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Instructions: Read each question carefully and write the correct answer in a separate sheet of paper.

1. What type of force that causes a change in motion?

A. Balanced C. Tension
B. Friction D. Unbalanced
2. Which one refers to how large or strong is the force?
A. Magnitude C. Velocity of the object
B. Line of action D. Direction of the force
3. What is the unit of force in metric system?
A. Calorie C. Newton
B. Joules D. Pound

4. Which of the following illustrations show about balanced force?

A. F1 F2
B. F1 F2
C. F1 F2
D. F1 F2

5. Which of the following Newton’s law of motion best explains why it is necessary to fasten one’s seat
belt in a vehicle or aircraft?
A. The First Law B. The Third Law
C. The Second Law D. The Law of Gravity
6. Which type of force always pulls the objects to the ground?
A. Applied C. Gravitational
B. Frictional D. Tension
7. What will happen when there is an unbalanced force acting on an object?
A. The object will stay at rest.
B. The object will move at constant speed.
C. There are no changes in motion of the object.
D. The object will change its motion to accelerate.
8. Two people pull on a rope in a tug of war. Each pull has a 300N of force. What is the net force?
A. 0 N C. 600 N
B. 300 N D. 900 N
For number 9, refer to the illustration below.

9. What is the net force in the situation?

A. 4N, left C. 15N, right
B. 10N, left D. 50N, right

10. Which of the following situations below are not example of contact force?
A. Leaves falling down C. Mango falling down from a tree
B. Table touches the floor D. Two bar magnets repelled each other

11. When you move a chair across the floor, what force must your push be stronger than?
A. Friction C. Normal
B. Magnetic D. Tension
12. How do forces appears in every situation?
A. In pairs C. By themselves
B. In triplets D. As single quantities
13. The Earth has bigger mass than the Moon. If you were able to travel to the Moon, what
happens to your weight?
A. Increases C. Stays the same
B. Decreases D. Varies with day and night
14. The ball is on the top of the table. What makes the ball stays at rest?
A. One force acting on it
B. No force present on the ball
C. The forces acting on the ball are equal in the same direction
D. The forces acting on the ball are equal but in opposite direction

15. A boy and a girl are pulling a heavy box at the same time with 10 units of force each in
opposite direction. How will you move the box towards the boy’s direction?
A. Add 5 units of force to the boy
B. Add 5 units of force to the girl
C. Add the same unit of force to each other
D. Add 10 units of force to the girl and 5 units to the boy

For number 16, refer to the illustration below.


35N 110N

Figure 2. Image of a box

16. How much force will you add in order to move the box to the left?
A. 25N to the left C. 30N to the left
B. 25N to the right D. 30N to the right

17. Who formulated the Three Laws of Motion?

A. Aristotle C. Galileo Galilei
B. Isaac Newton D. Albert Einstein
18. How can a Newton’s Third Law of motion be simply stated?
A. Acceleration C. Balanced- unbalanced
B. Action-reaction D. Inertia
19. Which Law states that forces act with equal magnitude and in opposite direction?
A. Law of Inertia C. Law of Acceleration
B. Law of Interaction D. Law of Universal gravitational

20. Which of the following applies the first law of motion?

A. A leaf sways back and forth falling from a tree.
B. When a ball falls on the floor, the ball bounces back up.
C. When pushed with the same force, a car accelerates slower than a grocery cart.
D. When a cardboard with coin on top is suddenly pulled, the coin falls into the glass.
21. What Newton’s law of motion requires the use of seat belt in cars?
A. Law of Inertia C. Law of Acceleration
B. Law of Interaction D. Law of Universal gravitational
22. What is the net force acting on a 5kg crate that is accelerating at 3m/s 2?
A. 10N C. 20N
B. 15N D. 25N
23. You are standing in a moving bus, facing forward, and you are suddenly fall forward. What
happens to the bus?
A. Velocity decreased C. Speed remained the same, but its turning right
B. Velocity increased D. Speed remained the same, but its turning left
24. A truck is travelling to the right and is carrying a ladder on its roof, which is not securely
attached. When the truck slams on its brakes, what will happen to the ladder?
A. Stay on the truck C. Slide forwards off the front of the truck
B. Fly up into the air D. Slide backwards off the back of the truck
25. What concept can you formulate from this statement “For every action, there is an equal and
opposite reaction”?
A. Forces are balanced in nature by opposite force
B. Forces are balanced in nature by an equal and opposite force
C. Forces are unbalanced in nature by an equal and opposite force
D. Forces are unbalanced in nature by an equal and the same force
26. What do we call the energy of a moving object?
A. Kinetic energy C. Chemical energy
B. Potential energy D. Gravitational energy
27. What do we call the energy stored in an object?
A. Kinetic energy C. Thermal energy
B. Potential energy D. Both A & B
28. What is the energy passed when an elastic object is stretched?
A. Kinetic energy C. Thermal energy
B. Potential energy D. Both A & B
29. What is an example of KE at work?
A. A ball stays in a tree C. A parked car in the garage
B. A plate flying through the air D. A cup on the top of the table

30. A 625kg vehicle has a velocity of 10m/s. what is the car’s kinetic energy?
A. 31,250J
B. 50,250J
C. 139,450J
D. 239,450J

31. A cart is loaded with a stone and pulled at constant speed along an inclined Plane to the height
of a seat-top. If the mass of the loaded cart is 3.0kg and the Height of the seat top is 0.45
meters, what is the potential energy?
A. 13.23J
B. 14.50J
C. 20.10J
D. 24.73J
32. Potential energy is the energy of an object based on its______.
A. Height and mass
B. Mass and speed
C. Speed and height
D. Weight and speed

33. Kinetic energy is the energy on object possessed due to its_______.

A. Mass C. Position
B. Height D. Weight

34. A ball falls from height of a tower. Which of the following statement is true?
A. The potential energy of the ball is conserved as it falls
B. The kinetic energy of the ball is conserved as it falls
C. The difference between the potential energy and kinetic energy is constant as the ball falls
D. The sum of kinetic and potential energy of the ball is constant

35. Where does a car on a hill have the greatest potential energy?
A. Top of the hill
B. Bottom of the hill
C. Halfway down the hill
D. It has the same potential energy at all parts

36. When kinetic energy transferred from one object to another, what will happen?
A. The first object will crash with the second object
B. When both objects are force-crashed by a person
C. Both A & B are correct
D. none of the above

37. Which of the following situations has the greatest kinetic energy?
A. Someone running down a hill
B. A ball rolling down a hill
C. A car driving down a hill
D. A ball at the top of the table

38. You are drinking bottled water and suddenly it knocked off on your desk. At what point
where the bottle has the highest kinetic energy?
A. At the highest of the fall
B. In the middle of the fall
C. At the bottom of the fall
D. None of the above

39. With the used of rubber band, how will you create potential energy?
A. Hold the rubber band
B. Stretched the rubber band
C. Released the rubber band
D. All of the above

40. Which of the following factors does the speed of sound depend?
A. Density
B. Elasticity
C. Temperature
D. All of the above

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