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Surigao del Norte National High School

Peñaranda St., Surigao City


This chapter contains an introduction, conceptual framework, statement of the

problem, hypothesis, scope and limitations of the study, significance of the study, and the

definition of terms.


The use of Artificial Intelligence on a daily basis seems to raise some concerns,

specifically when used in education. These educational AI tools are made to make

teachers and students’ workloads easier and more efficiently accomplished. However,

over relying on these tools results in students not exerting much effort in finishing their

tasks that require their utmost participation without the help of AI. Thus this study aims

to provide the perception of SHS students on the utilization of educational AI tools in

academic essays. As the rise of AI challenges students’ approach in learning and honing

their individual skills naturally or by the process of learning everything critically.

According to Fitria (2021), AI technology has been applied in teaching and

learning in a variety of countries, particularly in China. Writing classes are available.

According to several studies, AI could improve the quality of written work. Artificial

intelligence (AI) is having an impact on every part of life. Education is a part of human

life. As AI provides automation, artificial intelligence (AI) may have an impact on the

teaching and learning process, posing new problems and demands on both teachers and

students. In other words, AI has the potential to alter both how the teachers teach and

how the students learn (Sumakul et al., ND). Even in our country, a lot of students are

using AI to help with their schoolwork because it provides fast and easy answers. They

do not need much effort to do their schoolwork, as AI exists to make their work easier.
Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City
Despite growing interest in understanding high school students' (SHS) perceptions

of the use of educational AI tools in academic theses, there remains a notable research

gap in exploring the specific factors that influence their attitudes and acceptance of these

technologies. Previous studies have mainly focused on overall cognition, but further

investigation is needed to further explore the role of factors such as digital literacy, prior

exposure to AI tools, and the impact of teacher advice on student attitudes. Additionally,

there is little research on how socio-demographic variables, such as gender and academic

achievement, may influence students' perceptions of AI-powered essay writing tools.

Filling these gaps will provide valuable information to educators and policymakers

seeking to effectively integrate AI technologies into SHS education and improve the

academic writing skills of students.

To address these gaps, it must be ensured that development is present in students’

knowledge and skills in a variety of areas, such as online communication, information

literacy, and digital content creation. In online and traditional learning environments,

support is crucial, such as providing feedback, explanations, or recommendations directly

related to what is being taught. In addition, the ways that researchers can address the gaps

are to learn online, participate in online courses, tutorials, and webinars to learn new

digital skills, and stay current with emerging technologies, without shying away to the

fact students still need to actually have their individual skills developed by their own

capabilities. Students can still explore and experiment with different digital tools and

platforms to find what works best for your needs.

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City
Conceptual Framework

This study is based on the concept Technology Acceptance Model in the study

entitled “Students’ Perceptions of the Use of AI in a Writing Class”. This study states that

the technology may have great potential, but users consider it to be significant as well.

In figure 1, box 1, shows the title of the study and its main thesis pointing to the

factors that will determine the The Perception of SHS Students on the Utilization of

Educational AI Tools in Academic Essays. In figure 1, box 2, shows the profile of the

respondents that can be identified through their age, sex, year level, and socioeconomic


In figure 1, box 3, shows the perception of students in the utilization of Education

AI Tools in Academic Essays in terms of:Reliable; Accuracy and Precision; and

Efficiency. Lastly, in figure 1, box 4 is the overall Perception of SHS Students with

profile such as age, sex, year level, and socioeconomic status on the Utilization of

Educational AI Tools in Academic Essays in terms of Reliable, Accuracy and Precision,

and Efficiency.
Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Figure 1. Research Paradigm

Respondents Perception of The

identified in students in Perception of
terms of: the SHS Students
utilization on the
1.1 age; Utilization
of Education
1.2 sex; AI Tools in of
Academic Educational
1.3 year Essays in AI Tools in
level; and terms of: Academic
1.4 Essays
2.1 Reliable;
status? 2.2 Accuracy
Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City
Statement of the Problem
This study will aim to determine the perception of HUMSS students on the

utilization of educational AI tools in academic essays. Specifically, it will seek to answer

the following questions:

1. How are the respondents identified in terms of:

1.1 age;

1.2 sex;

1.3 year level; and

1.4 section?

