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Class: B.

Sc [ECS]-III Sub:Theory of computer science(Paper ECS504)

Q.No.1 Choose correct alternatives.

1. The ordered pair of elements is known as -------------.

a) set b) alphabet c) relation d) string

2. All possible subset of set is known as__________.

a) sub set b) power set c) super set d) none of these

3. An ______ is finite, non empty set of symbols.

a) Language b) string c) alphabet d) none of these

4. Proper prefix of the string abc are..........

a) {ε,c,bc,abc} b) {ε,c,bc} c) {ε,a,ab,abc} d) {ε,a,ab}

5. Proper suffixes of the string abc are..........

b) {ε,c,bc,abc} b) {ε,c,bc} c) {ε,a,ab,abc} d) {ε,a,ab}

6. The empty string is denoted by______.

a) ε b) ᶲ c) both and a and b d) none of these

7. ______is collection of object without repetition.

a) set b) alphabet c) relation d) string

8. Function which mapping one to one from input to state such function is known as----
a)Machine b) State c) both a and b d) none of these

9. Function which mapping one to one from input to output such function is known as--
a)Machine b) State c) both a and b d) none of these

10. DFA is more powerful than PDA.

a) True b) False

11. DFA has________tuples.

a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7

12. Mealy machine has________tuples.

a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7

13. Context free grammar has________tuples.

a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7

14. Push Down Automata has________tuples.
a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7

15. Number of states requires accepting string ends with 10.

a) 3 b) 2 c) 1 d) can’t be represented.

16. In __________ machine the transition is associated with state.

a) Moore b) Mealy c) both a and b d) none of these

17. NFA is more powerful than DFA.

a) True b) False

18. The Moore machine has final states.

a) True b) False
19. Every NFA with ε-moves has an equivalent............................
a) NFA without ε-moves b) DFA c) Both a and b d) none of these
20. A finite automata with output has final states.

a) True b) False

21. The regular expression for Arden’s algorithm is ________.

a) Rij(K) b) R=R+QP c) R=Q+RP d) None of these

The (a/b) is rule used for conversion of RE to NFA with ϵ-moves is used for--------.

a) alternative b) closure c) positive closure d) series

23. Regular expression (a+b).(a+b) denotes the set .....................

a) a b) {aa,ba,ab,bb} c) {abab} d) { aabb}

24. If L(r)={ ε, a,b,aa,bb,………} then r=___________.

a) (a+b) b) (a+b)* c) (a+b)+ d) none of these

25. Regular expression are____________.

a) Type 0 language b) Type 1 language

c) Type 2 language d) Type 3 language

26. Pumping lemma is a...................................

a) powerful tool for providing certain languages non-regular.

b) powerful tool for providing certain languages context sensitive.
c) Both a and b
d) None of these
27. If L(r)={a,aa,aaa,aaaa,aaaaa} then r=……………

a) a * b) a + c) a 5 d) a 4

28. If L(r)={ ε, X, XX, XXX, XXXX, XXXXX} then r =______________
a)( ε+X) b) ( ε+X)5 c) ( ε+X)n d)None

29. The language accepted by finite automates are described or represented by simple
expression called__________________.

a) Grammer b) Reguler Set c) Language d) Regular expression.

30. If r=(a/b) then L(r)={____________}.

a) {a,b} b) {a.b} c) { ϵ,a,b } d) None of these

31. Pumping lemma is used to proving given language is--------------------.
a) irregular b) context sensitive c) restricted d) none of these

32. If rightmost and leftmost production is single non-terminal then it is known as--------
---- production.
a) unit b) self c) cross d) none of these

33. The context free language is not closed under----------.

a) union b) intersection c) series d) none of these

34. Type 1 grammar is also called as…………… grammar.

a) Context free b) Context sensitive c) Recursive d) Regular

35. Type 2 grammar is also called as…………… grammar.

a) Context free b) Context sensitive c) Recursive d) Regular

36. The grammar in which right hand side production contains at most one non-terminal
is called ____________ grammar.
a) Context free b) Context sensitive c) Recursive d) Regular

37. In CNF grammar is required in the form of _____.

a) A - > BC | a b) A - > aα c) Both a and b d) none of these

38. In GNF grammar is required in the form of _____.

a) A - > BC | a b) A - > aα c) Both a and b d) none of these

39. If the grammar {S→aB|bA, A→a|aS|bAA, B→b|bS|aBB} then generated string

a) aaabbb b) bbbaaa c) baba d)All of the above.

40. The___________ is accepted unrestricted grammar.

a) TM b) PDA c) DFA d) None of these

41. A grammar that produce more than one parse tree for some sentence is

a) Context free b) regular c) ambiguous d) none of these.

42. A finite automaton with stack is known as----------------.

a) FA b) TM c) DFA d) PDA
43. In PDA one situation has more than one transition then it is known as--------------
a) PDA b) DPDA c) NPDA d) Stack
44. The string anbncn can be accepted by PDA.
a) True b) False
45. The language of PDA is _________.
a) Context free language b) Regular language
c) Both a and b d) none of these

46. The transition function δ:Q×(∑U{ε})×┌ →Q×┌* is of ..............................

a) PDA b) FSM c) Turing Machine d) Mealy machine

47. NPDA is more powerful than DPDA.
a) True b) False
48. In PDA one situation has only one transition then it is known as_________.

a) TM b) DPDA c) NPDA d) Stack

49. The _______machine has infinite tape two both side.

a) TM b) PDA c) DFA d) None of these

50. TM is more powerful than PDA.

a) True b) False

51)In PDA one situation has only one transition then it is known as_________.

