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98 Biology XI ~ (Term-I)

Cell : The Unit of Life

Quick Revision
Cell is the fundamental, structural and l
The cells also vary in their shapes and may be
functional unit of all living organisms. The term polygonal, disc-like, amoeboid, thread-like,
‘Cell’ was coined by Robert Hooke in the year cuboid or irregular. The shape of the cell is may
1665. varies with the function they performs.
A living cell was first seen and described by
Types of Cells
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. The nucleus was
discovered by Robert Brown.
On the basis of organisation, complexity and
variety, all cells can be grouped into two types,
Cell Theory i.e. prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
Cell theory was proposed by Schleiden and
Prokaryotic Cells

Schwann in 1838. l
These are represented by bacteria, blue-green
This theory was modified by Rudolf Virchow algae, mycoplasma, etc.
(1855) to explain the formation of new cells. l
All prokaryotic cells are bound by a plasma
The cell theory can be summarised as
membrane enclosing a gel or fluid-like
All living organisms are made up of one or
cytoplasm. Except mycoplasma, all prokaryotic
more cells.
cells have a cell wall.
The cell is the basic structural and functional
unit of life.
These lack a well-defined nucleus. The genetic
material, i.e DNA is naked and circular, not
All cells arise from pre-existing cells (Omnis
enveloped by a nuclear membrane. Many
prokaryotic cells possess extrachromosomal small
Size and Shape of Cell circular DNA called plasmids. It confers unique
The cells exhibit high variation in size, lifespan phenotype to the cell.
and cellular activities, e.g. mycoplasmas l
Cell envelope is chemically complex and the
(smallest cell) or PPLOs (Pleuro-Pneumonia manner in which it responds to Gram staining
Like Organisms) is only 0.3 µm in length and procedure, classified bacteria as Gram positive
bacterial cells are approximately 3-5 µm in size. and Gram negative bacteria. The cell envelope
An ostrich egg, which is known to be the largest of former take up the stain, while that of later
isolated single cell measures about 170 × 135 does not take up the stain.
mm. Human Red Blood Cells (RBCs) are about l
Cell envelope consist of three tightly bound
7 µm in diameter and the nerve cell of human layers,
being is the longest cell having a length of n
Glycocalyx Present either as slime layer or as
90-100 cm. capsule in different bacteria.
CBSE New Pattern Biology XI ~ (Term-I) 99
Cell wall Made up of peptidoglycan provides Structure/
Plant Cell Animal Cell
structural support and integrity to the bacterial cell. Organelles
Plasma membrane Selectively permeable in Cell wall Present Absent
nature. Plastids Present Absent
Mesosomes are the membranous structures which Centrioles Absent Present
are formed by the extensions of plasma membrane
Vacuoles Present as a Either very
as vesicles, tubules and lamellae. These are large central small or
involved in cell wall formation, DNA replication, vacuole Absent
respiration, secretion, increase in surface area, etc.
Chromatophores are pigment containing
An eukaryotic cell is composed of various
membranous extensions present in cyanobacteria. cell components as cell membrane, cell wall
(only in plants), mitochondria, chloroplast,
Flagella are thin filamentous extensions, arising
Golgi bodies, ribosomes, centrioles (only in
from the cell wall of a bacterial cell. A flagellum in
animals), etc.
a prokaryotic cell is composed of three
parts–filament (longest portion), hook and basal Cell Membrane
body. l
Every living cell is covered by a thin, elastic,
Pili are proteinaceous, elongated and tubular transparent, semi-permeable and regenerative
structures found on the surface of bacterial cell. membrane called cell membrane also called
Fimbriae are small, bristle-like fibres, which help plasma membrane or plasmalemma.
the bacteria to attach to the substratum or host l
In 1950s, with the advancement of electron
tissue. Both pili and fimbriae do not play role in microscope the detailed structure of the
the motility of bacteria. membrane was studied. Most of the initial
Prokaryotes contain 70 S ribosomes studies on cell membrane structure, i.e.
[50 S + 30 S] in the cytoplasm and these are the especially on the human Red Blood Cells
site of protein synthesis. (RBCs), enabled the scientists to deduce the
Polysome or Polyribosomes are formed by the possible structure of plasma membrane.
association of several ribosomes to a single mRNA. l
Studies on human RBCs concluded that the
Inclusion bodies, e.g. phosphates granules, cell membrane is composed of lipid which
glycogen granules, gas vacuoles, etc., found in the forms a bilayer with protein molecules
cytoplasm of prokaryotic cells store reserve food embedded in it at different places.
material. These are not bound by any membrane n
Lipids Majorly cholesterol and phospholipids
system. are arranged in a bilayer with polar
hydrophilic heads facing outwards and
Eukaryotic Cells non-polar, hydrophobic tails facing inwards
It includes protists, plants, animals and fungi. the cell.
These possess membrane bound organelles,
Proteins These include, peripheral proteins
including an organised nucleus bound by a and integral proteins. The former lies on the
double-layered nuclear envelope. The nucleus surface, while the latter are partially or totally
embedded in the membrane.
contains genetic material organised into
chromosomes. l
Fluid mosaic model is the most accepted
All eukaryotic cells are not identical. Plant cells model of the cell membrane structure. It was
and animal cells differ significantly due to the proposed by Singer and Nicolson in 1972.
presence or absence of certain organelles. They proposed that the quasi-fluid nature of
lipids in plasma membrane allow the lateral
The difference between plant and animal cells can
movement to proteins within the overall
be tabulated as
bilayer. It also contributes to cell growth,
100 CBSE New Pattern Biology XI ~ (Term-I)

division, secretion, endocytosis and formation of l

The structural and functional details of the
plasmodesmata. organelles of the endomembrane system are
The selectively permeable plasma membrane tabulated below
allow the movement of various substances across Organelles Structure Functions
it through different mechanisms which have
Endoplasmic ˜
Network of tubular ˜
RER involved
been tabulated below Reticulum structures. in protein
Mode of Transport Characteristics/ (ER) synthesis and
Rough ER possess
Type of Molecules ribosomes on secretion.
Passive transport surface, continuous ˜
SER involved
Does not require energy
with nuclear in synthesis of
while transporting
membrane. lipids.
molecules along the
Simple diffusion concentration gradient.
Smooth ER does
not possess
Osmosis ˜
Neutral solutes are
transported along the
Carrier proteins concentration gradient. Golgi ˜
Flat, disc-shaped, ˜
Movement of water along apparatus parallely stacked and secretion.
the concentration gradient. cisternae, possess ˜
Formation of
Transport of polar cis (forming) and glycoproteins
molecules is facilitated. trans (maturation) and
faces. glycolipids.
Active transport ˜
Molecules are transported
(Na + /K + pump) against the concentration Lysosomes ˜
Single membrane ˜
Digestion of
gradient by utilising ATP. (Suicidal bound vesicular proteins,
bags) structures lipids, nucleic
Cell Wall containing acids and
hydrolytic enzymes. carbohydrates.
It is the outer covering of plasma membrane in ˜
plants and fungi. It is differentiated into polymorphism and
Middle lamella composed of calcium pectate occur as primary
which keep the different neighbouring cells lysosomes (contain
intact. inactive enzymes),
Primary wall capable of growth and thus, secondary
lysosomes (digestive
found in young plant cells. vacuoles), residual
Secondary wall formed on the inner side of the bodies and
mature cell. autophagic
Occasionally, a tertiary cell wall may also be vacuoles.
present. Vacuoles ˜
Single membrane ˜
Algal cell wall contains galactans, mannans, (tonoplast) bound on and
cellulose and minerals, while plant cell wall sacs in cytoplasm excretion by
which contain contractile
contains cellulose, hemicellulose, pectins and water, sap, vacuole in
proteins. Fungal cell wall consists mainly of excretory products, Amoeba.
chitin. etc. ˜
Food vacuole
Food vacuole is engulf food
Endomembrane System formed by fusion of particles, as in
It consists of four membranous organelles whose phagosome and protists.
functions are coordinated. These include ER, lysosome.
Golgi complex, lysosomes and vacuoles.
CBSE New Pattern Biology XI ~ (Term-I) 101

