Capitalmind Adaptive Momentum Special Five Year Report PDF

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0 Demystifying Momentum

Table of Contents
Why this paper ....................................................................................................................................1
Adaptive Momentum 5-Year Performance Tear sheet ...........................................................................2
The difference between Traditional & Quantitative Investing ................................................................3
Traditional Investing: Assembling a Mosaic ................................................................................................................. 3
Quantitative Investing: Distilling the Essence ............................................................................................................. 3
Why Traditional Investing is like Cooking, Quantitative Investing is like Baking. ........................................................... 5
Understanding Momentum Investing ...................................................................................................6
Globally Researched by academics and practitioners ................................................................................................ 6
Momentum in Indian markets ..................................................................................................................................... 8
So, it works, but why? ................................................................................................................................................. 8
Ten Battle-tested Real-World Momentum Investing Lessons ................................................................9
Assumes we know less ............................................................................................................................................... 9
Is wrong, a lot ........................................................................................................................................................... 10
Casts a wide net ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
Repeatable and scalable, given time ........................................................................................................................ 10
Can’t diagnose why it has not been working.............................................................................................................. 11
Works because it “stops working” ............................................................................................................................ 11
Cannot be timed with certainty ................................................................................................................................. 11
Does not beat the ‘Best’ fundamental Investors ........................................................................................................ 12
But outperforms the ‘Average’ Investor...................................................................................................................... 12
Momentum’s edge is not what people think .............................................................................................................. 12
Closing: Momentum, Humans, and Investing ..................................................................................... 13
Notes ................................................................................................................................................ 14
Know more: Get in touch ................................................................................................................... 15
Think of it like owning an electric car. You don’t
Why this paper need to be able to take it apart and rebuild it.
The Adaptive Momentum Portfolio in our PMS, But understanding the essential systems and
Capitalmind Wealth, completed five years of how they work together tells you how reliably
live operation on March 5, 2024, making it you will reach your destination.
India’s longest-running quantitative PMS
momentum strategy. The “essential systems” of Momentum
Five years is only a fraction of a typical
investing lifetime. On the other hand, five years • How quantitative investment strategies
is an eternity in an age of widely available “1- differ from traditional fundamental
Year Top Performer” lists. stock-picking approaches
• The principles underlying Momentum
Traditional fundamental investment strategies Investing, its strengths and weaknesses
lend themselves to top-down macro • The likelihood that it’ll sustain and the
Commentary, detailed sectoral trends, and in- things to keep in mind
depth company analysis for each portfolio
constituent to explain how and why they work. This should give any investor, existing or
prospective, a foundational understanding of
Quantitative strategies like Adaptive Momentum investing and whether it makes
Momentum depend on statistically defined sense in their investment portfolio.
factors. So, they tend to be less relatable.
If anything in the following pages sounds
We wrote this article for the non-finance “technical” and conveys false sophistication, it
investor to understand, jargon-free, from our is unintended and a failure on our part. Where
experience managing a quantitative applicable, you’ll find numbered links to
momentum strategy with real capital. footnotes for further references if you’re so
inclined. Feel free to contact us for
One Rupee invested in the NSE500 on March 5, clarifications at the coordinates mentioned at
2019, would be worth 2.35 nearly five years the end.
later, a 135% increase. In Capitalmind Adaptive
Momentum, that rupee would be worth 3.53, What this article is not: A how-to manual of
an increase of 253%. The NSE500, being an Momentum Investing because there are plenty
index, assumes no costs, while the Adaptive of those, and momentum investing is really not
Momentum nav is not a theoretical model that complicated1.
portfolio and is net of actual trading costs, STT,
and fees. First, a look at the performance of Capitalmind
Adaptive Momentum in the five years since
Over 1,000 investors, including individuals, inception.
families, and corporations, are invested in the
Capitalmind PMS Adaptive Momentum
portfolio. The investors with the highest IRRs
(effective rates of return) on their investments
have stayed invested through periods of
indifferent performance and continue to add to
their investments.

That kind of conviction and patience comes

from a conceptual and practical understanding
of the underlying investment philosophy.

