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In a separate short white bond paper, write all the questions and answers with student

name, course, year and section, and title of the activity. Kindly write the questions given
then answer.


Choose five colonies on Image #1 and describe fully the colonial morphology of the colonies
shown above. A full description will include texture, transparency, color, and form (size, overall
shape, margin, and elevation).

Texture: Dry
Transparency: Iridescent
Color: White, Yellow, Green, Blue
Form (size, overall
shape, margin, and
elevation): Large, Filamentous, Filamentous, Convex

Texture: Mucoid
Transparency: Opaque
Color: Yellow
Form (size, overall
shape, margin, and
elevation): Medium, Irregular, Lobate, Crateriform
Texture: Viscid
Transparency: Translucent
Color: Yellow, Orange
Form (size, overall
shape, margin, and
elevation): Large, Circular, Entire, Flat

Texture: Smooth
Transparency: Opaque
Color: Orange
Form (size, overall
shape, margin, and
elevation): Large, Circular, Curled, Umbonate

Texture: Smooth
Transparency: Opaque
Color: Red, Orange
Form (size, overall
shape, margin, and
elevation): Large, Circular, Curved, Raised

● Size - Small
● Texture - Smooth
● Transparency - Opaque
● Pigmentation - Greyish - white
● Form (shape, margin, elevation) - Circular, Entire, Convex

● Size - Medium
● Texture - Soft
● Transparency - Opaque
● Pigmentation -Yellow
● Form (shape, margin, elevation) - Circular, Entire, Convex

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