalk Duke’s lodgings Alan Titchmarsh Rugby

News Focus 22 ‘We’ll break costly Windsor home at ‘I’m terrified of Pumas maul
Business 25 cycle of crime’ heart of squabble being cancelled’ Welsh dragons
TV & Radio 33 Comment Sunday Sunday Interview Sport

Weather 35

t:HRKDKH*cgjdha+ (ì}ó) ‘We’re moving to a house in

the catchment area of a
good prison. It’s so hard
to get a place these days’
4 *** Sunday 15 October 2023 The Sunday Telegraph


Invaders planned killing and capture

"search Bnei Akiva youth centre” and ‘We by Israeli emergency responders who an apparent attempt to limit interna- ‘I want my
Papers found on the bodies of terrorist “search the old Da’at school,” one page
labelled “Top Secret” said. responded
spoke to The New York Times showed
the attackers were organised in well-de-
tional outrage at the atrocities perpe-
trated by its gunmen on Israeli soil. daughter
gunmen show detailed orders to target the Another page, with multi-coloured
tables and labels, instructed a separate
to Israel fined units with clear goals and plans.
One group had a specific target – the
Basim Naim, head of international
relations for the terrorist group, insisted
home now. I
most vulnerable in attack on kibbutz unit to “kill as many as possible” and suffocating kibbutz – and the attackers were sup- that their gunmen wanted to avoid want my
men. The documents, published by
“capture hostage” on the east side of
Kfar Sa’ad, one of several kibbutzim
the people posed to storm it from specific angles.
The document dated October 2022 also
harming civilians and targeted only mil-
itary bases and compounds in response
daughter to
By Nataliya Vasilyeva in Jerusalem
and Roland Oliphant in Tel Aviv NBC News yesterday, reveal the terror- overrun by Hamas. of Gaza for estimated how many Israeli troops were to Israel “suffocating the people of Gaza sleep in her
ists were ordered to attack schools and Other documents leaked to US media 17 years’ in nearby posts and how long it would for more than 17 years”. bed now’
HAMAS terrorists targeted primary a youth centre in the Kfar Sa’ad kibbutz. suggest that Hamas had extraordinary take them to reach the site. Other Hamas officials went as far as to
schools to kill babies and children or “Combat unit 1” was directed to “con- intelligence about border units and The discovery comes a day after a claim the 260 partygoers who were
take them hostage, according to plans tain the new Da’at school” while “Com- how the Israeli military operated. senior Hamas official called a rare press massacred at an open-air festival last
retrieved from the bodies of dead gun- bat unit 2” was told to “collect hostages,” Another set of documents retrieved conference for international media in Saturday may have been mistaken for

Leaders of terror blitz are humanitarian organisations including

the Norwegian Refugee Council and
Amnesty International, are among
Soldiers setting foot in Gaza
will walk into a death-trap
killed by Israeli air strike
those who have called for Israel to
rescind its order.
“Moving more than one million peo-
ple across a densely populated warzone
to a place with no food, water, or accom- By Edmund Bower in Beirut claims have never been substantiated,
modation, when the entire territory is Spencer says “it’s reasonable to expect”
under siege, is extremely dangerous – AS THE generals of the Israel Defense that the group possess “unknown capa-
and in some cases, simply not possible,” Forces (IDF) ready their troops for the bilities” acquired from foreign sponsors.
an overnight air strike in the Gaza Strip. believed to have spearheaded the incur- said Antonio Guterres, the UN Secre- first ground invasion of Gaza in almost a Even without new weapons, the IDF
Military says Ali Kachi, Murad Abu Murad was killed in a sion into Israel last weekend. tary General. decade, they will have one question on will find Hamas deeply entrenched.
who led invasion, was bomb targeting the HQ of the terrorist
group’s aerial activities, reported the
The air force also posted a video
showing the dropping of thousands of
Meanwhile, Israeli forces announced
they had killed several “terrorists” try-
their minds: what don’t we know?
The Israeli military fought a bloody
Since taking power in 2006, the group
has turned Gaza into a fortress, diverting
eliminated in air strike Times of Israel, citing the IDF. leaflets into north Gaza from the air, ing to cross from Lebanon amid height- war in Gaza in 2014, losing 73 soldiers concrete from civil and developmental
with intelligence help According to the Israeli security
forces, Abu Murad “took a big part in
telling 1.1 million citizens to leave for
their own safety ahead of an expected
ened tensions, and after repeated
cross-border shelling.
over a seven week-conflict that saw
more than 2,000 Palestinians killed. Mil-
projects to build defensive structures
both above and below ground.
By Nicola Smith directing terrorists during the massa- major military operation. The military “identified a terrorist itary technology has evolved rapidly in The most famous of these is the “Gaza
cre” last weekend, which began with a Lieut Col Jonathan Conricus, the IDF cell which attempted to infiltrate from the years since and analysts note that the Metro”, a series of tunnels that Hamas
THE Israel Defence Forces have killed barrage of missiles and attackers who spokesman, said yesterday that people Lebanon into Israeli territory,” a mili- soldiers entering the Strip may face new claims stretches 500 kilometres, about
the Hamas commander who led last entered Israel from the air on hang glid- in the Gaza Strip were listening to Isra- tary spokesman said, adding that a threats, new traps and new ways of war. 100 kilometres further than the total
weekend’s deadly terrorist attack, they ers just after dawn. el’s warning and that there had been drone strike “targeted the terrorist cell Unlike in previous bouts with Israel, length of the London Underground. “It’s
announced yesterday. The Israeli air force confirmed the significant movement towards the and killed a number of the terrorists”. Hamas presides over what John Spencer, a city under a city,” says Spencer.
The air force said Ali Kachi had been strike that killed Murad on Twitter, say- Israel declared itself on a war footing chairman of urban warfare studies at the The tunnels connect buildings built
eliminated with the help of intelligence
agency Shin Bet in an air strike on a
ing: “During the last day, fighter jets of
the Air Force attacked the operational
‘IAF fighter jets conducted with Hamas following the carnage
inflicted by the Palestinian Islamist mil-
Modern War Institute at Westpoint, calls
“a poor man’s air force”.
with steel rebar reinforced concrete that
“can take a real hit and provide a very
Hamas base. headquarters of the terrorist organisa- wide-scale strikes in Gaza. itant group on Oct 7. During last weekend’s terrorist attack, protected position for an urban
The announcement was accompa-
nied by a black and white aerial video of
tion Hamas, from where the organisa-
tion’s aerial activities were managed.
These included dozens of Hamas terrorists killed at least 1,300
people in what was the worst attack
Hamas unveiled its fleet of drones: small,
commercially available quadcopters
defender”, says Mr Spencer. Steel rebar
also gives protection against radar and
a massive explosion. “During the attack, Murad Abu Hamas terror targets’ ever on Israel. capable of reconnaissance and deliver- some types of thermal imaging.
Kachi had previously been arrested Murad, the head of the air formation in Israel has since launched a major ing payloads of explosives. The drones Within the buildings themselves,
in 2005 for the abduction and killing of Gaza City who took a large part and south as instructed. bombing campaign on Hamas targets in were able to neutralise mounted Israeli troops could encounter booby
Israelis, but was released as part of the directed terrorists in the murderous “We have seen people listening to the crowded territory of Gaza ahead of a machine gun posts. Ukrainian forces traps, ranging from hand-grenade-sized
2011 deal between Israel and Hamas to attack on Saturday, was killed.” our warning, understanding that they likely ground invasion. have shown how effective even cheap trip wires, to artillery shells. The idea is
free Gilad Shalit – an Israeli soldier who In a separate post the air force stated: are doing the clever thing, moving out On Monday, the Lebanon-based Hiz- drones can be at disabling expensive not so much the amount of explosives,
had been kidnapped and held captive “Last night, IAF fighter jets conducted of the dangerous area, and the right bollah militant group said Israeli strikes heavy armour such as tanks. Mr Spencer but the spread so as to cover “every
for five years. wide-scale strikes throughout the Gaza thing for their family,” he said. had killed three of its members, while says that their ability to drop munitions street, every house”, says Mr Spencer.
Kachi was one of for 1,027 Israeli-held Strip. “We advertised our intentions in Palestinian fighters claimed a thwarted from above, where vehicles are typically “In some ways, conditions couldn’t be
prisoners who were released under the “These included dozens of Hamas advance not because it has any military infiltration bid. On Tuesday, Israel said more vulnerable than face-on, is a threat worse for a ground invasion", says Natan
deal, 280 of them serving life sentences terror targets as well as ‘Nukhba’ terror- logic but because we want civilians not it hit Hizbollah observation posts and a that the IDF has not faced before. Sachs, of the Centre for Middle East Pol-
for planning and perpetrating various ist operatives that were in a staging to be affected by the war. We didn’t put day later, Hizbollah said it targeted an Additionally, Mr Spencer says, “there icy at the Brookings Institute. “Urban
terror attacks against Israeli targets. ground in the Gaza Strip.” those civilians there and they are not Israeli position near the Lebanese vil- are a lot of unknowns”. Hamas has previ- warfare is the hardest kind of warfare.
Earlier yesterday, the IDF said it had Nukhba, meaning elite, is the name our enemy.” lage of Dhayra. Retaliatory Israeli fire ously claimed to have sophisticated Hamas has been entrenching itself in
killed the leader of Hamas’s air forces in given to the Hamas commando unit However, the United Nations, and wounded three people. anti-aircraft weapons. Whilst these Gaza, preparing for just this.”
The Sunday Telegraph Sunday 15 October 2023 *** 5