Adaptive Momentum 5-Year
One-Year Rolling Returns
Performance Tear sheet
The charts in this section show the
performance of Capitalmind Adaptive
Momentum since its inception in March 2019
alongside that of the Nifty 50 and Nifty 500
benchmark indices. The benchmark indices are
Total Return, i.e. they include dividends.
Adaptive Momentum numbers take fees,
transaction costs and STT into account.

₹100 invested five years ago

5th March 2019 to 4th March 2024

Percentage Time Leading on 1-year Rolling


Five-Year Performance Summary

Cumulative Equity Curve

Adaptive Momentum’s five-year tenure has

seen wildly varying market conditions. It has
Calendar Year Returns delivered strong risk-adjusted returns, albeit
not without significant periods of trailing the
benchmarks on a one-year rolling basis.

Headline numbers out of the way, the rest of

this short report will examine the underlying
differences between Adaptive Momentum and
traditional styles, their respective strengths
and weaknesses, and hard-won real-world

The difference between Traditional & The elements of that diagram combine to help
us determine an (approximate) fair value for
Quantitative Investing any company.

Investing, in a nutshell, is about finding

“If you want to companies that the market is currently valuing
understand the whole, at less than “fair” value. The implicit
you must first look at the assumption is that the market will eventually
pieces.” - Aristotle recognise this higher fair value, enabling your

We’ll start with the smallest unit of Every fundamental investing style boils down to
fundamental investing, i.e., company analysis this.
and valuation, as the jumping-off point to make
sense of how Quantitative or Rule-based
investing differs from traditional fundamental Great investors build their
investing. reputation on being “more
right” than the rest in
Traditional Investing: Assembling a
assembling the mosaic.

The graphic below is the typical framework Quantitative Investing: Distilling the
used to analyse companies fundamentally.

If fundamental investing is about synthesising

multiple inputs, like assembling a jigsaw
puzzle, quantitative investing is about distilling
the essence.

Most quantitative approaches are attempts at

reducing hundreds, even thousands, of inputs
that potentially drive returns down to a small
but meaningful and repeatable set.

Quantitative Investing starts with an

investment thesis, a “what if” set of rules
The graphic broadly covers the significant applied consistently to pick portfolios. Buying
inputs to determine that present value2. stocks with higher relative returns, i.e. broadly
called Momentum, is only one such set of
That fair value is driven by its: rules. Other rules could be about buying the
• External Environment: Capital Markets and highest Return on Capital companies (Quality),
Competition in its space. lowest Price-Earnings companies (Value),
• Internal Capabilities: Quality of lowest volatility companies or variations and
Management and the assets it owns and combinations of those.
can build.
• Moat (or Sustainable Competitive To count on a set of rules to do as well or better
Advantage3): Capabilities that allow the than a painstakingly chosen portfolio, based on
company to thrive and others cannot easily deep fundamental analysis, the rules need to:
replicate. • have an enduring underlying economic
rationale and

• be rigorously validated by historical What if we did the opposite? Buy stocks closest
data4 to their 52-week highs and hold for a month.
Everything else stays the same.
Neither of the above two criteria alone is
sufficient to build a quantitative investment

“In God we trust. All

others must bring data.”

- W. Edwards Deming
(Pioneering Statistician)

Buying a stock at 52-week highs is better than

buying at its 52-week low strategy by quite a
Buying stocks at lows margin. However, even that fails to do better
than just buying the index.
“Buy low, Sell high”—the most unarguable
investing truism. You’re thinking, maybe buying at lows works if
we held those stocks for longer, like a quarter
Let’s consider a quantitative approach that or even a year. We tried all those variations of a
buys stocks beaten down in price. “buy low” strategy, and you’d still do better just
buying and holding the index.
We buy 20 stocks from the top 100 by market
cap, closest to their 52-week lows, and hold
them for a month. Let’s say we have done this In markets, what we think
for over 16 years, from 2007 to 2024. Before should work and what
reading further, what would such a strategy do
does are often different.
compared to buying and holding the Nifty?
Quantitative investing
Logic suggests this should do well, given we’d looks at the world as it is,
be buying stocks relatively cheaper than their not as it should be.
historical prices. The chart says we’d be wrong.

