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International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol 2, No. 1, November 2009

Fast Handoff Mobile IP Protocol Using A Novel

Route Optimization Technique
Sajal Saha1, Asish K Mukhopadhayay2, and Surajjan Ghose3
Narula Institute of Technology/Dept. of Computer Application, Kolkata, India
Email: sajalkrsaha@rediffmail.com
Dr.B.C.Roy Engg. College / Dept. of ECE, Durgapur, India
Email: akm55@gmail.com
Jadavpur University / Dept. of CSE, Kolkata, India
Email: sghose@cse.jdvu.ac.in

Abstract—Route optimization is a common technique to solve

the triangular routing problem in Mobile IP. This paper II. COMPARISON OF EXISTING RO SCHEMES
evaluates various route optimization schemes available in the
literature and prepares a comparative analysis of those Pekka Nikander et el. [1] analyzed the security issues with
schemes. It proposes a novel pilot agent based route RO in MIPv6 using Return Routability technique. Perkins
optimization technique that reduces the handoff delay [2] introduced RO extension in MIPv6 that enables reliable
efficiently. The scheme has been simulated using OPNET and
the results show that the proposed scheme ensures packet
handoff between FA and MN. MOTOROLA introduced
transfer through correspondent node in a secure manner with route optimization for iDEN (Integrated Dispatch Enhanced
smooth handoff even during frequent movement of mobile node Network) system [3] where FA keeps all the binding updates
without call dropping. for a MN and transmit those directly through tunneling to the
destination node. When a new MN comes into the foreign
Index Terms—Route optimization, Mobile IP, Triangular network, the binding update is forwarded to all the FAs so
routing. that no binding warning (BW) message is introduced to HA.
Quang Gao et el [5] proposed virtual HA based route
I. INTRODUCTION optimization scheme. The basic idea presented in this paper
Mobile IP protocol allows a Mobile node (MN) to move is based on two major assumptions, a) there is actually no
from one place to another in the Internet and still maintains need of a permanent HA throughout and b) MN tends to be
communication with other nodes known as correspondent highly localized during session period (The period in which
nodes (CNs). In Mobile IP packets coming from CN is all active connections starts and terminates). Thus, if the
received by the HA which redirects it to the MN through the temporary address is not changed during this session period,
FA. However, the MN can send the packets directly to the there will be no connection disruption. Actually one of the
CN. Thus, overall routing path becomes triangular as shown hosts within the MN's footprint is set as its virtual HA
in Fig. 1. This extended routing path is known as triangular (VHA). It retains its Virtual Home Address (VHoA) during a
routing problem. IETF defined route optimization (RO) particular session period. According to the 2nd assumption a
[2][9][10] technique in 1996 to resolve triangular routing MH is closer to its VHA (abiding to locality concepts during
problem. In this technique, the CN can send the packets session period). Thus tunneling packets by VHA to MH will
directly to the MN. Whenever MN is away and attached to a lower or almost eliminate the triangle routing problem. The
Foreign Agent (FA) with its care-of-address (CoA), it Basic idea of [6] is to set up a correspondent agent (CA)
updates the binding cache by sending binding update request similar to HA & FA. The proposed solution gives the task of
to the CN. In case of further change of FA while roaming, maintaining and updating binding caches & encapsulating
the old FA maintains a binding cache entry for the MN, and messages to a single CA instead of a number of
delivers the packets to the MN’s new CoA so that packet correspondent hosts in a network. Chun-Hsin Wu et el. [7]
drop can not occur. proposed bi-directional route optimization technique. This
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We compare technique enables a CN and a MN to communicate with each
different existing RO schemes in Section 2. We present our other directly without the intervention of the HA and solves
proposed scheme in Section 3. The simulation results are the triangular routing problem using a bi-directional tunnel.
presented in Section 4. Finally we present our conclusion in Here, a correspondent agent (CA) is also introduced to keep
Section 5. the transparency to the CN’s and also to serve multiple CN’s
of its subnet. The CA maintains a Binding cache and
intercepts all the packets which are sent to and from the
CN’s. Similarly, a FA maintains a tunneling cache to
implement a bi-directional technique. In [8], a new entity
called Mobile Router (MR) has been proposed. These MRs
are places all the way around the network so that in between
every path there is at least one MR. These MRs are also
designed to have wireless links. There will be high
probability that there exists one or more MR in the path
Figure 1. Triangular routing in Mobile IP. between HA to CN or CN to HA. Also there is high
probability that the MR in the path from HA to CN will be
International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol 2, No. 1, November 2009
same as in the path from CN to HA. Instead of the CN, these it to the MN bypassing the HA. But if in any case there is no
MRs will keep their binding caches updated on the basis of MR encountered, then the HA receives the message and
the messages that they catch in its transition from HA to CN tunnels it to MN as in MIP. The binding entries in MR will
or vice versa. Now every time CN sends a message to HA, if have a specific life time after which it will be discarded. We
it gets encountered by any of the MR in its path that has the have considered these salient optimization schemes and
relevant information then it intercepts the packet and tunnels prepared a comparative analysis as summarized in Table 1.


