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Faculty of Engineering & Technology

Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering

Jain Global Campus, Kanakapura Taluk – 562112
Ramanagara District, Karnataka, INDIA

2023 – 2024

A Report on
“OBE (Outcome-Based Education) WORKSHOP”

Submitted by

Puneeth A
The Evalanche Club recently organized a detailed workshop on the Outcome-Based Education
(OBE) system for the Electronics and Communication Engineering program on February 27,
2024. The workshop, spearheaded by the Dean Academic and Director FET (Hariprasad Sir),
aimed to improve students understanding and implementation strategies of OBE.

Understanding Outcome-Based Education (OBE) is pivotal for students as it provides a clear
framework for what is expected in their learning journey. OBE ensures that educational
experiences are directly aligned with the skills and knowledge needed for success in their future
careers. By accommodating various learning styles, OBE promotes personalized learning,
making education more effective and relevant for each student. Moreover, the focus on authentic
assessment in OBE means that students receive feedback that truly reflects their understanding
and progress, enabling continuous improvement. This approach not only helps students navigate
their educational path but also equips them with the skills, both technical and soft, that are
essential for success in their chosen fields. Additionally, OBE promotes a sense of accountability
among all stakeholders involved in education, including students, faculty, and the broader


1. Introduction to OBE: The workshop kicked off with an overview of Outcome-Based
Education by Hariprasad Sir. He emphasized that OBE is not just about delivering
education but ensuring quality education that prepares students for the demands of their
careers. By aligning with Jain University's vision and mission, OBE aims to cultivate a
learning environment that nurtures innovation, critical thinking, and problem-solving.
2. Program Outcomes (POs): A significant part of the workshop was dedicated to discussing
Program Outcomes (POs), which are the overarching goals of the Electronics and
Communication Engineering program. These POs provide a clear picture of what
students should achieve by the end of their program. Through interactive sessions,
participants engaged in discussions and activities to understand and articulate these POs,
ensuring that they are not just abstract goals but actionable targets that guide curriculum
design and assessment.
3. Course Outcomes (COs): Hariprasad Sir elaborated on Course Outcomes (COs), which
are essential in translating the broader POs into specific, measurable learning objectives
for individual courses. Practical examples were shared to illustrate how COs serve as a
roadmap for designing course content, assessments, and teaching methods. This
understanding helps ensure that each course contributes to the overall program goals.
4. Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs): Another crucial aspect discussed was Program
Specific Outcomes (PSOs), which are unique competencies and skills that graduates
should possess. These PSOs are tailored to the needs of the industry and society. The
workshop explored strategies for developing and assessing PSOs, ensuring that graduates
are not just technically proficient but also possess the qualities needed to excel in their
careers and make a positive impact on society.


The workshop was designed to seamlessly integrate with Jain University's vision of providing
quality education, fostering entrepreneurship, and promoting research. Quality education goes
beyond delivering content; it involves creating an environment where students are challenged,
supported, and inspired to excel. The focus on entrepreneurship aligns with the university's
mission to nurture innovative thinkers who can identify opportunities and create value in their
respective fields. Moreover, the emphasis on research focus is crucial for developing a culture of
inquiry and discovery, where students are encouraged to explore new ideas and contribute to the
body of knowledge in Electronics and Communication Engineering.


1. Quality Education: Jain University's commitment to quality education is not just a
statement but a foundational principle. The workshop emphasized the importance of
establishing clear Program Outcomes (POs), Course Outcomes (COs), and Program
Specific Outcomes (PSOs) to ensure that students receive a well-rounded and relevant
education. By aligning curriculum design and assessment practices with these outcomes,
the workshop aimed to elevate the quality of education imparted to students, making it
more meaningful and impactful.
2. Entrepreneurship: Fostering an entrepreneurial mindset among students involves more
than just teaching business concepts. It's about developing critical thinking, problem-
solving, and communication skills that are essential for entrepreneurial success. The
workshop aimed to cultivate these skills through experiential learning, where students can
apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios. By equipping students with the
competencies needed to identify opportunities, adapt to change, and innovate, the
workshop contributed to fostering an entrepreneurial spirit among future graduates.
3. Research Focus: Research and innovation are vital for progress in any field. Jain
University's emphasis on research focus is about encouraging students to explore new
frontiers, ask challenging questions, and contribute to advancements in Electronics and
Communication Engineering. The workshop highlighted the importance of integrating
research-based learning experiences into the curriculum, where students are not just
passive recipients of knowledge but active contributors to the field. By emphasizing the
development of analytical and inquiry skills, the workshop aimed to instill a passion for
lifelong learning and a commitment to advancing the frontiers of science and technology
In conclusion, the OBE workshop at Jain University was a comprehensive and enlightening
experience for faculty members involved in the Electronics and Communication Engineering
program. By aligning with the university's vision and mission, clarifying essential concepts like
POs, COs, and PSOs, and promoting interactive discussions, the workshop laid a solid
foundation for the effective adoption of OBE principles. This initiative aims not only to elevate
the quality of education but also to prepare graduates who are well-equipped for the challenges
and opportunities of the future. The workshop's emphasis on quality education, entrepreneurship,
and research focus reflects Jain University's commitment to excellence, innovation, and societal
impact, ensuring that students receive a holistic and enriching educational experience.

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