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/ˈnɜː.sɪŋ ˌhəʊm/

EFE Vania
Friday, March 29th 2024
a place where very old people who
are ill live and receive medical treatment and care.

(Cambridge Dictionary)


• The nursing home is equipped with various amenities

to ensure resident’s comfort and well-being.

• Emma’s job is caring for elderly people in a nursing

Learning Objectives

Tonight’s Activities


What factors should

families consider when
choosing a nursing
Visual Vocabulary

1. Senior citizen 2. Caregiver 3. Dementia

/ˌsiː.njɚ ˈsɪt̬.ɪ.zən/ /ˈkerˌɡɪv.ɚ/ /dɪˈmen.ʃə/

4. Cane 5. Geriatric 6. Rehabilitation

/keɪn/ /ˌdʒer.iˈæt.rɪk/ /ˌriː.həˌbɪl.əˈteɪ.ʃən/
Vocabulary #1
No Vocabulary Meaning Sample Sentence

1. Pengobatan The doctor prescribed medication to help treat the patient's illness.

Long-term Care
2. Perawatan jangka panjang Long-term care is provided to elderly individuals who need ongoing assistance with daily activities.
/ˌlɑːŋˈtɝːm/ /ker/

Respite care Respite care allows family members to take a break from caregiving responsibilities while ensuring
3. Perawatan sementara
/ˈres.pɪt ˌker/ their loved ones receive professional support and supervision.

4. Kursi roda After the accident, Sarah needed a wheelchair to move around the school.

Gray hair
5. Uban "Many grandparents have gray hair, which shows their wisdom and life experiences."
/ɡreɪ/ /her/
Vocabulary #2
No Vocabulary Meaning Sample Sentence

6. Pikun My grandmother sometimes forgets where she put her keys; I think she's becoming senile.

7. Kacamata She always wears her eyeglasses when reading her favorite books to prevent eye strain.

8. Cucu My grandmother loves spending time with her grandson, teaching him how to bake cookies.

Social activity Residents in the nursing home engage in social activities such as bingo nights, movie screenings,
9. Aktivitas sosial
/ˈsoʊ.ʃəl/ /ækˈtɪv.ə.t̬i/ and group exercise classes to foster companionship and a sense of community.

Art therapy Art therapy helps elderly people express their feelings and emotions through creative activities like
10. Terapi seni
/ɑːrt/ /ˈθer.ə.pi/ drawing, painting, and sculpting.
Grammar Flash
How to use “HOWEVER”

"However" is an adverb used to indicate a contrast or contradiction to a previous statement. It is often

used to introduce a contrasting idea or to show an unexpected result.


1. I planned to go for a walk; however, it started raining, so I stayed indoors instead.”

• In this sentence, "however" introduces a contrast between the speaker's initial plan to go for a walk
and the unexpected occurrence of rain, leading to a change of plans.

2. She wanted to buy the dress; however, it was out of stock in her size.”

• In this sentence, "however" is used to contrast the desire to buy the dress but it is out of stock in
her size. It indicates a shift or contradiction between what she wanted and what prevented her
from achieving it.
Breakout Room Questions
No Questions Sample Answers
In my opinion, factors that we should
1. What factors should families consider when choosing a nursing home? consider when choosing a nursing home are

2. What are the challenges of ensuring quality care in nursing homes? I think some of the challenges are…

Nursing homes can ensure the safety and

3. How can nursing homes ensure the safety and well-being of their residents?
well-being of their residents by…

What are some challenges faced by nursing home staff, and how can they overcome Some challenges faced by nursing home
them? staff are..

5. What role does technology play in enhancing the quality of care in nursing homes? Technology plays a vital role in…

How can nursing homes create a sense of community and belonging among their Nursing homes can create a sense of
residents? community and belonging by…

7. What do you think the future of nursing homes looks like? In the future, I think nursing homes will …

What role do family members and caregivers play in the care of residents in nursing Family member and caregivers can play a
homes? role by .….
Feedback Session


Thank you and have
a great weekend! ☺

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