Mitochondria Ribosomes
These are enveloped by double membrane filled l
These are the granular structures first observed
with dense, homogenous matrix. The inner under the electron microscope as dense particle
membrane folds into the matrix to form cristae by George Palade (1953).
(bear F 1-particles or oxysomes). l
These are composed of Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)
Mitochondria are cylindrical bodies with an and proteins and are not surrounded by any
average diameter of 0.2-1 µ and are ordinarily membrane.
3-10 µ in length. l
Eukaryotic ribosomes are 80 S, while
These possess single circular DNA, 70 S prokaryotic ribosomes are 70 S. Here, ‘S’ stands
ribosomes and RNA. Mitochondria divide by for sedimentation coefficient.
fission. l
Both 70 S and 80 S ribosomes are composed of
These are the site of aerobic respiration and two subunits.
produce energy in the form of ATP.
Plastids l
Network of interconnected proteinaceous
These are found in all plant cells and in microtubules, microfilaments and intermediate
euglenoids. Based on the type of pigments which filaments present in the cytoplasm is collectively
are responsible for trapping light energy referred to as the cytoskeleton.
essential for photosynthesis. l
It maintains the shape of the cell, provides
Chloroplasts which contain chlorophyll and mechanical support, etc.
carotenoid pigments, which are responsible for
trapping light energy essential for Cilia and Flagella
photosynthesis. l
These are hair-like outgrowths of cell membrane
Chromoplasts which contain fat soluble which is responsible for cell movement.
carotenoid pigments like carotene and l
Their core called axoneme is composed of
xanthophyll. microtubules exhibiting 9 + 2 arrangement.
Leucoplasts are the colourless plastids which The nine peripheral tubules are doublets and
store nutrients. These include are joined by nine radial spokes. The two
n Amyloplasts store carbohydrates (starch). central microtubules are bound by a central
n Elaioplasts store oil and fats.
Both cilia and flagella emerges from the basal
n Aleuroplasts store proteins.
body which is a centriole-like structure.
Chloroplasts are found abundantly in the
mesophyll cells of the leaves of most Centrosome and Centrioles
photosynthesising plants. l
Centrosome contains two perpendicularly
These are double membrane bound organelles arranged cylindrical structures called centrioles.
containing small double-stranded circular DNA l
Centrioles are made up of nine peripheral fibrils
and 70 S ribosomes. of tubulin protein and a central proteinaceous
The sectional view of chloroplast shows that the core called hub.
inner membrane encloses stroma which contain l
The peripheral tubules are triplets and each
flat membranous sacs called thylakoids. peripheral tubule is connected to hub through
The latter are arranged in piles to form grana radial spokes made up of protein.
and these are connected by stroma lamellae. l
Centriole form basal body of cilia and flagella.
These two unit membranes are separated by l
It also forms spindle fibres during cell division in
periplastidial or intermembrane space. animal cells.
102 CBSE New Pattern Biology XI ~ (Term-I)

Nucleus l
Based on the position of centromere,
It is a structure bound by a nuclear envelope of chromosomes are metacentric (middle
double unit membrane. It consists of centromere), sub-metacentric (centromere
Chromatin Flemming described it as slightly away from middle), acrocentric
nucleoprotein fibres formed when the nucleus of (centromere near the end) and telocentric
the cell is not dividing, i.e. during interphase. (terminal centromere).
Chromatin consists of DNA, basic proteins
Few chromosomes possess secondary
called histones, non-histone proteins and constrictions called satellite at constant
RNA. locations.
Nuclear envelope surrounds the nucleus and Functions
bears numerous small nuclear pores that allow
Nucleus performs the following functions
movement of RNA and protein between nucleus l
It stores information that controls cellular
and cytoplasm. The space between its two
parallel membrane is called perinuclear space.
It controls the synthesis of structural proteins.
Nucleolus is found in the nuclear matrix or
nucleoplasm. It is not bound by a membrane
It also stores the genetic information for
and acts as the site for active rRNA synthesis. It development reproduction and behaviour.
was discovered by Fontana in 1774. l
It also induces genetic variations.
Chromatin material condenses to form Microbodies
chromosomes in the nucleus during cell l
Many membrane bound minute vesicles called
division. microbodies containing various enzymes are
Each chromosome posseses two chromatids present in both plant and animal cells.
which remain attached to the centromere or l
A few examples are peroxisomes in both plant
primary constriction. The latter posseses a cell and animal cell and glyoxysomes in plant
disc-shaped structure called kinetochore on its cell only.

Objective Questions
Multiple Choice Questions 4. Robert Hooke developed a microscope
1. The branch of biology dealing with using which he studied the internal
structure, function and reproduction of structure of
cell is (a) cork cells (b) onion peel cells
(a) cytology (b) anatomy (c) human cheek cells (d) blood cells
(c) histology (d) cell biology 5. Identify the correct statements.
2. Name the scientist, who saw a live cell I. Division of labour is a result of
first time. differentiation occurring in the
different types of tissues, organs and
(a) Robert Brown
organ systems.
(b) Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
(c) Robert White
II. A new cell always develops by the
division of pre-existing cells.
(d) Schleiden
III. Cells are totipotent.
3. Robert Hooke used the term cell in the IV. Cell is the smallest unit, capable of
year independent existence and performing
(a) 1664 (b) 1665 (c) 1666 (d) 1667 the essential functions of life.
CBSE New Pattern Biology XI ~ (Term-I) 103

