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Sogod, Southern Leyte


Name: __________________________________________ Score: ________________

Course & Year: __________________________________. Date: _________________
Subject: Art Appreciation
Module Title: Contemporary Art Movements
Learning Outcome: By the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. discuss significant historical events that informed and inspired the different
movements under contemporary art;
2. classify the different art movements; and
3. value the importance of these art movements.
Tamplin, R. (Ed.). (1991). The Arts: A History of Expression in the 20th Century.
England: Harrap Ltd.
I. Concept Notes/Big Ideas/ Summary
Compared to other periods, it can be argued that Contemporary art is the most socially aware and
involved form of art and the subject matter of its work was one of the most pressing, heated, and even
controversial issues of contemporary society.


Neo-Pop Art (-it is an evolution of the old pop art movement. Used animals in the artwork as
theme, a rebirth of a recognizable objects and celebrities from popular culture with icons and
symbols of the present times. Tends to criticize and evaluate Western cultures, values,
relationships, and interactions frequently poking fun at celebrities and openly embraces ideas
that are provocative and controversial.
•Known artist: Jeff Koons /Artwork: "Inflatable plastic rabbits", "Carved dogs"
Photorealism (painstaking attention to detail is aimed, without asserting an artist's personal
style. The term was coined by Louis K. Meisel, the term first appeared in print the following
year for the Whitney Museum's exhibition "Twenty-two Realists". Camera and photographs are
used to gather information and transfered to canvas by using mechanical or semi-mechanical
•Known artist: Chuch Close /Artwork: Paintings
Conceptualism (brought to the fore issues brought by an institutions such as museums and
galleries where works are peddled and circulated. The idea or concept is the most important
aspect of the work. Using this kind of movement means that all of the planning and dexisions
are made beforehand and the execution is a perfunctory affair. Took myriad forms, such as
performances, happenings, and ephemera
•Known artist: Jenny Holzer

Performing and Performance Art

(✓PERFORMING ART skill-based, the message is often presented to an audience via the
performers, performs in the concert hall, opera house are theater space, products could be
theatre, production, a musical recital, a ballet. The interactivity is kept to a bare minimum.
✓PERFORMANCE ART can be incredibly skilled, the art is often the performer themselves as
much as their message, performs often in the site of their performance regardless of the
environment which they perform, products could be chatting with the artist (as herself) in a
part of an art gallery made to look like her front room. Demands the
audience/viewer/spectator to engage
•Known artist: Yoko Ono / Artwork: One Woman Show

Installation Art (is a kind of an immensive work where the environment/space in which the
viewer steps into or interacts with (going around installative art) is transformed or altered.
Usually large-scale makes of a host objects, materials, conditions and even light and aural
components. Also be considered site-specificand may be temporary or ephemeral in nature.
•Known artist: Cornelia Parker / Artwork:. "Cold Dark Matter"

Earth Art (also referred to as "land art". American movement that uses the narural landsxape
to create site-specific structures, art forms, and sculptures. It is different from environmental
art in a sense that it does not focus on the subject (environmental issues or concerns) but
rather on landscape manifestation and the materials used, taken directly from the geound or
vegetation (rocks or twigs)
•Known artist: Robert Smithson / Artwork: "Spiral Jetty"

Street Art (a form of artwork that is displayed in public on surrounding buildings, on streets,
trains, and on other publicly viewed surfaces, associated with the terms "independent art",
post and neo-graffiti, guerrilla . "smart vandalism" are sometimes used by some artists as a way
to raise awareness of social and political issues. Examples include, murals, stenciled images,
stickers, and installations or installative sculptural objects usually out of common objects and


√Yarn Bombing √Sticker Street Art
√Flash Mob √3D Wall Graffiti
√Sideway Chalk Art √Poster
√Moss Art √Sculptures
√Spray Paint Murals √Graffiti

•Create your own art movement and describe its main tenets.

• Give it a name.

•What does this movement attempt to do? What are the concerns or questions will it attempt to
answer? Imagine what kind of materials/media and techniques will be used to create and realize the
concepts behind artist' works.

•Paste/attach the picture of your own art movement.

This is my artwork and I will name it “As the Sun Rises”. This art is based on the Ancient Greece 600 BCE
as its time period and its art movement is PHOTOREALISM. It can also be called “STREET ART” because it
was taken in the street shows how you felt love as you open in your eyes in the morning and see the sun
rises and the tress are pretty while they were swaying along with the air. You can see how lovely the
world is and how does the reality make you feel the essence of love.

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