Bangladesh Butter Production and the S&P

“Torture the data enough,

and it will confess to

– Ronald H. Coase
Applying a “buy stocks at lows” strategy would
have returned just over half the Nifty. Not a
great way to invest.
In 1993, two analysts at First Quadrant
published a paper that said that Bangladesh’s

butter production was an almost perfect
predictor of the S&P 500 index.

Source: Forbes (2012) The objective of this gated process is not to be

seduced by shiny new objects or noise
In statistical terms, an R-squared5 of 0.99, pretending to be signal. Most ideas that sound
along with a low p-value6, can be interpreted as promising in theory do not make it through
there is a proven relationship7 between the initial exploration. Several look promising but
variables. don’t survive further validation. Many that
survive validation show real-world constraints.
The two analysts successfully highlighted the A small set makes it all the way to justify
absurdity of relying only on statistical deploying capital.
techniques bereft of the economic rationale for
investment decisions.
Sound quantitative
One of them, David Leinweber, wrote in a investing relies on a
Forbes article8 in 2012 that twenty years later,
robust, replicable process
he was still getting calls from investors asking
for data on Bangladesh butter production. validated by, but not
tailored to the past.

Correlation is not
necessarily causation. Why Traditional Investing is like Cooking,
Sound judgment to know Quantitative Investing is like Baking.
the difference is
essential. Cooking is an art involving creative
combinations of ingredients. A chef uses
intuition and experience to create a unique
Writing about the pitfalls and abuse of dish. The dish itself can be slightly different
backtests9 to make grand claims would be an each time they make it.
article by itself, so we’ll leave it at; when it
comes to quantitative investing, you will never Baking is a precise science involving following a
see a bad backtest. series of precise tested steps. A tiny variation
can drastically affect the final product’s taste
The flowchart below summarises the process and texture. A baker’s creativity is applied to
we’ve evolved into at Capitalmind when going developing and testing those steps to create
from a “what if” hypothesis to deploying real something unique.
money on a quantitative strategy.

Momentum Investing, in a nutshell, is a
strategy that picks stocks that have had higher
relative returns over the recent past and holds
them for a defined period. Historical and live
Traditional Quantitative performance reviews have shown Momentum
Investing Investing investing outperforms buying and holding the
Inputs Wide: Deep and market index.
Qualitative Narrow:
(management Extensive How can such a simplistic strategy offer long-
quality) and amount of term outperformance versus the market?
quantitative historical data
Process Based on Objective Momentum is one of the most well-explored
interpretation: decisions: Only investing phenomena in global finance going
Same works if applied back several decades.
information consistently
can result in
contrasting Globally Researched by academics and
decisions practitioners
Strengths Deeper Reduces
understanding emotional bias, The starting point to explore Momentum
of investments more efficient investing is a 1993 paper10 by two finance
can identify and scalable, professors at UCLA, Jegadeesh Narasimhan
undervalued diversification and Sheridan Titman.
opportunities is built-in
that others They tested various portfolios built using a “J-
might miss month / K-month” strategy where they picked
Weak- Time- Can overlook stocks based on past J-month returns and held
nesses consuming, nuances that them for K months after portfolio formation. J
susceptible to don’t fit the and K varied from 3 to 12 months in three-
biases, skill model. month increments. The research tested every
and expertise- Dependent on combination.
dependent. effectiveness of
chosen factors Their finding was that all combinations of past
Risk Managed Managed returns and holding periods, barring one,
through systematically outperformed a basic buy-and-hold strategy
discretion net of costs.

Momentum Investing is one such type of

Quantitative investing.
“Strategies which buy
Understanding Momentum Investing stocks that have
performed well in the past
“A stock that has been generate significant
moving up strongly for a positive returns over 3- to
while is likely to continue 12-month holding
doing so a little bit longer. periods.”
That’s the core idea. The
rest is details” – Andreas
Clenow (Stocks on the Move) In 199911, Tobias Moskowitz of the Chicago
Graduate School of Business and Mark
Grinblatt of Anderson School of Business, substantial abnormal
UCLA, examined the industry component in a returns with little
stock’s Momentum on 32 years of data from
exposure to standard
1963 to 1995.
asset pricing factors and
performs best during
extreme markets.”
“Industry momentum
investment strategies,
which buy stocks from
A 2017 paper13, “A century of evidence on
past winning industries trend-following investing”, by Brian Hurst, Yao
and sell stocks from past Hua Ooi and Lasse Pedersen, considered
losing industries, appear monthly returns for 67 markets across four
highly profitable, even major asset classes: 29 commodities, 11
after controlling for size…” equity indices, 15 bond markets, and twelve
currency pairs.

