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Chiyoda HSEMS Procedure SEP-4701-E-R0

Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan Page 1 of 4

Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

-0 First Issue(Revised edition of SSP-4701-E) T. Yagishita H. Matsumura F. Nakata 12/05/01 12/06/01

Checked Approved Approved Effective

Rev. Revision Description Prepared By
By By Date Date
Chiyoda HSEMS Procedure SEP-4701-E-R0
Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan Page 2 of 4

1. Scope
This document gives plans and procedures to (i) identify necessary responses to potential incidents and
emergency situations in *)Chiyoda’s Office and construction sites and (ii) prevent and mitigate the likely injury or
illness and environmental impact as the results of such incidents/ emergency situations.

Note) *) The definition of Chiyoda’s Office is referred to HSEMM-0001-E, Annex: Abbreviations and Definitions, 3.
Terms and Definitions.

2. Reference Documents
(1) HSEMM-0001-E Chiyoda HSE Management System Manual, clause 4.4.7 Emergency Preparedness and
Response, Annex: Abbreviations and Definitions
(2) SEP-3101-E Risk Assessment and Evaluation of Environmental Impact Procedure
(3) SEP-4301-E Communication, Participation and Consultation
(4) SEP-5201-E Control of Incidents and Non-conformities
(5) CBM S 001 J Regulation for Controlling Safety and Prevention of Disasters
(6) FOM S 500 E Project Health, Safety, Environmental and Security Management System Plan
(7) FOM S 503 E Accident Investigation and Reporting Procedure
(8) FOM S 505 E Health, Safety, Environment and Security Requirements For Subcontractors

3. Roles and Responsibilities

The Roles and Responsibilities for persons in charge of emergency preparedness and response are referred to
HSEMM-0001-E, clause 4.4.7. The “Person in charge” mentioned in this document is defined as the person who
have the responsibilities for each organization.

4. Identifying Potential Emergency Situations

The person in charge identifies workplaces, equipment/ facilities and work processes which have possibility of
occurrence of emergency situations, with reference to SEP-3101-E "Risk Assessment and Evaluation of
Environmental Impact Procedure", and (ii) identifies potential emergency situations after defining the possibility of
occurrence. Refer to HSEMM-0001-E, clause 4.4.7. (1) Identification of the possibility of an occurrence.

The person in charge identifies potential emergency situations each organization, referring to the forms in
Attachment-1”Register of Foreseeable Emergency Events” and Attachment-2”Response Plan for Emergency

5. Prevention and Mitigation

(1) In order (i) to respond appropriately to an emergency event and to prevent occurrence of illness/ injuries which
may occur as the result of such emergency, and (ii) to take appropriate responses/ measures at the initial stage
of the emergency. The person in charge establishes and maintains suitable provisions for disaster prevention,
emergency response organization, other plans and procedures. The following are taken into consideration in
establishing such plans and procedures:
1) Publicity of Evacuation Route and Area
2) Publicity of Emergency Response Network and Procedure
3) Installation of disaster prevention facilities (fire extinguisher, sand, etc.)
4) Provision of rescue equipment (first-aid kit, emergency tools, clinic, etc.)
5) Appointment of emergency hospital(s)
6) Use of PPE-Personal Protective Equipment (gloves, safety glasses, gas masks, etc.)
7) Observance of those items mentioned in MSDS
8) Provision of spill containment control equipment (removal drums, absorption material, oil-pan’s etc.).

(2) Control of storage of hazardous materials and organic-solvents

1) At each storing compound, signs have to be clearly posted with a board showing “Hazardous Materials
Storage” or “Organic Solvent Storage”.
2) In each storage area, signs showing “No entry” has to be posted in order to prevent unauthorized
personnel from entering the area.
3) At the storage place, the following information has to be posted or attached to the hazardous materials.
x The responsible person
x Name of contents (chemicals)
x Quantity of contents (chemicals)
x Inventory control sheet of chemicals (In-Out record)
x Emergency contact points and telephone numbers, etc.
4) Workers have to wear the suitable personal protection equipment/ devices during handling of organic
solvent etc, so that they do not have direct contact with the organic solvent.
5) The following are to be considered in storage compound:

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x Avoid direct sunlight.

x Keep appropriate ventilation.
x Provide overturn (fall down) protection device when keeping in a container.
x Keep away from fire and a heat source.

6. Establishment of Emergency Response Network

(1) The person in charge establishes emergency response network and enable them to have the capability to
promptly respond to an emergency situation. Refer to Attachment-5 (Emergency Response Network at the
construction site)

7. Basic Response in an Emergency

The basic response in an emergency is referred to FOM S 503 E; Accident Investigation and Reporting Procedure.