Choose the correct option. 10. Which of the following represents

(a) I, II and III (b) I, III and IV prokaryotic cells?
(c) II, III and IV (d) I, II, III and IV (a) PPLO
6. Cell theory was formulated by (b) Mycoplasma
(a) Schleiden and Schwann (c) Bacteria
(b) Rudolf Virchow (d) All of the above
(c) Robert Brown 11. The genetic material of prokaryotic cell
(d) Robert Hooke (a) possess small circular DNA called plasmids
7. ‘Omnis cellula-e-cellula (all cells arise (b) is not enveloped by nuclear membrane
from pre-existing cells). Who gave this (c) composed of a single circular DNA molecule
concept and modified the cell theory? (d) All of the above
(a) Schleiden and Schwann (b) Virchow 12. The cell envelope of bacteria is
(c) Robert Brown (d) Leeuwenhoek composed of
8. The cell theory, jointly given by (a) outermost cell wall followed by glycocalyx
and plasma membrane
Schleiden and Schwann did not explain
(b) plasma membrane and cell wall
(a) all living organisms are composed of cells
(c) outermost glycocalyx followed by cell wall
and their products
and plasma membrane
(b) cell is the structural and functional unit of
(d) plasma membrane
living organisms
(c) formation of new cells 13. Choose the incorrect pair.
(d) None of the above (a) Gram-positive bacteria–Take up the Gram
9. Which of the following represents the (b) Cell wall–Prevents bacterium from
incorrect pair? collapsing
(c) Capsule–Thick and tough glycocalyx
(d) Pili– Locomotory structure in bacteria

(a) = Mesophyll cells

14. What is true about mesosomes?
(a) Help in cell wall formation
(b) Help in cellular respiration
(c) Help in DNA replication
(Round and oval)
(d) All of the above

(b) 15. Mesosomes are the infoldings of cell

= Red blood cells
membrane, which
(Round and biconcave)
I. are in the form of vesicles tubules and
(c) II. increase the surface area of plasma
= Platelets
III. are present in both prokaryotic and
eukaryotic cells.
(d) Which of the following option is most
= Columnar appropriate?
epithelial cells (a) II and III (b) I and II
(Long and narrow)
(c) I and III (d) I, II and III
104 CBSE New Pattern Biology XI ~ (Term-I)

16. The longest portion in a bacterial (c) A–Plasmodesmata, B–Smooth

endoplasmic reticulum, C–Golgi apparatus,
flagellum is D–Mitochondrion, E–Ribosomes
(a) hook (b) basal body
(d) A–Tight junction, B–Rough endoplasmic
(c) filament (d) pili
reticulum, C–Golgi apparatus,
17. Which one of the following is not an D–Mitochondrion, E–Ribosomes
inclusion body found in prokaryotes? 21. The following diagram shows some of
(a) Cyanophycean granule the missing structures in an animal cell
(b) Glycogen granule
(A-E). Identify the structures.
(c) Polysome
(d) Phosphate granule
18. What is the function of polysome? E
(a) Active protein synthesis Centriole
(b) Formation of multiple copies of same
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above C
envelope B
19. Which of the following features is
common to prokaryotes and many
(a) Cell wall is present
(b) Chromosomes are present
(c) Subcellular organelles are present (a) A–Plasma membrane, B–Rough
(d) Nuclear membrane is present endoplasmic reticulum, C–Ribosomes,
D–Mitochondrion, E–Golgi apparatus
20. The following diagram shows some of (b) A–Plasma membrane, B–Mitochondrion,
the missing structures in a plant cell C–Ribosomes, D–Rough endoplamic
(A-E). Identify the structures. reticulum, E–Golgi apparatus
Lysosome (c) A–Plasma membrane, B–Mitochondria,
C–Ribosomes, D–Smooth endoplasmic
reticulum, E–Golgi apparatus
A Nucleus
(d) A–Plasma membrane, B–Mitochondria,
C–Golgi apparatus, D–Smooth endoplasmic
Microtubule reticulum, E–Ribosomes
Nuclear envelope
Plasma membrane
22. Which one of the following
differentiates plant cells from animal
Middle lamella
(a) Large vacuole, plastid and cell wall
Peroxisome D Cell wall
Cytoplasm E (b) Cell wall, plastid and centriole
Chloroplast (c) Cell wall, plastid and mitochondria
(a) A–Plasmodesmata, B–Rough endoplasmic (d) Cell membrane, plastid and cell wall
reticulum, C–Golgi apparatus,
D–Mitochondrion, E–Ribosomes 23. Most abundant lipid in cell membrane
(b) A–Desmosome, B–Rough endoplasmic
reticulum, C–Golgi apparatus, (a) phospholipid (b) starch
D–Mitochondrion, E–Ribosomes (c) oil (d) sulpholipid
CBSE New Pattern Biology XI ~ (Term-I) 105

24. Each phospholipid molecule in a cell 28. Na + /K + pump represents

membrane consists of one polar head (a) active transport
and two non-polar tails. (b) passive transport
(a) True (b) False (c) osmosis
(c) Cannot say (d) Partially true or false (d) simple diffusion
25. A student made a pictorial 29. The main difference between active
representation of a eukaryotic cell and passive transport across cell
membrane and labelled the membrane is
components as follows. (a) passive transport is non-selective whereas
Sugar Glycolipid Protein A active transport is selective
(Integral protein) (b) passive transport requires a concentration
gradient across a biological membrane
Lipid bilayer
whereas active transport requires energy to
move solutes
(c) passive transport is confined to anionic
carrier proteins whereas active transport is
confined to cationic channel proteins
(d) active transport occurs more rapidly than
Protein B
(Peripheral protein) passive transport

The student has made errors while 30. Which of the following statements
labelling the components of membrane. depict the function of cell wall?
Which of the following statements hold I. Provides shape to the cell.
true regarding the error? II. Protects the cell from mechanical
I. Protein A should be labelled as damage and infection.
trans-membrane protein only and not III. Helps in cell to cell interaction.
as integral protein. IV. Provides barrier to undesirable
II. The polarity of the protein A should be macromolecules.
reversed because the cytosolic phase V. Imbibes water.
always shows reducing environment.
III. Glycolipid should be labelled as (a) Only V (b) Only IV
(c) II, IV and V (d) I, II, III, IV and V
IV. Protein B should be labelled as integral
membrane protein and not as 31. Cell wall consists of
peripheral glycoprotein. (a) lignin, hemicellulose, protein and lipid
(a) I and II (b) III and IV (b) hemicellulose, cellulose, tubulin and lignin
(c) II and III (d) I and IV (c) lignin, hemicellulose, pectin and lipid
(d) lignin, hemicellulose, pectin and cellulose
26. The fluid mosaic model explains
(a) Only structural aspects of cell membrane
32. The innermost portion of a mature
(b) Only functional aspects of cell membrane
plant cell wall possesses
(c) Both structural and functional aspects of (a) primary cell wall (b) plasma membrane
cell membrane (c) secondary cell wall (d) plasmodesmata
(d) Only fluidity of membrane 33. The layer of cell wall common to two
27. Cell membrane is …… to ions. adjacent cell walls in plants is called
(a) permeable (b) differentially permeable (a) middle lamella (b) middle layer
(c) semipermeable (d) impermeable (c) common lamella (d) common layer
106 CBSE New Pattern Biology XI ~ (Term-I)

34. Middle lamella of plant cell is made up of 41. Consider the following statements.
(a) calcium oxalate (b) calcium carbonate I. RER plays a major role in
(c) calcium silicate (d) calcium pectate glycogenesis.
35. The cell wall and middle lamellae are II. Sarcoplasmic reticulum of striated
transversed by muscles is a modified form of SER.
(a) plasmodesmata (b) primary wall III. SER plays a major role in the synthesis
(c) cytoplasm (d) cortex of steroid hormones.
IV. ER is one of the organelle of
36. The main organelle involved in endomembrane system.
modification and routing of newly
synthesised proteins to their destination Choose the option containing incorrect
is statements.
(a) mitochondria (b) endoplasmic reticulum (a) I and II (b) II, III and IV
(c) lysosome (d) chloroplast (c) Only I (d) Only III

