Conquest of Makkah

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Conquest of Makkah:

- Background
● Treaty of Hudaibiyah had been enforced for two years, and peace and quietness
prevailed during this time, helping Islam and strengthening the Muslims
● After enforcement of the treaty, Banu Khuza'a had entered friends relations
with Prophet
● Banu Bakr had entered relations with Quraysh
● Quraysh incited Bakr to attack Khuza
● One night while the people of Banu Khuza'a were sleeping at a watering place
called Watir, Banu Bakr fell on them and killed many of them, as well as looting
their property
● The people of Banu Khuza'a even took shelter at the Haram, where bloodshed is
not allowed but Banu Bakr did not stop killing them
● Banu Khuza'a complained to the Quraysh but got no redress
● Thus a deputation of the Banu Khuza'a tribe was sent to Madina requesting the
Holy Prophet (PBUH) to rise in their defence
● Prophet sent a message to Quraysh with three conditions and asked the to accept
only one
1. Quraysh were to pay blood money for those slain among the Khuza tribe
2. Quraysh should break their ties with Bakr
3. Quraysh should declare Treaty null and void
● Quraysh refused to accept the first two conditions but agreed that the Treaty
should be void and sent this message through Qurt bin Umar
● This was unwise on their part
● Abu Sufyan realised the grave danger for his people and went himself to
Madina, asking the Prophet (SAW) to renew the treaty. He got no reassurance by
either Prophet, Umar, Ali or Abu Bakr

- Events
● Prophet asked his followers to get preparations for war and sent word to all his
allies and followers in Arabia to come to him
● He kept his plan secret and the common people in Madina thought he was going
to Syria to punish the Romans
● One of the muslims, Hatib Bin Abi Balta, had some relations at Makkah and
was anxious about their safety, thus he secretly sent a messenger with a letter
informing them
● Holy Prophet was informed about this letter through revelation and immediately
sent men who overtook the messenger and brought back the letter
● Since Hatib was sincerely sorry for his actions, the Prophet (SAW) forgave him.
● On the 10th of Ramadan 8 AH, Holy Prophet set out at the head of 10,000
followers, to Makkah
● Prophet encamped at Marr uz Zahran, a place few hours away from Makkah
● Quraysh were taken by huge surprise
● Prophet (SAW) ordered a huge fire to be lit by every person, which made it seem
as though the amount of soldiers was more, as many soldiers would have one fire
● Quraysh were impressed seeing the whole desert lit up with fire on the camps in
the darkness of the night
● Their chief Abu Sufyan came with other chiefs to survey the situation, but was
caught and brought in front of the Prophet
● The Prophet gently asked Abu Sufyan, “O Abu Sufyan do you still consider
any other power than Allah the Almighty?”
● Abu Sufyan was ashamed and said, “If there was any he saved us”
● The Prophet then said, “All your faults are forgiven, Abu Sufyan! And one
who enters your home shall also be safe”
● Returning to Makkah, Abu Sufyan (RA) told the people about the safety
guaranteed by the Holy Prophet (SAW) and also informed them of the great
strength of the muslims army
● Next morning Holy Prophet (SAW) marched into Makkah peacefully and ordered
Muslims to shed no blood
● All the armies entered peacefully except Khalid bin Waleed’s group, where
Safwan, Suhail and Ikramah shot the Muslims with arrows
● Two Muslims were martyred and a little fight took place, in which the leader of
the enemies fled and left behind 12 dead fellow enemy’s bodies
● Makkans were told that they would be safe if they kept their house door closed,
took refuge in Kaabah or took refuge in Abu Sufyan’s house
● While the Prophet (SAW) was entering the Holy City, his head was bent with
humility to Allah
● The Prophet knocked down 360 idols in the Kaabah while reciting the verse,
“Say, the truth has come and falsehood has vanished …”
● Hazrat Bilal, the all time Muezzin of the Prophet (SAW) called the Azan on the
roof of the Kaaba and the Holy Prophet led the Salat

- Forgiveness for the enemies

● After the Salat the Holy Prophet sent for Uthman bin Talha who was the
custodian of the key of the Kaaba and who once had refused him to enter the
Kaaba and ill treated him
● The Prophet entrusted the key to Uthman bin Talha and said, “If any person
took the key of Kaaba from Uthman bin Talha he will be cruel”
● The Quraysh and their leaders were watching quietly from the compound of the
● The Prophet addressed them and said, “O leaders of Makkah! What
treatment do you expect of me on this day?”
● They said, “You are a noble brother and a gentle nephew”
● The Prophet said, “You have been my very unreasonable countrymen”.
After listing the horrible things they did to him, the Prophet then said,
“However, in spite of all these crimes of yours, I forgive all of you and
make you free …”
● Apart from nine people, the entire Quraysh were pardoned, including Hind and
Wahshi, who had done extremely inhumane acts to Prophet;s uncle Hamza

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