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Max Marks: 100 / Pass Marks: 50

Instructions for the exam woula be provided in answer sheet
The equation of the line passing through trie Pomt or intersection of the two lines 3x-y=-1 and 2x+y=l11
and the point (5, 0) is represented as px 5y, Tind values of p and
A. 6,30
8. 4,28
C. 5,25
D. 7,35

2 Atrain with a length of 350 metres crosses a tree in 10 seconds. At what speed is the train running?
A. 35 km/hr
B. 108 km/hr
C. 144 km/hr
D. 126 km/hr
The top of a flag is viewed from a point on a ievel ground at some distance from the foot of the flag staff,
angle of elevation being 45 degree. At another point 20 m away from the foot, the flag is viewed again and
and the first
the angle of elevation is 60 degree. Find the distance (in m) between the foot of the flag staff
observation point. Your answer should be correct to two decimals.
A. 28.42
B. 34.64
C. 48.66
D. 56.95
along the edge of the
Shruti walked diagonally across a circular field of radius 42 meters. if she had walked
saved by walking across as
field, she would have walked a greater distance. Calculate the distance she
opposed to walking along the edge?
A. 45.8 meters
B. 49.0 meters
C. 46.6 meters
D. 479 meters

particular car, assume that in the range of 50-75 km per hour, the fuel consumption is 1 liter per 8
5 For a
fuel consumption is 1 liter per 12.5 kms. The car
kms and that in the range of 76 -90 km per hour, the
During the onward trip, the car travelled at 6Okm
makes a round trip from one city to another and back. in the round
during the return trip, it travelled at 90 km per hour. If the total fuel consumed
per hour and
between the two cities.
trip is 33 liters, calculate the distance
A. 154
8. 211
C 161
D 309
Rani vallk, frOm on
meteS ong, how ndof a street to tie otner en
t a Speed of 12 «rns per hou e sreut 7-.
A. 00 seconds uchime does she take?
B. 190 secondis
180 seOnd'
) 0 seconds
Sheela walked diagnally acros from one sde to tthe other de of à C.rCular fcld ct rad us 500 me,
she had along the
perDeter of the fieid she Would have waalke agester dstance Cacu'ate ttie actucl
distance she saved.
A. S40 meter5
B.610 meters
C.570 meterS
D 590 meters

Arun can complete a task in 2 hours and Bala can complete the sue us nihours. Hinti
they take to finish the task if they work together?
A. 1.3
B. 1.6
C. 1.4
D. 1.2

10. tf the equation of acircle is in the form x'+y' 2gx+2fy +c =0, arvd theccle is pass ng thraugh the p3
(2, 1), (1,1) and (3,2), find values of g, f and c
A. -25, -0.5,4
B. -1.5, -0.4 ,5
C. -3.4, -0.2, 7
D. -4.5, -0.3, 6

exam1nation 40 petcen cf the bovs and 70 percet

11 In a class, 50 boys and 60 girls participated in an
total students failed the exam2
the girls pass. What percentage of the
A. 39 percent
B. 36 percent
C. 44 percent
D. 33 percent

32 percent and 26 concentration of juice. If onc litre of tthe frt

water have
2 Two mixtures of juice and what would be the rew concentration
of juice n
itre of the second mixture,
mixture is mixed with one
A. 31 percent
8. 29 percent
C 27 percent
D. 25 percent
An observer 1.6 mtall is 20*sQRTI3]m away Trom
13 a
the towertower
of the tower is 30 degree Find the height of
decimals. (in m). angle of elevation from his eye to
A 216 Your answer should be the top
B. 31.7
correct to twg
C 114
D 415

14 If 5 m'of gas at atmospheric pressure is

compressed until its volume is1 20
increase in the pressure of the gas if the temperature m
percentage and correct to 0 decimals.
is not
changed. Note Your
calculate the percentage
A 317
answer should be in
B. 409
C. 311
D. 285

Pont AIs (3.2) and Pont Bis (7,)C5e o the line AB. If the
throueh C and is orthogonal to AB is equation of the line Lthat passes
represeeu ds axX + y=c, find values of a and c
A. 2,13
C. 4,15
D 6,19

16 for a particular car, assume that in the range of s0-90 km per hour,
the fuel consumption will be directly
proportional to the speed of the car. f the car consumes 5.00 litres of fuel oer hour when traveiling at 50
km per hoçr, what will the total quantity of Tuel consumed if the car travels at 60 km per
hour for 45
minutes fallowed by 75 km per hour for 30 minutes? Note: Your answer should be in litres
per hour and
correct to 2 decimals.
A. 6.38
B. 10.8
C. 8.25
D. 13.6

17. Ravi walks from one end ofa street to the other end in 7 minutes. If the street is 1700 meters long, what is
Ravi's speed in km/hr?
A. 18 kmn/hr
B 14 km/hr
C. 16 km/hr
D 12 km/hr

18 Determine the local minima of yfor the curve y=(8x')/3 -3x'+ x. Your answer should be correct to 3
decimal places.
A. 0.053
C. 0.083
D. 0.067

40 percent of the
19 In a clasS, S0 boys and 60 girls participated invamination, 40 percent of the boys and
students passed the examination. How many eirls passed the exam
A. 28 giris
B. 24 girls
C. 30 girls
D. 26 girls


Aisty and hill respectively. At the end of one year.
he totat profitstarted
a business with an i
is 250 is Andy's vestment
of 700 and 900
A 109 rupees WNhat share of the orofitr
12 upees
( I1S rupees
) 109 rupees

(in m/sec) If distance s=10m
The velocity v ol a body after
time t is
t2 sec, obtai an expression for given by the expression v=4t'-5 distance travelled at t=5 sec.
A 460 distance sintterms oft.Calculate the
D 604

Geetha walks from one end of a

street to the oother end at a speed of 15 km/hr. If the street is 500 meters
long, how much time does she take?
A. 120 seconds
8. 145 seconds
C. 133 seconds
D. 109 seconds

23 Number one is 90 percent of number three and number two is 50 percent of number three. The ratio of
the number one to the number two is:
A. 216 percent
8. 180 percent
C. 198 percent
D. 162 percent

16t-4t+5 meters. Find the distance

24 The distance s mnoved by a body in time tis given by the expression s=
moved by the body when the velocity is zero. Your answer should be correct to one decimal.
A. 27
B. 21
C. 19
D. 31

a value of c (where C>0) such that the conclusion of the mean value theorem is satisfied for f(x) =-2x
be correct to three decimals.
3+6x - 2 on the interval [-2, 2]. Your answer should
A. 1.45
B. 1.155
C. 1.65
D. 1.75

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