37. Given below are the various structural 42. The scientist, who first observed
modifications of ER and their densely stained reticular structures near
characteristics. the nucleus is
(a) Robert Hooke (b) Robert Brown
I. Cisternae – Arranged parallel to each
(c) Strasburger (d) Camillo Golgi
other to form lamellae
II. Tubules – Usually associated with 43. Which one of the following is the
ribosomes correct labelling of given structures of
III. Vesicles – Round isolated sacs, free of Golgi apparatus?
ribosomes A

Choose the option containing

incorrectly matched pair/s. D
(a) Only I (b) II and III B
(c) Only II (d) I and III
38. Site of protein synthesis on C
endoplasmic reticulum is called
(a) ribosome (b) cristae
(c) tubules (d) vesicles and tubules (a) A–Cisternae, B–Vesicle, C–Cis face,
D–Trans face
39. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum acts as a (b) A–Cisternae, B–Vesicle, C–Trans face,
major site for the synthesis of D–Cis face
(a) lipids and steroids (b) proteins (c) A–Tubules, B–Vesicle, C–Trans face,
(c) ribosomes (d) DNA D–Cis face
(d) A–Vesicle, B–Cisternae, C–Cis face,
40. Which one of the following events does D–Trans face
not occur in rough endoplasmic
44. Which one of the following organelles
is located near the nucleus and contains
(a) Cleavage of signal peptide
a collection of flattened membrane
(b) Protein glycosylation
bound cisternae?
(c) Protein folding
(a) Nucleolus (b) Mitochondrion
(d) Phospholipid synthesis
(c) Centriole (d) Golgi apparatus
CBSE New Pattern Biology XI ~ (Term-I) 107

45. Golgi bodies aries from endoplasmic Codes

(a) 3 4 2 1
(a) True
(b) 4 3 1 2
(b) False
(c) 3 2 4 1
(c) Cannot say
(d) 1 2 4 3
(d) Partially true or false
46. Important site for the formation of 50. Which of the following pairs of
glycoprotein and glycolipid is organelles does not contain DNA?
(a) lysosomes (b) Golgi apparatus (a) Chloroplast and vacuoles
(c) vacuoles (d) plastids (b) Lysosomes and vacuoles
(c) Nuclear envelope and mitochondria
47. Match the following columns and select (d) Mitochondria and lysosomes
the correct option from the codes given
below. 51. Vacuole in a plant cell
(a) is membrane bound and contains storage
Column I Column II proteins and lipids
A. Smooth 1. Protein synthesis (b) is membrane bound and contains water and
endoplasmic excretory substances
reticulum (c) lacks membrane and contains air
B. Rough 2. Lipid synthesis (d) lacks membrane and contains water and
endoplasmic excretory substances
C. Golgi complex 3. Glycosylation 52. The osmotic expansion of a cell kept in
D. Centriole 4. Spindle formation
water is chiefly regulated by lysosomes.
(a) True
Codes (b) False
A B C D (c) Cannot say
(a) 2 1 3 4
(d) Partially true or false
(b) 3 1 2 4
(c) 4 2 1 3 53. Function of contractile vacuole is
(d) 1 2 3 4 (a) excretion (b) elimination
48. Which one of the following cell (c) osmoregulation (d) gaseous exchange
organelles is enclosed by a single 54. Go through the sectional view of a
membrane? mitochondrion showing the different
(a) Chloroplasts (b) Lysosomes parts and identify the structures A to E.
(c) Nuclei (d) Mitochondria A
49. Match the following columns.
Column I Column II
(Cell organelles) (Functions)
A. Golgi apparatus 1. Synthesis of
B. Lysosomes 2. Trap waste and
(a) A–Outer membrane, B–Inner membrane,
excretory products
C–Matrix, D–Inter membrane space,
C. Vacuoles 3. Packaging and E–Crista
(b) A–Outer membrane, B–Inner membrane,
D. Ribosomes 4. Digesting C–Inter membrane space, D–Matrix,
biomolecules E–Crista
108 CBSE New Pattern Biology XI ~ (Term-I)

(c) A–Outer membrane, B–Inner membrane, 60. Analyse the following pairs and identify
C–Matrix, D–Crista, E–Inter membrane
the correct option given below.
(d) A–Outer membrane, B–Inner membrane, I. Chromoplasts – Contain pigments
C–Crista, D–Matrix, E–Inter membrane other than chlorophyll
space II. Leucoplasts – Devoid of any pigments
55. The cristae in mitochondria is III. Amyloplasts – Store proteins
important because IV. Aleuroplasts – Store oils and fats
(a) increases surface area
V. Elaioplasts – Store carbohydrates
(b) decreases surface area
(c) have fluid in it
(a) II and III (b) III and IV
(d) None of the above
(c) IV and V (d) I and II
56. Consider the following statements and
choose the option containing the 61. Identify A to F in the sectional view of a
correct statements. chloroplast showing the different parts.
I. The endomembrane system includes B
plasma membrane, ER, Golgi complex, F
lysosomes and vacuoles.
II. ER helps in the transport of
substances, synthesis of proteins,
lipoproteins and glycogen. C
III. Ribosomes are involved in protein (a) A–Inner membrane, B–Granum, C–Outer
synthesis. membrane, D–Stroma lamella, E–Stroma,
IV. Mitochondria helps in oxidative F–Thylakoid
phosphorylation and generation of ATP. (b) A–Outer membrane, B–Inner membrane,
C–Granum, D–Thylakoid, E–Stroma lamella,
(a) I, II, III and IV (b) Only I
(c) Only II (d) Only III
(c) A–Thylakoid, B–Outer membrane,
57. Mitochondria are semiautonomous as C–Stroma, D–Stroma lamella, E–Granum,
they possess F–Inner membrane
(a) DNA (d) A–Outer membrane, B–Stroma, C–Inner
membrane, D–Granum, E–Thylakoid,
(b) DNA + RNA F–Stroma lamella
(c) DNA + RNA + Ribosomes
(d) Protein 62. Who discovered ribosomes as dense
particles under the electron
58. Choose the incorrect pair. microscope?
(a) Chloroplast — Traps light energy (a) George Palade (b) Kolliker
(b) Chromoplast — Imparts colours to the (c) Boveri (d) Strasburger
(c) Leucoplast — Stores nutrients 63. The solid linear cytoskeletal elements
(d) None of the above having a diameter of 6 nm and made
up of a single type of monomer are
59. Chromoplasts have fat soluble pigments known as
(a) microtubules (b) microfilaments
(a) chlorophyll (b) carotenoid
(c) intermediate filaments (d) lamins
(c) chloroplast (d) Both (a) and (b)
CBSE New Pattern Biology XI ~ (Term-I) 109

64. Identify A to D in the diagrammatic 68. The diagram of the ultrastructure of a

representation of internal structure of plant cell is given below. Identify the
cilia. functions of the organelles labelled as
A A, B, C, D and E in the diagram.


