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Midterm Requirement

 Conduct interviews with a minimum of two architects. Ensure that one

interviewee is a faculty member, while the other architect should be from outside
the faculty.
 It is essential for each student to select different architects to ensure diversity.
 Schedule appointments with the architects and send a set of questions well in
advance of the interview date.
 Record the interviews for documentation purposes.

Prior to the interview, the group should foster trust and establish a connection by
providing a brief introduction explaining the purpose of the interview.

It is crucial to inform the architect that their responses will be presented to the
class, and explicit approval must be obtained and recorded in the video.

Phase 1: Introduction

 Name:
 Current age:
 Background information:
~Institution where the architect earned their Bachelor of Science in Architecture
~Number of years the architect has been practicing architecture
~Notable locations where the architect has been involved in designing buildings
~Brief information about the architect's family background (e.g., perhaps the
architect is the daughter of a renowned architect who constructed a well-known

Phase 2: Experiences and skills

1. What inspired your decision to become an architect?

2. Can you elaborate on your guiding principles as an architect and discuss whether they
are rooted in principles you held during your academic years?

3. Could you share your experiences during your college years?

4. What insights can you provide regarding your experiences during your apprenticeship

5. Reflecting on your journey, how did you navigate the challenges encountered during
your board exam?
6. In your architectural career, can you highlight some of the most formidable
challenges you've faced and the strategies you employed to overcome them?

7. Please showcase a few of the key projects you have been involved in throughout your
professional history.

8. In the realm of design, what types of buildings or structures have been the focus of
your expertise and experience?

9. Can you elucidate on your design philosophy and approach when initiating a new
architectural concept?

10. We are currently exploring the subject of SPP Document 208, specifically focusing on
architectural design competitions. Could you please provide insights into your
experiences with architectural design competitions, including the drawing conditions
you encountered upon participation? Additionally, I am interested in learning about any
significant developments during the course of these competitions and the potential
prizes or honoraria associated with them?”

11. What advice would you personally provide on achieving success in your professional

Phase 3: after the interview

The role of the interviewer:

 We have to give a small token of appreciation

 Picture together with the architect
 The interviewers must have an individual realization about the topic. we have to
video record ourselves.

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