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2.7 Multiple
2.8 Figures of
senses of lexical

2.9 Hyponymy Primary meaning play badminton

2.7.1 Primary meaning &

secondary meaning
take part in a play at school Secondary meaning

This is the secondary meaning

which have the context-bound
2.7 Multiple senses of lexical which differentiate them from
items the 1st meaning

The basic or usual meaning of a Literal meaning

2.7.2 literal meaning & figurative


which creates vivid mental Figurative meaning
Use of comparision of one thing with another
Simile Use like & as
Direct comparision

Use of word or phrase to indicate st diferent from the literal meaning.

Without like & as
2.8.1 Smile & Indirect comparision

- Have lost their metaphoric characteristics by extensive, repetitive, and

popular usage
Dead Metophor
Metaphor - Idioms or fixed expressions. Speakers are pay attention to its meaning
used in a given context

mplied or indirect comparisons

Live Metaphor -Use live metaphors in order to make their speech more vivid, figurative, concise, etc
-Continuously created by the writer’s perspective

characteristic is
Special kind of
2.8.2 Personification attributed to an Cruel Heart Abstract --> Concrete.
inanimate O or
Abstract motion

Concrete --> Abstract

Sign --> the person or object it signifies or symbolizes.

is the ‘substitution’ of the ‘name of one thing’ for
2.8 Figures of 2.8.3 Metonymy that another to which it is related.
An instrument --> an agent. (an organ of the human body --> love, talent, ...)
An container --> the thing contained

Material--> the thing made

a special kind of A part or aspect of a person, object --> the whole person, object
2.8.4 Synecdoche
metonymy The whole --> a part.

The name of the author --> his works

“ exaggerated statement that is made for special effect
2.8.5 hyperbole
A figure of is not meant to be taken literally”.
speech is “a
word or phrase
which is used for 2.8.6 Letotes The use to make something seems smaller, worse or less than it really is.
special effect,
and which does
not have its
usual or literal is the expression of one’s meaning by saying the direct opposite of one’s thoughts
2.8.7 Irony
meaning.” to be emphatic amusing sarcastic, etc.

A mild word or phrase used to replace one that is thought to be too harsh or offensive
2.8.8 Euphemism
An indirect way of saying something

is the imitation of natural sounds by means words or groups of words

Superordinates are also

referred as hypernyms or
generic lexical items, the
Hyponymy is the relationship prefix “hyper” means “over”
between each of the
hyponyms and its
superordinate“ Hyponyms are also referred
to as specific lexical items,
the prefix “hypo” means
a word that has a hyponym
2.9 Hyponymy and a superordinate at the
same time

Similar hierarchies can be

established for many lexical

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