(a) A–Interdoublet bridge, B–Central E
microtubule, C–Plasma membrane,
(a) A– Intracellular transport, B–Site of
D–Radial spoke
oxidative phosphorylation, C–Principle
(b) A–Plasma membrane, B–Central director of macromolecular traffic, D–Site
microtubule, C–Interdoublet bridge, of photophosphorylation, E–Storage of cell
D–Radial spoke
(c) A–Plasma membrane, B–Interdoublet
(b) A–Principle director of macromolecular
bridge, C–Central microtubule, D–Radial
traffic, B–Site of oxidative phosphorylation,
C–Intracellular transport, D–Site of
(d) A–Plasma membrane, B–Interdoublet photophosphorylation, E–Storage of cell
bridge, C–Radial spoke, D–Central sap
(c) A–Site of photophosphorylation, B–Storage
65. What is common between a eukaryotic of cell sap, C–Intracellular transport, D–Site
and prokaryotic flagella? of oxidative phosphorylation, E–Principle
director of macromolecular traffic
(a) Same structure
(d) A–Storage of cell sap, B–Site of oxidative
(b) Both are used for locomotion phosphorylation, C–Principle director of
(c) Composed of same proteins macromolecular traffic, D–Site of
(d) Both are extension of cell membrane photophosphorylation, E–Intracellular
66. The central part of the proximal region
of the centriole is 69. Nucleus is stained by a ……… .
(a) spokes (b) hub (a) acidic dye (b) basic dye
(c) centrosome (d) axonema (c) neutral dye (d) iodine

67. Which one of the following cellular 70. Within the nucleus, DNA is organised
parts is correctly described? along with proteins into material called
(a) Centrioles – Sites for active RNA synthesis (a) nuclear lamina (b) chromosome
(b) Lysosomes – Optimally active at a pH of (c) chromatin (d) chromatid
about 8.5
71. The nuclear pores in the nuclear
(c) Thylakoids – Flattened membranous sacs
membrane allows the passage of
forming the grana of chloroplasts
(a) proteins, enzymes into the nucleus
(d) Ribosomes – Those on chloroplasts are
larger (80S) while those in the (b) ribosomal components out of the nucleus
cytoplasm are smaller (70S) (c) mRNA out of the nucleus
(d) All of the above
110 CBSE New Pattern Biology XI ~ (Term-I)

72. Choose the incorrect pair. 74 Assertion (A) Smaller cells are usually
(a) Histones — Basic proteins metabolically active cells.
(b) Centromere — Primary constriction Reason (R) Smaller cells have higher
(c) Kinetochore — Disc-shaped structure nucleocytoplasmic ratio and higher
(d) None of the above surface volume ratio.
73. In the given diagram of types of 75. Assertion (A) Cell is an open system.
chromosomes, identify A-D. Reason (R) Cell receives a number of
Satellite materials including energy containing
nutrients from outside and also release
Short arm arm
metabolic wastes into its surroundings.
Centromere Centromere
Centromere 76. Assertion (A) Every cell behaves as a
Longer compartment.
Reason (R) Cells are partially covered
over by a membrane.

(a) A–Telocentric chromosome, B–Acrocentric 77. Assertion (A) A cell is a closed

chromosome, C–Submetacentric compartment.
chromosome, D–Metacentric chromosome Reason (R) Plasma membrane of a cell
(b) A–Acrocentric chromosome, B–Telocentric is selectively permeable.
chromosome, C–Metacentric
chromosome, D–Submetacentric 78. Assertion (A) The cisternae in Golgi
chromosome complex have cis face and trans face.
(c) A–Submetacentric chromosome, Reason (R) The cis face is also called
B–Metacentric chromosome,
C–Telocentric chromosome, D–Acrocentric
forming face and trans face is also called
chromosome maturing face.
(d) A–Metacentric chromosome, 79. Assertion (A) Peroxisomes are
B–Submetacentric chromosome, involved in photorespiration of the plant
C–Acrocentric chromosome, D–Telocentric
cells and help in lipid metabolism in
animal cells.
Assertion-Reasoning MCQs Reason (R) These are the cell garbage
disposal system.
Direction (Q. Nos. 74-85) Each of these
questions contains two statements 80. Assertion (A) In prokaryotes,
Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Each of mitochondria are absent.
these questions also has four alternative Reason (R) In prokaryotes, mesosomes
choices, any one of which is the correct are present which help in respiration.
answer. You have to select one of the 81. Assertion (A) Mitochondria and
codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below. chloroplast are semiautonomous
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct organelles.
explanation of A Reason (R) These are formed by the
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the division of pre-existing organelles as
correct explanation of A
well as they contain DNA, but lack
(c) A is true, but R is false
protein synthesising machinery.
(d) A is false, but R is true
CBSE New Pattern Biology XI ~ (Term-I) 111

82. Assertion (A) Mitochondria and (i) Identify the labels A, B and C shown in
chloroplast have their own genome. the above diagram.
Reason (R) ER and Golgi body are the
(a) Ribosomes SER RER
cell organelles which have their own
(b) RER SER Ribosomes
DNA. (c) SER Ribosomes RER
83. Assertion (A) Mitochondria are (d) RER Ribosomes SER
common to both plant and animal cells. (ii) The label ‘C’ in the given diagram is
Reason (R) The number of the site of
mitochondria in a cell does not (a) respiration (b) photosynthesis
correspond to the function of the cell. (c) protein synthesis (d) fat synthesis

84. Assertion (A) Chloroplast is a cell (iii) Difference between rough and smooth
organelle. endoplasmic reticulum is that
(a) rough ER has ribosomes
Reason (R) An organelle is a distinct
(b) smooth ER has ribosomes
part of cell which has a particular (c) smooth ER takes part in protein synthesis
structure and function. (d) Both has F1 particles
85. Assertion (A) The chromoplasts (iv) Ribosomes are
contain fat soluble carotenoid pigments. I. Non-membrane bound.
Reason (R) These pigments provide II. Absent in plastids and mitochondria.
colour to plant parts other than green. III. Present in the cytoplasm and RER.
Choose the correct option.
Case Based MCQs (a) Only II (b) I and II
86. Observe the diagram given below and (c) I, II and III (d) I and III
answer the questions that follow (v) Which of the following statements are
Nucleus true about endoplasmic reticulum?
Nuclear pore I. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER)
A makes lipids.
II. It is also called the control centre of the
III. It processes carbohydrates.
IV. It modifies chemicals that are toxic to
the cell.
C Choose the correct option
(a) I, II and III (b) I, III and IV
(c) I and IV (d) All of these
112 CBSE New Pattern Biology XI ~ (Term-I)