2. What are the perception of students in the utilization of Education AI Tools in

Academic Essays in terms of:

2.1 Accuracy;

2.2 Efficiency; and

2.3 Reliability?

3. Is there a significant difference between the Educational AI Tools and the traditional

way in making Academic Essays?

4. Is there a significant difference between the perceptions of HUMSS students on the

utilization of educational AI tools in academic essays when grouped according to profile

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City
H01: There is no significant difference between Education AI Tools and the traditional

way in making Academic Essays.

H02: There is no significant difference between the perceptions of HUMSS students on

the utilization of educational AI tools in academic essays when grouped according to

profile variables.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The proponents defined the scope and limitation in order to give clear

understanding of study in terms of the following:

Focus. This study will focus in determining the Perception of SHS Students on

the Utilization of Educational AI Tools in Academic Essays.

Respondents. The respondents of this study will be the Senior high school

students of Surigao Del Norte National High School.

Place and Time. This study will be conducted on the school of Surigao Del Norte

National High School, School Year 2023-2024.

Significance of the Study

The findings of the research study will benefitted the following:

School Administrators. This study will help School Administrator by assessing

the knowledge of their students.

Students. This study will help students by improving their essay and other school

works to be better and easier by providing fast information.

Future Researchers. This study can be a base for the future researchers that will

be conducting this study. Future studies will be easier.

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City
Definition of Terms
Accuracy. This phrase refers to the correctness of information produced by

Educational AI tools and is one of the study’s variable that will correlate as to how the

students will perceive the educational AI tools.

Educational AI Tools. This phrase refers to the technology used by students to

make their workloads easier and faster.

Efficiency. This term refers to the capability to produce the desired results by

Educational AI tools and is one of the study’s variable that will correlate as to how the

students will perceive the educational AI tools.

Perception. This word refers to the process by which the students feel or see

about the educational AI tools.

Reliability. This term refers to the similarities of the result produced by

Educational AI tools and the sources perceived by students and is one of the study’s

variable that will correlate as to how the students will perceive the educational AI tools.
Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City
Review of Related Literature
The review of related literature presents the related studies organized based on the

Perception of Students on Educational AI tools, Students' Perception on Academic

Essays, and AI Tools used in Education.

AI Tools used in Education

Artificial Intelligence (AI) instructional tools are machines, particularly computer

systems that simulate human intelligence processes. In addition, artificial intelligence

(AI) tools for education are also growing in popularity and can be very useful for both

teachers and students. AI technologies can speed up students' access to educational

materials and offer all-encompassing support for their academic requirements. AI tools

can also assist students in developing their composition skills. Moreover, learning style

and preferred pace data are analyzed by educational AI systems, which then modify the

curriculum to make sure students can keep up. But using AI in education comes with

some risks, like the potential for assignment cheating. By accelerating the creation of

lesson plans and paper marking, as well as cutting down on time spent on administrative

duties, AI tools can assist teachers in attending to personal matters that may be impacting

a student. Despite these potential benefits, there are also several challenges associated

with incorporating AI tools.

Firstly discussing its benefits: one of the key benefits of incorporating AI into the

classroom is the ability to provide students with a more personalized learning experience.

AI algorithms can analyze student data and adapt to their learning styles, providing

feedback and recommendations that are tailored to their individual needs and abilities.
Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City
This can help to keep students engaged and motivated and can lead to improved academic

performance. Another benefit of incorporating AI into the classroom is the opportunity to

deepen students' understanding of this rapidly-evolving technology. By incorporating AI

into the curriculum, teachers can help students develop a critical perspective on this

technology, and prepare them for the challenges and opportunities of the digital age.

