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Promoting Sustainability: Incorporating Waste Management and Environmental

Education and Awareness for the Comprehensive Well-being of the School Environment.

From the Immaculate Conception Polytechnic (ICP) Santa Maria, Bulacan.

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject English 300.

A Concept Paper for the Project We Intend to Implement in the Second Semester.


Santos, Jhan Rainer B.

Tamayo, Michael Adrian S.

Vertudazo, John Leivid V.

Villanueva John Paul G.

Acollador, Jamaica L.

Alioden, Ailah M.

Angoluan, Cassandra Kate P.

Pantilone, Princess C.

From Humss, 11-7 St. Jerome

Please contact us in

Submitted on November 20, 2023

To Ms. Jenine Ordanil


Waste management encompasses the organized procedures of collecting, transporting,

processing, recycling, and disposing of waste materials. Its central objective is to mitigate the

harmful consequences of waste on human health, the environment, and aesthetics. While

Environmental education fosters awareness, values, and skills, guiding individuals to make

informed, responsible decisions about environmental issues. Environmental awareness entails an

individual's acknowledgment and mindfulness of the nearby environment, encompassing

ecosystems, challenges, and the influence of human activities. It extends beyond mere

knowledge to include a sense of responsibility and care for environmental well-being. The lack

of waste management and environmental awareness in a school environment can lead to

environmental pollution, health risks, aesthetic degradation, resource depletion, negative impacts

on biodiversity, educational deficiencies, harm to community reputation, and potential regulatory

compliance issues. Poor management of waste may cause health hazards to inhabitants,

environmental problems such as water and soil contamination, air pollution, and flooding, and

other socio-economic problems (Abu Qdais, 2007; Sharholy et al., 2008; Senate Economic

Planning Office, 2017). It underscores the importance of implementing effective waste

management practices, integrating environmental education into curricula, and fostering a culture

of environmental responsibility to mitigate these adverse effects. The incorporation of

environmental education and waste management into schools not only enhances the immediate

learning environment but also nurtures the growth of environmentally conscious and responsible

citizens. Mass cooperation and active participation are also necessary. Therefore, educating

people through information dissemination on how to handle produced waste has become

essential (Marello & Helwege, 2014; Nolasco, Baguia, & Padua, 2019). Oliva, as cited by

Villanueva (2013), emphasized that education is one of the four key components to have a good

waste management program. The implementation of waste management practices in schools

guarantees sustainability, adherence to regulations, and the fostering of an environmentally

aware citizenry. This project aims to promote the environmental awareness, waste management

and environmental education to the students of ICP, to achieve waste reduction and to enhance
waste disposal in the school environment. To incorporate and normalize ideas such as recycling,

energy saving, resource conservation and pollution prevention to the school and the students. To

better equip the school of ICP with the tools and resources it needs this project aims to discuss

the importance of waste management, environmental education, environmental awareness and

the impact that it could have on the students and the school if left unsupervised.

We wish to convince the school that investing time and resources to this project would yield

fruitful results. To learn more about efficient and effective waste handling would not only benefit

the school and the students but also the environment as a whole. It is Fundamental that this

project is to be considered when one of the goals of the school is to improve the quality of life.

Relevant Research Literature:

The Philippines is an archipelagic country located in Southeast Asia. It has a dynamic

and rapid economy due to increasing urbanization, a growing middle class, and it has a large and

young population (World Bank, 2020). Given this condition, waste production in the Philippines

also increases (Castillo & Otoma, 2013). Republic Act No. 9003 (Ecological Solid Waste

Management Act of 2000) defined waste as all discarded household, commercial waste, non-

hazardous institutional and industrial waste, street sweepings, construction debris, agriculture

waste, and other non-hazardous/non-toxic waste. It is also evident that in other places, waste

production is increasing. According to World Bank (2019). Waste management is a must. Waste

management pertains to the control of generation, storage, collection, transfer and transport,

processing, and disposal of wastes in a manner that is in

accord with the best principles of public health, economics, engineering, conservation, aesthetics,

and other environmental considerations, and that is also responsive to public attitudes. However,

waste management tend to be ignored (Masood, Barlow, & Wilson, 2009). Improper waste

disposal, inefficient waste collection and lack of disposal facilities are some concerns on waste

management in the Philippines (Matunog & Awa, 2013; Senate Economic Planning Office,

2017). Due to this, Philippines was considered as world’s leading plastic polluters (WWF

Philippines, 2018). Section 55 of R.A. No. 9003 mandates the Department of Education
(DepEd), Commission on Higher Education (CHED), and other national agencies to implement a

continuing education and information dissemination program on waste management. This

program is designed to develop public awareness of the adverse effects of waste and community-

based solutions, provide feasible activities to address the waste problem, and encourage the

public to support environmentally friendly products. Additionally, R.A. No. 9512

(Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008) requires these agencies to integrate

environmental education into school curricula at all levels, both in public and private schools.

