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The Tribal Age

This is the age wherein speaking or hearing something is better than seeing or reading something In this
specific age there is no exact form of writing, no alphabets and no systematic way of context

2. The Age of Literacy

This age focuses on writing and reading.

Eye is the most important organ in this era. People leam independently and they can also interact with
others through writing

3. The third period in media evolution is the Print Age. In this period, it emphasized on visual print. In
the “Gutenberg Galaxy”, the eye became the dominant sense; age of linear thinking, and gave status to
science and individualism. The printing press was invented during this time.

4. The Electronic Age

This is the era of istan commusicabon The fodo wasawanted and ccommunication is asully waakte
Tewalom weaalko mwn any can be accessed to get mo Infomation fhorn sources on their television

5. The Information Age

This is thee that we am Iving en nght now Social media a wandwide and Easy ono of the easiest source
of informaben that is cesly accessible by almost everyone. It connects everyone ham all over the world

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