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Technical Guidance Document Series Number-DOE-IETS-9 GUIDANCE DOCUMENT Environmental Quality (Industrial Effluent) Regulations 2009 1 DOE Headquarters @ 2 Sixth Edition 2015 > - e 5 PORMTHELUSEOILE|INDUSTRIES'AND CONSULTANTS” Ae Technical Guidance Document Series Number-DOE-IETS-9 GUIDANCE DOCUMENT ON THE DESIGN AND OPERATION OF INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT TREATMENT SYSTEMS Specified in Regulation 5, Environmental Quality (Industrial Fffluant) Regulations 2009 FOR THE LSE OF THF INDUSTRIES AND CONSULTANTS DUE Headquarters Sint Exition 2010 L.- Guibance DOCUMENT ON THE DESIGN ANO OPERATION OF NOUSTRIAL EFFLUENT TREATMENT SYSTEMS | Tee Gigante DoGiiiont Sates Number OOE-ETS-9 | — [7 chia Ores oe near ES EOCENE | | TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Title Page > Table af contents aria Fureword, 3 * List of abbreviations 4 q List of tables 6 Chapter 1 Introduction ’ Chapter 2 General considerations and principles 9 Chapter 3 Design of biological treatment processes 20 Chapter 4 Oxygen requiremenis: av Chapter 5 ution require ier its 42 Chapter 6 Design of clarifiers 43 Chapter 7 Design of pH adjustment systems a Chapter 8 Design of chemical pracipitation systome 50 Chapter 9 Design of coagulation and tiocculation systems Ba Chapter 10 Design of oxidation reduction systems | Chapter 11 Treatment of cyanide effluent streams 56 . Chapter 12 Design of ion exchange columns 58 7 Unapter 13 Design of oll water separators a Chapter 14 Design of dissolved air flotation systems 5 Chapter 15 Design of activated carbon columns 68 Chapter 10 Design of meuia titers and membrane processes n Chapter 17 Design of evaporation systems 73 Chapter 18 Desian of studae dewatering facities 7” Chapter 19 Design of instrumentation, control end electrical systems 15 ‘Chapter 20 esign of mechanical components eo Chapter 21 IETS maintenance plan 80 | Chapter 22 Final discharge point Bt t Foforonces 83 GUIDANCE DOCUMENT ON THE DESIGN AND OPERATION OF INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT TREATMENT SYSTEMS. A y ° 7 FOREWORD re design procedure, considerations, requirements, criteria, otandarde and epooifications abs industrial efluent treatment system ((ETS) described in this Guidance Document (fo be referred to as “etiteria) represent the minimum criteria that an owner of an industrial facility shall comply with. These criteria shall be met in order to comply with regulation 5 of the Industrial Effluent Regulations 2009 (to be referred to as IER). The owner shall take adcitional measures either in the form of providing redundancies, installation ot additional equipment, provicing higher safety factor, etc If these additional measures are deed appropriate to further ensure compliance with the effluent discharge standards stipulated in the IER all the time. The Guidance Document will be reviewed and updated finm tima te time, “4h, DATO’ HALIMAH BINTI HASSAN Director General Department of Environment, Malaysia March 2012 L._quoance DOCUMENT ON THE DESIGN AND OFERATION OF INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT TREATMENT SYSTEMS mae! bere —— 2 eal aad Gaal 88 Nabue-BoeseTs.0 ~ }— - LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ADMI ‘American Dye Manufacturers Institute : AVS ratio Air to solids ratio. ‘i BEM Board of Engineers Malaysia BOD Biochemical oxygen demand : CAS Conventional activated sludge cop Chemical oxygen demand DAF Dissolved air flotation : Do Dissolved oxygen DOE Department of Environment EAAS Extended aeration activated sludge F/M ratio Food to microorganism ratio G Velocity gradient HLR Hydraulic loading rate HAT Hydraulic retention time - lECS Industrial effuent characterization study IER Industrial Etfuent Reculations 2009 ‘ leTs Industrial effluent treatment system MBR Membrane bioreactor MLSS Mixed liquor suspended solids « MLvss Mixed liquor volatile suspended solids a ac Oil and arease OLR Organic loading rate O&M Operation and maintenance RP Oxidation reduction potential our Oxygen uptake rate PID Process and instrumentation diagram PLO Programmable logic controllers RAS Return activated sludge SBR ‘Sequencing batch reactor SCADA ‘Supervisory control and data acquisition si Solids inventory i SLR Solids loading rate 7 SOUR Specific oxygen uptake rate a ss Suspended sdlicis i ssv Satiled sludge valine . svi ‘Sludge volume index ay ‘GUIDANCE DOCUMENT ON THE DESIGN AND OPERATION OF INDUSTRIAL EFFLLENT