Finally, incorporating AI into the classroom can also help students develop important

21st-century skills, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and collaboration. These

skills are essential for success in the digital age, and they can be developed through

hands-on experience with AI tools and applications (Melo, 2023).

However, despite its benefits, according to Hooper (2023), rapid advancements

are being made in AI that constitutes to its complications also. It is currently disrupting

the educational system and will do so in the future. While those who embrace AI's power

and adopt tools and platforms to cut down on time-consuming work will be freed up to

concentrate on the more human and creative work of creating learning experiences that

really matter, educators who stay put and only use traditional methods will find

themselves at a disadvantage. Additionally, from the standpoint of the students, they are

beginning to expect gamification, creative, interactive learning activities, and quick

feedback as norms. With the ongoing advancement of AI, it seems inevitable that not just

how we teach, but also what we teach, will change. Future generations will need skill sets

that are more concentrated on higher level critical thinking, creativity, and

communication abilities. Working in education during this period of fast technological

development is exciting, and every teacher and educator has a part to play in defining

what learning will entail in the future, whether through innovation, testing,
Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City
implementation, or even just ongoing student mentoring. Artificial intelligence (AI)

technology is permeating every part of our life, even our educational system. From

student involvement to teaching methods, AI's use in education has the potential to

completely transform how we learn and teach. It can also improve how effectively all

types of learners comprehend the course materials (Burton, 2023).

In conclusion, by personalizing learning experiences, enhancing educational

outcomes, and simplifying administrative work, educational AI tools have the potential to

completely change the field of education. They provide personalized learning experiences

by analyzing student data and adapting to individual needs, leading to increased

engagement and improved academic performance. Additionally, incorporating AI into the

curriculum helps students develop a critical perspective on technology and prepares them

for the challenges and opportunities of the digital age. By leveraging the power of AI,

educators can enhance the learning experience and equip students with the skills they

need to thrive in the modern world.

Perception of Students on Educational AI tools

The perception of high school students regarding education AI tools can be a

complex and multifaceted subject. Many students view these tools as a valuable resource

that enhances their learning experience, while others express concerns about the potential

limitations and drawbacks. AI tools offer students a personalized and flexible approach to

education, allowing them to receive tailored feedback, access additional resources, and

practice their skills in a more independent manner. However, some students worry that

relying too heavily on AI tools may hinder their critical thinking abilities and limit human

interaction in the classroom.

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City
Students have different attitudes towards AI-powered writing tools. Some

students may use them in an unreflective, non-sceptical way, which can lead to

unvoluntary plagiarism. Other students may not use writing tools at all, partly because

they are sceptic, but also because they may lack meaningful learning strategies in general

(course repeaters). Depending on the different student types, individualized teaching

strategies might be helpful to promote or urge caution in the use of these tools (Burkhard,


In relate to this, a survey of 365 first-year students identified distinct sorts of

students. The findings imply that students' opinions of writing tools driven by AI differ.

Some students might utilize them in an uncritical, non-reflective manner, which could

result in (un)voluntary plagiarism. Nevertheless, a different study discovered that

students enjoyed their education and that the AI program helped them with their writing.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has tremendous potential for language acquisition, according

to a study that looked at how students felt about using it in their education. Additionally,

the study emphasized how crucial students' perspectives are. According to a poll of

instructors and students in classes IX–X at the West Bengal CBSE board in India,

incorporating AI into the curriculum fosters a student-centric approach to learning and

increases student enjoyment. However, AI also supports educators with their instruction,

assessment procedures, and other areas. Students will be ready for technological

innovation and able to adapt to the shifting demands of society with the inclusion of AI in

the curriculum.

In conclusion, the perception of high school students towards education AI tools

is diverse and multifaceted. While many students appreciate the benefits of these tools in
Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City
enhancing their learning experience, others express concerns about potential limitations

and drawbacks. AI tools offer personalized and flexible approaches to education,

providing tailored feedback, additional resources, and independent practice opportunities.

