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Winter Holiday Homework

English You are Sumit, a social activist .Write a letter to editor of a National daily,
expressing your concern about deforestation.
Read Chapters : 7, 8,9,10 (Enrichment reader)

Hindi * स्वच्छता के सम्बन्ध में दो ववद्यार्थियों के मध्य संवाद लेखन।

* मुहावरे — 29 से 58 तथा लोकोक्तत— 21 से 42 अथि सहहत व्याकरण की उत्तर
पुक्स्तका पर ललखें।
* पढाए गए सभी पाठों को दोहराएं।
Maths Make an assignment of ch innings of ch 4 and ch 11
Science Make a model of stethoscope.
Revise Chapter 11 and 4

Computer Create a presentation on the topic: Cyber threat and security

Student will make at least 10 slides. Take the printout and submit after winter
Learn Ch 8: More on CSS
S.St Learn lesson- History-9

Mark the Prairies and velds on map and write about location and climate of
Prairies and velds in your notebook
French Learn Vocabulary words from A to E

Sanskrit 1) संस्कृत के पाठ ं का पठन करें ।

2) पक्षिय ं के वरं ग ं के क्षित्र बनाकर उनके नाम संस्कृत में क्षिखें ।

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