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What is your view on the

statement “Education should be free”

The question of whether education should be free is a complex
and multifaceted issue that has sparked debates and discussions
across the globe. While some argue that education is a fundamental
right and should be accessible to all without financial barriers. Others
clalm that making education free might have detrimental
consequences for the quality and sustainability of educational
systems. However, I am of the the opinion that providing free
education will benefit individuals in various aspects and create a
society where everyone has equal opportunities to learn, grow and
contribute to the betterment of themselves and their communities.
One of the major reason for favoring free education is that it
promotes equal opportunity and contributes to societal progress.
Chile has the highest enrollment rate (84%), surpassing Brazil
(46%). Policies in these countries do not hinder students'
participation, ensuring everyone, regardless of their economic
background, has an equal chance to pursue knowledge and improve
their lives.

Apart from this, free education also promotes social cohesion

and builds a knowledge-based society. It fosters a shared identity
and lifelong learning, making society adaptable and innovative.
Countries have historically implemented free education, as
emphasized in Article 13 of the International Covenant on
Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights. The expanding global
education model demonstrates that education is a citizen's right.

Those who oppose this view say that expanding free education
will increase mass education and not quality education. At the same
time, when there is no financial pressure, students do not have the
burden of setting a study plan. In addition, it also affects the
economy, inhibits the income of teachers, and makes some people
not value education.

In conclusion, my view on the statement "Education should be

free" is rooted in the belief that education is a fundamental right that
should be accessible to all. While implementing free education may
pose financial challenges, the long-term benefits far outweigh the
costs. Making free education a worthy investment in the future of
individuals and society as a whole. Therefore, I believe that
education should be made accessible to all, regardless of their
financial means.

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