of young children, documents reveal

“resting” soldiers.” In another attempt
at damage control, Hamas has released
Israel killed at least 1,300 Israelis. In
Gaza, the death toll from Israeli’s air
‘Hamas, if abducted by Hamas on Oct 7. Abigail
Hayat, a friend of the family of Mia
let all the girls and the children, all the
hostages, go home.”
‘There is ised to ultra-orthodox institutions to
secure the support of religious parties
videos which appear to show terrorists strikes climbed yesterday to 2,215 with you have Shim, a 21-year-old tattoo artist who The crowd’s anger was also directed 14 billion in the Knesset.
comforting children at the captured
over 8,000 injured.
Meanwhile, families and friends of
Mia, you vanished from the SuperNova music
festival near Re’im, was also among the
at Benjamin Netanyahu and his govern-
ment, who many blame for last Satur-
shekels for At one point protesters nearly
clashed with police officers who arrived
One clip showed a little boy sitting on some of the hostages taken by Hamas need to take hundreds of demonstrators, and said day’s national disaster. The crowd the religious with a lorry of concrete blocks to close
the knee of one gunman in the garden
of someone’s home. In another, the
gathered outside the Israel Defence
Force’s headquarters in Tel Aviv yester-
care of her. her main message was for Hamas.
She went on: “I want to say to them:
regularly broke into chants of “Bibi to
– no money the entrance to the military HQ.
Asked about the anti-Netanyahu
same boy is offered a drink from a cup. day to demand the government bring Let all the you are accountable for her well being. One man held a poster reading: for border chants, Ms Hayat said: “He is accounta-
Dozens of Israeli children are known their loved ones back alive. hostages go If you have her, you need to take care of “There is 14 billion shekels for the reli- surveillance ble, but this is not the time. Our soldiers
to have been killed and kidnapped in “I want my daughter home now, I her. gious. There is no money for surveil- are on the border and they need to see
the incursion. want my daughter to sleep in her bed home’ “If you want the world to think you lance balloons.” The message referred balloons’ unity behind them. We will deal with
Hamas’s unprecedented cross-border now,” said Shira Albag, whose 19-year- are fighting for some kind of humanity to neglect of border security and to the that bastard of a prime minister after
raid and ensuing attacks on the south of old daughter Liri, a soldier, was and you are not just savages, you have to generous funding Mr Netanyahu prom- the war. And we will show him.”

Clockwise from
left: Benjamin British lawyer
trawls Hamas
Netanyahu speaks
to soldiers as Israel
prepares to attack

footage for
the Gaza Strip;
families flee
northern Gaza on
carts; Rescuers
hunt for survivors
after an air strike
glimpse of
missing sister
By Rozina Sabur
A BRITISH lawyer said yesterday that
he fears his sister, her husband and
their two children are being held hos-
tage by Hamas in Gaza.
Ahal Besorai, 60, said he frantically
called his family in his hometown of
Be’eri, a small farming community in
southern Israel, when he heard the area
was under attack last Saturday.
His 89-year-old father and middle sis-
ter sheltered in their homes for hours
while Hamas fighters roamed the kib-
butz. The pair were ultimately rescued
by Israeli soldiers.
But he has not heard from his sister,

Yonat Or, 50, her husband, Dror, 50, or

two of their three children, 15-year-old
Noam and 13-year-old Alma, since Sat-
urday morning.
“When I called her for the final time,
I think it was around 9am in the morn-
ing, she just said, ‘I cannot really talk,
people are around’,” he told The Sunday
“She sounded frightened and she just
hung up. I didn’t call again because I
understood there were people around
the house and I didn’t want the phone to
ring and attract attention,” he said.
Mr Besorai said he suspected they
were being held hostage since another
resident of Be’eri saw the family being
“pulled out” of a safe room in their
house by Hamas gunmen.
He was told that Hamas fighters had
forced his sister Yonat and her family
out by burning down their home.
Israeli officials have confirmed that
one of the family’s phones was traced to
Gaza at 11.45am last Saturday.
But Mr Besorai has no more informa-
tion on his relatives’ condition, or
whether they are all together.
The Cambridge-educated lawyer
said he had since set himself the horrific
task of trawling through Hamas propa-
ganda footage in the hope of catching a
glimpse of his sister and her family.
“It’s just a horrendous experience
because there’s so many atrocities that
you encounter going through this, it’s
truly draining,” he said.
But Mr Besorai said he had reasons to
hope his family had escaped a fate
worse than many of their neighbours
in Be’eri, the site of one of the worst
More than 100 bodies from the com-
munity’s gutted streets and burned-out
homes have been recovered already,
with many of the victims yet to be iden-
Mr Besorai, who grew up in the small
community, before travelling to the UK
to study at Cambridge University, said
he could not believe what had taken
place in his small community.
“Everybody knows everyone. You
never lock any door, never lock any car.
It’s just a very safe sort of place. There is
no crime. So the whole community is
devastated,” he said.