8. Response in case that serious incident occurs, or may occur

In case of the following, the Deputy HSEMS Representative communicates with the Top Management and consults
for appropriate actions:
(1) Event having serious injury or illness or fatality,
(2) Event having serious physical losses or damages,
(3) Event having injury or illness of Chiyoda’s employees, customer personnel or third parties personnel,
(4) Fire or explosion,
(5) Collapse, burst,
(6) Any event having possibility to result in a situation similar to (1) to (5) above.
Notes: Refer to HSMM-0001-E, Annex for the definitions of (1) and (2) above.

And the head of organization of IR & Public Relations is responsible for any external communication i.e.
communication with mass media (refer to SEP-4301).
In addition, the relevant procedures specified in the reference documents listed in clause 2 above are applied.

8.1. Chiyoda’s Office

8.1.1. In case of incident and/or emergency situation within Chiyoda:

(1) The person who receives the initial information, relays it to the person in charge, and confirms the on-site
situation and facts.
(2) After that, provisional actions are to be taken as per clause 7 above, based on the situation.
(3) The person in charge communicates with the relevant persons in accordance with the emergency response
network requirements.
(4) The person in charge of the relevant equipment/ facilities reports the emergency event and the employed
response to the HSEMS Representative.
(5) In case there is a possibility for the event having an impact outside of Chiyoda. The event has to be
communicated to outside concerned parties such as neighbors, police, fire station and government authorities,
according to the external communication process. (Refer to SEP-4301-E)
(6) If required, additional support from external resources are requested as necessary.

8.1. 2. In case of incident and/or emergency situation outside of Chiyoda:

(1) The person who received information confirms the on-site situation and communicates the information to
relevant persons in Chiyoda according to emergency response network.
(2) The person in charge immediately confirms the following in order to prevent or mitigate damages to Chiyoda
taking into consideration of the identified OHS risks.(Refer to SEP-3101-E)
(a) Whether damages to Chiyoda’s employees and/or equipment/ facilities are anticipated.
(b) Are there any OHS risks in case that Chiyoda’s equipment/ facilities are damaged.
(3) Refer to clause 8.1 (5) and (6) above.

8.2. Construction Site

The response, action, investigation and report in causing the incident and in an emergency are promptly conducted.
Refer to FOM S 503 E; Accident Investigation and Reporting Procedure.

8.2.1 In case of incident and/or emergency situations lies within a construction site controlled by
(1) The person who received information, confirms the on-site situation and facts.
(2) Refer to clause 8.1.1 (2) above.
(3) Refer to clause 8.1.1 (3) above.
(4) The person in charge reports the incident and provisional measures taken to the SM.
(5) In case there is a possibility for the event having an impact outside of the boundaries controlled by Chiyoda.

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The event has to be communicated to concerned external parties such as customer, neighbors, police, fire
station and other government authorities, according to the external communication process.
(6) Refer to clause 8.1.1 (6) above.

8.2.2 In case of incident and/or emergency situations occurs outside a construction site controlled by
(1) The person who received information confirms the on-site situation and communicates the information to
relevant persons, according to emergency response network.
(2) Also, the followings are confirmed immediately in order to prevent or mitigate damages to equipment/ facilities
controlled by Chiyoda. Chiyoda’s employees and/or subcontractors personnel, taking into consideration of the
identified OHS risks and significant environmental aspect.
(a) Whether there is potential harm or damages to Chiyoda’s employees, other concerned personnel and/or
equipment/ facilities are anticipated?
(b) Are there any OHS risks and/or significant environmental aspect in case that Chiyoda’s equipment/
facilities are damaged?
(3) Refer to clause 8.2.1 (5) to (6) above.

9.Test , Training and Drill

The person in charge (i) communicates emergency response plan for anticipated incidents/ emergency events to
the concerned persons and (ii) identifies those which can be on-site tested or simulated, (iii) establishes test
procedure for them and (iv) carries out such tests/training/drill (person, facility) referring to Attachment-3
“Emergency Response Test/ Drill Report”.

10.Review of Procedures
The person in charge confirms that the test/ simulation training was conducted as planned in the emergency
response plan. Where any problems/ deficiencies are found, the plan has to be revised.

11.Reporting of Accident, Incident and Emergency Event

Where an accident/ incident, an emergency event and near miss happened, it is reported to the related persons,
using the form as indicated below:
x Accident/Incident/Emergency Event:
FOM S 503 E Accident Investigation and Reporting Procedure,
Appendix-1 Accident/ Incident Investigation Report

x Near Miss:
FOM S 503 E Accident Investigation and Reporting Procedure,
Appendix-4 Near Miss Report

12.Control of Records
Records are retained as per HSEMM-0001-E, clause 4.5.4 and each Organization’s procedures.

Attachment-1 Registration of Foreseeable Emergency Events (Form Sheet)
Attachment-2 Response Plan for an Emergency Situation (Form Sheet)
Attachment-3 Emergency Response Test/ Drill Report (Form Sheet)
Attachment-4 Emergency Response Report (Form Sheet)
Attachment-5 Emergency Response Network for Construction Site (For Reference)

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