Performance Task 3

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Performance Task 3 - Democratic


Write a short essay 10-15 sentences only, on How important for you knowing or learning about our rights as
citizens of a democratic country like the Philippines? The format: 12 font size, Cambria/Times New Roman,
Double Spacing and 1 Inch margin all sides and convert you .

I live in world wherein the youth plays a vital role in the society and we believe that “To deny people

their human rights is to challenge their very humanity”, a saying of Mandela that we grasp until

today. Knowing my rights in our democratic nation-state is crucial for me as a fellow citizen because

it allows me to stand up for justice when both my rights and the rights of my fellow citizens are

being violated. There are numerous instances where the person in authority abuses their position or

line of work to make the other person feel subordinate. I am concerned for a lot of individuals,

especially those who are unaware of the rights guaranteed by Article III of the Bill of Rights or who

may know some of them but are hesitant to take legal action against those who have violated their

rights. Gaining a deeper understanding of the Bill of Rights will benefit me because I want to defend

my family from injustices and assist those in need.

I personally witnessed a violation of my rights as a young adult while participating in a Kabataan

Partylist (KPL) rally about the drug war killings in 2018. We are being red-tagged to the extent that

police officials are threatening some of our members, saying that if we don't stop mentioning

President Duterte on our banners and publication materials, our leader would be held accountable
for all of our actions. Although he could not provide specifics of what would occur, we were aware

that our rights as citizens of a democratic nation were being neglected at the moment. We are only

concerned individuals who are aware of the cruelty with which extrajudicial killing victims are put to

death. We thus organized a protest to make our voices heard as a collective and to encourage the

victims' families to fight for justice with determination and hope. The right to be free from execution

and the right to be subject to due process of law are both clearly violated by extrajudicial killings,

and in my personal experience, we also had restricted liberty of speech and expression.

To stop any acts of injustice, every Filipino needs to be informed of their fundamental human rights.
Knowing even the most fundamental of its provisions is our responsibility. If there are any persons
who lack the resources to learn about this bill, we, the privileged ones, should assist them in
understanding their rights as accountable free citizens. I am appreciative of the numerous
opportunities and platforms I had to learn more about our nation, rights, and freedom. Now that I
am knowledgeable about this law, it is my responsibility to be a torch to illuminate and eliminate the
injustices that I shall see for myself.

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