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Practical Assessment Task 4

BSBOPS601 Develop and implemet business plans

Business Plan Template

Using this template – ENSURE you read and follow the below
instructions to prevent resubmission in missing key points and
information required

Before you complete this business plan template and start using it, consider the

1. Do your research. You will need to make quite a few decisions about your
business including structure, marketing strategies and finances before you can
complete the template. By having the right information to hand you also can be
more accurate in your forecasts and analysis.

2. Use the [blue italicised text]. The italicised text is there to help guide you by
providing some more detailed questions you may like to answer when preparing

3. Write your summary last. Use as few words as possible. You want to get to the
point but not overlook important facts. This is also your opportunity to sell yourself.
But don’t overdo it. You want prospective banks, investors, partners or wholesalers
to be able to quickly read your plan, find it realistic and be motivated by what they

4. Review. Review. Review. Your business plan is there to make a good impression.
Errors will only detract from your professional image. So ask a number of impartial
people to proofread your final plan.

For advice and examples on how to complete this template, please download the Business Plan guide from

BSBOPS601 – Task 4
Created: Jan 2022 | Feb 2023 | Dec 2023
Capital College
RTO: 41593 | CRICOS: 03537J | CAN: 606 797 611 | ABN: 16 606 797
Practical Assessment Task 4
BSBOPS601 Develop and implemet business plans

Business Plan
Gin Rummy

BSBOPS601 – Task 4
Created: Jan 2022 | Feb 2023 | Dec 2023
Capital College
RTO: 41593 | CRICOS: 03537J | CAN: 606 797 611 | ABN: 16 606 797
Practical Assessment Task 4
BSBOPS601 Develop and implemet business plans

Using this template.............................................................................................1

Business Plan Summary......................................................................................4

The Future...................................................................................................5

The Business.......................................................................................................6
Business details............................................................................................6
Registration details........................................................................................6
Business premises.........................................................................................7
Organisation chart.........................................................................................7
Management & ownership..............................................................................7
Key personnel...............................................................................................9
Risk management........................................................................................12
Legal considerations....................................................................................13

The Market........................................................................................................15
Market research..........................................................................................15
Market targets............................................................................................15
Your customers...........................................................................................15
S.W.O.T. analysis........................................................................................17
Your competitors.........................................................................................18
Advertising & sales......................................................................................19
Action plan.................................................................................................21

BSBOPS601 – Task 4
Created: Jan 2022 | Feb 2023 | Dec 2023
Capital College
RTO: 41593 | CRICOS: 03537J | CAN: 606 797 611 | ABN: 16 606 797
Practical Assessment Task 4
BSBOPS601 Develop and implemet business plans

Business Plan Summary

(Please complete this page last]

[Your business summary should be no longer than a page and should focus on why your
business is going to be successful. Your answers below should briefly summarise your more
detailed answers provided throughout the body of this plan.]

Gin Rummy Distillery is poised for success with its unique products and ambitious
expansion plans. Founded by Paul, the distillery offers high-quality rum and gin infused
with butterfly pea flower, promising a novel experience for consumers. With a vision to
become a top-quality, locally sourced spirit producer, the distillery aims to provide an
authentic experience through its home-style recipes. Short-term goals include
introducing the gin to the market and increasing production of both spirits, while long-
term objectives involve scaling up operations and establishing a tourist destination.
Through strategic investments and operational enhancements, Gin Rummy aims to
achieve a turnover of $2.5M in the next financial year. With a focus on quality,
innovation, and customer satisfaction, the distillery is well-positioned for growth.

BSBOPS601 – Task 4
Created: Jan 2022 | Feb 2023 | Dec 2023
Capital College
RTO: 41593 | CRICOS: 03537J | CAN: 606 797 611 | ABN: 16 606 797
Practical Assessment Task 4
BSBOPS601 Develop and implemet business plans

The Future
Vision statement:

[The vision statement briefly outlines your future plan for the business. It should state clearly what
your overall goals for the business are.]

To become a leading organic distillery known for producing top-quality spirits sourced
from local ingredients, while providing an authentic experience to consumers.

Mission statement:

[Briefly outline your business purpose I.e. how will you achieve your vision?]

Our mission is to offer consumers home-style recipes that recreate an authentic

drinking experience, achieved through the production of top-quality spirits using
organic, locally sourced ingredients.


[What are your short & long term goals? What activities will you undertake to meet them?]


 Introduce Ink Gin to the market and increase production of both rum and gin.

 Secure financial backing for operational expansion.

 Enhance administrative and manufacturing processes.

