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Holy Prophet’s Sickness and Demise:

- 2 months after Hajjatul Wida -> Prophet (SAW) fell sick

- Still carried on with usual duties
- Went to Uhud and prayed for the martyrs
- There he said, “I don't fear that you may indulge in idolatry after me, but I do
fear that you would be so lost in the world that you may kill each other”
- Continued offering Salat in congregation until he became so sick he could not move
- Then ordered Abu Bakr to lead the namaz
- 4 day before demise -> felt relief so took a bath before Zuhr
- Then came out to the mosque with Hz Abbas and Hz Ali’s support
- Hz Abu Bakr was leading Salat as usual
- When he realised Prophet (SAW) was there he started to move but the Holy prophet
(SAW) stopped him and sat down by his side
- After Salat, Prophet (SA)W said, “Allah bestowed upon his servant a choice
between this world and the Hereafter. He chose the latter. I warn you O
Muslims, to be good to the ‘Ansar’. They have, of course, performed their
duty well”
- “Woe to those nations before you who worshipped the tombs of their
prophets and holy men. I forbid you to do that”
- Appreciated Abu Bakr, saying “I owe much to Abu Bakr”
- Also said, “O my dear daughter Fatimah and my dear aunt Safiyah, do
something for the Hereafter for I will not be able to help you against the will
of Allah”
- After this the illness took a serious turn
- Morning of 12th Rabi ul Awwal -> felt a bit better but in afternoon his condition was
serious again
- Fainted multiple times
- Even in the agony of death Prophet (SAW) did not forget his Lord
- Was constantly saying, “Forgive me O lord”
- The breath lingered on in the late afternoon and struggled
- Prophet very slowly said “Stick to Salat and treat slaves kindly”
- There was a basin full of water kept near by the Prophet (AW). he used it to wet his
hands again and again and wiped his face
- Then raising his hand and pointing with his finger he pronounced thrice, “Unto the
Companion, Most High”
- The soul returned to the lord. It was evening of 12th Rabi ul Awwal
- Tuesday 13th Rabi ul Awwal -> burial ceremony
- Hz Fadal bin Abbas, Hz Ali and Hz Usamah gave ghusl to Prophets body and then
it was lowered into grave in the apartment of Aisha (RA) where he breathed last
- Now this room is known as “Raudat un Nabawi”

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