They constructed equal-weight combinations

Another paper12 by Tobias Moskowitz, Yao Hua of 1-month, 3-month, and 12-month time-
Ooi, and Lasse Hej Pedersen expanded the series momentum strategies from Jan 1880 to
scope of examining Momentum to over 25 Dec 2016, 136 years, rebalanced monthly.
years of data on five dozen diverse financial
instruments, including country equity indices,
currencies, commodities, and sovereign
bonds. “Even assuming a 2-and-
20 fee model (2% of AUM
as fixed fee and 20% of
gains), a momentum-
“We document significant based strategy
“time series momentum” outperformed net of costs
in equity index, currency, in every decade from
commodity, and bond 1880 to 2016, with a
futures for each of the 58 minimum
liquid instruments we outperformance of 2.6%
consider. We find from 1880 to 1889 and a
persistence in returns for maximum of 15.1% from
1 to 12 months that 1970 to 1979.”
partially reverses over
longer horizons,
consistent with sentiment
theories of initial under- A comprehensive review titled ‘Fact, Fiction
and Momentum Investing’14 by Cliff Asness,
reaction and delayed
Andrea Frazzini, Ronen Israel, and Tobias
over-reaction. A Moskowitz of AQR Capital made this telling
diversified portfolio of assertion:
time series momentum
strategies across all asset
classes delivers

Kenneth R French, based on an analysis of 42
“The existence of years of data from 1963 to 2005, concluded:
Momentum is a well-
established empirical
fact. The return premium
is evident in 212 years “Anomalous returns
(yes, this is not a typo, two associated with net stock
hundred and twelve years issues, accruals, and
of data, from 1801 to momentum are
2012) of US equity data, pervasive.”
dating back to the
Victorian age in UK Equity Years later, he referred to Momentum as “the
data, in more than 20 premier anomaly” that persists even as others
years of out-of-sample fell away.
evidence from its original Momentum in Indian markets
discovery, in 40 other
countries, and more than In 2019, we did our study into Indian markets16.
a dozen other asset

Finally, the most telling validation of

Momentum as an investment strategy came
from Dr. Eugene Fama, Robert R. McCormick
Distinguished Service Professor of Finance at
the University of Chicago Booth School of
Business. His biography page on the Chicago
Booth website refers to him as the “father of It did not take a stretch to see that Momentum
modern finance”. He is best known for his work has worked well in India. We examined a few
on the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH), for variants of a momentum investing strategy,
which he and his co-authors were awarded the Naive Momentum, along with volatility-
Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences. adjusted versions. All momentum portfolios
comfortably outperformed a Nifty Buy-and-
EMH, in a nutshell, says capital markets are Hold strategy. Adding volatility-adjusted Sharpe
efficient in processing information. Stock return ratios helped improve the risk-return
prices at any time are based on correctly profile of the strategy by reducing the impact of
evaluating all available information. i.e. In an sharp market drawdowns on portfolio
efficient market, prices fully reflect available performance.
information. And if prices reflect all information
at any time, there is no way to profit from Momentum has historically worked to deliver
identifying mispricing. excess returns in India.

In 2008, Prof. Fama published a paper titled So, it works, but why?
“Dissecting Anomalies15”, which explored
returns from specific investment strategies that Researchers have proposed several
did not conform to the Efficient Market behavioural explanations for why a strategy
Hypothesis. In this paper, he and his co-author that buys past winners and sells past losers
outperforms the market consistently over