TREATMENT SYSTEMS — TF Trickling filter ne nN Total inorganic nitrogen # TOC Total organic carbon - ASB Upfiow anaerobic sludge blanket - uw Superticial quid uptiow velocity Kl voc Volatile organic compound / was Waste activated sludge \ wer Whole effluent toxicity WOR Weir overflow rate x | | | L- GUIDANGE DOCUMENT ON THE DESIGN AND OPERATION OF INDUSTRIAL’ EFFLUENT TREATMENT SYSTEMS: eae aes LIST OF TABLES 4 Page |. Table 2.1: Priory effluent parameters tor ditterent industries 1° Table 2.2: Summary of industrial dischargers of metals 13 Table 2.8: Fifth Schedule to the Industrial Effiuents Regulations 2009 ie Table 2.4: Seventh Schedule to the Industrial Effluents Regulations 2009 18 Table 2.6: Eighth Schedule to the Industrial Effluents Regulations 2000 19 Table 3.1: Summary of typical design criteria for CAS systernis 22 lable 3.2: Summaty of typical design criteria for EAAS systems 24 Table 3.3: Sequence of calculation for the design of CAS systems 25 Table 3.4: Summary of typical design criteria for SBR systems 26 Teble 8.5: Sequence of calculation for the dasign of SRR systems: 28 Table 3.6: Typical design criteria for UASB based on COD loading Ponti Table 8.7: Sequence of calculation for the design of UASB systems ae lable 3.8: Nilrogen removal processes 32 | Table 4.1: Sequence in the calculation of oxygen requirements and the required 40 | power of aeration system | | Table 5.1: Nutrient deficient industrial effiuents 4g = | Table 6.1: Typical dooign oriteria for primary clarifiora 49 Table 6.2; Typical design criteria (ohysical dimensions) for rectangular and circular 44 primary clarifiers Table 6.3: Typical design criteria for secondary clarifiers 44 | Table 6.4: Typical design criteria for lamella clarifiers 46 | Table 8.1: Average G for flocculation of differant types of flees 51 | Tablo 0.1: Design oriteria for a two-stage chromium removal process 04 Table 10.1: Design criteria for an alkaline chlorination process 56 Table 18.1: Design criteria for DAF systems faa Table 20.1; Eleventh Schedule to the Industrial Effiuent Regulations 2009 75 | L6 (GUIDANCE DOCUMENT ON THE DESIGN AND OPERATION OF INDUSTRI EFFLUENT TREATMENT eysTEMS — —! CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION The purpose of this Guidance Document is to stipulate: + The minimum design criteria for common unit operations and unit processes to be complied with by the design engineers when undertaking an exercise in the design of an IETS at the design stage. © The operating conditions to be maintained for various unit operations atid unit processes by the IETS supervisors/operators at the operational stage. ‘The preparation af this dacument takes cognizance of the contributing factors that would result in a success story of industrial effluent treatment, namely an acoeptable design of the IETS and later, its optimal operation. A well trained and an experienced engineer wil ensure that the IETS is adequately designed and a competent operator will ensure that the EIS is optimally operated, As a consequence, the final result is a success story of regulatory complianvy un a wonlinuuus Lasis and mitigation of adverse environmental impact. 4.4 Deviation from Dasign Criteria Deviations from the design criteria stipulated in this Guidance Document which represent @ more conservative design shall be accepted as a general principle However, deviations which can be interpreted as a less curservalive Uesiyt shall be allowed only if documented evidence from actual operating IETSs or pilot plant studios can bo eubetantiated to justify the use of lower dacign criteria without compromising the desired quality or outcome of the design exercise. The evidence shall be documented and submitted to the DOE in the notification package. Itis to be noted that for some IETS components, numerical design criteria have not been specified in this Guidance Document because of Ie nature of the design process anid the design variables involved are application opcoifio and largely dependent on the desired quality of the product or outcame and management derision an tha technology to be used. In these cases, wide flexibility is given to the design engineer in consuttion with the client to decide on the design variables and ‘operating conditions, However, all details used in the design including design oriteria, design equations, calculations and operating conditions shall be documented and submitted to tne LUE in the notification package, 4.2 Design of Unit Oporatione