However, some students worry that excessive reliance on AI tools may hinder critical

thinking skills and reduce human interaction in the classroom. It is important to recognize

that students have different attitudes towards AI-powered writing tools, with some using

them without skepticism and risking unintentional plagiarism, while others may not use

them due to skepticism or a lack of effective learning strategies. Employing

individualized teaching strategies can help promote responsible use and critical thinking

when utilizing these tools.

Students' Perception on Academic Essays

Educational essays play a crucial role in students' learning and development. They

serve as a valuable tool for enhancing our intelligence and comprehension. However,

students' perceptions of these essays vary. Some perceive essays as an excellent

opportunity to showcase their knowledge and critical thinking skills, while others may

view them as tedious and dull assignments. Firstly, essays allow us to delve deeper into a

specific topic and expand our knowledge in a structured manner. When researching and

writing an essay, we are required to gather reliable information from various sources,

critically analyze it, and present our findings coherently. As a result, we become more

knowledgeable about the subject matter and develop a deeper understanding of the topic.

The way that students view educational essays might differ greatly depending on their

personal experiences and interests. Students' opinions about educational essays are

complex and subject to a range of influences, such as the academic setting, individual
Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City
passions, and the amount of assistance and criticism they receive. They may find writing

essays difficult, time-consuming, and occasionally stressful. Nonetheless, a large number

acknowledge the importance of education, skill development, and field relevance. Their

impression is also influenced by their level of interest in the subject, feedback, and


In relation to this, an essay is one of the academic writings that is commonly used

and learned by students, especially for English students. To support this, Longknife and

Sullivan (2012) stated that essay is a short piece of writing that develops a certain point

into a group of paragraphs. Zemach and Ruimsk (2005) also stated that there are several

paragraphs in an essay. Thus, an essay is a part of writing that develops one topic into

paragraphs with logical and clear sentences in order can be readable by the readers. From

the student perspective, essays are viewed as a mixture of argument and arrangement:

structure is built, section by section, contributing towards an overall argument, a finding

consistent with Hounsell's (1984) work. Students believe essays should demonstrate

knowledge and that a focus on answering the question is vital. Essays are best

approached by examining the active verbs in essay questions. Students had concerns

about essay writing, especially related to their interpretation of structure as compared to

their teachers’, similar to the misunderstanding of essay features discussed by Norton and

colleagues (1996).

Not only that, numerous variables contribute to this inclination. First of all, either

by mistake or hesitation, students frequently fail to convert their ideas and thoughts into

written notes or resources that they might utilize when writing their essays. Students will

be more equipped to develop their arguments and produce written work that is more
Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City
effectively structured if they approach brainstorming and planning with greater skill.

Second, the specific terminology utilized in the preparatory sessions is not adequately

explained. While phrases like "introduction," "conclusion," and "five main

parts/paragraphs" are usually easy for students to understand, others, like "thesis

statement" and "topic sentence," may be more difficult (Hasegawa, 2018).

In conclusion, students' perceptions of educational essays may vary, essays

provide an excellent opportunity to enhance our intelligence and comprehension. They

enable us to delve deeper into topics, expand our knowledge, and stimulate critical

thinking skills. In addition, essays help improve our comprehension abilities by teaching

us to analyze complex texts and articulate our ideas clearly. Although essays may at

times seem daunting, their educational value is undeniable, ultimately contributing to our

growth as students and individuals. Furthermore, students' opinions of instructional

essays differ, but teachers can support and encourage them to write better by offering

advice. Essay assignments must be modified as education progresses to better suit the

requirements and preferences of modern students. Students' viewpoints on academic

writing vary. For instance, while some students see essay writing as a learning process or

a method to explore a topic in deeper detail, others see it as a way to demonstrate their

ability to integrate literature into an argument and communicate their views. Moreover,

the way that students view writing may have an impact on how well they write. When it

comes to writing essays, some students find it difficult to come up with ideas, brainstorm,

organize them, and write the initial draft. Before beginning such assignments, students

should be taught the fundamentals of essay writing as this could improve their written

work. According to the way college students view collaborative digital multimodal
Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City
composition, digital writing and the capacity to use a variety of media can be


