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Quarter 3 Week 8

Date: March 4, 2022

Time: 10:00-10:50
Class: Grade 6-Rizal

I. Objectives:
A. Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of how energy is transformed in
simple machines (wedge).
B. Performance Standard: The learner demonstrates practices in safety precautions in handling
and using simple machines.
C. Learning Objective: Identify and describe the characteristics of simple machines - wedge

II. Subject Matter:

A. Concept: A wedge is two inclined planes back to back against each other that
narrows to a thin edge.
B. Materials: pictures, real object, video clips, PowerPoint presentation
C. Reference: Curriculum Guide in Science VI S6FE – IIIc-j-4
Budget of Work

D. Process Skills: Identifying, Describing

E. Value Integration: Carefulness in using/handling simple machines
EsP, EPP-IA, AP, Arts

III. Learning Task:

A. Engagement
1 Preparatory Activities
a. Health Inspection (Integration in ESP)
b. Science Trivia
Humans discovered the benefits of a wedge when they used the jaggered edges of
rocks to cut animal flesh and skin. Early humans smashed rocks together with expert
skill to create sharp edges. (Integration in AP)

2. Review
(Teacher will show picture of Philippine flag)
What makes flag goes up and down without anyone climbing to put it at the top and to
put it down?

A Pulley is a wheel with a grooved rim which is free to turn about a fixed point called
an axis. A pulley lifts objects when a rope is pulled down.

c. Motivation
What is in the picture?
What is the man doing?
What is he using to chop wood?
The man has nine woods. Each wood chopped into eight pieces, how many chopped
wood in all? Prove your answer. (Numeracy)
What can these two back to back inclined plane do to some objects like a wood?
(It can split or separate things like wood)

B. Exploration
Differentiated Instruction-GROUP ACTIVITY

GROUP 1 – COLOR ME (Slow Learners)

Direction: Identify the wedge in the columns. Color all the wedge GREEN
Materials: green crayon

Questions: (Developed critical and creative thinking HOTS)

1. How do you find your activity?
2. Which among the group are pictures of wedge?
3. How did you identify that those pictures are wedge?

GROUP 2 – MAGIC BOX! (Average Learners)

Direction: Identify which among the objects in the box is a kind of wedge.

Questions: (Developed critical and creative thinking HOTS)

1. How do you find your activity?
2. Were you able to identify which among the objects inside the box are wedge?
3. How did you know that it is a wedge?
4. Describe its characteristics.

C. Explanation
a. Group reporting
Did you enjoy our activities for today? Why? (Integration in ESP)
b. Showing a video clip

What kind of simple machine is a wedge?

How will you know that it is a wedge?
Explain. (Developed critical and creative thinking HOTS)


A wedge is simply a triangular tool, often made of metal, wood, stone or plastic. It is thick on
one end and tapers to a thin or sharp edge on the other end. Technically it is an inclined plane
(or two inclined planes put together to form a triangle) that moves. A wedge may be attached to
a handle to make it easier to use. Good examples of wedges are nails, knives, axes and your
D. Elaboration
(Concept forming)
What are the characteristics of a wedge?

Differentiated Instruction-GROUP ACTIVITY

GROUP 1- What Are My Uses? (Average Learners)

Direction: Put the uses of wedge in the bubble map. Choose the letter of the
correct answer inside the box below.


a. Lift heavy object

b. Cut materials
c. Separate things
d. Hoist flag up and down
e. Pull the curtains apart
f. Split things apart
g. Use to climb mountain

GROUP 2- What Am I? Making Collage- (Integration in MAPEH-ARTS)

(Slow Learners)
From the given pictures, choose and cut out the samples of wedge and paste it like a

Group reporting
Did you enjoy our activities for today?


Tell them the safety in handling and using simple machines before doing the activity.
(Integration in EPP-IA)


Simple machine makes easier and faster. However, if we do not handle them with care they
can harm us.
Precautionary measures in using simple machines must be practiced in order to avoid
accidents. Here are some measures to remember,
 Never play with sharp and pointed tools.
 When carrying sharp and pointed tools, position the edge pointed downwards.
 Keep sharp and pointed tools in a tool box.
 Check the tools if it is in good condition before using it.
 Do not leave tools on stairways or unattended.
 When using a sharp tool always stay away from small children
 When you are through using any tool, clean them and put it back in its proper place.
 Oil the machines regularly to prevent from rusting

Ask: Who among the class can demonstrate the proper carrying of a sharp and pointed
tools? (Literacy)

- Let the learners look around and roam around the classroom or you may look inside your
bag for a real sample of wedge and be able to describe its characteristics. (Manages
classroom structure to engage learners within a range of physical learning

E. Evaluation
Differentiated Instruction
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1 A wedge has ____ edge.

a. Rough b. colorful c. sharp
2. _______ is a two inclined plane.
a. wedge b. screw c. pulley
3. An example of a wedge is ________.
a. cup b. knife c. ramp
4. One characteristic of wedge is it can ______ other materials.
a. burn b. lift c. cut
5. It can be moved to one place to another.
a. yes b. no c. maybe


Match the wedge with its correct definition by writing the corresponding number in the
answer column.
Wedge Answer Definitions
Knife 1. To hold together
Axe 2. To cut
Doorstopper 3. To split
Farm grader 4. To tighten and to hold back
Nail 5. To scrape
IV. Assignment

Collect pictures of wedge. Compile the pictures in a journal.

Noted: Prepared by:

Name and Signature of Observer Name and Signature of Teacher

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