Protocol/Methodology IP version Advantage / Drawback/shortcomings Hand off Latency


Return Routibility 2003[1] 6 Provide Security The lifetime of the state created High
Against active attacks at CN is deliberately restricted to
through return rout ability. a few minutes , this leads to
worthless exchange HoT
message through HA every few
RO extension 1998 [2] 6 Decrease in Handoff Low Security Low
Latency through modified
registration request message
and agent advertisement
MIP RO in iDEN System 6 MN sends the packet Required larger memory for FA Low
1997 [3] directly to FA bypassing the to maintain the binding cache.
HA and reduce handoff
NS2 Simulation of RO in 4 Enables IPv4 to support RO. Only two RO messages have Low
MIP 2003 [4] been used (Binding Update &
Binding Warning).
Virtual HA based scheme 4 No need of secure Mainly client application is Low
2000 [5] distribution of mobile considered,
binding, transparency, runs Assuming that MNs are highly
on basic MIP. localized during session period.
Agent Based RO 2001[6] 6 Mobility is completely Single Point of Failure(CA’s Low
transparent to the MN, binding cache),Accessing &
scalable, simple, updating of binding cache will
performance is better than be time taking.
Bidirectional RO in Mobile 4 CN and MN directly Agents need to be upgraded to Low
IP over wireless LAN 2002 communicate with each support some extra
[7] without the intervention of functionalities like binding and
the HA. tunneling cache.

RO using mobile router(MR) 4 Scalable, Transparent, Not cost effective as a number Low
2003[8] Problem of one point failure of MNs have to be installed,
is reduced as there is a More memory is needed as two
number of copies kept in all MRs may keep same
the intermediate MR. informations, that will be


We propose one of the Home or Foreign agents in the
network to be assigned as the Pilot Agent (PA). It will act on
behalf of each individual CN to maintain binding caches, and
tunneling the datagram to the MNs. In this way, the route
optimization function becomes transparent to the end nodes,
without requiring any modification in the CNs. In addition, a
PA can manage binding caches for a number of end nodes in
the same subnet. When multiple CNs in the same subnet
communicates with a particular MN, a single Binding Update
message is required to be sent to the PA, thereby reducing
signaling traffic. The binding table consists of three fields,
namely home address (HoA), care-of-address (CoA) and
Time to Leave (TTL). We keep the binding table as binary
search tree format to reduce the mapping time in the binding
table. It will speed up the searching of CoA and reduce

International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol 2, No. 1, November 2009

the handoff latency. As a binding warning message comes TABLE II.

from an external network, security needs to be imposed. Each
MN has a unique id in the binding message which can be
encoded using Huffman encoding technique to obtain a TTL threshold 7 Sec
compressed data. It can then be used as a checksum and Binding cache lifetime 100 Sec
appended with the binding warning message which contains Input buffer size 8mb
the CoA of MN. On the other hand, the HA keeps record of Maximum buffer size 50 bytes
all its MN’s id and the corresponding hash function. After Binding update lifetime 1800sec
receiving the binding warning message, the HA itself works MN registration retry maximum 4
out the hash function with MN’s unique id and its HoA and Registration request interval 4
produce the checksum. If it matches the one that is received,
Minimum retransmission timeout 10 Sec
then the HA accepts the message otherwise rejects it. After
Minimum retransmission timeout 120 Sec
the successful authentication of binding warning message, HA
sends MN’s CoA to PA. In this way we achieve highly CN data rate 1 Mbps
secured RO with lower handoff latency. MN,CN transmitter power 0.005 Watt
MN,CN packet reception power threshold 0.95 dBm

Handoff point

Figure 2. Proposed architecture.

