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 Conduct hazard and risk assessments,
utilizing methods and data analysis
technique to identify potential risks to
the community
 Develop hazard maps and vulnerability
assessments to visualize and
Risk Assessment
communicate risk factors effectively
 Collaborate with other agencies and
experts to gather data and expertise for
comprehensive risk assessments
 Provide technical guidance on risk
reduction strategies and mitigation
measures based on assessment findings
 Research and analyze national and local
policies related to DRRM
 Advocate for the adoption of policies
that promote resilience-building and
effective DRRM strategies
 Provide input to policy-making
processes at the municipal level,
ensuring alignment with best practices
and legal requirements.
 Lead the development and
implementation of DRRM plans for the
 Coordinate with various stakeholders to
gather input and ensure a participatory
planning process
Planning Officer  Draft comprehensive plans that
encompass mitigation, preparedness,
response, and recovery strategies
 Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness
of DRRM plans, adjusting them as
necessary based on feedback and
evolving risks
 Design monitoring and evaluation
frameworks to assess the effectiveness
of DRRM programs and initiatives
 Collect and analyze performance data to
track progress towards DRRM goals and
Monitoring and
 Conduct periodic evaluations to identify
Evaluation Officer
strengths, weaknesses, and areas for
improvement in DRRM activities
 Prepare reports and recommendations
based on evaluation findings to inform
decision-making and programmatic
Data Analyst &  Collect, manage, and analyze data
related to disaster risks, vulnerabilities,
and impacts.
 Utilize statistical analysis and data
visualization tools to identify trends,
patterns, and correlations in DRRM
Record Keeper
 Maintain databases and information
systems for storing and accessing
relevant data
 Generate reports and presentations to
communicate data insights to
stakeholders and decision-makers
 Coordinate research projects related to
DRRM, including collaborative initiatives
with academic institutions and research
 Identify research priorities and
opportunities for funding to support
DRRM research efforts
 Synthesize research findings into
actionable insights and
recommendations for policy-makers and
 Facilitate community engagement
activities to raise awareness about
disaster risks and promote
preparedness measures
 Organize workshops, training sessions,
and outreach programs to educate the
Community public on DRRM principles and
Engagement practices.
Officer  Foster partnerships with local
community groups, NGOs, and other
stakeholders to enhance community
 Gather feedback from community
members to inform DRRM planning and
decision-making processes
Release Officer &  Manage and track the release of
Liaison Officer documents, maps, information, plans
and other R&P-related products.
 Serving as a bridge between R&P
Division and other divisions or
departments within the MDRRMO.
Facilitating communication, information
sharing, and collaboration on various
projects, initiatives, and research
 Acting as a point of contact for external
stakeholders, such as government
agencies, NGOs, academic institutions,
and community groups. Facilitating
communication, coordination, and
partnerships to support research,
planning, and disaster risk reduction

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