We’re paying for a war we never wanted, say refugees

Friday with about 30 extended family “Are these comments sarcastic?” social media that show cranes lifting bombing and there’s no shelter.”
Special report members. Erez Israel has guaranteed safe passage large blocks into place across the Rafah He posted an interview on his
“We are only civilians. We’re always crossing for civilians down two main roads border crossing. Instagram page with a young girl
the ones to pay the price for every south of Gaza City. Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of Hamas, holding a British passport.
aggression.” Area of Late on Friday, a strike on a civilian said Gazans would not leave the “I’m scared of dying. There’s no
Today, Nihal woke up in a stranger’s evacuation convoy killed at least 12 people, territory and emigrate to Egypt. water, electricity, internet,” she said.
By Nataliya Vasilyeva house in Khan Younis to find the taps including a small child, according to “Our decision is to remain in our “There’s bombing everywhere and I
JERUSALEM CORRESPONDENT had run dry. MEDITERRANEAN video footage verified by the BBC. land,” he said in a televised speech. just don’t know where to go. Where
“There may be water in the pump SEA In a separate incident, an explosion Unofficial reports yesterday should I go?”
but we don’t have electricity or fuel for Wadi Gaza on one of the roads hit cars travelling suggested that Egypt and Israel had Prospects for a safe passage of
Palestinians who have fled a generator to push the water tanks,” south, with open source intelligence come to a deal to allow foreigners and civilians there still seemed slim
south say they are still in said Nihal, who is also worried about Two main roads analysts suggesting it may have been a dual nationals to leave Gaza by yesterday evening, with many
running out of medication for her roadside bomb. crossing into Egypt. Palestinians fearing if they left they
danger as UN warns they panic disorder.
used for evacuation
Hamas has told civilians to stay in would be unable to return to their
face waterborne diseases GAZA

Yesterday, the United Nations their homes and has been accused of homes.
warned of a potential outbreak of ISR AEL trying to hold back the exodus. In a social media video that emerged

s Nihal spoke to The Sunday waterborne diseases. But some Gazans who fled south fear yesterday, an elderly woman in a
Telegraph in a voice note sent via Gaza’s water purification plants have Rafah crossing they may not be safer there as the IDF checked headscarf and sandals was
5 miles
Whatsapp, a loud thud sounded now stopped running after Israel cut EGY P T also hit targets in Khan Younis The number of strikes estimated to have seen being offered a route to safety in
in the distance. off supplies of water and power to the yesterday afternoon. hit the Gaza Strip in the past week the car of several young men.
The 33-year-old mother had fled region. Na’oom Hazem, a 20-year-old media following the Hamas attack on Israel “May God be pleased with you and
from her home in Gaza City on Friday “As a last resort, people are in trucks. We’re telling people to move student who was trying to cheer protect you,” the old woman, who
following an Israeli order to evacuate consuming brackish water from south.” herself up by scrolling through old apparently had no family of her own,
the northern part of the Palestinian agricultural wells, triggering serious Gaza’s citizens, he said, would be photos on her phone, said her parents Sky Arabia, however, reported later said as the men urged her to evacuate
territory. concerns about the spread of sure to “find places to stay”, either were even thinking about returning to in the day that Cairo was blocking the with them.
She paused as the blast sounded – waterborne diseases,” the UN said in a moving in with relatives or bringing a the north. move unless Israel allowed aid into Negotiations on a safe passage out of
one of more than 6,000 to have hit the statement. tent with them as they made the move “We have five families now at my Gaza. Gaza have so far only covered
Gaza Strip in the past week – before Meanwhile, shops and markets in south that had been ordered. father’s friend’s house – the place is The US government last night foreigners and dual nationals.
gathering herself to speak again. Khan Younis were running out of Moshe Tetro, an IDF colonel, not as safe as we expected. The sounds encouraged its citizens in Gaza to Nihal, who would be eligible for an
The message she wanted to deliver bottled water yesterday, according to a maintained yesterday that there was of bombing are very loud,” she told The move south closer to the Rafah evacuation thanks to her dual
was clear, she was a civilian, a mother Telegraph reporter. “no humanitarian catastrophe” in the Telegraph in a text message. crossing to be ready for its possible Palestinian and Moroccan citizenship,
of a young child, who wanted no part Israel insisted it was acting within Gaza Strip. “We just want to go home. We can reopening. told The Telegraph she is still reluctant
of Hamas’s war – and she was running the framework of international law, Nihal, who is now living on dry food die here and we can die out there.” Mohammed Aborjeela, a Palestinian to go even if the agreement were
out of water. with an Israel Defence Forces taken from her home, was angered by The Egyptian authorities yesterday content creator, said that around 500 reached
“We are now held as hostages. We spokesman denying accusations that it the remarks. morning partially sealed the only people holding foreign passports had “We are afraid that if we left, we
do not want this war. What can we do had forcibly displaced more than a “How can the Israelis say there’s no non-Israeli border out of Gaza with already tried unsuccessfully to enter would never come back,” she said.
to escape this genocide by the Israeli million people. humanitarian catastrophe while they cement barriers. Egypt. “I will not leave. All we have now is
forces?” she said from the town of Lt Col Richard Hecht told the BBC decided on Day One to cut water and A local activist in North Sinai “The border crossing itself isn’t God and a miracle to save us from this
Khan Younis, where she arrived on yesterday: “We’re not putting people electricity in the Gaza Strip?” she said. confirmed pictures circulating on safe,” he told the BBC. “There’s situation.”
6 Sunday 15 October 2023 The Sunday Telegraph


Islamist group
in UK hailed
‘egg on the
face’ of Israel
Extremists that PMs tried to ban appear to celebrate
‘good news’ of Hamas’s attack on the Jewish state
By Edward Malnick Gaza, within this massive prison, have
SUNDAY POLITICAL EDITOR been able to go into the Zionist entity,
and the fear and the running of the
AN ISLAMIST extremist group that Zionist left, right and centre, really
David Cameron and Tony Blair both something which has been a sight to
tried to ban hosted an online event behold.”
i n wh i c h p r o m i n e n t m e m b e r s Mr Mustafa continued: “A question I
described the massacre of Israelis as want us to try and bear in mind through-
“good news” and “egg on the face” of out this Space, how do we help our
the Jewish state. Ummah [community] in Pales0tine so
The event was one of several in the land is liberated?”
which prominent UK-based members Yahya Abu Yousuf, who is described
of Hizb ut-Tahrir appeared to celebrate as the media representative of Hizb
the attack by Hamas – despite the group ut-Tahrir in Britain, then said: “Alham-
previously insisting it “does not pro- dulillah [praise be to God] we woke up
mote fear, criminality or terrorism”. to this news and it was, to coin a phrase,
Prominent members of the group egg on the face of the occupation forces
called for “Muslim armies” to now in Palestine.
“move to liberate the whole land of “Some people today, they took some
Palestine”. pieces back, or they invaded in order to
One article posted on Hizb ut-Tahrir be the spark that leads to revolution.
Britain’s website, entitled “Let 7th Octo- “The fact that they were able to do so
ber be remembered”, claimed Muslims much with so little it completely lies
were “overjoyed at the events”. waste the idea that an actually equipped
The Sunday Telegraph understands army couldn’t achieve much ... fully
that some of the remarks have been equipped armies can do an awful lot
reported to the Metropolitan Police by and they ... could really just annihilate
the Community Security Trust (CST), and end the existence of Israel.
which monitors anti-Semitism. “It’s often said, within one hour the
On Friday, ahead of demonstrations whole place could be taken.”
this weekend, the Metropolitan Police The remarks chime with a campaign
said: “We will not tolerate the celebra- by Hizb ut-Tahrir in the UK urging
tion of terrorism or death, or tolerate Muslims to support the “liberation of
anyone inciting violence.” Palestine” by “Muslim armies”, defined
The group is also understood to be in the group’s discussions as the
one of several being monitored by armed forces of countries such as Egypt
Whitehall officials, after the Home and Jordan.
Office warned that its members In a later discussion, on Tuesday, Mr
“express views that Islam is fundamen- Mustafa said: “The Muslims outside
tally incompatible with the Western lib- should be calling their relatives in the
eral democratic system”. armies of the Muslim world and saying
Dave Rich, the CST’s director of pol- this is an issue of jihad, this is an issue of
icy, said: “Hizb ut-Tahrir is an extremist liberation from occupation, you
organisation with a long record of who are trained soldiers you who are
overtly anti-Semitic statements. our cousins, our uncles, you need to
“They seek to stir up hatred and divi- move to liberate the whole land of
sion in our society and ought to be held Palestine.”
to account.” An article posted on Hizb ut-Tahrir
In a statement, Hizb ut-Tahrir said it Britain’s website after the attacks by
was “a lie to state that Hizb ut-Tahrir Hamas last weekend stated: “While yes-
have a long record of overtly anti- terday’s revenge may not offer a lasting
Semitic statements” and insisted: “We solution in the current context, it
do not support the Hamas group.” becomes a poignant expression of the
Hizb ut-Tahrir seeks the establish- overwhelming emotions that engulf the
ment of a caliphate in the Middle East. Ummah.”
Experts, including former members of “The events of Oct 7 have ignited a
the group, have claimed it is a gateway wave of joy and elation among Muslims
to violent extremism. globally.
It is banned in countries such as Ger- “For Muslims, Palestine holds a
many, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, but deeply cherished place in their hearts
not the UK. and souls.
In 2021, The Telegraph revealed that “The people of Palestine are an insep-
the group had been stepping up its arable part of the global Muslim com-
activities in Britain. munity.
Beginning last Saturday, the day “Their triumphs and struggles reso-
some 1,300 people were killed in Israel nate with Muslims on a profound level,
by Hamas terrorists, Hizb ut-Tahrir generating a sense of collective pride
hosted a series of discussions on the and unity.”
Twitter Spaces platform, which allows In a statement, Hizb ut-Tahrir said:
organisations to host mass audio con- “We do not support the Hamas group,
versations, relating to the events that but support the people of Palestine.
unfolded. “We do not encourage people to do
Opening a discussion last Saturday, similar actions but instead want a polit-
after it emerged that terrorists had infil- ical change so that the resources of
trated Israel and were killing Jewish Muslim countries are used to liberate
civilians, Taji Mustafa, one of the four and rescue the beleaguered people of