 Establish a restaurant, bar, and gift shop on-site.

 Double wholesale sales revenue by leveraging unique products.


 Scale up production with larger distilling systems.

 Become a recognized tourist destination.

 Achieve a turnover of $2.5M in the next financial year.

BSBOPS601 – Task 4
Created: Jan 2022 | Feb 2023 | Dec 2023
Capital College
RTO: 41593 | CRICOS: 03537J | CAN: 606 797 611 | ABN: 16 606 797
Practical Assessment Task 4
BSBOPS601 Develop and implemet business plans

 Expand distribution channels nationally.

 Maintain product quality and customer satisfaction.Expand distillery facilities to

accommodate visitors and increase brand presence.

BSBOPS601 – Task 4
Created: Jan 2022 | Feb 2023 | Dec 2023
Capital College
RTO: 41593 | CRICOS: 03537J | CAN: 606 797 611 | ABN: 16 606 797
Practical Assessment Task 4
BSBOPS601 Develop and implemet business plans

The Business
Business details
Products/services: [What products/services are you selling? What is the anticipated demand
for your products/services?]

Gin Rummy Distillery offers high-quality rum and gin infused with butterfly pea flower,
providing unique flavor profiles and color-changing properties. Anticipated demand for
these products is high due to their novelty and quality.

Registration details
Business name: [Enter your business name as registered in your state/territory. If you have
not registered your business name, add your proposed business name.]

Gin Rummy Distillery Pty Ltd

Trading name(s): [Registered trading name(s).]

Gin Rummy

Location(s) registered: [State(s) you are registered in.]

Northern NSW

Business structure: [Sole trader, partnership, trust, company.]

Pty Ltd Company

ABN: [Registered Australian Business Number.]


ACN: [Registered Australian Company Number, if applicable.]


GST: [Are you registered for Goods and Services Tax? Date registered?]


Domain names: [Registered domain names.]

BSBOPS601 – Task 4
Created: Jan 2022 | Feb 2023 | Dec 2023
Capital College
RTO: 41593 | CRICOS: 03537J | CAN: 606 797 611 | ABN: 16 606 797
Practical Assessment Task 4
BSBOPS601 Develop and implemet business plans

Licences & permits: [List all the licences or permits you have registered – RESEARCH THIS!]

Licensed for alcohol production and sales.

Business premises
Business location: [Describe the location and space occupied/required. What is the size of the
space you occupy/require? Which city or town? Where in relation to landmarks/main areas? If you
have a retail business, where are you in relation to other shops? What is the retail traffic like?]

Gin Rummy Distillery is located on a picturesque cane farm near the Tweed River in
Northern NSW. The distillery operates in an old shed on the farm, with plans to expand
and build additional facilities for visitors.

Buy/lease: [If you have purchased a business premises or are currently leasing, briefly outline
the arrangements. If you are still looking for a lease, outline your commercial lease requirements
and any utilities/facilities required.]

The current premises are leased, with plans to invest in the expansion of facilities for
visitor accommodations

BSBOPS601 – Task 4
Created: Jan 2022 | Feb 2023 | Dec 2023
Capital College
RTO: 41593 | CRICOS: 03537J | CAN: 606 797 611 | ABN: 16 606 797
Practical Assessment Task 4
BSBOPS601 Develop and implemet business plans

Organisation chart
[Outline your business structure in an organisation chart.]

Figure 1: Example Organisation Chart.

_ _ _ _
Management & ownership
Names of owners: [List all of the business owners.]

Paul (Founder)

Details of management & ownership:

Paul serves as the founder and manager of Gin Rummy Distillery, with plans to recruit
skilled staff for various roles. Experience includes years of research and trial to perfect
products. Recruitment plans include a marketing manager, supply chain manager,
accounts/admin manager, and production assistant.

BSBOPS601 – Task 4
Created: Jan 2022 | Feb 2023 | Dec 2023
Capital College
RTO: 41593 | CRICOS: 03537J | CAN: 606 797 611 | ABN: 16 606 797
Practical Assessment Task 4
BSBOPS601 Develop and implemet business plans

Experience: [List the experience of all owners, managers and staff employed by the business;
include any future recruitment plans and why this is being considered]

The management team brings extensive experience in distillation, marketing, and

operations, ensuring the success and growth of the business.

Key personnel
Required staff

[List your required staff in the table below.]