Synthesis. The similarities between the related literatures include the diverse view of

students towards the three themes provided. Firstly, the literature highlighted the role of

technology being integrated in education and discussed its potential impacts, it also

highlighted the crucial role teachers’ play in assessing their students. Moving on, some

said that due to the complexity of workloads alongside the rapid advancements in AI,

students now resort to work more efficiently through AI educational tools. In addition,

these literatures agreed on the benefits that these educational AI tools could give such as

decreasing workloads, giving them the information they needed, and relying them for

their schoolworks. However, the related literature also agreed on the potential challenges

associates with using educational AI tools such some students might utilize them in an

uncritical, non-reflective manner, which could result in (un)voluntary plagiarism. Lastly,

to better approach the problems associates with it, these literatures agreed on having

individualized approaches towards learning and teaching to solve the underlying issues

regarding the use of educational AI tools.

Discussing its differences, firstly views between students towards educational AI tools

being integrated in education varies. Students discussed how these tools affected them in

a positive and negative manner. Also, these literatures also vary in terms of its suggested

solutions or recommendations towards solving the negative impacts by either enhancing

skills of students naturally by the genuine help of teachers or better integrating these tools

and having the students be responsible in using these educational AI tools. Thus, the
Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City
similarities and diverse literatures’ results showed the crucial role these educational AI

tools play in education.

This chapter will present the data in response to the issues raised in the study, including

the research design, participants, research environment, research instrument, and data

gathering procedure, data analysis and ethical consideration. The following discussions

are in line with the general and specific problems outlined in the first chapter.

Research Design
This study will employ a quantitative descriptive research design with survey

technique, as means of gathering the data. The descriptive quantitative research design

which is quantitative research method was the appropriate research design in this study

because this research attempts to collect quantifiable information for statistical analysis

regarding the Perception of SHS Students on the Utilization of Educational AI Tools in

Academic Essays.

Research Respondents
The respondents of this study will be the grade level eleven (11) and twelve (12)

students from the strand of Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS). All sections in

HUMSS strand which is 11 - Aurelius , 11 – Socrates, 11 – Aristotle, 11 – Democritus,

11 – Plato, 11 - Rousseau and 12 - Roxas, 12 - Duterte, 12 - Magsaysay, 12 - Garcia, 12 -

Macapagal, 12 - Quirino, and Ramos will be involved but the researchers will just

randomly choose respondents. In section 12 - Roxas, there will be twenty four (24)

participants, twenty five (25) from 12 - Duterte, twenty five (25) from 12 - Magsaysay,
Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City
twenty four (24) from 12 - Garcia, twenty two (22) from 12 - Macapagal, twenty five (25)

from 12 - Quirino, and twenty five (25) from 12 - Ramos total of one hundred seventy

( ) participants. The participants are selected from Surigao del Norte National High

School. The study will use simple random sampling specifically using Raosoft calculator

to determine the sample size of each group of research respondents.

Respondents Frequency Percentage

(Year Level and Section)
11 - Aurelius
11 - Socrates
11 - Aristotle
11 - Democritus
11 - Plato
11 - Rousseau
12 - Roxas 24 14%
12 - Duterte 25 15%
12 - Magsaysay 25 15%
12 - Garcia 24 14%
12 - Macapagal 22 12%
12 - Quirino 25 15%
12 - Ramos 25 15%
Research Environment
Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City
This research will be conducted at Surigao del Norte National High School,

Surigao City. It will be located in Brgy. Washington, Pe ñaranda Street, in the city of

Surigao City.

Research Instrument
This study will develop a research questionnaire as the major instrument for

gathering the needed data to determine the Perception of HUMMS students on the

utilization of educational AI tools in academic essays.

The researcher-made instrument is composed of two (2) parts. Part 1 includes the
Figure 2. Research Environment
demographic profile of the respondents of learners in terms of age, sex, and year level.

