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MATH1350H-A: Linear Algebra 1

Lesson 1.2: Describing the Solution Set

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In this section:

▶ How to express the solution to a linear system.

▶ Different types of solutions to systems.
▶ Leading and free variables.
▶ Parametrizing solution sets.

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1.2 Describing the Solution Set

▶ A linear system with a unique solution has a solution set with

one element. A linear system with no solution has a solution
set that is empty. In these cases the solution set is easy to
▶ Solution sets are more challenging to describe when they
contain many elements.

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Parametrizing: Example 1
−x −y +3z = 3 R2 +R1 −x −y +3z = 3
R3 +3R1
x +z = 3 −−−−−→ −y +4z = 6
3x −y +7z = 15 −4y +16z = 24
−x −y +3z = 3
R −4R2
−−3−−−→ −y +4z = 6
0 = 0
▶ Solving the second row for y : y = −6 + 4z
▶ Substitute into the first row: −x − (−6 + 4z) + 3z = 3
▶ Express x in terms of z: x = 3 − z
▶ This system has infinitely many solutions depending the value
of z.
▶ We may write the solution set as

{(3 − z, −6 + 4z, z)|z ∈ R}.

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Parametrizing: Example 2

The list of leading variables may skip over some columns.

2x −2y =0
z +3w =2
3x −3y =0
x −y +2z +6w =4

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Parametrizing: Example 2
The list of leading variables may skip over some columns.
2x −2y =0 R3 −(3/2)R1 2x −2y =0
z +3w =2 R4 −(1/2)R1 z +3w =2
3x −3y =0 0 =0
x −y +2z +6w =4 2z +6w =4

2x −2y =0
R4 −2R2 z +3w =2
0 =0
0 =0
▶ In REF, x and z are the leading variables.
▶ The non-leading variables are y and w and so we can describe
the solution set as {(y , y , 2 − 3w , w )|y , w ∈ R}.
▶ For instance, (1, 1, 2, 0) satisfies the system: take y = 1 and
w = 0.
▶ The four-tuple (1, 0, 5, 4) is not a solution since its first
coordinate does not equal its second.
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Definition (Free variable, parameter)
In REF of a linear system, variables that are not leading
(anywhere) are called free variables. A variable that we use to
describe a family of solutions is a parameter.
▶ The solution above is parametrized with y and w .
▶ Terms ‘parameter’ and ‘free variable’ are not totally the same.
▶ In prior example y and w are free because in the echelon form
they are not leading. They are also parameters because we
used them to describe the set of solutions.
▶ Had we instead rewritten the second equation as
w = 2/3 − (1/3)z, the free variables are still y and w , but the
solution would be parametrized with y and z.
▶ From now on we will solve linear systems by bringing them to
echelon form and then parametrize with the free variables.
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x +2y =1
2x +z =2
3x +2y +z −w =4

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Parametrizing: Example

x +2y =1 R2 −2R1 x +2y =1

R3 −3R1
2x +z =2 −−−−−→ −4y +z =0
3x +2y +z −w =4 −4y +z −w =1

x +2y =1
R −R
−4y +z =0
−w =1
▶ The leading variables are x, y , and w , and the variable z is
▶ To parametrize, write w in terms of z with w = −1 + 0z.
Then y = (1/4)z.
▶ Substitute for y in the first equation to get x = 1 − (1/2)z.
▶ The solution set is {(1 − (1/2)z, (1/4)z, z, −1)|z ∈ R}.

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Some things we looked at in this section:

▶ A linear system may have one, none or infinitely many
▶ Identified leading and free variables using an REF of the
▶ Expressed the set of solutions by parametrizing with the free

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