prominent figures listed on Hizb Palestine.

ut-Tahrir Britain’s website, said: “It’s a ‘Amazing “To say that Palestinians should be
day most of us will remember, inshallah free of this brutal occupation is not a
[God willing] because it is a day of news, day, some divisive statement.”
good news ... really an amazing day in things Sir Tony Blair, the then prime minis-
the sense that some things which were ter, pledged to ban Hizb ut-Tahrir as
said to be undoable we now see the pos- ‘undoable’, part of a counter-extremism plan fol-
sibilities of that.” we now see lowing the July 7 2005 bombings, but
In the discussion, which had an audi-
ence of 2,800 people, Mr Mustafa
possibilities the plan was dropped. Mr Cameron also
said, as prime minister, he would ban
added: “Fighters from within occupied of that’ the group but did not do so.

Councils face ban on Xinjiang being used in supply chains,”

he said.
The Government has however
Ex-Premier League star hits
out at FA over arch snub
boycotting Israeli goods
insisted that the Bill contains exemp-
tions allowing public bodies to boycott
goods where modern slavery has
been involved.
The return of the Bill could put By Patrick Sawer the FA had failed to stand alongside vic-
Labour in a tricky position. SENIOR NEWS REPORTER tims of hate and inhumanity. He told
While the party has been steadfast The Sunday Telegraph: “After the Holo-
in support of Israel following Hamas’s YOSSI BENAYOUN, the Jewish former caust, the world promised ‘Never again’.
By Will Hazell and Edward Malnick stands that on Thursday, the Govern- said that while she supported the attack and is opposed to the BDS English Premier League star, has con- But now a brutal massacre in the same
ment is likely to announce that the “principle that taxpayers’ money should movement, in July it said the Bill was demned the Football Association (FA) shocking inhumane way is taking place
LEGISLATION aimed at stopping Economic Activity of Public Bodies not be politicised and should not be “deeply flawed”. for refusing to light up the Wembley – a horrendous massacre that took the
councils from boycotting Israeli (Overseas Matters) Bill will have its used to undermine the Government’s Other organisations have said that Arch in Israeli colours, saying it has put lives of over 1,300, pure evil.”
goods is likely to return to Parliament report stage the following week. foreign policy”, she disagreed with the the legislation is a curb on free expres- itself “on the dark side of history”. Benayoun, who is the sporting direc-
next week, The Sunday Telegraph The third reading of the Bill is decision to “specifically name Israel on sion or could open up new divisions. Benayoun, who played for West Ham, tor of the Israel national team, added:
has learnt. expected to happen after the King’s Earlier in the year, the Union of Jew- Liverpool and Chelsea between 2005 “Every big corporation has a massive
In June, Michael Gove, the Commu-
nities Secretary, introduced a Bill
Speech in November.
Making the case for the legislation in
‘It is wrong that public ish Students announced it was oppos-
ing the Bill.
and 2014 and also captained the Israeli
national team, said the FA had failed in
duty to raise awareness and stand tall
with a clear rejection of such hate. The
banning all public bodies from impos- the summer, Mr Gove said that it was bodies have been wasting A motion passed by the group said: its duty to stand firm in the face of English FA must do so as they always
ing their own boycott or divestment
campaigns on foreign countries and
“simply wrong that public bodies have
been wasting taxpayers’ time and
taxpayers’ time and money “UJS reaffirms its support for the
democratic right to non-violently
He spoke out after England’s football
knew to condemn and to rightfully
memorialise any act of terror and other
territories. money pursuing their own foreign pol- pursuing their own agenda’ protest and opposes the Government’s bosses decided not to light up the Wem- global disasters. Any other action can be
The legislation was promised in the icy agenda”. proposed boycott Bill, which is a bley Arch in solidarity with Israel when only described as being on the wrong
Conservatives’ 2019 manifesto after a He added: “The UK must have a con- the face of the Bill”. She said: “We curtailment of that right, as well as England played Australia on Friday, and dark side of history, and history will
series of local councils backed the sistent approach to foreign policy, set should not do country-specific legisla- presenting a risk to British Jewish even though they did so after previous judge them.”
BDS (boycott, divestment and sanc- by UK Government.” tion as it undermines our foreign policy. communities and a set-back to Israe- terror attacks such as Paris in 2015, the Benayoun’s condemnation followed a
tion) movement against Israel in pub- As well as undermining UK foreign “I also worry whether this will under- li-Palestinian peace.” Istanbul bombings in 2016 and Russia’s letter from the Israeli Professional Foot-
lic procurement contracts or policy, he said councils supporting the mine community cohesion.” Before 2019, Leicester city council, invasion of Ukraine last year. ball Leagues to the English Premier
pension schemes. BDS movement led “ to appalling Sir Iain Duncan Smith, the former Swansea city council and Gwynedd The FA also ignored the call from League criticising its failure to openly
In the wake of an upsurge in anti - anti-Semitic rhetoric and abuse”. Conservative Party leader, meanwhile council all passed motions to boycott Lord Mann, the Government’s adviser condemn the Hamas attacks. Erez Hal-
Israel protests following Hamas’s terror However, some Conservative MPs said he was worried that it could produce from “illegal Israeli settle- on anti-Semitism, to project the names fon, the chairman of the Israeli Profes-
attack on the country and Israel’s bom- have previously expressed concern stop public bodies from refusing to buy ments in the West Bank, until such time of the British citizens who were killed in sional Football Leagues, stated: “We are
bardment of the Gaza Strip, the Bill is about the Bill. Chinese-made goods. as Israel complies with international the Hamas terror attack last Saturday. amazed, shocked and disappointed
shortly due to move to its next stage in In June, Alicia Kearns, the chairman “We have to make sure nothing gets law and withdraws from Palestinian- Benayoun said that by refusing to beyond words at The Premier League’s
the Commons. The Telegraph under- of the foreign affairs select committee, in the way of stopping slave labour from occupied territories”. properly memorialise the terror attacks, lack of ability to condemn these acts.”
The Sunday Telegraph Sunday 15 October 2023 7