Job Title Quantity Skills necessary

Marketing Manager 1 Marketing expertise, branding, communication skills

Supply Chain 1 Logistics, procurement, supply chain management


Accounts/Admin 1 Financial management, administrative skills


Production Assistant 1 Distillation, production processes, attention to detail

Chef 1 Culinary skills, menu planning, kitchen management

Tour Guide 1 Hospitality, public speaking, knowledge of products

[List all your products/services, details and pricing that is current, you can if planned include future
products in draft as well]
Product/Service Description Price

Butterfly Pea Rum Locally sourced rum infused with butterfly pea flower, $50 per bottle
offering a unique flavor and color-changing experience.

Butterfly Pea Gin Gin infused with butterfly pea flower, presenting a distinct $50 per bottle
taste and mesmerizing color transformation.
BSBOPS601 – Task 4
Created: Jan 2022 | Feb 2023 | Dec 2023
Capital College
RTO: 41593 | CRICOS: 03537J | CAN: 606 797 611 | ABN: 16 606 797
Practical Assessment Task 4
BSBOPS601 Develop and implemet business plans

Product/Service Description Price

Rum Barrel Aged Agricole-style rum aged in barrels, delivering a rich and $50 per bottle
smooth taste profile.

Signature Rum Cocktails Pre-mixed rum cocktails featuring Gin Rummy's signature $15 per bottle
flavors, ready to enjoy.

Distillery Tour Package Guided tour of Gin Rummy Distillery, including tastings $25 per person
and insights into the production process.

Butterfly Pea Rum Locally sourced rum infused with butterfly pea flower, $50 per bottle
offering a unique flavor and color-changing experience.

Market position: [Where do your products/services fit in the market? Are they high-end,
competitive or budget? How does this compare to your competitors?]

Gin Rummy Distillery positions itself as a provider of high-end, artisanal spirits,

offering unique flavor profiles and experiences. While competitively priced, our
products stand out in terms of quality and innovation, appealing to discerning
consumers seeking premium offerings. We aim to establish ourselves as leaders in the
craft spirits market, leveraging our unique products and commitment to excellence.

Unique selling position: [How will your products/services succeed in the market where others
may have failed? What gives your products/services the edge?]

Gin Rummy Distillery distinguishes itself through its commitment to quality,

innovation, and local sourcing. Our use of unique ingredients such as butterfly pea
flower sets us apart, offering consumers a novel and memorable experience. With a
focus on authenticity and craftsmanship, we aim to capture the attention of both rum
and gin enthusiasts, providing unparalleled products that delight the senses

Anticipated demand: [What is the anticipated quantity of products/services your customers

are likely to purchase? For example, how much will an individual customer buy in 6 months or 12

We anticipate strong demand for our products, driven by their unique flavor profiles
and color-changing properties. Based on market research and initial sales projections,
we expect individual customers to purchase multiple bottles over the course of six to
twelve months, with potential for repeat purchases and word-of-mouth referrals.

BSBOPS601 – Task 4
Created: Jan 2022 | Feb 2023 | Dec 2023
Capital College
RTO: 41593 | CRICOS: 03537J | CAN: 606 797 611 | ABN: 16 606 797
Practical Assessment Task 4
BSBOPS601 Develop and implemet business plans

Pricing strategy: [Do you have a particular pricing strategy? Why have you chosen this

Our pricing strategy is based on a premium positioning, reflecting the quality and
uniqueness of our products. With a markup of 100% from wholesale to retail prices, we
aim to maintain profitability while offering value to customers. This strategy aligns with
our goal of becoming a leading provider of high-end spirits in the market.

Value to customer: [How do your customers view your products/services? Are they a
necessity, luxury or something in between?]

Our products are viewed as a luxury indulgence, offering consumers an elevated

drinking experience. Whether enjoyed neat, on the rocks, or in cocktails, Gin Rummy
spirits are considered a treat for special occasions or leisurely moments. Customers
appreciate the craftsmanship, quality, and distinctiveness of our offerings, making
them a desirable choice in the spirits market.

Growth potential: [What is the anticipated percentage growth of the product in the future?
What will drive this growth?]

We anticipate significant growth potential for Gin Rummy Distillery, driven by several
factors including increasing demand for craft spirits, expansion into new markets, and
the development of visitor attractions. With a focus on innovation, quality, and
customer experience, we aim to achieve steady growth in sales and market share,
positioning the business as a leader in the industry.