Part 2 of the survey questionnaire is composed of the Perception of HUMMS students on

the utilization of educational AI tools in academic essays in terms of Perception of

Students on education AI tools, Educational AI tools, and Students' perception on

educational essays.
Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City
Each measurement option is rated as follows:

Table 2
Scale Parameter Verbal Interpretation
4 3.26 – 4.00 Strongly Agree High
3 2.51 -3.25 Agree Moderate
2 1.76 -2.50 Disagree Low
1 1.00 – 1.75 Strongly Disagree Very Low

Data Gathering Procedure

A questionnaire checklist in a form of survey had been developed by the

researchers. The researchers utilize them to collect data at Surigao del Norte National

High School, specifically the HUMSS students. The researchers clarifies some

terminology to the respondents so that the respondents can respond to the questionnaire

with a complete understanding of their responsibilities as the subject of the study. The

respondents were then asked to provide completely honest answers by the researchers.

The sample size for each participant group is determined by the researchers using a basic

random sampling technique, specifically with the use of the Raosoft calculator. The

purpose of this study is to determine how HUMSS students perceive the use of

educational AI tools in academic essays. Accordingly, the researchers feel that this

approach is the most suitable for selecting the research sample. Following the responses

given by the participants to the questionnaire, the researchers gathered and tallied the data

in preparation for analysis. To assist in selecting the best statistical methods to apply and

in interpreting the results, the researchers consulted a statistician. The researchers draw

conclusions and offer recommendations for this study based on the data.
Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

“The Perception of HUMSS Students on the Utilization of Educational AI Tools in

Academic Essays”
Name (Optional):

Sex: Male Female

Age: 16-17 17-18


11 – Aurelius 11 – Socrates 11 – Aristotle 11 – Democritus 11 – Plato

11 - Rousseau
Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City
12-Roxas 12-Duterte 12-Magsaysay 12-Garcia 12-Macapagal 12-Quirino


Each measurement option is rated as follows:

4 – Strongly Agree
3 – Agree
2 – Disagree
1 – Strongly Disagree

Accuracy 4 3 2 1

1. The AI tools I use help maintain the

accuracy of the information I put in my
academic essays.

2. The AI tools assist me in ensuring the

accurate flow of the content in my academic

3. I find that the AI tools enhance the overall

quality of my academic essays by improving
the accuracy of the information gathered.

4. The AI tools contribute to the more

accurate academic essays that I will deliver.

Efficiency 4 3 2 1
Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

1. The use of AI tools streamlines the process

of creating academic essays, unlike in a
traditional way where I generate ideas by

2. I can complete my academic essays more

efficiently with the assistance of AI tools than
if I made them in a traditional way.

3. AI tools help me save time when working

on academic essays more than making them
in a traditional way.

4. Overall, I believe that AI tools are a time-

efficient way to work on my academic essays.

Data Analysis
The following statistics were used for data analysis. These are:

Frequency and Percentage. Statistical tools will be used to determine the proportion of


Reliable 4 3 2 1

1. The AI tools used in my academic essays are

dependable and consistent in generating

2. I trust the AI tools to provide accurate

information in my academic essays.
Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

3. The AI tools consistently deliver reliable results

for my academic essays the same with other
sources I searched to.

4. I trust the AI tools to maintain the integrity of

my academic essays.

Weighted Mean and Standard Deviation. These tools will be used to determine the

perceptions of the HUMSS students on the utilization of education AI tools in academic


One-Way ANOVA. This tool will be used to determine the significant difference

between the Educational AI Tools and the traditional way in making Academic Essays

and the significant difference between the perceptions of HUMSS students on the

utilization of educational AI tools in academic essays when grouped according to profile


Ethical Consideration
Prior to starting any research, the researchers will get the respondents' consent. In

addition to guaranteeing the confidentiality of all the respondents' personal information,

the researchers will not force the respondents into providing answers to the questionnaire.

The research will be conducted in accordance with protocols. Ensuring that private

information is kept secret is also crucial. For the protection of participants' rights, privacy

should be given careful consideration.

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

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