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Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương

curb (v) /kɜːb/

ngăn chặn

Ex: The Government should act to curb tax evasion.

offset (v) /ˌɒfˈset/

làm giảm đi

Ex: The price of petrol products was offset by a decline in motor vehicle prices.

1. The plants' principal ______ against these environmental stressors consists of

drawing in as much water as possible while minimizing moisture loss.

A. defense B. severity

2. They are some of the most diverse and ______ vegetation in the area.

A. nocturnal B. prolific

Vocabulary highlights

✓ curb (v): ngăn chặn

✓ offset (v): giảm đi

✓ domestic waste (n): rác thải sinh hoạt

✓ energy – efficient (adj): tiết kiệm năng lượng

✓ environmentalist (n): nhà môi trường học

✓ food chain (n): chuỗi thức ăn

✓ lush (adj): tươi tốt

✓ greenhouse gas (n): khí nhà kính

✓ renewable (adj): có thể tái tạo

✓ ecotourism (n): du lịch sinh thái

✓ acid rain (n): mưa axit

✓ moisture (n): hơi ẩm

✓ deposit (v): lắng

✓ condense (v): tụ lại

✓ contract (v): thu nhỏ

✓ glacier (n): sông băng

✓ integrity (n): sự vẹn nguyên

✓ intercept (v): chặn

✓ aquatic (adj): dưới nước

✓ defense (n): sự bảo vệ

✓ diurnal (adj): thuộc về ban ngày

✓ nocturnal (adj): thuộc về đêm

✓ migration (n): sự di cư

✓ windswept (adj): lộng gió

✓ severity (n): sự khắc nghiệt

✓ susceptible (adj): dễ bị ảnh hưởng

✓ prolific (adj): sinh sản nhiều

✓ spare (adj): thưa thớt

✓ breeding season (n): mùa sinh nở

✓ resilient (adj): kiên cường


Fill in each gap with the correct form of the verb in the box.

lay search

be mean

exist live

carry move

depend suit

Ants (1) ____________ on our planet for millions of years. An ant is an insect, which
(2) ______ it has six legs and three body sections. Ants are similar to man in that they
(3) __________ to living in nearly all environments. Ants are social creatures, (4)
_______ together in big groups. Each ant (5) ________ out its own special task in the
nest. The queen ant normally lives in the center of the nest and (6) ____ thousands of
eggs each year. The worker ants are industrious; (7) _________ for food and guarding
the nest. An ant nest (8) ____ a constant buzz of activity, with ants (9) ________
about in all directions. Needless to say, the ants (10) ________ on one another for
their survival and safety.

Complete each gap in the passage with one suitable preposition.

Energy Production

The world cannot continue to rely (1) ______ the burning of fossil fuels for much of
its industrial production and transportation. Fossil fuels, are in limited supply: in
addition, when burned they contribute (2) _______ global warming, air pollution, and
acid rain. Nuclear energy as an alternative is opposed (3) _____ many because of the
massive devastation an accident can cause. The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear
power plant in 1986 scattered radioactive contamination (4) ______ a large part of
Europe. Approximately 135,000 people were evacuated, and human health has been
dramatically affected. The World Health Organization released a report (5) _____ late
1995 attributing the explosive increase in childhood thyroid cancer in Belarus,
Ukraine, and Russia directly to the accident.

Read the passage and choose the best answer

The Meadow Park Zoo, which (1) ____ three months ago, is already (2) _____ large
numbers of visitors. The zoo has (3) _______ especially popular with families. "My
children were delighted when they (4) ______ here last month,” said one mother. "So
they (5) _______ me to bring them back today. “The new zoo is quite small,
compared with other similar (6) ______. You will not find any large and dangerous
animals such as (7) ______ or tigers in cages. Instead, there is a children's zoo, where
children can handle little animals like rabbits and (8) ______. They can also have
rides on a camel, a (9) ______ or an elephant. The zoo has a working farm, too, with
cows, sheep, (10) ______, ducks and chickens.

1. A. open B. opens

C. opening D. opened

2. A. attract B. attracts

C. attracting D. attracted

3. A. prove B. proves

C. proving D. proved
4. A. come B. comes

C. coming D. came

5. A. persuade B. persuades

C. persuading D. persuaded

6. A. attractions B. events

C. parties D. schools

7. A. rats B. birds

C. lions D. fish

8. A. crocodiles B. mice

C. hippos D. bears

9. A. pig B. snake

C. tiger D. horse

10. A. monkeys B. hippos

C. tigers D. goats

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