BSBOPS601 – Task 4
Created: Jan 2022 | Feb 2023 | Dec 2023
Capital College
RTO: 41593 | CRICOS: 03537J | CAN: 606 797 611 | ABN: 16 606 797
Practical Assessment Task 4
BSBOPS601 Develop and implemet business plans

Risk management
[List the potential risks (in order of likelihood) that could impact your business.]
Risk Likelihood Impact Strategy

Supply chain disruptions Likely High Diversification of suppliers, inventory


Regulatory changes Highly Likely Medium Regular compliance checks, legal


Market competition Likely High Continuous innovation, branding,

market research

Economic downturn Unlikely Medium Diversification of revenue streams,

cost management

Brand reputation damage Unlikely High Proactive communication, customer

service excellence

Legal considerations
[List the legislation which will have some impact on the running of your business. For example:
consumer law, business law, or specific legislation to your industry.]

Consumer law: Ensuring product safety, labeling requirements, and fair trading
Business law: Compliance with company registration, taxation, and contractual
Industry-specific legislation: Adherence to alcohol production and sales regulations,
licensing requiremen

BSBOPS601 – Task 4
Created: Jan 2022 | Feb 2023 | Dec 2023
Capital College
RTO: 41593 | CRICOS: 03537J | CAN: 606 797 611 | ABN: 16 606 797
Practical Assessment Task 4
BSBOPS601 Develop and implemet business plans

Production process

[What is the process involved in producing your products or services. This process will vary
depending on your product or service. Here are some examples of questions you may consider. Is
there a manufacturing process? Who is involved in the process? Are there any third parties
involved? What is involved in delivering the service to your customers?]

The production process involves sourcing local ingredients, distillation, aging (for rum),
infusion (for gin), bottling, and packaging. Quality control measures are implemented
at each stage to ensure consistency and excellence in the final products.


[Who are your main suppliers? What do they supply to your business? How will you maintain a
good relationship with them?]

Key suppliers include local farmers for ingredients, packaging manufacturers, and
equipment suppliers. Maintaining strong relationships with suppliers is essential for
quality control and timely production.


[List your current inventory items in the table below. If you have a substantial inventory, you may
prefer to attach a full inventory list to the back of this business plan.]
Inventory item Unit price Quantity in Total cost

Butterfly pea flower $10/kg 100 kg $1,000

Rum barrels $50/barrel 50 $2,500

Gin botanicals $20/kg 50 kg $1,000

Bottles $2/bottle 5,000 $10,000

Labels $0.50/label 5,000 $2,500

BSBOPS601 – Task 4
Created: Jan 2022 | Feb 2023 | Dec 2023
Capital College
RTO: 41593 | CRICOS: 03537J | CAN: 606 797 611 | ABN: 16 606 797
Practical Assessment Task 4
BSBOPS601 Develop and implemet business plans

Technology (Software): [What technology do you require? For example: website, point of
sale software or accounting package? What is the estimated cost of each solution?]

Gin Rummy Distillery requires technology solutions such as a website for online sales,
point-of-sale software for transactions, and accounting packages for financial
management. Estimated costs include website development ($5,000), POS software
($2,000), and accounting software ($1,000).

Trading hours: [What are your trading hours? What are your expected peak trading times?
Which times do you expect to be more profitable? How will this change over different seasons?
How do your trading hours accommodate these changes?]

Trading hours are Mon-Fri 9-5 for wholesale operations. Peak trading times are
expected during weekends and holidays, especially after the introduction of visitor
attractions. Flexibility in trading hours will accommodate seasonal fluctuations and
maximize profitability.

Communication channels: [How can your customers get in contact with you? These channels
can include: telephone, post, shopfront, email, internet or social medial.]

Customers can contact Gin Rummy Distillery through telephone, email, website
inquiries, and social media platforms. These channels facilitate direct communication,
inquiries, and feedback, enhancing customer engagement and satisfaction.

Payment types accepted: [Cash, credit, gift cards, Paypal etc]

Gin Rummy Distillery accepts cash, credit/debit cards, online payments, and gift cards
for customer convenience.

Quality control: [Describe your quality control process. What checks or balances do you have in
place to ensure the product or service you offer is produced to the same standard of quality? What
steps do you take to meet product safety standards?]

Our quality control process involves rigorous testing and tasting by the distiller to
ensure product excellence. Adherence to regulations, batch consistency, and customer
feedback mechanisms further contribute to maintaining high standards and product

BSBOPS601 – Task 4
Created: Jan 2022 | Feb 2023 | Dec 2023
Capital College
RTO: 41593 | CRICOS: 03537J | CAN: 606 797 611 | ABN: 16 606 797
Practical Assessment Task 4
BSBOPS601 Develop and implemet business plans

The Market
Market research [What statistical research have you completed to help you analyse
your market? Did you use a survey/questionnaire? If so, you may like to attach a copy of your
survey/questionnaire to the back of this plan.]