87. Observe the diagram shown below and 88. Direction Read the following and answer
answer the following questions. the questions that follow
Lysosomes are speciallised cell
organelles present in the cytoplasm.
These are common in animal cells, but
also found in plant cells. It is
surrounded by a single unit membrane,
A which encloses a dense stroma and a
large vacuole, which contains about
50 hydrolytic enzymes. These enzymes
can digest most of the biological
substances. Lysosomes exist in four
forms, such as primary lysosomes,
(i) Identify the label A in the above secondary lysosomes, residual bodies
diagram. and autophagosomes.
(a) Chromatin fibre (b) nuclear pore (i) Which of the following sequence is
(c) Kinetochore (d) None of these correct regarding origin of lysosomes?
(ii) Choose the correct pair. (a) Endoplasmic reticulum → Golgi bodies →
(a) Histones — Basic proteins Lysosomes
(b) Centromere — Secondary constriction (b) Golgi bodies → Endoplasmic reticulum →
(c) Kinetochore — Kidney-shaped structure Lysosomes
(c) Nucleus → Golgi bodies → Lysosomes
(d) None of the above
(d) Mitochondria → Endoplasmic reticulum →
(iii) For the study of structure of nucleus, Golgi bodies → Lysosomes
the best cell is (ii) Lysosomes have acidic environment
(a) cell in the interphase
inside their vesicles due to
(b) cell in the late prophase
(a) production of carboxylate ions inside it
(c) cell in the divisional phase (b) production of phosphate ions inside it
(d) cell in the meiotic phase (c) high pH compared to outside
(iv) Which of the following table refers (d) None of the above
correctly to the chromosome? (iii) Lysosomes are involved in
Numbers of Numbers of Numbers (a) digestion
Centromere Kinetochore of Arm (b) formation of polypeptides
(a) 2 1 4 (c) packaging
(d) None of the above
(b) 1 2 4
(c) 2 2 4 (iv) Which of the following statements is
(d) 1 2 2 not correct?
(a) Lysosomes have numerous hydrolytic
(v) Which of the following stains is not enzymes
used for staining chromosomes? (b) The hydrolytic enzymes of
lysosomes are active under acidic pH
(a) Basic fuschsin
(c) Lysosomes are membrane bound
(b) Safranin
(c) Methylene blue (d) Lysosomes are formed by the process of
(d) Carmine packaging in the endoplasmic reticulum
CBSE New Pattern Biology XI ~ (Term-I) 113

(v) Which one of the following cell (ii) Stroma in the chloroplasts of higher
organelles exhibits polymorphism? plant contains
(a) Chloroplasts (b) Lysosomes (a) light dependent reaction enzymes
(c) Nuclei (d) Mitochondria (b) ribosomes
(c) chlorophyll
89. Direction Read the following and answer (d) light independent reaction enzymes
the questions that follow
(iii) What is common between chloroplasts,
Chloroplast, structure within the cells of chromoplasts and leucoplasts?
plants and green algae that is the site of (a) Presence of pigments
photosynthesis, the process by which (b) Possession of thylakoids and grana
light energy is converted to chemical (c) Storage of starch, proteins and lipids
energy, resulting in the production of (d) Ability to multiply by a fission-like process
oxygen and energy-rich organic
(iv) Chlorophyll in chloroplast is located in
compounds. Photosynthetic
(a) grana
cyanobacteria are free-living close
(b) pyrenoid
relatives of chloroplasts, endosymbiotic
theory posits that chloroplasts and (c) stroma
mitochondria (energy-producing (d) Both (a) and (c)
organelles in eukaryotic cells) are (v) Which is incorrect with reference to
descended from such organisms. chloroplast?
(i) The stack of thylakoid found inside (a) Presence in algae and plants
plastids is (b) Releases O 2
(c) Occurs only in cells with aerobic respiration
(a) thylakoid (b) granum
(d) None of the above
(c) stroma (d) oxysomes


Multiple Choice Questions

1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (d) 6. (a) 7. (b) 8. (c) 9. (c) 10. (d)
11. (d) 12. (c) 13. (d) 14. (d) 15. (b) 16. (c) 17. (c) 18. (c) 19. (a) 20. (a)
21. (c) 22. (a) 23. (a) 24. (a) 25. (b) 26. (c) 27. (b) 28. (a) 29. (b) 30. (d)
31. (d) 32. (c) 33. (a) 34. (d) 35. (a) 36. (b) 37. (c) 38. (a) 39. (a) 40. (d)
41. (c) 42. (d) 43. (b) 44. (d) 45. (a) 46. (b) 47. (a) 48. (b) 49. (a) 50. (b)
51. (b) 52. (b) 53. (c) 54. (a) 55. (a) 56. (a) 57. (c) 58. (d) 59. (b) 60. (d)
61. (b) 62. (a) 63. (b) 64. (c) 65. (b) 66. (b) 67. (c) 68. (b) 69. (b) 70. (c)
71. (d) 72. (d) 73. (a)

Assertion-Reasoning MCQs
74. (a) 75. (a) 76. (c) 77. (b) 78. (b) 79. (c) 80. (b) 81. (c) 82. (c) 83. (c)
84. (a) 85. (b)

Case Based MCQs

86. (i) (b), (ii) (c), (iii) (a), (iv) (d), (v) (b) 87. (i) (c), (ii) (a), (iii) (a), (iv) (b), (v) (b)
88. (i) (a), (ii) (d), (iii) (a), (iv) (d), (v) (b) 89. (i) (b), (ii) (d), (iii) (d), (iv) (a), (v) (c)
114 CBSE New Pattern Biology XI ~ (Term-I)

1. (d) Cell biology is the branch of biology 15. (b) Statements I and II are correct, but III is
which deals with cell structure, function and incorrect about mesosomes. It can be corrected
its reproduction. as
3. (b) In the year 1665, Robert Hooke Mesosomes are present in prokaryotes and not
discovered hollow cavities in a thin piece of in eukaryotes. Mesosomes help in cell
bottle cork under very light microscope. The respiration and the same function is carried out
term cell had been given to these cavities by by mitochondria in eukaryotic cells.
him. 16. (c) Filament is the longest portion in a
6. (a) Cell theory was formulated by Schleiden bacterial flagellum. It constitutes of three parts,
and Schwann in the year 1839 based on their i.e. filament, hook and basal body. Bacteria
studies on plant and animal cells and their show a wide range in the number and
products. arrangement of flagella.
7. (b) Rudolf Virchow modified the cell theory 19. (a) Cell wall is present in both prokaryotes and
and gave the theory ‘Omnis cellula-e-cellula’ eukaryotes. In prokaryotic cells, cell wall is
which means that new cells are formed by composed of peptidoglycans comprising
the division of the pre-existing cell. This is polysaccharides linked to amino acids, where
called theory of cell lineage or common strengthening material is murein. In
ancestry. eukaryotes, cell wall is composed of
polysaccharides. The main strengthening
8. (c) The cell theory given by Schleiden and material is chitin in most fungi and cellulose in
Schwann did not explain the formation of others (animal cells lack cell wall).
new cells.
22. (a) Plant and animal cells are different as plant
9. (c) Out of the given pairs, option (c) is cells possess cell wall, plastids and a large
incorrectly matched. It can be corrected as vacuole, which are absent in animal cells. On
Amoeboid-shaped, nucleus containing cells the other hand, animal cells have centrioles,
are WBCs not platelets. which are absent in almost all plant cells.
Rest of the options contain correctly matched 23. (a) Phospholipids are predominant or most
pairs. abundant lipids in the cell membrane. They
10. (d) The prokaryotic cells are represented by are amphipathic, i.e. they are structurally
bacteria, blue-green algae, mycoplasma and asymmetric with polar hydrophilic and
PPLO. All these cells contain naked DNA non-polar hydrophobic groups (i.e. phosphate
and lack well-defined nucleus. group as head and one or more fatty acids as
tail, respectively).
12. (c) The cell envelope of bacteria consists of a
24. (a) Each phospholipid molecule in a cell
tightly bound three-layered structure viz.,
membrane consists of one polar head and two
outermost glycocalyx, followed by cell wall
non-polar tails.
and plasma membrane. All these layers act as
a single protective unit. 25. (b) Statements III and IV hold true regarding
the error made by student, while labelling
13. (d) The pair in option (d) is incorrect. It can different components of plasma membrane.
be corrected as The correct information regarding the
Pili are not involved in locomotion. Actually, statements is as follows
pili are longer, fewer in number and thicker n Glycolipids are found directly attached to lipid
tubular outgrowths, which develop in bilayer whereas carbohydrate moiety attached
response to F + or fertility factor in to the membrane proteins is glycoprotein.
Gram-negative bacteria. These help in n Protein B is embedded in the plasma membrane
sexual reproduction in bacteria. and therefore, it should be labelled as integral
Rest of the options contain correctly matched protein. Peripheral proteins are present on the
pairs. surface of lipid bilayer.
CBSE New Pattern Biology XI ~ (Term-I) 115

