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Confirmation Page

Application Number 2315100023320

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यितगत योरा (Personal Detail)
उमीदवार की जम ितिथ (Candidate Date of
उमीदवार का नाम (Candidate Name) Aniket Biswal 28-05-2002
िपता/अिभभावक का नाम (Father/Guardian माता/अिभभावक का नाम (Mother/Guardian
Ashok Kumar Biswal Nandini Biswal
Name) Name)
वग (Category) GENERAL िलंग (Gender) Male
यिद आप पीडयूडी उमीदवार ह (If you are a
No राटीयता (Nationality) India
PwD Candidate)
संपक योरा वतमान पता (Contact Details Present Address)
पिरसर संया / नाम (Premises No./Name) Aniket Biswal े  (Locality) Cuttack
उप-मोहला (Sub-Locality(Optional)) NA दे श (Country) India
राय/संघ (State/UT)) ODISHA िज़ला (District) Cuttack
िपन कोड (Pin Code) 753010 मेल पता (Email Address)
वै किपक मोबाइल नंबर (Alternative Mobile
मोबाइल नंबर (Mobile Number) 9348323659 9583509662
Number (Optional))
थायी पता (Permanent Address)
पिरसर संया / नाम (Premises No./Name) Aniket Biswal े  (Locality) Cuttack
उप-मोहला (Sub-Locality(Optional)) NA दे श (Country) India
राय/संघ (State/UT)) ODISHA िज़ला (District) Cuttack
िपन कोड (Pin Code) 753010
महािवालय िववरण (College Details)
आपकी वतमान भूिमका (Your current role) Student
राय महािवालय (State College/Organization शहर महािवालय (City College/Organization
ODISHA Cuttack
Location) Location)
महािवालय का नाम (Name of college/ Other
Other University State ODISHA
college name)
िवविवालय का नाम (University Name) Ravenshaw University, Cuttak
अनु मांक (Roll Number) 21DBA034 नामांकन मांक (Enrollment Number) 21DBA034
आपको इन कोस के बारे म कैसे पता चला (How did कोस करने की े रणा (Motivation for doing the
Friend For Campus Recruitment
you know about these courses?) course?)
या हम आपके कोर की जानकारी आपके
या आप ेिडट टांसफर के िलए यह परीा दे रहे
कॉलेज/संगठन के साथ साझा कर सकते ह  (Can we
ह  (Are you taking this exam for Credit No Yes
share your score information with your
College / Organization?)
या हम संभािवत िनयोताओं के साथ आपकी संपक जानकारी साझा कर सकते ह  (Can
we share your contact information with potential employers?)
परीा कद और िववरण (EXAM CENTER AND DETAILS)
परीा राय / शहर-पहली पसंद (Exam State/City-1st Choice) ODISHA - Bhubaneswar
परीा राय / शहर-दूसरी पसंद (Exam State/City-2nd Choice) ODISHA - Rourkela
परीा राय / शहर-तीसरी पसंद (Exam State/City-3rd Choice) ODISHA - Balasore
परीा राय / शहर-चौथी पसंद (Exam State/City-4th Choice) ODISHA - Sambalpur
लागू पाठम और िववरण (APPLYED COURSE AND DETAILS)
Day 1 Shift 2 Advanced Corporate Strategy
Day 2 Shift 1 Services Marketing: Concepts & Applications
Document Uploaded

1 Photo
2 Signature

शु क भु गतान िववरण (Fee Payment Details)

भु गतान का कार (Payment Mode) Online लेन-दे न आईडी (Transaction ID)
परीा शु क (Exam Fee) 2000.0 लेन-दे न की ितिथ (Date of Transaction) 24-09-2023 16:15:41 PM
शु क जमा िकया गया (Fee Submitted On) 24-09-2023 16:15:41 PM
घोषणा (Declaration)
I declare that information furnished by me in the application form is true in all respect and nothing is concealed. In case any entry or information is found to be false, this
shall entail automatic cancellation of my admission besides rendering me liable to such actions as deemed fit by the University. I hereby undertake that I have carefully
gone through the eligibility conditions prescribed in the prospectus for the programme. I am applying after satisfying that I meet the eligibility conditions. If at any stage it
is found that I do not fullfill the minimum prescribed criteria, my admission, if granted, shall stand cancelled and I shall have no right to admission whatsoever.
IP Address : Date of Downloading : 30-10-2023 10:55:02 AM

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