Figure 3. Packet transfer between Corresponding node (sender) & Mobile
node (receiver).
We have used OPNET modeler simulator to evaluate the
performance of the proposed RO scheme with the assumption
that the CN’s are also within the mobile IP domain. Some
important parameters considered in simulation are shown in
Table 2. The basic functional modules included in simulation
are MN, HA, PA and two foreign agents FR0 and FR1 as
shown in Fig. 2. Initially, the MN resides at the home network
and receives packets from CN through the PA.
When the MN starts moving towards FR0 in the foreign
network, handoff occurs at 1.16 min. MN starts receiving
packets at FR0 directly from PA through tunneling and
bypassing HA. At 4min, the MN moves from FR0 towards
FR1 via home network and handoff occurs at 5.34 and 7.96
min respectively. At FR1, the MN starts receiving packets
from PA. Finally, the MN returns to its home network. During Figure 4. Load analysis of different agents.
the entire movement, the MN always receives packets through
the PA. Fig. 3 shows the scenario of packet sending and
receiving by the CN and MN respectively. Packet receiving at
the MN is more because of excess control messages. Fig. 4
shows the load analysis of different agents. There are

International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol 2, No. 1, November 2009

Average delay FR0

Average delay FR1


Average delay Home agent

1 Handoff point
Average delay Pilot agent
3 5
Figure 7. Average delay of different agents.

Figure 5. Average throughput analysis of different agents.

sudden dips at about 1 min, 5 min and 8 min in MN and CN

lines in the graph showing packet drops during handoff. It
increases after handoff points 4 and 5 simultaneously as MN
reaches to FR1 as shown in Fig.5. So, throughput of the
agents increases depending on the presence of MN in the
corresponding network as shown in Fig.6. Fig. 7 shows the Handoff point
propagation delay of different agents. Fig. 8 shows the
average load analysis of CN and MN. Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 show
the frame transmission delay of different agent and CN, MN
respectively in MAC layer. Fig. 10 shows that MN changes its
point of attachment from home network and enters FR0, that’s
why signal strength changes abruptly. It is to be noted that
signal strength is always almost above the signal strength of Figure 8. Average load analysis of CN and MN.
CN. Fig. 11 shows the average propagation delay of CN and
MN. Fig. 12 shows the average load of CN and MN. Fig. 14
shows the average throughput of CN and MN. Fig. 13 and 15
shows the traffic analysis of different agents. There is traffic
burst for foreign routers and HA. This burst also absorbed by
the PA. This proves the stabilization and optimization of the
traffic in the PA.

Figure 9. Media access delay of different agents.

Handoff point

Figure 6. Throughput analysis of CN and MN.

Figure 10. Media access delay of CN and MN.

International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol 2, No. 1, November 2009

Our analysis of different existing solutions for route
optimization and their comparative study reveals that none of
the solutions can provide all the potential benefits of route
optimization. Some of the solutions propose secure and safe
packet transfer but can not overcome high handoff latency.
Some of the solutions propose low handoff latency and low
signaling overhead but without enough security. On the other
hand, our novel scheme effectively solves the triangular
Figure 11. Average delay of CN and MN. routing problem without sacrificing performance,
transparency and simplicity by unifying the flow of binding
updates through the pilot agent. From the simulation and
analysis, it is seen that our proposed PA based scheme
stabilizes and optimizes mobile IP protocol with improved
handoff latency.

[1] Nikander, P.; Arkko, J.; Aura, T.; Montenegro, G.,” Mobile IP
version 6 (MIPv6) route optimization security design”
Vehicular Technology Conference, 2003. VTC 2003-Fall. 2003
IEEE 58th Volume 3, Issue , 6-9 Oct. 2003 Page(s): 2004 -
Figure 12. Average load of CN and MN.
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[2] Charles E. Perkins and David B. Johnson,”Route Optimization
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[3] Rajesh Pal and Piy P. Peng,” Mobile IP Route Optimization in
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Figure 13. Traffic analysis of different agents.
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[7] Chun-hsin Wu, Ann-tzung Cheng, Shao-ting Lee, Jan-ming Ho,
D. T. Lee,” Bi-directional Route Optimization in Mobile IP
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[8] Amit Mahajan, Ben Wild, “ Route Optimizations In Mobile
Figure 14. Average throughput of CN and MN. [9] Sajal Saha et al. “A comparative Study of Route Optimization
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[10] Abhishek Thakur et al. “A Novel Route Optimization scheme
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Figure 15. Average traffic analysis of different agents.


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