Day of protest
full of marches,
fury and chants
against Israel
Others were at pains to disassociate
Chants of slogan seen as themselves from any of the visibly anti-
calling for destruction of Semitic gestures seen among small
pockets of the march.
Jewish state as thousands Mariam, a mother of three girls, held
vent anger over conflict up a home-made placard reading: “If
Ukrainian lives matter more then you
By Patrick Sawer SENIOR NEWS are racist”,
REPORTER, Genevieve Holl-Allen The 34-year old, who works in the
and Keith Perry finance sector, said: “If you’re going to
preach a message that message has to

s tens of thousands of marchers be the same across the board.”
snaked their way past London’s Asked what she felt on waking to
crowded shops and restaurants, news of the Hamas attacks on Israeli
there was one contentious slogan that civilians, she said: “My heart goes out
resonated jarringly above the others. to the innocent who have been killed.
“From the river, to the sea, Palestine Nobody here wants to see the death of
must be free,” they chanted, as they Israelis and to make out that is what
moved from BBC Broadcasting House Muslims want is to create more harm
to Whitehall in protest at the Israeli than good.”
bombing of Gaza that followed last But among the protesters there were
Saturday’s Hamas terror attacks. also many who carried placards
The chant has been widely reading “End Israeli Apartheid” and
interpreted as calling for the “Palestine, Exist, Resist, Return”, both
destruction of the state of Israel and is of which are widely interpreted as
regarded as both offensive and questioning the existence of Israel.
threatening by many Jews. Others waved Palestinian flags and
Indeed the Home Secretary, Suella called for economic sanctions against
Braverman, suggested that it could be the Jewish state.
regarded as a hate crime over which As the march made its way along
police could take action if it is seen as Lower Regent Street a group of young
threatening public order. women, several in headscarves,
That didn’t stop it being taken up by chanted “No justice, no peace”.
the crowds, who sang it openly as A few yards away was a small
police maintained a low-key presence. delegation from the group, Jewish
And though the overwhelming Voice for Labour, their flags declaring
majority of those who took part “always with the oppressed, never
marched peacefully, a minority with the oppressors” – an echo of the
appeared happy to glorify violence. words of Marek Edelman, one of the
A group of hotheads confronted a leaders of the Jewish ghetto uprising
line of police officers, pushing and in Warsaw during World War Two.
shoving before moving on the rejoin Outside Downing Street, where a
the main body of marchers. A number stage had been erected by the
of arrests were understood to have organisers, including Stop the War
been made. Campaign and the Palestine Solidarity
A small, but vocal number of youths Campaign, the Palestinian ambassador
could be heard chanting in Arabic the to London received among the loudest
cry of “Patience, patience, Jews, the cheers of the day, as he led chants of
army of Muhammad will return” in an “Free, Free Palestine”.
obvious show of support for attacks on As the marchers dispersed, a couple
Jews, past and present. of hundred made their way to High
A few also wore stickers showing Street Kensington to protest outside
photographs of a paraglider, in a the Israeli Embassy, previously the
reference to the tactics sometimes scene of ugly clashes.
adopted by Hamas to launch missiles Here they were met by a barricade
and bombs onto Israel – a barely coded and around 100 police officers
Thousands of celebration of such attacks. blocking their path.
pro-Palestinian Among the chants were also The protesters again took up the
supporters line the accusations that Israel is a “terror chant of “From the river to the sea,
streets of London
state”, with loud cries of “Israel, Israel, Palestine must be free”, along with
from BBC
Broadcasting you can’t hide, we charge you with “Israel is a terrorist state”, while riot
House to genocide”. police stood nearby, ready to disperse
Whitehall. Some Many of the marchers made it clear anyone tempted to scale the gates.
wore images of they did not support the attacks Rallies took place elsewhere,
Hamas paragliders carried out by Hamas last Saturday. including Liverpool, Bristol,
taped to their But they insisted that Israel was also Cambridge, Norwich, Coventry,
clothes, right. guilty of terror tactics by its bombing Edinburgh and Swansea.
Others, far right, of Gaza, with the resultant deaths. In Manchester, more than 2,000
carried placards
Zeiba, a student from Westminster people are estimated to have marched
bearing the slogan
‘from the river to College holding a hand-made placard through the city’s famous curry mile in
the sea, Palestine reading “50 per cent of them are support of Palestine. Hassan Galanni,
must be free’, the children”, said: “The sheer amount of one protester, said: “It is important to
chanting of which bombs and white phosphorus that be here today, we can’t turn a blind eye
Suella Braverman, Israel is dropping is horrendous. to what Israel is doing. It’s genocide, a
the Home “I don’t support Hamas and, of war crime.”
Secretary, had course, their attacks on Saturday were In Glasgow, a woman draped in a
urged police to horrendous. It’s not okay for either Palestinian flag shouted: “Free
consider a ‘racially
side to attack civilians.” Palestine. Don’t forget where the Jews
offence Her friend Meriem, 19, who is of were in 1940.” Glasgow Friends of
Middle Eastern origin, added: Israel posted the footage, labelling it
“Western governments are doing #Nazi on the streets of #Glasgow.
nothing to stop Israel’s war crimes. One social media user tweeted that
That’s why I’m here protesting.” the woman ‘‘should be jailed’’.

Now they march with a

demonic energy that
revels in killing Jews
Schoolchildren stage ‘abhorrent’ protest to Commentary
By Nicole Lampert
too busy counting its dead to retaliate.
They tried to interrupt as we had a
vigil outside Downing Street to mourn

