Important Questions of BME 101

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BME 101/201

2 marks short questions
1. Define stress and strain.
2. What are different types of stress.
3. Define shear strain.
4. what are elastic constants?
5. Define factor of safety.
6. Define poisson’s ratio. ( AKTU 2021)
7. Define hook’s law. ( AKTU 2021,2022)
8. what are different types of supports?
9. Explain in short about different types of load.
10.Discuss about superposition theorem.
11.State law of transmissibility of forces
12.What is free body diagram?

Long questions
1. Draw and describe about different points in stress strain curve for ductile and brittle material. (
AKTU 2021)
2. Established relation between E, G, K and poisson’s ratio. (AKTU 2022)
3. Find out reactions


Prep. By – Vivek Singh Chauhan




Prep. By – Vivek Singh Chauhan



Prep. By – Vivek Singh Chauhan

2 marks short questions
1. Discuss the terms used in IC Engine – TDC, BDC, stroke, clearance volume,
compression ratio and bore. (AKTU 2022)
2. Write any six components of IC engine. (AKTU 2022)
3. Define scavenging process. (AKTU 2022)
4. What are IC engines. (AKTU 2021)

Long questions
1. With a neat sketch explain the working of 2 stroke petrol engine. (AKTU 2021)
2. With a neat sketch explain the working of 4 diesel/ CI engine. (AKTU 2021)
3. Differentiate between SI and CI engine, (AKTU 2022)
4. Differentiate between 2 stroke petrol and 4 stroke engine, (AKTU 2022)
5. With a neat sketch explain the working of 4 stroke petrol/SI engine. (AKTU 2022)
Solution -

Prep. By – Vivek Singh Chauhan

2 marks short questions
1. Define COP of refrigerator.
2. Define refrigeration effect
3. Define DBT and WBT. Along with their significance.
4. What are comfort conditions?
5. What is psychrometric chart?
6. Define 1 ton of refrigeration.
7. Define terms humidity ratio and degree of saturation.
Long questions
1. Explain the construction and working of window air conditioner. (AKTU 2021)
2. Explain the construction and working of domestic refrigerator or vapour compression
refrigeration cycle, (AKTU 2022)
3. What are the different methods of refrigeration?

Prep. By – Vivek Singh Chauhan

Assignment 4
2 marks short questions
1. What are different types of fluid. Or What are Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids.
(AKTU 2021)
2. Write about any four properties of fluid. (AKTU 2022)
3. Write in short about continuity equation. (AKTU 2022)
4. Write about working principle of venturi meter.
5. Differentiate between ideal and real fluid.
6. State pascal’s law.
7. Differentiate between working principle of pump and turbine.
8. What is the use of nozzle in turbine. On which principle it works.
9. State Bernoulli’s equation.
10. State the working principle of hydraulic lift.
Long questions
1. What are the limitations of bernoulli’s equation. Also derive equation of continuity.
2. What are hydraulic turbines? how are they classified? write their advantages and
disadvantages. (AKTU 2021)
3. What are hydraulic pumps? how are they classified? write their advantages and
disadvantages. (AKTU 2021)
4. Explain the working and construction details of reciprocating pump. (AKTU 2022)
5. Explain the working and construction details of centrifugal pump.
6. Explain the working and construction details of pelton wheel turbine. (AKTU 2022)

Prep. By – Vivek Singh Chauhan

Assignment 5
2 marks short questions
1. Differentiate between precision and accuracy. (AKTU 2022,2021)
2. What is absolute pressure experienced by a pressure sensor, if the atmospheric pressure
of a fluid is 2 atm, gauge pressure is 5 atm and differential pressure is 3 atm? (AKTU
Sol – absolute pressure = gauge pressure + atm pressure
= 5 atm + 2 atm = 7 atm
3. Define resolution?
4. Define calibration? And its necessity.
5. Define error and its types.
6. What are sensors?
7. What are active and passive transducers? (AKTU 2022)
8. What are actuators and its types?
9. Differentiate between stepper and servo motor.
10.What is the function of an accumulator? (AKTU 2022)
11.Explain pressure control valves? (AKTU 2021)
12.What are cams and its use?
13.What is kinematic link and kinematic chain?
14.Differentiate between rolling and sliding bearing.
15.What is the use of belt and what are its types?
16.What are hydraulic amplifiers?
Long questions
1. What are the parts of venturimeter? Derive formula of its discharge. (AKTU 2022)
2. Define pressure. Write the classification of pressure measurement instruments. Explain
the construction and working of bourdon tube pressure measuring device?
3. Explain the classification of temperature measuring devices with construction and
working of any one temperature measuring device?
4. Explain the various errors in measurement and the practices which are needed to
minimize them. (AKTU 2021)
5. Explain the construction and working of optical pyrometer. (AKTU 2022)
6. Explain any one force measuring device.
7. Explain the construction and working of thermocouple with neat sketch.
8. Discuss the various key elements of a mechatronics system and write any four-
mechatronics system. (AKTU 2022)
9. What is sensor and transducers? Explain various types of sensors and transducers.
(AKTU 2021, 2022)

Prep. By – Vivek Singh Chauhan

10. Explain different types of “Mechanical Actuation system” based on power inputs.
(AKTU 2022)
11. What are autotronics, Bionics and avionics? Write their applications. (AKTU 2021).
12. what are hydraulic and pneumatic actuation systems? Also explain their different
13. Define mechatronics. Write the advantages, disadvantages and application of
mechatronics (AKTU 2021)
Solution -

Prep. By – Vivek Singh Chauhan

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