Market research includes analyzing consumer preferences, industry trends, and

competitor offerings. Surveys and focus groups provide valuable insights into customer
behavior and market demands. Mention market research technique, trensds

Market targets
[Where do your market targets sit; what and who are they?]

Our market targets include both rum and gin enthusiasts, as well as consumers
seeking premium spirits for special occasions or gifting purposes. Age group 21-35,
hospitality industry, people with high scale income, cocktail entustats

Your customers
Customer demographics

[Define who your target customers are and how they behave. You can include age, gender, social
status, education and attitudes.]

Target customers encompass a diverse range of demographics, including adults aged

25-55, with a preference for quality, locally sourced products. These individuals are
typically discerning consumers with disposable income and an appreciation for artisanal

Key customers

[Identify your key customers. (These can be large consumers of your products or individuals whose
satisfaction is key to the success of your business.) How will you target your products/service to

BSBOPS601 – Task 4
Created: Jan 2022 | Feb 2023 | Dec 2023
Capital College
RTO: 41593 | CRICOS: 03537J | CAN: 606 797 611 | ABN: 16 606 797
Practical Assessment Task 4
BSBOPS601 Develop and implemet business plans

Key customers include specialty liquor stores, upscale bars and restaurants, boutique
hotels, and gift shops. Targeted marketing efforts and personalized promotions will
attract and retain these customers.

Customer management

[How will you maintain a good relationship with your customers? What techniques will you use?
How will you keep your customers coming back? Have you introduced customer service standards?
Do you follow any particular code of practice?]

Maintaining good relationships with customers is crucial for repeat business and brand
loyalty. We prioritize excellent customer service, timely responses to inquiries, and
personalized interactions to ensure customer satisfaction and retention. Offer discount
on repeated orders, answer customer related issues

BSBOPS601 – Task 4
Created: Jan 2022 | Feb 2023 | Dec 2023
Capital College
RTO: 41593 | CRICOS: 03537J | CAN: 606 797 611 | ABN: 16 606 797
S.W.O.T. analysis
[List each of your businesses strengths, weaknesses, opportunities or threats in the table below and then outline how you plan to address
each of the weaknesses/threats.]
Strengths Weaknesses

Unique products- colour change Limited production capacity

Local sourcing Administrative constraints

Established brand Reliance on founder for quality control

Dependent on few products

Distillay limites size

Opportunities Threats

Tourism potential Market competition

Resurgence of interest Regulatory changes

Expansion into new markets Economic downturn

Local support

Page 18
Your competitors
[How do you rate against your competitors? How can your business improve on what they offer?]

Competitor details

[List at least 3 competitors in the table below.]

Competitor Value to customers (e.g. Strengths Weaknesses

Lord Byron Distillery Quality products, cellar door tours Established brand, local presence Limited product range

Cape Byron Distillery Unique offerings, tours Innovative flavors, strong branding Production capacity

Page 19
Advertising & sales
Advertising & promotional strategy

[What strategies do you have for promoting and advertising your products/services in the next 12 months? RESEARCH THIS]
Planned promotion /advertising type Cost ($) Who is responsible

Social media campaigns $2,000 Marketing Manager

Online advertising $3,000 Marketing Manager

Local events sponsorship $2,000 Marketing Manager

Collaborations with influencers $2,500 Marketing Manager

Email marketing campaigns $1,500 Marketing Manager

Page 20
Sales & distribution channels

Channel type Products/services Advantages Disadvantages

Wholesale Rum, Gin Wide reach, bulk sales Lower margins, reliance on distributors

Online Rum, Gin, Merchandise Global accessibility, direct sales Shipping costs, competition

Retail Rum, Gin Brand visibility, customer experience Limited shelf space, competition, rents

Distillery Distillery Tour Package Direct sales, brand immersion Seasonal fluctuations, overhead costs

Events Signature Rum Cocktails Brand exposure, direct sales Limited audience reach, event costs

Page 21
Business Action plan

Milestone Date of expected Person responsible


Secure Financial Backing May 2024 Management Team

Introduce Gin to Market April 2024 Marketing Manager

Install Larger Distillery Systems July 2024 Production Manager

Open Cellar Doors to Public October 1, 2024 Operations Manager

Launch Marketing Campaigns April 2024 - June 2025 Marketing Manager

Expand Distribution Channels July 2024 Sales Manager

Page 22
Having completed this business plan go to the beginning of this document and complete
the Business Plan Summary, be thorough and detailed in collating a well planned and
impactful summary.

Page 23

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