a)TM b) DPDA c) NPDA d) Stack

52) The (a/b) is rule used for conversion of RE to NFA with ϵ-moves is used for--------.
a)alternative b) closure c) positive closure d) series

1) Which of the following is an application of Finite Automaton?
a) Compiler Design b) Grammar Parsers
c) Text Search d) All of the mentioned

2) ) Regular sets are closed under union, concatenation and kleene closure.
a) True
b) False

3) Transition function for DFA is ______

a) Σ * Q -> Σ b) Q * Q -> Σ
c) Σ * Σ -> Q d) Q * Σ -> Q

4) The language accepted by a push down Automata.

a) Type 0 b) Type 1

c) Type 2 d) Type 3

5) Turing machine consist of:

a) Input tape b) Blank symbol
c) Tape head d) All of these
6) A push down automata is different than finite automata by
a) Its memory (stack) b) Number of states
c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of these
7) Under which of the following operation, NFA is not closed?
a) Negation b) Kleene
c) Concatenation d) None of the mentioned

8) Regular expression for all strings starts with ab and ends with bba is.
a) aba*b*bba b) ab(ab)*bba
c) ab(a+b)*bba d) All of the mentioned

9) The production of form non-terminal -> ε is called:

a) Sigma Production b) Null Production
c) Alpha Production d) All of the mentioned

10) The tree which represent derivation in a CFG are called _____

a) Parse tree b) Derivation tree

c) Both a & b d) None of these

11) Number of states require to accept string end with 101 is.

a) 4 b)3

c) 2 d)1

12) Halting state of Turing machine are:

a) Start and stop b) Accept and reject
c) Start and reject d) Reject and allow
13) NFA is more power full than DFA
a) True b) False

14) In PDA one situation has only one transition then it is known as_________.

a) TM b) DPDA c) NPDA d) Stack

15)The (a/b) is rule used for conversion of RE to NFA with ϵ-moves is used for--------.
a)alternative b) closure

c) positive closure d) series

16) ______is collection of object without repetition.

a)set b) alphabet
c) relation d) string

17) The Moore machine has final states.

a)True b) False
18) Number of states requires accepting string ends with 10.
a) 2 b) 3 c) 1 d) can’t be represented.
19) The _______machine has infinite tape two both side.

a) TM b) PDA

c) DFA d) None of these

20) All possible subset of set is known as__________.

a) sub set b) super set

c) power set d) none of these

21) In CNF grammar is required in the form of _____.

a) A - > BC | a b) A - > aα
c) Both a and b d) none of these

22) If L(r)={a,aa,aaa,aaaa,aaaaa} then r=……………

a) a * b) a + c) a 5 d) a 4

23) TM is more powerful than PDA.

a) True b) False

24) A grammar that produce more than one parse tree for some sentence is called__
a) Context free grammar
b) Regular grammar
c) Ambiguous grammar
d) None of these

25) A finite automaton with stack is known as----------------.

a) FA b) TM c) DFA d) PDA

26) Type 1 grammar is also called as…………… grammar.

a)Context free b) Context sensitive c) Recursive d) Regular

27) The transition function δ:Q×(∑U{ε})×┌ →Q×┌* is of ..............................

a)FSM b) PDA c) Turing Machine d) Mealy machine

28)Turing machine is language recognizer of _______ language.

a) Context free b) Context sensitive

c) Phase structure d) None of these

29) Proper suffixes of the string “pqr” are ________

a) {p,q,r} b) { pq, qr, pr}

c) { € ,r qr } d) { r , qr , pqr }

30) Turing machine has________tuples.

a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7

31) The___________ is accepted unrestricted grammar.

a) TM b) PDA c) DFA d) None of these

32) The ordered pair of elements is known as -------------.

a) set b) alphabet c) relation d) string
33) An ______ is finite set of symbols.
a)Language b) string c) alphabet d) none of these

34) The empty string is denoted by______.

a) ε b) ᶲ c) both and a and b d) none of these

35) Mealy machine has________tuples.

a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7

36) In __________ machine the transition is associated with state.

a) Moore b) Mealy

c) both a and b d) none of these

37) If L(r)={ ε, a,b,aa,bb,………} then r=___________.
a) (a+b) b) (a+b)*
c) (a+b)+ d) none of these
38) Pumping lemma is a...................................
a) powerful tool for providing certain languages non-regular.
b)powerful tool for providing certain languages context sensitive.
c)Both a and b
d) None of these
39) The language accepted by finite automates are described or represented by
Simple expression is called ____.
a) Grammar b) Reguler Set
c) Language d) Regular expression.
40) If rightmost and leftmost production is single non-terminal then it is known as
____ production.
a) unit b) self
c) cross d) none of these

41) The context free language is not closed under----------.
a) union b) intersection
c) series d) none of these

42) Type 2 grammar is also called as…………… grammar.

a)Context free b) Context sensitive

c) Recursive d) Regular

43) In GNF grammar is required in the form of _____.

a) A - > BC | a b) A - > aα
b) c) Both a and b d) none of these
44) NPDA is more powerful than DPDA.
a) True b) False

45) The grammar in which right hand side production contains at most one non- terminal is
called ____________ grammar.

a) Context free b) Context sensitive

c) Recursive d) Regular

46)The regular expression x+y denote the set .

a) (x) b) (y)
c) (x,y) d) none of these
47) DFA has________tuples.
a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7
48) The language of PDA is _________.
a) Context free language b) Regular language
c) Both a and b d) none of these
49) Context free grammar has________tuples.

a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7
50) Every NFA with ε-moves has an equivalent............................
a)NFA without ε-moves

b) DFA

c) Both a and b
d) none of these


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