27. (b) Cell membrane is any membrane that is 36. (b) Endoplasmic reticulum is involved in the
found in a living cell, especially the plasma modification and routing of newly synthesised
membrane, which forms the cell boundary proteins to their destination. Rough
and is semipermeable for water and endoplasmic reticulum possesses ribosomes on
selectively or differentially permeable for its surface and serves as the site of protein
certain solutes or ions. synthesis and modification.
28. (a) Na + / K + pump represents active 37. (c) Only statement II in option (c) is incorrectly
transport. This is because sodium and matched pair and can be corrected as
potassium ions are transported across the Tubules are 50-100Å in diameter and they do
membrane against their concentration not have ribosomes at their surface.
gradient, i.e. from lower to the higher
Rest other statements are correctly
concentration with the help of ATPase
representing the structural modifications of ER
complex, which utilises ATP.
and their characteristics.
29. (b) The main difference between active and
40. (d) Phospholipid synthesis does not occur in
passive transport across the cell membrane is
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER). It
that passive transport requires a
occurs inside Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
concentration gradient across the biological
(SER). A signal peptide is a short peptide
membrane to facilitate movements of
present at the N-terminus of the newly
synthesised proteins. It targets them to the
Whereas during active transport, the Endoplasmic Reticulum and is then cleaved
movement of molecules occurs from the off. RER synthesises proteins. It bears enzymes
region of high concentration to low for modifying polypeptides synthesised by
concentration, i.e. the molecules move attached ribosomes, e.g. glycosylation.
against the concentration gradient by using
ATP (energy). 41. (c) Only statement I in option (c) is incorrect
and can be corrected as
31. (d) Cell wall consists of lignin, hemicellulose,
Glycogenesis is carried out in SER and it is the
pectin and cellulose. Plant cell wall is made
major site of glycogen and glucose metabolism.
up of cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin and
pectin. Fungal cell wall is made up of chitin. Rest statements are correct.
32. (c) The innermost portion of a mature plant 45. (a) The Golgi apparatus are pinched off from
cell wall possesses secondary cell wall. The the tubules of the cisternae of ER. They are of
cell wall of a young plant cell is the primary two types
cell wall which is capable of growth. It (i) Smooth or secretory vesicles, which have a
gradually diminishes as the cell matures and smooth surface and contain secretions of the
the secondary cell wall is formed on the inner cell.
(towards membrane) side of the cell. (ii) Coated vesicles, that have rough surface and
33. (a) The cell wall comprises of four layers, the elaborate membrane proteins. They carry
middle lamella, the primary wall, the materials to or from the cisternae.
secondary wall and tertiary wall. 46. (b) Golgi apparatus is involved in the
Primary wall is laid down on both sides of glycosylation of proteins and lipids, so as to
middle lamella. Thus, the middle lamella will form glycoproteins and glycolipids. It is also
act as the common layer between adjacent involved in protein trafficking. It packages
cell walls. materials and delivers them to various cell
34. (d) Middle lamella of plant cell is made up of targets.
calcium and magnesium pectate. 48. (b) Lysosomes are enclosed by a single
35. (a) Plasmodesmata are the microscopic membrane. These store hydrolysing enzymes
channels which transverse the cell wall and to digest proteins, lipids, etc. Mitochondria,
middle lamellae and connect the cytoplasm chloroplast and nuclei are all double
membrane bound organelles.
of two neighbouring cells.
116 CBSE New Pattern Biology XI ~ (Term-I)

50. (b) Lysosomes and vacuoles do not contain Rest others are incorrectly matched pairs and
DNA. Lysosomes are single membrane bound can be corrected as
small vesicles which contain hydrolytic Leucoplasts may be carbohydrate storing
enzymes. amyloplast, fat storing elaioplast or protein
Vacuoles are large membranous sacs found in storing aleuroplast.
the cytoplasm. These contain substances that 62. (a) George Palade (1953) was the first to
are not essentially useful for the cell like water, discover ribosomes. He observed ribosomes
sap, excretory products and other materials. under the electron microscope as dense
51. (b) Vacuole in a plant cell is membrane bound granular structures consisting of RNA and
and contains water and excretory substance. It proteins.
is a space within the cytoplasm of living cell 65. (b) The common feature between eukaryotic
that is filled with air, water or other liquid, cell and prokaryotic flagella is that both are used
sap or food particles. In plant cells, there is in locomotion. Eukaryotic flagellum has two
usually one large vacuole bounded by a parts, i.e. basal body and shaft, while
single-layered membrane (tonoplast or vacuole prokaryotic flagellum consists of three parts,
membrane) and animal cells usually have i.e. basal body, hook and filament.
several small vacuoles. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic flagella are made
52. (b) The osmotic expansion of a cell kept in up of flagellin and tubulin proteins,
water is chiefly regulated by vacuoles. The respectively.
vacuoles usually possess high solute 67. (c) Option (c) is correctly described cellular
concentration. During osmosis, the water part and rest options are incorrect.
moves from the region of high concentration
Incorrect options can be corrected as
of solvent to that of lower concentration. Thus,
the water enters into the vacuole and the cell n Centrioles serve as basal bodies for cilia and
expands. flagella. They are concerned with spindle
formation during cell division.
53. (c) Contractile vacuoles are membrane bound n Lysosomes are membrane bound organelles
organelles in many protozoans. In flagellated containing many hydrolytic enzymes, which
algae, there are two anterior contractile are optimally active at acidic pH (near pH 5).
vacuoles. They contract rhythmically and n Cytoplasmic ribosomes are 80S type whereas
expel the contents outside through a process those in chloroplasts are 70 S type.
called osmoregulation.
68. (b) A–Golgi body, is said to be ‘the principle
57. (c) Mitochondria is considered director of macromolecular traffic in cell’. It
semiautonomons because it has its own DNA chemically modify and transport the
which can replicate independently. All three materials received by it.
types of RNAs are also present in
B–Mitochondria, the inner membrane of this
mitochondrial matrix, e.g. mRNA, tRNA and
organelle contains oxysomes or F1 particles.
rRNA. Mitochondrial matrix also possesses its
Oxysomes are composed of ATPase enzymes
own ribosomes (55 S to 70 S in nature).
and is concerned with oxidative
59. (b) Chromoplasts have fat soluble pigments photophosphorylation.
called carotenoids. They protect the C–Endoplasmic reticulum, helps in
chlorophyll molecule from oxidation in the intracellular transport.
presence of light. D–The chloroplast is associated with
60. (d) I and II are correctly matched pairs. photophosphorylation.
Plastid are mainly of two types E–The large central vacuole contains cell sap
n Coloured, including chromoplasts pigments and serves as storage of materials and
other than chlorophyll and green pigment provides mechanical support.
containing chlorophyll. 69. (b) Due to the presence of basic histone
n Leucoplasts, which store reserve food material, proteins, nucleus is stained by the basic dyes.
these are devoid of any pigment.
CBSE New Pattern Biology XI ~ (Term-I) 117