and Unit Processes not Miscussed in Guidance Document The types of unit operations and unit processes of IETS discussed in this Guidance Document are not exhaustive. Where unit operations and unit processes are not discussed, the design engineer shall design such IETS components according to established design criteria which shall be submitted to the DOE with the notification form. L. qupance oocuMENT ON THEDES(GN Avo OPERATION OF INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT TREATMENT SYSTEMS, g Re 1.3 14 15 Tia ics DoS Sas NarbebOOELETSS | —_—_____—. Notification Requirement Regulation 4 ofthe IER requires @ new source or an altered source of effluent discharge or a case of an IETS upgrading /modification to notify the DOE via the use of the trutiféation form specified in the Gecond Schedule. Detells of the ICTS inoluding the design basis, design calculations, and detailed engineering drawings shall alsa he furished along with the notification form as required under regulation 4(2) of the IER {see the Second Schedule}. Combined Treatment of Industrial Effluent and Sewage In principle, the idea of treating an industrial effluent with sewage can be accepted ae long as the characteristics of the offiuent are compatible with thse of tha sawage. In practice, experience in developed countries has shawn that, industrial eftuents which contain biodegradable constituents have been successfully co-treated with sewage. Since combined treatment is relatively new in Malaysia, the industry is strongly advised To consult he relevant authorities before eribarklng or a Gulnbied Weatiner it project. Wherever relevant, consent or approvals from the authorities need to be obtained before the project is carried out Additionally, a combined treatment projact should be preceded by a thorouah investiaation of the compatibility of the effluent with sewage and the feasibility of combined treatment preferably, via a pilot plant study. Explanation of Terms The terms “chal” or "must are used in the Guidance Document when it is required that the standare, procera and criteria be user. Other terms such as “should” and “recommended” indicate desirable procedures, methods or criteria which should be . considered, w [GUIDANCE DOCUMENT ON THE DESIGN AND OPERATION OF INDUSTRIAL EFLLEENT TREATNENT SYSTEMS 1 ehinieal Guidance Decintert Saree NimnbaEDOEIETE 9 CHAPTER 2: GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS AND PRINCIPLES: : This chapter describes the general principles that the design engineers nerd to adhere to . and the considerations needed to be taken into account when desianing an IETS. i 21 Design Engineers Engineers who have undergone university training and oblained a degree in certain discipline are better equipped and hence are more appropriate to handle cortain aspects of environmental problems. Nevertheless, it should be notad that engineers, from one discipline, through additional training, such as post qraduate courses and relevant on the job training, may develop sufficient working knowledge and expertise | in other closely related disciplines. Professional ethics will dictate that one would not be wiling to undertake an engineering assignment which is not within one’s expertise. tis also to be noted that, courses in the design of wastewater treali rari syste fur ‘treating industrial effluents or sewage are typically offered by the universities at the post graduate etudise, ‘The design engineer who takes on a design assignment shall be a competent person : as required under section 49A of the EQA. From the technical perspective of the IER, in performing an IETS design task, the following shall be adhered to. 2.1.1 Design of Physical Chemical Treatment Processes The process and functional desian of the physical chemical treatment processes shall be carried out by: + Achemical engineer, or An environmental engineer, or * Acivil engineer who has talken coursos in the design of physical chemical troatmont processes at the undergraduate level or has undergone @ postgraduate course in environmental engineering or water pollution control engineering, or * Anengineer in other relevant discipline who has undergone a postgraduate course in environmental engineering or water pollution control engineenng. 