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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


1. What is the single value equivalent to log2 32?
A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7
2. Which of the following is equal to log 416?
log 16 log 4
A. log 64 B. C.
log 4 log 16
D. log4
3. Which of the following is the correct logarithmic form of 16-3/4 =
1 3
A. log 16 =-
8 4
B. log 1/8 16 = -
3 1
C. log 16 = -
4 8
D. log – ¾ 16 =
4. Which is the exponential form of log 8=0.903?
A. 810 = 0.903 B. (0.903)8 =8 C. 100.903 = 8 D. 108 = 0.903
5. What the single log expression equivalent to log a X – log a (2X+1)?
x x
A. log a x(2x+1) B. log a2 x(2x+1) C. log a2 D. log a
2 x +1 2 x +1

6. Which of the following is the value of 10log 10?

A. 1 B. 10 C. 100 D. 1000

7. What is the expanded form of log √ X ?

1 1
A. log + log X B. log X1/2 C. log X2 D.
. log X
2 2

8. Which of the following is the value of x in eln(2x+3) = 17?

A. 7 B. 8 C. 9 D. 10

9. Which is the simplest form of eln81-ln9 ?

A. 81 B. 72 C. 9 D. -9

10. What is the inverse of f(x) = 2x+1?

x−1 1
A. f-1 (x) = 2x-1 B. f-1 (x) = 1- 2x C. f-1 (x)= D. f-1 (x) = x
2 2

11. Which of the following is the value of 10log 10?

A. 1 B. 10 C. 100 D. 1000

12. Karen invested Php 100,000 in OCCI Carigara to an account that pays a simple interest of 3%
annually. What is the interest earned after 2 years?

A. Php 6,000 B. . Php 60,000 C. Php 600,000 D. Php 6,000,000

13. Which is a characteristic of a business loan?

A. Does not require a guarantor. C. Longer term.

B. No further follow-up once the loan is released. D. Collateral may include personal assets.

14. “ Bugoy is a working student (w) or under 20 years old (u), and lives in Piloro (p).” What is the
symbol equivalent to the statement?

A. w ˅ ( u ˄ p ) B. w ˅ u ˄ p C. ( w ˅ u ) ˄ p D. w ˅ p ˄ u
15. If my cousin pays the rental and I pay the electricity, then my father pays the tuition fees.

What is the proposition?

A. conjuction B. disjunction C. negation D. conditional

16. Tony is absent or Jen is absent, and it is examination day. What is the proposition?

A. conjuction B. disjunction C. negation D. conditional

17. Which of the following is NOT a compound proposition?

A. Roses are red, but violets are blue.

B. My sister took her master’s degree in Harvard University.

C. Kila was on time, but Tikla was late.

D. If it is an acute angle, then it is an acute triangle.

4 x +1 12
18. What is the LCD when you solve −3= ?
x +1 x ²−1
A. x + 1 B. x – 1 C. x² - 1 D. ( x + 1)(x –

19. Which of the following is the inverse of f = {(3,2), (-3,-1), (-6,3)}

A. f-1 = {(-3,-2), (3,1), (6,-3)} C. f-1 = {(2,3), (-1,-3), (3,-6)}

B. f-1 = {(-3,2), (3,-1), (-6,3)} D. no inverse

20. Given that log53=0.2706 and log52=0.1608, what is log512?

A. 0.5922 B. 0.2706 C. 0.1608 D. cannot be determined

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