70. (c) Chromatin consists of proteins (principally villiform shaped specialisation of cell
histones), DNA and small amounts of RNA. membrane of bacteria that develop as
ingrowths from the plasma membrane.
74. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
It contains respiratory enzymes and is,
explanation of A. therefore often called chondroid. It is believed
Metabolically active cells are usually smaller to be equal to mitochondrion of eukaryotes.
as such cells have a higher nucleocytoplasmic However, respiratory enzymes are also
ratio and higher surface volume ratio. present over the plasma membrane in
75. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct prokaryotic cell.
explanation of A. 81. (c) A is true, but R is false and it can be
An open system is the one, which is separated corrected as
from its surroundings by a boundary that Mitochondria and chloroplasts are
allows the transfer of materials and energy semiautonomous cell organelles, which
across it. Cell is an open system because it contain their own DNA and protein
receives a number of materials including synthesising machinery. These arise from
energy containing nutrients from outside. It pre-existing organelles and their functions are
liberates energy as heat and excretes partially controlled by nucleus of the cells and
metabolic wastes from inside. partially by themselves (semiautonomous).
76. (c) A is true, but R is false and it can be 82. (c) A is true, but R is false and it can be
corrected as corrected as
Every cell behaves as a compartment because Chloroplasts and mitochondria are
it is completely enclosed by a membrane endosymbionts in eukaryotic cells, having
known as plasma membrane or plasmalemma. their own DNA. ER and Golgi bodies do not
77. (b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the contain their own DNA.
correct explanation of A. 83. (c) A is true, but R is false. It can be corrected
Cell is a closed compartment, usually as
surrounded by a single or double-layered The number of mitochondria per cell varies
membrane. Plasma membrane of a cell is from species to species and from cell to cell
selectively permeable that allows only depending on the functional site of the cell.
selective substances to enter the cell.
84. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
78. (b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the explanation of A.
correct explanation of A. A cell organelle is a distinct part of a cell
Golgi complex consists of a stack of cisternae, which also has a particular structure and
which are curved to give definite polarity to function. Since, chloroplast possesses a
the Golgi apparatus. specific membrane bound structure and plays
The convex side (forming/cis face) receives an important role in photosynthesis, it is said
vesicles from endoplasmic reticulum. The to be a cell organelle.
concave side (maturing/trans face) buds off
vesicles as secretion. 85. (b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the
correct explanation of A.
79. (c) A is true, but R is false and it can be Chromoplasts are yellow or reddish in colour
corrected as because of the presence of fat soluble
Peroxisomes are found in photosynthetic cells carotenoid pigments. In some plants
and perform photorespiration. They also take chlorophylls is absent and hence, the
part in lipid metabolism. Lysosomes are the carotenoid pigments provide a colour to plant
cell garbage disposal system. parts other than green, e.g. orange colour of
80. (b) Both A and R are true, but R is not true carrot roots, etc.
correct explanation of A. 86. (ii) (c) Ribosomes are the site of protein
Mitochondria are absent in prokaryotes. synthesis (secretory proteins, integral
Mesosomes are characteristic, circular to membrane proteins, lysosomal proteins).
118 CBSE New Pattern Biology XI ~ (Term-I)

These are involved in the process of Golgi bodies. Precursors of lysosomal

translating messenger RNA (mRNA) into enzymes are synthesised by RER and then
protein. send to Golgi bodies for further processing.
(iii) (a) On rough endoplasmic reticulum, the Rest statements are correct regarding
ribosomes are attached to the surface by lysosomes.
ribophorin-I and ribophorin-II. Ribosomes
89. (i) (b) Chloroplasts consist of stroma and
are altogether absent on smooth ER.
lamella enclosed in double membrane. The
(iv) (d) Statements I and III are correct and II is lamellar system within the stroma forms
incorrect and can be corrected as flattened sac-like lamella called thylakoids.
Ribosomes are present in mitochondria and These thylakoids are stacked in some places
chloroplast (plastids). Both of these to form grana.
organelles contain 70S ribosomes. (ii) (d) Stroma in the chloroplasts of higher
(v) (b) Statements I, III and IV are correct, plants contains light independent reaction
while II is incorrect. It can be corrected as enzymes. Within the stroma are stacks of
Endoplasmic reticulum is not the control thylakoids, the suborganelles, which are the
centre of the cell. Nucleus controls all the site of photosynthesis.
activites occurring within the cell and is (iii) (d) Plastids (i.e. chloroplasts, chromoplasts
hence called as the control centre of a cell. and leucoplasts) are semiautonomous cell
organelles which are surrounded by double
87. (iii) (a) During interphase, the nucleus contains
membrane envelop and are found only in
loose and indistinct network of
plants cells and some unicellular organisms
nucleoprotein fibres called chromatin.
like Euglena.
Thus, it is the best phase to study the
structure of nucleus. Plastids have the ability to multiply by a
fission-like process because these organelles
88. (ii) (d) To maintain their internal acidic or low contain their own genetic material and
pH, lysosomes must actively concentrate protein synthesising machinery, i.e. DNA,
H + ions (protons). This is accomplished by RNA and ribosomes.
a proton pump in the lysosomal membrane,
which actively transports protons into the (iv) (a) In chloroplast, grana possess green
lysosome from the cytosol. photosynthetic pigment called chlorophyll.
This pumping requires expenditure of There are different types of chlorophyll
energy in the form of ATP hydrolysis, since among which chlorophyll-a is the most
it maintains approximately a hundred fold abundant.
higher H + concentration inside the (v) (c) Statement (c) is incorrect about
lysosome. chloroplasts and can be corrected as
Thus, option (d) is correct. They are not associated with any type of
(iv) (d) Statement in option (d) is not correct respiration, i.e. aerobic and anaerobic and
and can be corrected as can be found in any type of
photosynthesising cell.
Lysosomes are formed by the fusion of
vesicles from the Golgi complex with Rest other statements are correct with
endosomes. These bud off from trans face of reference to chloroplasts.

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