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Presentation on SR THEORY

Stimulus response theory

In order to understand this theory, we need to understand what stimulus

and response means

A) stimulus is anything that causes you to react, for example when the
smell of food is pleasant, you wld feel your mouth watering, that is a

B) Response are actions of the body, for example: muscle movement, like
pressing a key with a finger, like speaking , salivating e.t.c.

Now let's define "SR THEORY"

SR Theory was proposed by Edward Thorndike in 1905. He says that

learning and behavior occurs when there's a connection between stimulus
and response and that this connection becomes stronger with repetition.

Four Theories of learning

1) classical conditioning

2) operant conditioning

3) cognitive Theory

4) social learning theory

Classical Conditioning

When we think of classical Conditioning, the first name that comes to mind
is Ivan Pavlov, a Russian psychologist. He discovered this theory of
learning when he was dealing with the digestive systems of dogs, he
discovered an interesting behavioural phenomenal. When Pavlov
presented one dog with a piece of meat, he noticed the dogs salivation
increased, when he withheld the presentation of meat and instead rang a
bell, the dog did not salivate. Then Pavlov decided to link the meat and the
ringing of the bell. Now he rings the bell before giving the dog meat. After
repeatedly hearing the bell before getting the food, the dog began to
salivate as soon as the bell rang. After a while, the dog would salivate
merely at the sound of the bell, even if no food was offered.

Therefore, classical conditioning refers to the learning that occur when a

natural stimulus ( sound or tone ), becomes associated or linked with a
stimulus (food) that naturally produces a behavior (salivation). After the
association is learnt, the previous natural stimulus (sound or tone) is by
itself sufficient to produce a behavior.

Operant conditioning

Operant conditioning was proposed by a psychologist named B.F Skinner.

He claimed that the consequences that follows any behaviors could either
increase or decrease that behavior. He uses the term "reinforcement" to
describe the consequences that increases a behavior and "punishment" to
describe those decreased behavior.

For example, suppose you work in a company, and during Christmas period,
all workers were given the offer of being paid triple their salary, If they
should work starting from Dec 25_ Jan 10, so as to meet up with the high
demands from consumers. Now let's assume you are being paid #4000 per
day , so triple of it would be #12,000, so most of the workers (including you)
were attracted by this amount and decided to go for it . But unfortunately,
after labouring hard for this money, only to find out that you weren't given
the bonus as promised. If you are presented with kind of offer next time,
definitely you wouldn't go for it, because of the negative consequences
experienced, but let's assume you were paid the amount promise, of course
next time, you would be more willing to work. So this was what B.F Skinner
mearnt, if you exhibit a behavior and you experience a negative
consequence, you will most likely not repeat that behavior,but if it's a
positive consequences, you will definitely repeat that behavior.

Cognitive Theory
Cognitive theory is a theory of psychology that focuses on how mind
receive, process , process, organise, store, and retrieve information.

Cognitive refers to an individuals thoughts, knowledge of interpretations ,

understandings, or idea about himself and his environment.

This is a learning process through practicing and using our memory.

Humans learn from thinking and we can change our behavior based on new

Social learning Theory

Social learning theory stipulates that people can learn or acquire

knowledge by observing others.

One can learn things by observing models, parents, teachers, peers, motion
pictures, Tv artists, Employers and others.

Albert Bandura Bobo Doll Experiment

Albert Bandura was a Canadian_ American social psychologists who rose

to prominence through a series of experiments known as the Bobo Doll in

Bandura's study focused on children between the age of 3 and 6 . Each

child was shown a video of an adult hitting and yelling at an inflatable
clown doll, called a "Bobo Doll".The children were divided into three groups :
one group saw the adult punished after showing aggression towards the
Bobo Doll. One group saw the adult rewarded after showing aggression,
and one group saw the aggression but did not see the adult either punished
or rewarded for the aggression. After watching the video, each child was
left alone with the Bobo Doll in the room (though Bandura was secretly
watching from the other room). He counted how many aggressive acts,
such as hitting, yelling cursing and punching, that each child engaged in. He
found that the children who watched the adults displaying such aggressive
acts imitated or mimicked the acts
From this experiment, Bandura concluded that children learn behavior by
watching the people around them.

Educational Technology

Educational Technology is the systematic application of scientific

knowledge to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the teaching and
learning process.

Difference Between Technology In Education And Technology of


Technology In Education Technology of Education

1.This is the use of technological While Technology of Education is

advancement, such as various the study of educational problems
equipments, materials and and the techniques to be used in
machines for educational purposes. solving the teaching and learning

2. It makes use of hardware Software approaches

approach, like the projectors, films,
radio tapes, recorder e.t.c. for
educational purposes.

3. It include tangible aspects of It includes the tangible aspects of

technology education.

4. It is based on principles of It is based on child psychology (age,

physical sciences or engineering ability, mental level).

5. Its origin lies in the application of It's origin lies in the application of
behavioral sciences to the problems physical sciences or engineering to
Examples of technology in education are:

1. Television

2. projectors

3. computer

4. Radio

5. Tape recorder

6. Teaching machines

7. Audio visual equipments e t.c.

Examples of technology of education:

 Technologies of planning

 Technologies of financing

 Technologies of administration e.t.c.

Techniques in technology of education are

 Programmed learning

 System analysis

 Teacher Behavior

 Selection of instrument for evaluation

 Selection of strategies to obtain desired results from teaching and


 Analysis of instructional problems. e.t.c


 Pavlov, I.P (1927). Conditioned Reflexes: An investigation of the

physiology activity of the cerebral cortex, oxford , England: Oxford
University press.

 Skinner , B.F. (1938). The behavior of organisms: An experiment

analysis. New York, NY: Appleton_ century_ Crofts.

 Piaget, J. (1952). The origins of intelligence in children. New York,

NY: International Universities press.

 Puentedura, R.R (2006). Transformation, technology, and

education retrieved from :

 Mishra, p, & Koehle, M.J (2006) Technological pedagogical content

knowledge. Teachers college Record, 108(6), 1017_ 1054.

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