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Name : Rubby Permata Dwi Saputri

Class : XII IPS 5

1. Accipitrine ⬌ Hawk (Burung Elang)

⮕ Example: Accipitrine is a bird of prey.
2. Apiarian ⬌ Bee (Lebah)
⮕ Example: Apiarian are honey producing animals.
3. Anserine ⬌ Goose (Angsa)
⮕ Example: Anserine are animals that include poultry.
4. Aquiline ⬌ Eagle (Burung Rajawali)
⮕ Example: Aquiline are one of the birds in Indonesia.
5. Avine ⬌ Bird
⮕ Example: Avine are animals that can fly.
6. Aleclaphine, bubaline, antilopine ⬌ Antelope (Antelop)
⮕ Example: Aleclaphine is an animal found in Africa and Eurasia.
7. Anguine ⬌ Snake (Ular)
⮕ Example: Anguine are deadly venomous animals.
8. Arachnoid ⬌ Spider (Laba-Laba)
⮕ Example: Arachnoid are members of the Phylum Arthropods.
9. Bovine ⬌ Cow (Sapi)
⮕ Example: Bovine are animals that can produce milk.
10. Bubaline ⬌ Buffalo (Kerbau)
⮕ Example: Asia is where the bubaline originates.
11. Forget ⬌ Forgetful (Pelupa)
⮕ Example: My aunt is a forgetful person.
12. Help ⬌ Helpful (Bermanfaat)
⮕ Example: I hope i will be a helpful person for many people.
13. Harm ⬌ Harmful (Berbahaya)
⮕ Example: These chemicals will be very harmful if not used according to
14. Hate ⬌ Hateful (Penuh Kebencian)
⮕ Example: The suspect looked at the judge with hateful.
15. Hope ⬌ Hopeful, Hopeless (Tidak ada harapan)
⮕ Example: I hopeless about my grades.
16. Imagine ⬌ Imaginary (Imajiner, Khayalan)
⮕ Example: Marrying with Mr. Jaehyun is just my imaginary.
17. Impress ⬌ Impressive (Menakjubkan, Keren)
⮕ Example: His painting skills are really impressive.
18. Include ⬌ Inclusive (Inklusif/termasuk)
⮕ Example: I am inclusive of the outstanding students this year.
19. Increase ⬌ Increased (Ditingkatkan)
⮕ Example: Learning activities must be further increased.
20. Indicate ⬌ Indicative (Indikatif)
⮕ Example: Office administrative staff must have an indicative attitude.
21. Inform ⬌ Informative (Informatif)
⮕ Example: A news text must have informative value.
22. Intention ⬌ Intentional (Disengaja)
⮕ Example: He did all that on intentional.
23. Interference ⬌ Interfering (Mengganggu)
⮕ Example: The sound of the song is very loud and interfering the comfort of many
24. Invention ⬌ Inventive (Inventif)
⮕ Example: As a designer he had an inventive attitude.
25. Invitation ⬌ Inviting (Mengundang)
⮕ Example: My brother inviting many people to his wedding.
26. Irritation ⬌ Irritating (Menjengkelkan)
⮕ Example: Her arrogant behavior is very irritating.
27. Joy ⬌ Joyful (Riang/Menyenangkan)
⮕ Example: Your birthday party was so much joyful.
28. Knowledge ⬌ Knowledgeable (Berpengetahuan Luas)
⮕ Example: Not only is she beautiful, she is also knowledgeable as the student
council president.
29. Laugh ⬌ Laughable (Menertawakan)
⮕ Example: Favian laughable when he saw his friend who had fallen into the cat
30. Length ⬌ Long (Panjang)
⮕ Example: The size of the crocodile bread is very long.
31. Law ⬌ Lawful (Sah)
⮕ Example: Mr. Tsaqih was declared lawful in his marriage yesterday.
32. Accept ⬌ Acceptable (Dapat diterima, Pantas, Cocok)
⮕ Example: The decision is acceptable.
33. Appreciate ⬌ Appreciable (Cukup Besar)
⮕ Example: He received a appreciable salary from his new company.
34. Act ⬌ Active (Aktif)
⮕ Example: Favian is active in campus organization activities.
35. Admire ⬌ Admirable (Mengagumkan, Terpuji)
⮕ Example: The painting is very admirable.
36. Agree ⬌ Agreeable (Menyenangkan)
⮕ Example: Playing with you is really agreeable.
37. Believe ⬌ Believable (Terpercaya)
⮕ Example: Mr. Basuki is the principal's believable right hand man.
38. Bore ⬌ Bored, Boring (Membosankan)
⮕ Example: When there is nothing to do on holiday it is very boring.
39. Collect ⬌ Collective (Kolektif)
⮕ Example: Collect today's assignments collective by the class leader.
40. Choose ⬌ Choosy (Cerewet)
⮕ Example: My friend is so choosy that i don't like it.
41. Describe ⬌ Descriptive (Deskriptif)
⮕ Example: She wrote research reports using descriptive text.
42. Adventure ⬌ Adventurous (Berpetualang)
⮕ Example: Let's go on an adventurous next week.
43. Accident ⬌ Accidental (Kecelakaan)