back Palestinians and shout IRA slogans

our dead. The marches are always

n 628AD, in the city of Khabar, nasty. But now there is something new
Arabic forces had a famous victory now; a gleeful, a demonic energy
over their local Jews. They revelling in the death of Jews. It is like
massacred dozens, raped and enslaved they don’t see us as humans.
the women and then levied a huge tax You could see it in the emblems
By Genevieve Holl-Allen place in Israel following the demonstra- flict have been subjected to.” Bob Black- terror attacks, would have been han- on the remaining community. worn by protesters depicting
tion. In a written statement provided by man, the MP for Harrow East and the dled similarly by teachers. The battle is recalled by those who hang-gliders, used by Hamas to get
A SCHOOL in Belfast has faced a back- the school to The Sunday Telegraph, Mr chairman of the All Party Parliamentary “It would be interesting to see what hate Jews: those who hate us so much into Israel to begin their slaughter. You
lash after pupils staged a “completely de Brún said he was aware of “some of Group on Israel, said teachers “should would have happened if some children they want to see us dead. It’s now could hear it as they sang “From the
inappropriate” lunchtime protest the similarities” between the Israel-Pal- have prevented these demonstrations had come out and one was, or several common to hear the refrain on “pro river to the sea, Palestine will be free”.
in support of Palestinians and repeated estinian conflict and “here in the north”. taking place”. were, waving Israeli flags and one was Palestine” marches “Khaybar, Khaybar Hamas has never made any secret of its
IRA slogans. He said: “On Wednesday, I organised Mr Blackman said: “It’s completely making a speech about the dreadful ya Yahu, Jaish Mohammed Sauf Ya’ud”, desire to free the land of Jews and last
Photographs shared and later deleted a peaceful protest in solidarity with the inappropriate for things like this to take things that have happened. Would the meaning, “Watch out Jews, the army of weekend we saw how. “Dead Jews, the
by Coláiste Feirste school on Twitter people of Palestine. place in schools full stop.” teachers have intervened?” Mohammed is returning”. more the merrier, catnip for them,” as
showed a group of at least 50 students “Having a keen interest in politics He added: “It demonstrates the con- A spokesman for the Union of Jewish Yesterday, a week after Hamas killed historian Simon Schama said online
demonstrating in the playground with and studying A-level history, I am aware Students (UJS) said schools should be 1,300 Israelis and kidnapped 130 yesterday.
teachers appearing to monitor them.
The organiser of the protest, sixth
of some of the similarities to the conflict
here in the north.
‘It would be interesting “inclusive environments with balance
and impartiality at the centre of a well-
others, some protesters were gleefully
singing it on the streets of London.
France and Germany banned
marches like these knowing people
former Pádraig de Brún, addressed the “I spoke to my fellow students and to see what would have rounded education”. Thousands marched in the capital would glorify activities of terrorists.
demonstration and ended his speech by
quoting Bobby Sands, the IRA hunger
briefly explained some of the back-
ground of the region.
happened if children They added: “To imply in any way
that Hamas’s brutal terrorist onslaught
and other cities around the country. In
Leeds, local police told the Jewish
I’m sad that so many people seemed
so joyous about Jewish deaths. I’m
striker: “Our revenge will be the laugh- “This protest was not an endorse- had waved Israeli flags’ against innocent civilians was laugha- community there to avoid the city scared because this anger is only going
ter of our children”. ment of Hamas or any other political ble or positive is [abhorrent] and we call centre. As a British Jew, I can say none to increase once war properly starts.
In a post that remains on their Twit- organisation, but merely to highlight cern about what is being taught in on the school to take action and educate of us needed to be told. We are a I’m upset because I see the full extent
ter page, the school said: “Some stu- the ongoing plight of these people.” schools and what opportunity there is their pupils on this atrocity. community in fear. We are angry, we of hatred for Jews among the nation
dents organised a demonstration for the Speaking of his choice to quote to look... at the levels of premeditated “We urge all schools to reach out to feel alone and unprotected. that has been the home for my family
rights and justice of Palestine yesterday, Sands, he said: “My interpretation violence towards civilians that obvi- their Jewish students, or their local Wanting to stand up for Palestinian for more than 100 years. And I’m angry
showing the big and generous heart of that quote is that during times of con- ously have taken place. Jewish community, or UJS, and ensure rights is one thing. Wanting peace is that the police do almost nothing about
they have and their commitment to the flict and hardship, it is our hope “The teachers have responsibility in they are equipped to handle these mat- totally understandable. No one I know these people who are quite open about
people around the world.” that love will prevail and that the laugh- this regard as well.” ters during these deeply challeng- wants to see dead Palestinian civilians. wanting to hurt people like me and my
The Irish-medium secondary school ter of our children will be heard Mr Blackman also questione d ing times.” But many on these marches seem to family. It is no wonder that many
faces calls to take action and to “educate once again as opposed to the suffering whether students holding a demonstra- Coláiste Feirste has been approached want more than that. They started British Jews are worried about
their pupils” on the atrocities taking that children on both sides of this con- tion in support of Israel, following the for comment. marching on Monday when Israel was whether we have a future here.
8 *** Sunday 15 October 2023 The Sunday Telegraph


Sunak urged to sanction ‘The Qataris

hosting the Hamas leadership on its soil dominium in Doha? The answer is no.”
only to avoid them relocating to Iran While Israel prepares for a ground
and further expanding Tehran’s influ- should be invasion and drops thousands of bombs
ence across the Middle East. ostracised across the region, Hamas has told peo-

Qatar for hosting Hamas

Mr Wallace, who has called on the US ple in northern Gaza to stay at home.
government to take similar action, said: and their But those responsible for what will
“The Qataris should be ostracised and
their role should forever change in the
role should likely result in the death of thousands of
civilians are living in opulence and
world, given what happened. But right forever safety. Several Hamas leaders moved to
now there are innocents [held hostage change in Qatar after falling out with their previ-
in Gaza] and the leaders of the massacre ous host, Syria, when Palestinian refu-
that directed the taking of those inno- the world, gees participated in the 2011 uprising
cents are in Qatar. given what against the Bashar al-Assad regime.

Call for action over terror

US-based Counter Extremism Project,
also called for the UK’s diplomatic ties
‘[Freeze Qatar, which has said it holds Israel
responsible for last weekend’s massa-
“The UK has an outsize role with the
Qataris. Much of the Qatari wealth is sit- happened’ Also in last week’s video from Doha
was Khaled Meshaal, Hamas’s former
group leaders said to be with Doha to be suspended if the regime assets] until cre. Footage last week showed Haniyeh, ting in London. It should be frozen … No leader and now serving as se c-

living life of opulence and

fails to apprehend Ismail Haniyeh,
Hamas’s political leader, and hand him
the Qataris 61, smiling and praying from the com-
fort of his air-conditioned Doha office to
asset should be allowed to be accessed,
no funds repatriated to the Qataris. Any
Meshaal called for a day of jihad on
safety in capital Doha over to American or Israeli authorities. turn over celebrate the slaughter of Israelis. asset in London should be frozen until Friday, saying: “Head to the squares and
Bob Blackman, the joint secretary of
the Conservatives’ 1922 Committee and
the worst of In the video, Haniyeh and 12 of his
henchmen are seen dressed in freshly
the Qataris turn over the worst of the
worst terror leaders, which they host.
streets of the Arab and Islamic world.”
Meshaal fled to Qatar in 2012 and he
EDITOR and Susie Coen vice-chairman of the all-party parlia- the worst pressed suits as they watch the horror “Hopefully, if they do that we can use has been pictured working out in an
mentary group against anti-Semitism, terror unfold on a widescreen TV. The group those leaders to convince their compa- upmarket gym and gorging on food.
RISHI SUNAK is facing calls to impose said: “I agree with him.” then congregates behind Haniyeh to triots in the Gaza Strip to free hostages. A Foreign Office spokesman said:
sanctions on Qatar for continuing to Along with Frances Townsend, who leaders in kneel down in prayer on a plush, grey How can the British authorities allow “The UK and its allies have an enduring
host the Hamas leaders who directed was a counter-terrorism adviser to the world’ carpet. Qatar denies supporting Hamas the Qataris to act with impunity from a relationship with Qatar. Without Qatar’s
the attack on Israel. George W Bush, Mr Wallace has and says the group is simply part of the business or diplomatic perspective in engagement in highly sensitive issues
Mark Wallace, a former US ambassa- insisted that Haniyeh should be tar- reality on the ground. London under these circumstances? such as the Israel Occupied Palestinian
dor to the UN, said that “much of the geted in Doha in a similar manner to the Doha is viewed within Whitehall as “The Qatar authorities should arrest Territories conflict and on wider
Qatari wealth is sitting in London” and US assassination of Osama bin Laden if an ally of the UK, meaning that it is each and every Hamas member and regional stability, there would not be
called for assets linked to the Qatari he is permitted to continue directing likely there would be resistance to calls turn them over to US and Israeli author- the opportunity to bring about solu-
state and royal family to be frozen “until Hamas with impunity from Qatar. for sanctions or downgrading diplo- ities. Do you think that we would have tions to this type of tragic conflict.”
the Qataris turn over the worst of the For years, Hamas’s architects of ter- matic relations. A source who has dis- allowed Bin Laden to sit in a luxury Qatar’s ministry of foreign affairs
worst terror leaders in the world”. ror have been running the bloodthirsty cussed the issue with Qatari officials office tower in Doha? Would we have let and London embassy were contacted
Mr Wallace, who now runs the unit while living in five-star luxury in said that Doha privately insisted it was the Isis leadership sit in luxury in a con- for comment.