The law also encourages tertiary education institutions, through the National Service Training

Program, to engage in activities such as tree planting, waste minimization, segregation, recycling

and composting, freshwater and marine conservation, forest management and conservation,

livelihood opportunities, economic benefits, and other programs supporting the implementation

of environmental protection laws. Since school is one of the avenues that will provide education

and disseminate information about waste management, several studies were conducted to

determine its impact on the students' level of awareness and practices. However, these studies

were conducted in tertiary education. For instance, Paghasian (2017) revealed that college

students in Maigo have a high level of awareness of waste management. Meanwhile, their waste

management practices in terms of segregation, reduction, and recycling were good, while their

practices in terms of recycling and disposal were fair. The awareness of waste management

among the students had no influence on their practices in disposal. However, it had affected their

practices specifically on segregation, reduction, reuse, and recycling. In the study of Gequinto

(2016), the extent of waste management practices among college students from different state

universities and colleges in CALABARZON were determined. Waste collection received the

highest composite mean, particularly on the promotion of 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle), while

waste recycling and waste treatment obtained the lowest composite mean. Meanwhile, studies on

waste management in basic education are limited and have received less attention. Thus, in this

project, we plan to educate and incorporate waste management and environmental awareness in

the senior high school students in ICP. The senior high school curriculum is newly integrated into

basic education, which can be traced back to when R.A. No. 10533 or the Enhanced Basic

Education Act of 2013 was enacted. Since the students spend 12 years in basic education with
the integration of environmental awareness and education in their curricula, the researchers

would like to determine the level of waste management awareness among senior high school

students in ICP, the sources of their awareness, and their waste management practices so that we

can have a basis for what needs to be improved upon so that we can make a structure of how we

can teach and incorporate.

Statement of the Problem:

The lack of efficient and effective waste management in ICP and the clear issue of

being understaffed in certain areas. The lack of materials such as a broom, dustpan and the

insufficient amount of trash cans that can be found in the corridors and hallways all contributes

to the environmental awareness of the students. Limited studies on waste management and

environmental awareness in basic education (High school, Senior High School) means that there

is a lack of information on how well students of this grade level would act in accordance with

R.A. No. 9512. The negligence of basic environmental education that can have long lasting

effects not just on the students but also in the environment. We have seen these problem

occurring numerous instances and its becoming impossible to overlook, since one of the main

goals of the school was to improve the conditions and quality of life for the students and staff

members alike. It is important to address this issues as soon as possible in order to prevent long-

term damage, promotion of continuous improvement and to prevent the escalation of the issue’s

at hand.

Here are some our objectives and the questions we plan to answer in regard to our project that we

plan to implement in the second semester.


 To broaden the understanding of the students of ICP about environmental awareness and

waste management and why it is important that they do not overlook the issue.

 To cut down on the production of waste and to effectively enhance the ability of the

school to handle waste and dispose of waste more thoroughly.

 To secure funds and investment to use for the improvement of the school and to acquire

more resources such as brooms, dustpans, mops, and trashcan for the ease of access of

waste disposals for the students and staff alike.

 To incorporate the idea of recycling, pollution prevention and energy savings to the

students of ICP

 To encourage people to volunteer to clean the school grounds and help the staff with

waste disposal and to spread the news to their peers about the importance of

environmental education.


 Why is it important for the students of ICP to broaden their understanding of

environmental awareness and waste management and not overlook the issue?

 How can the school effectively cut down on the production of waste and enhance its

ability to handle and dispose of waste more thoroughly?

 How can funds and investments be secured for the improvement of the school, including

the acquisition of resources such as brooms, dustpans, mops, and trash cans to facilitate

waste disposal for both students and staff?

 How can the concepts of recycling, pollution prevention, and energy savings be

integrated into the curriculum for ICP students?

 How can people be encouraged to volunteer for cleaning the school grounds, assist the

staff with waste disposal, and spread awareness to their peers about the importance of

environmental education?


To complete this project these are necessary actions and task that need to be done.

This project will use quantitative research in acquiring data. To start, first we will conduct a

survey to the students of ICP ranging from 16-20 years old, then we will ask the participants

some questions regarding their educational background, the individuals environmental

awareness, the individuals knowledge about waste management and if the individual received
environmental education in the past. Conducting a survey among ICP students is crucial for

gaining insights into their current state of knowledge and awareness, facilitating targeted

educational interventions, and promoting effective and informed decision-making in the realm of

environmental education. The data collected from the survey will inform us about the specific

needs and gaps in environmental education within the ICP student community. This, in turn,

enables targeted and informed decision-making. Insights gained from the survey allow for the

design of educational programs that are tailored to address the specific needs and gaps identified

among the students. The effectiveness of any future environmental education initiatives can be

measured over time. It provides a means to assess whether interventions lead to positive changes

in environmental awareness and waste management knowledge. On how we plan to incorporate

and educate the students about waste management and environmental awareness. We could use

the following teaching methods such as giving a presentation, giving a lecture, have teachers

present the idea during their class, hang up posters and inspirational quotes in the hallways and

classrooms about environmental needs and proper waste disposal, have students give a report

about the topic. A hands-on approach to learning will give a more promising results because of

this we plan to give incentives such as a plus in their grades and many more to encourage

voluntary actions and to motivate students to join and partake in environmental awareness and

waste management. We will also promote recycling and reusing plastics and other recyclable

items; this will reduce the production of waste in the school.