⮕ Example: My uncle had an accidental last night.
44. Acceptance ⬌ Acceptable (Dapat diterima)
⮕ Example: Mr. Hartono's application letter can be acceptable at the company.
45. Accusation ⬌ Accusing (Menuduh)
⮕ Example: Don't immediately accusing people before knowing the facts.
46. Advice ⬌ Advisable (Sebaiknya/Disarankan)
⮕ Example: It is advisable to bring a packed lunch every day.
47. Anger ⬌ Angry (Marah)
⮕ Example: My friend got angry when he saw me chatting with his girlfriend.
48. Boy ⬌ Boyish (Kekanak-Kanakan)
⮕ Example: Stop being silent boyish.
49. Beauty ⬌ Beautiful (Cantik)
⮕ Example: You look so beautiful every day.
50. Blood ⬌ Bloody (Berdarah)
⮕ Example: His hands were covered in bloody from knife cuts.
51. Money = financial ( financial report = laporan keuangan )
52. Moon = Lunar ( Lunar phase = Fase bulan )
53. Earth = Terrestrial ( Terrestrial ecosystem = Ekosistem terestrial )
54. Mars = Martian ( Martian atmosphere = Atmosfer Mars )
55. Venus = Venusian ( Venusian terrain = Tata letak Venusian )
56. Uranus = Uranian ( Uranian rotation = Rotasi Uranian )
57. Asteroid = Asteroidal ( Asteroidal belt = Sabuk asteroid )
58. Galaxy = Galactic ( Galactic center = Pusat galaksi )
59. Black Hole = Galactic ( Galactic black hole = Lubang hitam galaksi )
60. Nebula = Nebular ( Nebular cloud = Awan nebular )
61. Gravity = Gravitational ( Gravitational force = Gayah tarik gravitasi )
62. Magnet = Magnetic ( Magnetic field = Medan magnet )
63. Atom = Atomic ( Atomic structure = Struktur atom )
64. Molecule = Molecular ( Molecular bonding = Ikatan molekuler )
65. Compound = Compound ( Compound formula = Rumus senyawa )
66. Chemical = Chemical ( Chemical reaction = Reaksi kimia )
67. Periodic Table = Periodic ( Periodic table trends = Kecenderungan tabel periodik )
68. DNA = Genetic ( Genetic code = Kode genetik )
69. Cell = Cellular ( Cellular structure = Struktur selular )
70. Microorganism = Microbial ( Microbial ecology = Ekologi mikroba )
71. Bacteria = Bacterial ( Bacterial growth = Pertumbuhan bakteri )
72. Virus = Viral ( Viral replication = Replikasi virus )
73. Fungus = Fungal ( Fungal infection = Infeksi jamur )
74. Plant = Botanical ( Botanical classification = Klasifikasi botani )
75. Animal = Zoological ( Zoological diversity = Keragaman zoologi )
76. Ecology = Ecological ( Ecological balance = Keseimbangan ekologi )
77. Climate = Climatic ( Climatic conditions = Kondisi iklim )
78. Wind = Atmospheric ( Atmospheric circulation = Sirkulasi atmosfer )
79. Ocean = Oceanic ( Oceanic currents = Arus laut )
80. Rock = Geological (Geological formation = Formasi geologi)
81. Volcano = Volcanic (Volcanic eruption = Letusan gunung berapi)
82. Tsunami = Tsunamic (Tsunamic waves = Gelombang tsunamic)
83. Genetics = Genetic (Genetic inheritance = Pewarisan genetik)
84. Adaptation = Adaptive (Adaptive strategies = Strategi adaptif)
85. Ecology = Ecological (Ecological relationships = Hubungan ekologis)
86. Biodiversity = Biotic (Biotic diversity = Keragaman biotik)
87. Extinction = Extinct (Extinct species = Spesies yang punah)
88. Psychology = Psychological (Psychological experiments = Percobaan psikologis)
89. Sociology = Sociological (Sociological theory = Teori sosiologis)
90. Economics = Economic (Economic policies = Kebijakan ekonomi)
91. Mathematics = Mathematical (Mathematical equations = Persamaan matematika)
92. Astronomy = Astronomical (Astronomical observations = Pengamatan
93. Oceanography = Oceanographic (Oceanographic research = Penelitian
94. Environmental Science = Environmental (Environmental impact = Dampak
95. Geology = Geologist (Geologist fieldwork = Penelitian lapangan geologi)
96. Astronomy = Astronomer (Astronomer discoveries = Penemuan astronomis)
97. Meteorology = Meteorologist (Meteorologist predictions = Prediksi meteorologis)
98. Environmental Science = Environmentalist (Environmentalist initiatives = Inisiatif
lingkungan )
99. Reaction = Reactive (Reactive species = Spesies reaktif)
100. Ecosystem = Ecosystemic (Ecosystemic interactions = Interaksi ekosistemik)

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