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For the majority of people, speaking in public is their top fear, so was mine.

And that is
what I want to talk about today. Now, you might think that giving a TED talk is quite an
achievement, and it used to be. However, it seems like everyone and their grandma has
given a TED talk these days, and it's lost some of its shine. But let me tell you, it was
still a challenging experience.

The difficulty began with coming up with unique and engaging ideas. With so many TED
talks out there, finding a topic that hasn't been exhausted was no small feat. I wanted
something fresh, something that could genuinely captivate the audience and offer a
different perspective.

The pressure was real. I mean, giving a TEDx talk in front of your peers and teachers
can be nerve-wracking. There was the expectation to deliver something exceptional,
and I didn't want to disappoint.

But in the end, I managed to come up with a topic that I was passionate about and that I
thought could resonate with my audience. The process of researching, crafting the talk,
and rehearsing was demanding, but it was also incredibly rewarding.

Even though it felt like TED talks were a dime a dozen at my school, the experience still
taught me a lot about the art of public speaking and the importance of sharing ideas that
matter. Looking back, I can tell that it's no walk in the park.
everyone and their grandma: A humorous expression emphasizing a widespread
occurrence or abundance.

lose its shine: To diminish in value, attractiveness, or impressiveness over time.

challenging experience: A situation or task that is difficult or demanding.

exhaust: To use up completely or deplete a resource.

no small feat: A significant or impressive accomplishment.

captivate the audience: To hold the attention and interest of those listening or

offer a different perspective: Provide an alternative point of view or approach.

nerve-wracking: Extremely anxiety-inducing or stressful.

deliver exceptional: To provide something of outstanding quality.

resonate with the audience: Evoke a strong emotional response or connection with
the listeners.

craft the talk: To carefully create or compose a speech or presentation.

a dime a dozen: Very common or abundant; easy to find.

no walk in the park: A task or situation that is challenging and requires substantial
effort and determination.

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