BBC building
sprayed with
red paint over
‘occupation lies’
By Genevieve Holl-Allen
A PRO-Palestinian protest organisation
has claimed responsibility for the BBC
New Broadcasting House being splat-
tered with red paint, saying it was a pro-
test to “leave a message” over coverage
of events in Israel and Gaza.
Palestine Action said on Twitter that
it had “left a message overnight for the
BBC” after blood-red paint had covered
the building entrance.
The group tweeted: “Spreading the
occupation’s lies and manufacturing
consent for Israel’s war crimes means
that you have Palestinian blood on your
hands #ShutBBCDown.”
There appeared to have been unsuc-
cessful attempts to clean the paint off
the front of the building in the early
hours of yesterday morning. The van-
dalism came ahead of a March for Pales-
tine that began in front of the building.
Palestine Action calls itself a “direct
action network dismantling British
complicity with Israeli apartheid”.
The Metropolitan Police said it was
“investigating an incident of criminal
damage to a building in Portland Place”.
It added that officers were aware of a
“video posted online claiming responsi-
bility”. No arrests have been made.
This week, the group claimed
responsibility for spraying red paint
on the offices of the recruiters for Elbit
Systems UK, an Israel-based defence
electronics company, in Manchester.
Edward Adoo, a BBC broadcaster,
shared photographs of the incident on
Twitter, and wrote: “Just got to the BBC
the main entrance is blocked, someone
sprayed red paint at the entrance.

Regardless of your view on what’s going

on this is not the way. Props to the secu-
rity team on duty tonight.”
The broadcaster has come under
pressure to describe Hamas as “terror-
ists”. Lawyers acting for the Board of
Deputies of British Jews have told the
BBC to investigate complaints made
against them over their failure to refer
to Hamas as terrorists. The BBC has
A contractor cleans BBC New Broadcasting House after Palestine Action said it had sprayed blood-red paint over the building, accusing the corporation of ‘manufacturing consent for Israel’s war crimes’ been contacted for comment.

Support for Israel must not dissipate when reality of fighting sets in
local life from civic leaders to
charitable philanthropy.
describe Hamas as a terror
organisation or the FA take a stand on
‘Jews must feel free to actions in the weeks to come.
Likewise, we cannot allow terror in
their schools, no one should need
armed guards as they worship.
Over the past 80 years, the UK has Black Lives Matter but not on the express their faith freely Israel to breed terror in the UK. Jews The Home Secretary has rightly
been at the forefront of efforts to
support Jewish communities. To make
slaughter of more than 1,000 men,
women and babies, it is not
in public whether going must feel able to express their faith
freely in public whether wearing
taken a robust stance on policing and
supported the Community Security
them feel safe, to give them a unreasonable for them to question to school or synagogue’ kippah, going to school or synagogue. Trust with an extra £3 million to
By Oliver Dowden homeland and to ensure they can why those organisations single them The Left are fond of trigger protect British Jewish communities.
defend themselves. out as not worthy of their support. we are supporting them through warnings and safe spaces but curiously We’ll do what it takes to make

have the honour of representing Right now though, the joy in those That is why the Government is intelligence sharing. lose all zeal when it comes to Jewish people in Britain feel safe
one of the largest Jewish communities has been replaced by determined not just to say that Israel Our support towards Israel must not aggressive pro-Palestinian and because ultimately these aren’t attacks
communities in Britain. Thriving sadness and grief. There is also fear of has a right to defend itself, but to show dissipate when the reality of fighting anti-Israeli demonstrations that seek to just on Israel or the Jewish people.
synagogues in Bushey, Borehamwood, the ultimate indifference of some it. We have sent P8 Aircraft, an enemy that hides in tunnels and intimidate Jews. This cannot be They are attacks on all of us. On
Radlett and Shenley draw generations people to atrocities committed against surveillance assets and two Royal Navy among civilian homes, schools and allowed to happen. decency, freedom and humanity.
together in celebrating the Jewish Jewish people. ships to deliver practical support to hospitals takes shape. No one should fear walking our Oliver Dowden is the Deputy Prime
faith. They in turn form the bedrock of When they see the BBC refuse to Israel and partners in the region, and The test is not of our words but our streets, no one should have to close Minister and MP for Hertsmere

Army ‘deliberately’ killed White House fears fallout

reporter, claims Lebanon from Gaza ground invasion
By Sophia Yan exchanged fire in recent days. Two By Susie Coen US CORRESPONDENT evacuate northern Gaza within 24
other Reuters journalists were also hours, with John Kirby, the National
L EBAN ON has accused Israel of injured in the same incident. PRESIDENT Joe Biden’s administration Security Council spokesman, acknowl-
“deliberately killing” Issam Abdallah, a One of them, Maher Nazeh, said they is concerned over the fallout from Isra- edging it would be “a tall order.”
Reuters journalist, and plans to submit were filming missile fire coming from el’s looming ground invasion of Gaza, On Friday, Mr Biden said people
a complaint to the UN Security Council. the direction of Israel when one hit Mr despite publicly backing the country in should not “lose sight of the fact that the
Abdallah, a Lebanese national, was Abdallah; seconds later, another missile its war against Hamas. overwhelming majority of Palestinians
killed in suspected Israeli shelling near hit the car the group had used, Reuters While Mr Biden, 80, pledged to give had nothing to do with Hamas”.
the Lebanese border on Friday. has reported. Mr Abdallah was killed the country whatever it needs to It comes amid concerns the war
Najib Mikati, the Lebanese prime respond to the slaughter of hundreds of could spread across the Middle East
minister, has blamed the death on
Israel. The Israeli army said yesterday
‘They were all wearing Israelis, the White House is concerned
there is no plan for what comes next.
become more fraught, with threats that
Hizbollah “have their fingers on the
that it is investigating the incident. journalists’ gear and the Mr Biden’s staunch support for Israel trigger to shoot”.
“We are aware of the incident with
the Reuters journalist,” Lt Col Richard
word “press” was visible. after the Hamas terror attacks has so far
won plaudits from unlikely sources,
Iran’s foreign minister warned from
Beirut that the Lebanese terror group
Hecht, an army spokesman, said. “We Israel can’t deny this crime’ including Republicans and George W has scenarios “designed” and “pre-
are looking into it. We already have Bush, the former president. pared” if Israel does not stop its attacks
visuals. We’re doing cross examination. late on Friday afternoon while provid- Fatima Kanso mourns at the funeral of her son, journalist Issam Abdallah, in Al Khiyam But the administration is pressing Tel on Gaza.
It’s a tragic thing.” ing a live video signal for broadcasters. Aviv to make a plan to follow the poten- “I know about the scenarios that Hiz-
Abdallah was reporting alongside A loud explosion shook the camera, the Reuters. “They were all wearing jour- The UN Interim Force in Lebanon, a tial destruction of Hamas, sources bollah has put in place,” Hossein
journalists from Al-Jazeera and Agence air filled with smoke and people could nalists’ gear and the word ‘press’ was peacekeeping unit that patrols the told Bloomberg. Amir-Abdollahian told reporters. “Any
France-Presse (AFP), when he was be heard screaming. visible. Israel cannot deny this crime.” Lebanon-Israel border, said it was Mr Biden’s aides have not publicly step the resistance [Hizbollah] will take
killed in southern Lebanon. AFP and Al-Jazeera say they have Gilad Erdan, Israel’s envoy to the UN, “deeply saddened” to hear a journalist questioned Israel’s response, but anxi- will cause a huge earthquake in the
The reporters were working near each had two journalists injured in the said: “Obviously, we would never want was killed and that others injured. ety is understood to be building over Zionist entity.”
Alma al-Shaab, close to the Israel bor- same incident. to hit or kill or shoot any journalist that “The potential for this escalation to the humanitarian crisis facing Gaza. “There is still a political opportunity
der, along which the Israeli military and “Israel deliberately killed my son,” is doing their job. But you know, we’re spiral out of control is clear, and it must They were also reportedly concerned to prevent a widespread crisis in the
Lebanese militia, Hezbollah, have Fatima Kanso, Abdallah’s mother, told in a state of war, things might happen.” be halted,” it said in a statement. about Israel’s demand that civilians region,” Mr Amir-Abdollahian said.
The Sunday Telegraph Sunday 15 October 2023 9