24.2 Design of Biological Treatment Processes: ‘The process and functional desian of the biological treatment processes shall be carried out by: ‘+ An environmental engineer, or © A chemical or cil eniginoar wiv tas taker Courses ihe design of biological treatment procosses at the undergraduate level orhas undergone L. GUIDANCE DOCUMENT ON THE DESIGN AND OPERATION OF INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT TREATMENT SYSTEMS woese YORE REI aerogenes ents ts al 22 ‘echnical Giidance Documert Series Number DOEETS.S @ postgraduate course in environmental engineering or water pollution control engineering, or + Anvengineerin other relevant visciptine who has undergone a post graduate course in environmental engineering or water pollution control engineering, Apart from the requirement on university training specified above, the design engineer shall have sufficient design experience which has been obtained under the supervision of senior engineers. 2.1.8 Design of Mechanical, Electrical, and Electronic Components The design of mechanical, elactrical, ar alectranies eamponents as wel as tha structural desian shall be carried out by relevant enaineers in conformance to the applicable legislations which are currently in force. 2.1.4 Protessional Engineers All tho enginoore involved in the dosign acsignmont chal bo profocsional engineers who maintain current registration with the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM). Effluent Flowrate 2.21 Effluent Flowrale Es! Determination of the flowrate of industrial effuent is a fundamental step in the design of effluent collection and treatment systems. Relable data on ‘existing and projected effluent flows must be available if the IETS is to be designed properly. For existing industrial manufacturing industries effluent flowrate estimate shall be developed trom water consumption recard or trom ‘the analysis of flowrate data or from actual measurements such as those conducted in industrial effluent characterization studios (IECSs) (Refer to tho Guidance Document on Incustral Effivent Characterization Studies published by the DOE). For new manufacturing industries, estimates shall be made using data from existing industries operating elsewhere ullizing similar manufacturing processes or from published data. p Es Flowrate for Design For the design of IETS, itis recommended that the peak flow (i.e. the maximum dally flow, Q,,..) is used. The maximum daily flow is important particularly in the design of faclties involving detention time such as equalization basins fand the design of transmission elements such as conduits and distributor mechanistis (GUDANCE DOCUMENT ON THE DESIGN AND OPERATION OF INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT TREATMENT SYSTEMS tania otra Saka imeeeoneiers.oh computed from the relationship: Que = Qpuage X PEAKING HACIOF osssreseeseeZel) oan ‘An appropriate peaking factor must be determined by the design engineer based on the operational characteristics of the manufacturing processes employed in the industry. 2.3 Significant Pollution Parameters Based on literature data or oxperionoe with cimilar induetries, or information from an IECS conducted previously or raw materials and manufacturing processes ‘employed, the engineer shall identify the significant pollution parameters in the effluent streams. Table 2.1 below gives a guide on significant pollution parameters for some ‘common industry categories/types. Table 2.2 surnmerizes industrial sources of motel dischargers. Table 2.1: Significant effluent parsmeters for different industries* Industry Type ‘Typical Priority Effluent Parameters CChlor-Alkali (Mercury Cel) pH, SS, Marcury, Chlorides Cher Alkali (Diaphragm Goll) T. pH, 88, Chloridoo T, pH, $8, O&G, Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium (trivalont), Chromium hexavalont), Lead, Nickel, Mercury, Silver, Zine, Fluoride, Cyenicies-cepending on the metals involved! Fertilizer (Nitrogenous) T. pH. COD, $8. Ammoniacal nitroaen, Metal Finishing and Electroplating Fertlizer (Phosphate) T, pH, COD, SS, Ammoniacal nitrogen, Fluoride Pulp end Paper 7, pH, BOD,, COD, 88, Suldoc, Petroleum Retiring T. pH, COD, $8, BODS, 8G, Phenolic compounds 1, pH, CUD, SS, Chromium (nvalen, ron, Gaamium, Copper, Fluoride, 0&6 Synthetic Fiber T, pH, BOD,, COD, SS, Sulfides, O86 T. pH, BOD,, COD, SS, Sulfide, Chromium (trivalent), Chromium (hexavalent), Phisnlic compounds, O86, Steal Industry Tanning and Leather Finishing ‘Textile Processing T, pH, BOD,, COD, ‘Chromium, Copper, Pigments and Dyes T, pH, COD, Lead, Copper, Zinc Thermal Power Plants S| T, pH, SS, O8G i “| Fubber Products B0D,, COD, $8, Zine, Chromium, _ pH. COD. SS, Lead, Chromium, Cadmium, Zinc, Paints, varnishes & Lacquers Barium L._Guoance DOCUMENT ON THE OESIGN AND OPERATION OF NOUSTFIAL EFFLUENT TREATMENT SYSTEMS ea — [eneaTeaaaiee Gocanen Sens NOES — - lable 2.1 continued il & Gas Exploration and Production | Food and Beverage ‘Glass Manufacturing Fruit and Vegetable Processing | | | Pesticides || Printing | PH, RAR, CAN, SS Phanale Campounels, Cyanida, Industrial Chemicals ‘Ammoniacal Nitrogen, Cadmium, Lead, Chromium, | Mercury, Nickel, Zinc, Arsenic E T, pH, BOD,, COD, $8, O8G, Chloride, Phenolic | Compounds, Boron, Fluoride, Formaldehyde, Sulfides, Ammonia “T, pH, BOD, COD, 8S, O8G, Phenolic Compounds T, pH, BOD,, COD, 8S T.pH. BOD, COD. 88. 