centuries of data across asset classes and resurgence in the face of major geopolitical
countries. conflicts. Some pre-existing beliefs about
momentum investing were reinforced, others
Underreaction (or Anchoring Bias or the were challenged leading to modifications. And
Frog-in-the-Pan hypothesis)17: Investors are more ideas fuelled the need for further
inattentive to information arriving continuously exploration. What follow are our hard-won
in small amounts, so frequent gradual changes lessons from the last five years.
attract less attention than infrequent dramatic
changes. A company with consistently but
gradually improving performance would not Assumes we know less
attract significant attention. A momentum
strategy could enter and ride the gradual price Successful fundamental investors make
rise. money by knowing something about a
company that the people they are buying from
or selling to do not. That “something” could be
Disposition Effect18: A natural inclination to one or more of many things. Understanding the
sell winners but hold on to losers to avoid sector’s tailwinds, potential new products in
losses. Consistent selling from existing the pipeline, and new management about
investors acts as a brake on the stock price, changing capital allocation policy. Each boils
increasing the price gradually and, therefore, down to a different and more correct
allowing a momentum strategy to enter. interpretation of the future.

Momentum investing is the opposite. It

Cognitive Dissonance19: News that assumes that, given any company, a set of
contradicts investor sentiments causes investors knows better and relies on buying
cognitive dissonance, which tends to get after them.
ignored or disbelieved, thus slowing its
diffusion into stock prices. Therefore, losers
keep getting underpriced while winners keep
getting overpriced, sustaining their

But then, that’s the theory. And nothing quite

replaces lived experience.

Ten Battle-tested Real-World

Momentum Investing Lessons

Experience is one thing you

can’t get for nothing.

Oscar Wilde

From under ₹5 Cr in 2019, the Capitalmind

Adaptive Momentum portfolio has grown to
over ₹750 Cr in assets under management. A
few things happened along the way. An
indifferent 2019, the pandemic crash and its
aftermath in 2020-21, the inflation/rates-led
reversion in 2022 and the 2023 market
It logically follows that a momentum strategy from old-school commodity manufacturers to
never buys at the bottom. Many investors find it new-age internet companies and anywhere in
hard to buy a stock that is up significantly. between.

Is wrong, a lot

If we define the “winner ratio” as the

percentage of stocks that result in positive
returns during their tenure in the portfolio, then
Momentum investing barely does 50.

Here’s why that might be. Momentum’s

approach is to buy trending stocks. Since a
trend is a fad that endures, an approach that
looks to get in early sometimes buys fads that
die out.

In the long run, half the stocks exit the portfolio

lower than they entered (the cluster of red dots The ability to move to different parts of the
in the above chart are live data for Adaptive market, be it market caps, industries, or
Momentum). If you’re used to getting most of companies long ignored by the market, makes
your questions right on exams at school, this Momentum an agile approach.
can be a physically painful experience.

The returns in Momentum come from having a Repeatable and scalable, given time
few big winners and not losing too much on the
losers. Even knowing this in advance doesn’t Successful authors face the highest pressure
make it easy to live through. when following up on a successful book.
Similarly, the traditional investor who sees his
portfolio go through a purple patch followed by
Casts a wide net a lean stretch needs to hang tight or rejig their
portfolio to reflect the new reality. There is no
Every stock is not a great investment, but a easy answer.
great investment can come from any stock.
Momentum, as a Quantitative approach, relies
Successful fundamental investors sensibly on staying true to itself by applying a proven
stick within a circle of competence. Since strategy that yields outcomes in the long term.
Momentum has none, it relies on ideas from
the thousands of different circles of
competence. Its biggest winners could range

Short-term outcomes are noisy. Long-term
outcomes reflect the quality of the process.

Cannot diagnose why it has not been

A fundamental investor can attribute their
portfolio struggles to their chosen set of stocks
When a fundamentally picked stock, like a being unpopular and will themselves to be
defence equipment company, does not deliver
patient. A momentum, or any Quantitative
the expected returns, there is usually an
investor, cannot specifically explain why it
identifiable cause. The orders didn’t come in as
hasn’t worked for a while, except knowing it
expected because the expected spending
doesn’t occasionally work, often for
didn’t materialise. Or the orders came, but the uncomfortably long stretches.
company struggled to deliver due to quality
issues, or maybe they delivered but couldn’t
Any strategy with no detractors will stop
convert receivables to cash. Perhaps they did
working because then, who would investors
all the above, but the market had priced even
buy from?
higher expectations, leading to a correction.