If the project were to be implemented, we would increase the tools and equipment the school

needs in order to enhance the effectiveness of the schools waste disposal. We could do this by

raising funds, accepting donations and to clearly explain to the school why investing time and

resources to the project would be beneficial to all, provide studies and examples of what would

happen if environmental education and awareness are overlooked and if waste management is

not properly executed. We will also provide examples of what would happen if the project were

to succeed, to convince them that this is an investment worth of their time and money. If we were

to be given funds for our project by the school, we will use it accordingly. Allocating the

resources given to us, the hierarchy of importance would be the acquisition of better tools and
equipment better suited for handling waste disposal. We would give each classroom a dustpan

and broom. In the hallways, corridors and stairs we would install recycling bins and garbage bins

and hang up signs that reminds students to dispose of their waste properly. From this we will

gather data and information regarding of the effectiveness of the project. We will study if the

methods that we used to educate students about environmental awareness and waste management

were effective or not. We will conduct another survey at the end in which we will ask if the

students of ICP if they started taking more environmental conscious decisions after their

involvement in the project, if they started practicing proper waste disposal and how often are

they upholding the lessons they learned and if they learned anything at all. We will also ask the

staff if the waste management were better handled and if their capabilities regarding waste

management and waste disposal were effectively enhanced. We will also ask if the equipment

and tools played a role in affecting the effectiveness of waste management and if the recycling

bins that were installed and the dust pans and brooms that were given in each classroom

encourages students to properly dispose of their waste. With the results of these surveys, we will

conclude if our project was successful or not. Information gathered from the survey will be

collected and compiled and put it in a table for ease of understanding. See the picture below for

an example.

The project we plan to implement is expected to be completed within a 5-month

timeframe, with the following information indicating the task, duration and cost for every

component that is associated with the project. During these 5 months, we can simultaneously

multitask different actions in part of our project. Different components of the project can be work

on at the same time. Accounting for the equipment and personnel needed to complete the project

as well as the delivery of the products and the cost of conducting multiple different surveys at

different points of the project. All in all, we think that the project in its entirety would cost

around 63,000-72,000 Pesos, depending on the quality and quantity of the expenses. Main

acquisitions of the funds can come from donations and asking the school for investments in

regard to the project if they ever agree to implement it. Please inquire the table below for better

understanding and further explanations about the cost, durations, and task of the project.

Task Duration Cost

Enhance the This part is expected to be two 15,0000-25,0000 Pesos

educational months long. The main reason for Hiring professionals and

awareness and waste this duration is because of finding knowledgeable individuals

management of the who, what, where, and when is capable of teaching.

students right for the project. Venue or place we can conduct

the teaching.

When and what are we teaching.

Clean the school This part is expected to be one 15,000 Pesos

grounds month long. Reasons for this Payments for the staff.

duration is because it will give us Equipment’s needed to be

and the volunteers some time to replaced. Some benefits and

effectively clean the school incentive for the volunteers

Give all classrooms This part is expected to be one 10,000-15,000 Pesos

its own equipment’s month long. Reasons is because Equipment must be at least to

for proper waste acquiring and delivering these some levels of quality and the

disposal products takes proper planning numbers of equipment needed to

and time management be bought along with the rising

price because of inflation

Install recycling bins This part is expected to be one 10,000 Pesos

and bio and non- month long. Reasons is because of Price of Equipment and the price

biodegradable bins where we can acquire these of the delivery. Numbers of how

in the school products and the time it will take many products to be bought is

to install them. included as well

Acquire budget from This part is expected to be two- 1,000-3,000 Pesos

the school by three weeks long. This is because Personal expenses, materials

explaining the of the time needed to effectively needed, and the cost of making

importance of convince the school of the need surveys and collecting data from

environmental for environmental education and them.

education and its proper waste management such as

effects gathering evidence.

Give the staff better This part is expected to be three- 12,000-14,000 Pesos

equipment in four weeks long. Supplying the Number of equipment and their

handling waste staff with the tools it needs to quality are a definite contributor

disposal and for better their jobs take time. to the given cost.

better cleaning of the

school grounds

Exterminating pest This part is expected to be one 15,000

(cockroach, rats, month long. Finding and Hiring Hiring these professionals can be

mosquitos, etc.…) exterminators right for the job

contributes to the estimated time expensive

we have given


Dela Cruz, J. (2020). Local Government Unit – Academe Partnership in the Implementation of

Solid Waste Management Program in the Philippines. Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary

Research, 8(2). 150-157. Retrieved from

DENR – EMB. (2015). National Solid Waste Management Status Report (2008 – 2014).

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Punongbayan, C. et al. (2014). Waste Management Practices of an Educational Institution. Asia

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Paghasian, M. (2017). Awareness and Practices on Solid Waste Management among College

Students in Mindanao State University Maigo School of Arts and Trades. Advances in

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World Bank. (2019). Solid Waste Management. Retrieved from

Republic Act No. 9003. The Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000. Retrieved from

Republic Act No. 9512. Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008. Retrieved from

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