How Iran spent £13bn building web of terror

Fingers point to Tehran as Iran’s funding for extremist groups
West believes Hamas alone
could not be responsible TURKEY
for terror attacks on Israel
By Sophia Yan LEBANON Assad I R A Q
regime Shia

Hizbollah militants
hen Hamas terrorists floated IRAN
over the heavily-fortified PA L E S T INI A N
border with Israel using Hamas I S R A E L
motorised paragliders, it struck

Western intelligence as a sign that the
assault which followed could not have
been planned entirely within Gaza. ARABIA
To train dozens of gunmen on how A YEAR TO HAMA S
to use the contraptions – garish,
three-wheel buggies attached to large

sails 150 would have attracted too
much attention within the surveilled
confines of the 141 square-mile Gaza. YEMEN
The deployment of paragliders TOTAL TO ALL Houthis
“surely required training outside of GROUPS SINCE 2012 200 mi
Gaza,” Marc Polymeropoulos, a former
CIA official who served as a counter-
terrorism officer in the Middle East, A Palestinian child Hizbollah is also now the most
told The Washington Post. poses with an M-16 heavily-armed non-state actor in the
Like many in Western intelligence rifle during the world. This week, Syria said Israeli
funeral of a man in
circles, he did not have to look far for a missiles hit airports in its capital of
the West Bank,
culprit: Iran, he said, must have been following clashes Damascus and the city of Aleppo,
involved, along the web of proxies it with Israeli forces though, as ever, the Israeli military
has spent £13.1 billion developing since at a demonstration refused to comment.
2012 alone. supporting Gaza The Iranian foreign minister was
By the end of the week, evidence reportedly forced to turn back from
had started to emerge. Hizbollah, a Damascus, where he had been due to
Lebanese armed group backed by Iran, land for a discussion with Syrian
trained elite Hamas gunmen on officials on the growing crisis.
paragliders within Lebanon, The New Iran has also set its sights further
York Times reported. In Syria, its afield, supporting insurgent groups
commandos showed more Palestinian like the Houthis in Yemen as they
operatives how to storm an Israeli battle against Saudi Arabia, another
base. It remains unclear how much longtime rival of Tehran.

involvement Iran had in the generation A total encirclement of Israel,
and timing of the assault. however, is complicated by local
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the dynamics. Groups like Hamas and
Supreme Leader, denied any role, but Hizbollah have their own interests. A
said he “kisses the hands” of the rift formed between Iran and Hamas
terrorists who carried it out. after the Syrian civil war broke out in
What is undeniable, analysts say, is
that Iranian funding and training
comes from the Islamic Republic of
Iran”. All this feeds into Tehran’s wider
‘Hizbollah’s budget, amassing them at great volume makes
it possible to rain down destruction in
documentary from 2020 meanwhile
showed how Hamas could get creative
2011, with Tehran allying with
president Bashar al-Assad while Hamas
equipped Hamas, a group previously strategy to boost its influence as the everything it eats and Israel. Hizbollah is estimated to have in terms of weapons procurement, joined the rebels; ties were restored in
known largely for its ability to home-
make rockets, with the skills needed
dominant Arab power in the region,
capable of sowing chaos and carnage
drinks, its weapons and the largest arsenal, comprising
130,000 rockets.
revealing how terrorists scavenged
parts from fallen Israeli missiles and
2017, and Iran began again funding.
For now, “Iran’s support is not really
for a multi-pronged attack that has so across a wide geographical sphere, rockets are from Iran’ Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other turned old water pipes to turn into replaceable” for the Palestinian
far killed more than 1,300 Israelis. while deterring attack on itself. Palestinian groups in Gaza have a new rockets. terrorist group, said Fabian Hinz, a
Tehran has provided support to The effort to encircle Israel this The US State Department estimates smaller stock – around 30,000 rocket It has, in sum, been a long journey research fellow for defence and
Hamas, Hizbollah 150 – a militant week appeared to be paying off, as Iran sends $100million (£82million) a and mortar projectiles, according to a from the day Hamas launched its first military analysis at the International
group that grew into one of Lebanon’s Hizbollah exchanged fire with Israel year to Palestinian terror groups, 2021 estimate from the Israeli military. homemade rocket, partly powered by Institute for Strategic Studies, a
dominant political players – and a on the northern front, forcing the including Hamas, while in 2020 it sent Iran has supercharged Hamas’ molten sugar, in 2001. London-based think tank.
range of other groups that surround deployment of Israeli military assets $700million to Hizbollah. ability to produce rockets locally, Today, the longest-range rocket at As the Israeli army moves in to crush
Israel from every angle for decades. that could otherwise focus on Gaza. Much of that goes towards building using foreign technical expertise and its disposal is believed to be the Ayyash Hamas, the full extent of that arsenal
There is little effort to keep this As of 2022, Iran was estimated to up a weapon’s cache. Rockets smuggled components. 250, with a range of 250 kilometres may well be revealed.
secret: Hamas officials have publicly have allies among a dozen major including the Fajr-3 and Fajr-5, which Experts have highlighted that (155 miles). Most Hamas targets, Either it will be enough to hold off
boasted about their links to the Islamic militias in at least six countries, have a range of roughly 25 miles and 43 rockets produced in Gaza have Farsi in however, are much closer – Jerusalem the might of a military superpower – or
Republic, while in 2016 the leader of Bahrain, Iraq, Lebanon, the Palestinian miles respectively, have been the blueprints. The drones used by and Tel Aviv are both within 50 miles Iran will lose an army of the
Hizbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, said Territories, Syria and Yemen, with smuggled into Gaza via underground Hamas, such as the Shehab suicide of Gaza. According to the Centre for encirclement strategy it has spent
“Hizbollah’s budget, everything it eats relations led by the Revolutionary tunnels, and by air into Lebanon. drone, also appear to be based off Strategic and International Studies, decades, and billions of pounds,
and drinks, its weapons and rockets, Guards (IRGC) and elite Quds Force. Many of these lack precision, but Iranian designs. An Al-Jazeera Washington-based think tank, developing.

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