Momentum strategies go nowhere for periods. Cannot be timed with certainty

For example, in 2018, or for most of 2022. Only
in retrospect can we see that most stocks went This one is the hardest to accept for even long-
nowhere during those periods. Not being able time practitioners of Momentum investing, us
to pinpoint specific reasons can be included, let alone investors.
unsatisfying for a lot of investors.
At Capitalmind, we integrated some indicators
Works because it “stops working” that work to move into cash when broad market
corrections unfold, like the pandemic crash.
But knowing the specific periods when
“My portfolio has now been trailing the
Momentum will not work, so far, hasn’t been
benchmark for 12/18/24 months. It has solved. Conversely, you also can’t forecast
stopped working.” – Momentum investors, just
when it will start working again.
before they throw in the towel
Backtests and live performance indicate
In its 60-month tenure, Adaptive Momentum
Momentum underperforms the benchmark
has trailed the benchmark nearly a third of the
roughly 1/3rd of the time on a 1-year basis.
time, with one continuous stretch lasting 18
When the holding period increases to three and
months. Of those 18 months, for 12 months, five years, the chances of decent performance
Adaptive Momentum showed a negative 1-year
increase significantly.
rolling return. The kicker, this behaviour is
almost identical to Momentum backtests.

Momentum’s edge is not what people

Three underlying edges account for all superior

returns, i.e. returns greater than the major
benchmark index:

The only workaround, therefore, is to stay

consistently allocated.

Does not beat the ‘Best’ fundamental


The best investors are contrarians in their

consistent ability to buy the stocks where the
gap between the market’s assessment of the
company’s earning trajectory diverges widely
from their own. Consistent is the keyword.

Since Momentum assumes we know less, by

definition, it will only buy stocks after the best
fundamental investors.

This means it is not for investors who only

accept having “beaten” all other investors as a
satisfactory outcome. Informational Edge: Having more information
than other investors before they do. This
But outperforms the ‘Average’ Investor includes the illicit kind, where a small set of
investors know before the rest. Thanks to
capital market regulations, this kind has largely
The average fundamental investor believes in a disappeared. The other is doing legwork by
chosen set of stocks as the holy grail of returns. visiting channel partners, vendors, customers,
They identify with their companies and and competitors to determine a company’s
consider all stocks not on their favoured list as trajectory before it becomes common
inferior investments. knowledge.

Analytical Edge: The ability to better analyse

available information. This could involve
enhanced skills in assessing markets and
securities, proprietary models, and even better

Behavioural Edge: Capitalises on common

Since it casts a wide net, Momentum Investing investor biases and limitations in decision-
has no tribal affiliation with any set of stocks, making under certainty. It involves structuring a
sector, or theme. The Momentum investor is process that avoids emotional biases and
perfectly comfortable changing her mind, so it consistency pitfalls.
does better than the average investor.
Momentum investors like to believe their edge
is analytical. Resting on the sophistication of
the model used to score and rank stocks, the • When choosing a hotel for your first trip
frequency at which they rebalance, whether to a city, we’ll pick a familiar chain over
they follow an overlapping portfolio, the an unknown standalone hotel.
position-sizing mechanism and rules that
govern moving to cash. Getting those things There are logical reasons why we make choices
right is important, but only up to a point. this way. Social Proof is the idea of relying on
the wisdom of crowds to filter out undesirable
The Momentum Investor’s edge is primarily options. The availability heuristic says that
behavioural and, to a lesser extent, analytical. popular things that come to mind quickly are
The hallmark of that edge is the ability to follow reliable. The bandwagon effect says we’re more
a consistent process without discretionary comfortable climbing aboard a trend when it is
overrides and stick with it, even when it “feels” widespread.
These tendencies of human behaviour are
time-tested. Is it surprising that they extend to
Closing: Momentum, Humans, and investing?
Momentum is not a silver bullet strategy
(nothing is) that will magically only buy stocks
Investment approaches with a solid recent run
that go up or that presciently avoid every kind
tend to get the most interest from new
of portfolio decline (because then it’d be more
investors, often without fully appreciating the
accurately called the Madoff strategy20). It’s
nuances. When the inevitable
core strength is in offering a consistent,
underperformance comes, that initial
repeatable way of investing that, however
excitement vaporises, and reallocation
unintuitively, has stood the test of time.
decisions get made, only for the cycle to repeat
with the next “can’t miss” theme.
Investing in Momentum is
The question then is, what are the chances that
easy. Staying invested in
the collective behaviour that has enabled
Momentum is harder. Plan
momentum investing the world over for over
two centuries and in the relatively nascent
Indian market, will cease to exist over the next

