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Battle of Hunain:

- Background
● The victory of Makkah was indeed a door for Arabs to enter Islam but by no
means ended the opposition to Islam
● The ruling tribe of Taif, Banu Thaqif, and war like tribe of Hawazin between
Makkah and Taif were still enemies
● The tribe of Hawazin was very powerful and being situated in hilly district, had
never been subject to Makkans
● Had the Prophet not taken the Makkans by surprise the Hawazin and Thaqif tribe
might have joined the Quraysh against them
● They were disturbed by the fall of Makkah in the hands of muslims and noticed a
great danger to their religion and other un islamic ways of life
● Hamwazin and Thaqif encamped in the valley of Hunain and posted their archers
cornering the pass in the valley which the Holy Prophet and his forces must cross
before they could reach the other side
- Events
● 1 month after conquest -> Holy Prophet got informed of what Hawazin, Thaqif
and neighbouring tribes planned to do
● Sent a messenger to confirm this, who returned and said this was the truth and
gave details
● Holy Prophet immediately collected an army to scatter the enemy
● Muslim army -> 12,000 (10,000 Madinites, 2,000 Makkans)
● Prophet marched towards the valley of Hunain at the head of the large army
● Muslims set out on this expedition with extreme overconfidence due to their large
number. This was not liked by Allah (SWT)
● Quran says, “Surely Allah did help you in many battlefields, and on the
days of Hunain when our great number elated you but it availed you
● Hawazin were known for their archery and were also occupying the best positions
in the battlefield
● Their best archers were posted among the surrounding hills
● Muslims met with arrows on all sides and main army attacked from the front
● Makkans, including new converts, were right at the front with lead of Khalid bin
Waleed and so were the first to be attacked
● Could not stand the fierce attack
● Fell back, and their retreat caused disorder and confusion
● One detachment fell over the other in utter confusion
● Even the Ansar and Muhajireen began to retreat which added chaos
● Even though so many were retreating and the state of affair was horrible, the
Holy prophet (SAW) and a small group of devout followers firmly continued with
admirable courage
● The Hawazin and Thaqif saw how most of the Muslims had retreated and so left
their positions to attack the Holy Prophet (SAW)
● Hz Muhammad (SAW) was a pillar of confidence as he was under omniscient
protection of Allah (SWT)
● He shouted again and again, “I am the Prophet, there is no untruth in it; I
am the son of Abdul Mutallib”
● Hz Abbas, who was also with him, shouted, “O Ye Ansar! Who helped and
sheltered the Muslims! O Ye Muhajireen! Ye who took the pledge
under the tree! Muhammad is alive and here, come ye this side”
● These magnetic words had the desired effect, and the retreating soldiers got fresh
spirit in their minds
● They went back to where the Prophet (SAW) was standing and threw themselves
off their horses and camels and attacked the enemy with fury
● Prophet (SAW) threw a handful of dust in the face of the enemy, saying “Your
faces be disfigured”
● The effect of the dust was clear -> enemies were losing their ground and blinded
● The enemies had brought women, children and cattle wit them so they wouldn't
give up fighting, however, many turned on their heels and fled without them
● Booty: 24,000 camels, 40,000 sheep, 4,000 Oqiyahs of silver, 6,000 prisoners

Siege to Ta’if:
- As a precaution, the Hawazin had kept provisions in Taif, and also posted strong
garrisons all around the city
- Muslims laid siege on them, which lasted for a months
- The enemy would not come out to battle the Muslims, but instead satisfied themselves by
shooting the Muslims with arrows, which killed and wounded many
- Prophet (SAW) consulted with the Companions and decided to lift the siege
- When they left Taif some companions asked the Prophet (SAW) to curse the people of
Taif but instead he prayed for them, saying “O Allah! Give guidance to the tribes of
Thaqif and send them to me”

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