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A. Choose the best answer The dialogue is for no, 1-5 Host Stevan Ambigu : Host Stevan Ambigu : Host ‘Stevan Ambigu Host Stevi Host What are your success keys? Parent's blessing and hard work. * Vheafd that you ever sold doughnut and cooking oll Yes, itis right. Butt didn't work wall + When did you start to like business? have liked business since | was a student. + When did you study about Property business? fan Ambigu : First, worked asa staffin the housing development ‘marketing. Then, | tried {o take participation in a Fusing tender. My first + project was a school building. itwas my basic experience to developmy project. | have finished the housing loan project for poor families who have lower income. makes you lerested in the property business? Stevan Ambigu : Itgivesme somuch profit 1, and | enjoy it. What is Stevan Ambigu? a." “He is an architect. b. He is a contractor. ©. He is a developer. d. Hes a teacher. @. Ha is a doctor. Has Stevan Ambigu ever felt failed? Yes, he has. No, he hasn't Yes, he does. Yes, he had. Yes, he is. What was Stevan Ambigu’s job before he has became a developer? a. Ho isa bank marketing. b. Heisahousing unit marketing staf @. Heis an entrepreneur. d. Ho is a manager. e. He is a mason. : This is a true statement according to the dialog above. ; a He is a famous contractor in Indonesia. . b. He is never in bad condition. c. Heliked spending his time useless. d. His parents’ blessing influences his success. e. He likes playing basketball. How is his life? a. Deprived — d._Fidgety b. Notreallygood e. Prosperous c. Suffer | saw him unwell. He looked pale. He had a bloody nose. ok d ia tae ‘What did the git do? fi Shescreamed heridathystercaly. b. She typed email to her hier, & Sho read a magazine, GSho wrote a letter to her ido Sho met her idol, ise iat happened last night? The torrential rains washed out roads, b. The the wave carried him away. ¢. The the soil here was barren. d. The rainy season brought bad impact to the farmers. e. The heavy rainy destroyed some buildings on the street. 9. The woman shouted hysterically when ‘she met her idol. The underlined word has similar meaning with a. ran d. hugged b. objurgated —e. screamed c. danced 10. | had bad dream last night. It makes me ... during the night. a. awoke d. happy b. slept e. comfort ¢. comfort Text for no. 11-15 Rico was a freelance writer for several local magazines and newspaper. One day, he received a brochure of a three- day conference for magazine writers in Bangkok. Rico was very interested in going to the conference, but there were so many: things that he had to consider. First, he didn't have enough money but maybe his brother could help. Where would he stay in Bangkok? Terry, his cousin, lived there. What about transportation? He read the traffic in Bangkok was terrible. So renting a car and driving by himself was out of the question. Besides he wouldn't know where to go. The conference session finished at four in the afternoon so there's plenty of time for Rico to go shopping for souvenir. He read in the brochure that souvenir shops are not too far from the conferences. After the conference was over, he would like to stay for a few days and went to Chiang Mai. He heard so much about the place, bul he would wait untilthe conference finished before making up her mind. i 25 ee penance eames LLL : Bahasa inggris X SMKMAK = 2/ PH BS 34 Se ee os baa eee Rico went to Bangkok in order to ... a. go shopping b. visit his cousin . continue his study d. attend a conference meet his colleague 12. What is Rico's first problem? a. Health, d. Money b. Transport e. Will cc. Passport 13. Was Bangkok's traffic terrible? a. Yes, it was. b. No, itisn't. c. Yes, it does. d. No, it doesn't. e. No, it wasn't. the conference finished? . dé. At6.00 b.” At4.00 e. At7.00 c. ALS.00 15. How did he know about the conference? He knew it from ... ‘a brochure a magazine his cousin a newspaper his friend 16. Most of people at Pelangi Store ... the ‘goods they bought by credit. paege a. pay b. pays ©. paid d.have paid e. are paying The text for no: 17-19 On Saturday night Sally went out for shopping. She wanted to buy a pair of shoes as her old ones were worn out. Not long after, she stopped outside a shoe store and look at the window. For a couple of minutes, she gazed at a pair of fur-lined high boots on the display. They were not yet priced, so Sally decided to ask how much they cost. As the price was reasonable, Sally decided to try the shoes on. The shop's asisstant asked her to sit down and brought a pair, When he was helping her to put them on, he looked at her stockings. She was wearing a pair of stockings made of fine white lace. He said that they were the latest fashion and a few women wanted to have them. She said that they were the stockings that her mother 19. "They" in ‘they were not yet priced” | gave her. She wore them when she was means . . i young. After finding what she wanted, she a. the boots ‘went home. b. the 17. What does the phrase ‘not yet price” c. the windows mean? a ao d. the stockings a. The price is fixed. e. Sally and the shop's assistant b. The price is very valuable. 20. When she was young, she always .. : ©. The price is very expensive. her friends on her mistake. d. The price is not stated yet. 7 e. The price can be bargained. 18. Shop's assistant has the similar angry meaning with .... made a. owner of the shop got b. salesclerk laughed manager : piamed d. customer e. buyer B. Essay Joining a Traditional Dance Competition I joined a Traditional Dance Competition in Jakarta last year. I represented my School. It was my biggest competition. | practiced hard with my teacher for a month. We also prepared | i the best costume we had. £ 5 We only had one day in Jakarta. We went there by plané. We left at 6 a.m. and arrived in| } Jakarta at 7 a.m, We took a taxi to the place where the competition was held, It took an hour |) f to get there. There were already some participants when we arrived. The competition would | p start in an hour. 4 f First, my teacher and | went to the dressing room. My teacher helped me to do the make- f up and the costume. We spent almost an hour for the preparation. I told my teacher that | was “so nervous. | was not ready for that. However she told me that everything was alright and | felt better. ‘ Then, the time came for me to perform on the stage: There were five judges and about two hundred audiences. However | did not feel nervous anymore. | performed on the stage confidently. | really did the best | could. ! was-glad when it ended smoothly. ‘After that, we waited for the announcement of the result. It was 4 p.m. when the judges, finished making their final decision. | was so impatient td hear the result. | could not believe stil when they called my name as the first winner. | was so happy to be given the trophy. My teacher was also proud of my achievement. Finally, we went back to Yogyakarta inthe evening. | We were so tired. However we were satisfied because our effort was not useless. 4 | i i y | 1. Who joined the traditional dance competition 7 Answer: 2. With whom did the writer practice? ‘Answer: 3. How did the writer go to Jakarta? Answer: the taxi drive the writer to the competion place? 5, How many audiences were there? Answer: 32 ‘ga Bahasa inggris X SMK/MAK 022 Bae a Ne

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