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1 Information
2 Aim of the Micro-Project
3 Module Description
4 Data Flow Diagram
5 Actual Methodology Followed
6 Reason For choosing WaterFall Model
7 Advantages
8 Disadvantages
9 Actual Resources Used
10 Skills Developed
11 Applications of this Micro-project
 Medical Management System & SQL Statements

 Information:-
Medical shop management requires user entry of container
and product dimensions, together with information on weight and orientation
constraints. It implements the storage and retrieval system of day-to-day activities
which involves daily transaction report, monthly wise report on goods delivered,
enquires which enables us to provide efficient and accurate methods of organizing and
accessing different types of information.
In-built database facilities for up to 50 containers and 4000
products are provided so that input into these screens can be carried out with minimal
effort. If information for a particular product code is already held in the 4000 product
database then this is automatically entered into the appropriate fields. The first option
will attempt to pack as much of the medicines using any of the packing methods
available to medical shop management. This may be a loading from the floor or from
the end of the container. The second and third options are self explanatory and the one
most appropriate to the practical circumstances should be selected.

 Aim of the Micro-Project :-

The aim of Microproject is to prepare report on
Medical store management system.

 Module Description:-
* Purchase Item -
The medicines been purchased by the medical shop, the details arerecorded in the Purchase
Item. Some of the details been recorded by the Medicalshop agent is the agency from which
the medicines are bought, item details such asitem type, item name, quantity, manufacturing
date, expiry date etc. The operationsthat are been performed here: To add new records into
the database, to modify analready existing record in the database , to search a record and
delete a record from the database

*Sales Item-:-

The medicines been sold out by the medical shop, the details arerecorded in the Sales Item.
Some of the details been recorded by the Medical shopagent is the agency or the customer
and their respective address to whom themedicines are sold, item details such as item type,
item name, quantity,manufacturing date, expiry date etc. The operations that are been
performed here:To search a record in the database and delete a record from the database
*Item Details:-

-The medicine details such as name of the medicine, bill number,manufacturing date, expiry
date, price and the quantity of the medicines etc are beenrecorded in the Item Details

*Customer Billing:-

-The bill for the medicines been purchased, is issued to theCustomer by the medical shop.
The Customer bill contains the bill
number, purchase date, details of the item such as medicine type, name, price, quantity,manuf
acturing date, expiry date etc. The operations that are been performed here:To print the record
,to modify an already existing record in the database ,to searcha record and delete a record
from the database

*Stock Details:-

- The Stock details deals with the details of the agency as well as thestock item such as the
item type, item name, price and quantity. The operations thatare been performed here: To
display the sales details of the stock as recorded in thedatabase ,to search a record in the

 Data Flow Diagram:-

Data flow oriented techniques advocate that the major data items handled by a systemmust be
first identified and then the processing required on these data items to producethe desired
outputs should be determined. The DFD (also called as bubble chart) is asimple graphical
formalism that can be used to represent a system in terms of input datato the system, various
processing carried out on these data, and the output generated bythe system. It was introduced
by De Macro (1978), Gane and Sarson (1979).The primitive symbols used for constructing
DFD's are
 Actual Methodology Followed:-
Waterfall Model is used to develop medical Store management system
 Reason For choosing WaterFall Model:-

1]This is Small Project and Requirements Are Well understood.

2]This model is simple and easy to understand and use.

3]Waterfall model is simple to implement and also the amount of resources requiredfor it are

4]It is easy to manage due to the rigidity of the model - each phase has specificdeliverables
and a review process.

5]In this model, output is generated after each stage (as seen before), Therefore it hashigh
visibility. The client and project manager gets a feel that there is considerable progress. Here
it is important to note that in any project psychological factors also play an important role.

6]In this model phases are processed and completed one at a time. Phases do notoverlap. This
Project Is Conversion From Manual To Automatic.

 Advantages :-

This system provides an easy way for the casher to determine whether the customeris a valid
member so that he can provide them with discount.2.

This system is also provides great help to the casher to add or update new or existingmembers

 Disadvantage:-

As every coin has a two side this system also suffers from disadvantage

Multiple medicines can not be checked for a customer

 Actual Resources Used

 -Skills Developed -

After working on the allotted microproject topic, I gained various skills likeworking in team,
making coordination between team members.

This project also made me increase my various skills.

Such project work increases our knowledge other from the regular course work

 Applications of this Micro-project –

The Proposed medical management is the completely computerized.

In proposed system there is no need to maintain data about medicine because all process of
that data done in computerized.

The modern age the age of computer is an electronic device, which fetched recordvery
quickly. The computers are very quickly accepted in trade line as it as manyadvantages such
as speed, accuracy, security etc.

In this proposed system all the add, edit, delete, search in project of computer aredone
through computerized system.

Easy and fast retrieval of information.

Better storage capability. More efficient operation.

Well Designed report.

Eliminate the repeated data entry effort and errors.

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