• If you’ve walked down a street in an

unfamiliar town looking for a meal,
chances are you picked the crowded
place over the place with empty tables.
• When deciding between two online
sellers for identical-looking products,
we pick the one with higher ratings and a
significantly higher number of reviews.
• Social media algorithms surface the
most-watched videos because those Get in touch with any questions or comments. I
are most likely to get the most am on Twitter/X @CalmInvestor, email
engagement. For some of the
• We are more likely to sign and repost an specifics about Capitalmind Adaptive
online petition with thousands of Momentum, click on To
signatures over one with a handful. schedule a call with a Capitalmind Client

Notes themselves and the economic indicator in your
Instead of getting lost in a maze of can’t-miss
momentum webinars and strategies, we suggest 9
‘Backtesting Portfolios’ presentation by Prof.
referring to Quantitative Momentum by Wes Gray Daniel Palomar of HKUST
and Jack Vogel.
References: Momentum in Global markets and
The topic of valuing companies is extensive and India
the subject of several post-graduate level courses
in Finance. Some of the most popular references 10
Jegadees Narasimhan, Sheridan Titman, Returns
are ‘Security Analysis’ by Benjamin Graham and to buying winners and selling losers: Implications
David Dodd, ‘Valuation: Measuring and Managing for stock market efficiency (1993)
the value of companies’ by McKinsey & Co., and
‘Damodaran on Valuation’ by Prof. Aswath 11
Tobias Moskowitz, Mark Grinblatt, Do Industries
Damodaran. Explain Momentum? (1999)
The term was coined by Michael Porter, in his book Yao Hua Ooi, Lasse Heje Pedersen, Tobias

‘Competitive Strategy: Techniques for analysing Moskowitz, Time Series Momentum (2012)
industries and competitors’. Capabilities can be
physical, like efficient manufacturing plants and 13
Brian Hurst, Tao Hua Ooi, Lasse Heje Pedersen, A
logistics networks, or intangible, like a reputation century of trend-following investing (2017)
for great customer service, brands, intellectual
property or even access to cheap capital. 14
Cliff Asness, Andrea Frazzini, Tobias Moskowitz,
Fact, Fiction and Momentum Investing (2014)
The five tests of a viable quantitative investment
thesis: In their book “Your Complete Guide to Eugene Fama, Kenneth French, Dissecting

Factor-Based Investing”, Andrew Berkin and Larry Anomalies (2008)

Swedroe list five conditions a quantitative factor
should meet. 16
Capitalmind, Does Momentum Investing Work in
Indian Equities? (2019)

References: Behavioural reasons why Momentum


Zhi Da, Umit G. Gurun, Mitch Warachka, Frog in
the Pan: Continuous Information and Momentum,
The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 27, Issue
Applying these criteria filters out a lot of 7, July 2014, Pages 2171–2218
prospective “can’t lose” investment strategies
when you see them work for short periods or on a 18
Mark Grinblatt, Bing Han, Prospect theory, Mental
narrow universe of stocks. Accounting and Momentum, Journal of Financial
Economics, Volume 78, 2005
R-squared: An informal explanation: How to 19
Antoniou, C., Doukas, J., & Subrahmanyam, A.
interpret R-squared in regression analysis, A more (2013). Cognitive Dissonance, Sentiment, and
formal one by PennState Eberly College of Science: Momentum. Journal of Financial and Quantitative
The Coefficient of Determination, r-squared Analysis, 48(1), 245-275.
p-value: Pubmed Central - What the p-value really
tells us 20
Bernie Madoff: Who he was, how his Ponzi
scheme worked
Statistical significance: Easy-to-understand
article by mailchimp: A Business Owner’s guide to
Understanding statistical significance <End of Notes>
The 2012 Forbes article by David Leinweber:
Stupid Data Miner Tricks: How Quants fool

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