08G T, pH, COD, SS, Barium, Fluoride, O&G Sugar 7 pli, BOD,, COD, 68, 086 a Detergent ___| BH, COD, 086, Arion Dotergunt | Photographic PH, GUD, Siver, Cyanide, Huorde | Glue Manufacture pH, BOD,, COD, Phenolic compounds; Formaldehyce | a os "|, BH, BOD,, COD, $8, 08G, Fluoride, Ammoniacal | lectronios Nitrogen, Copper, Nickel, Chromium, Tin, Lead, Cyanide, Sulfates Vegetable Gil Mis 1, pH, BOD, COD, $8, 08G Plastic Materials and Products SS, endodline disruptors Solar Panel Industry | pH, BOD, COD, Wood Products pH, 88, COD, Phenolic compounds Pharmaceutical T6006 6 BOD ss 24 Mass Balance \aReRay Note: “list and parameters not exhaustive biochemical oxygen demand; COD = chemical oxygen demand, tuspended solids; O&G = oll and grease ‘ ‘A mass belance is @ set of calculations used to account for the mass flows of various contaminants across the different unit processes and unit operations that make up the entire IETS. For an existing industry intending to upgrade its IETS or in the process of identifying solutions to its effuent non-compliance problem, an IECS shall be performed. An integral part of the study is the development of a mass balance model to track major pollutants such as DOD, COD, 83 and metals in the } liquid and solid streams in the IETS. Mass balances shall be developed to assess [GUIDANCE DOCUMENT ON THE CESIGN AND OPERATION OF INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT TREATMENT SYSTEMS equipment parfurmance based on existing data or to project future loading when @ manufacturing facility fo intonding to adopt manufacturing process changes or to : increase production capacity. Ta raprasent steady state plant operations, annual or monthly data, wherever relevant, shall be used for the development of mass balance. : Mass balance calculations are required to be performed only for an IETS involving the temoval of metals in new or existing industries. Table 2.2 : Typical inoustrial sources of metals in effivet ts Metal Industrial Source Metallurgical industry; glassware and ceramic production; tannery operation; dyestuff manutacture; pesticide manufacture; petroleum retining; some organic and invrganic chemicals manufacture; rare earth industry. it i Paintand pigment industry; metallurgical indiisiry, glass manufactire; Barium ceramics industry; dye manufacture; rubber vulcanization process; explosives industry. - Metallurgical alloying process; ceramics industry; electroplating: Arsenic Cadmium photographic industry; pigment works; textile printing; chemical industry. i ? Melal pickling baths and plating baths; chemicals menufacturing Copper employing copper salts or a copper catalyst; printed wire board industry; solar call manufacture, Glass manufacture; electroplating industry; steel and aluminum fe Fluorides industry; pesticides manufacture; fertilizer manufacture; (non matal) Photographic industry; silicon wafer industry: cathode ray tubes industry; steel industry; solar panel manufacture. ‘Mining operation, ore miling, chemical Industries; dye manufacture; an metal processing; textile industry; petroleum refining, Lead [Lead acid battery manufacture; printed wiro board indvotry. | Manganese | Stelaloy industry dry call balery manufacture; lass and ceramics industry; paint and varnish manufacture; ink and dye works. | ‘Chioralkall industry; elecrical and electronics Indust; explosives iene manufacture; photographic industry; chemical and petrochemical industry; laboratory effluents lamp manufacture. incinerator; battery manufacture; bulh/ Motal procoeaing industry; steel foundries; rotor vehicle industry: i Nickel air craft industry; printing industry; chemical industry; nickel electroplating industry; printed wire board industry. Flyash pond from fossil fuel combustion; sulfide ore processing; coal-fired power plant cooling water discharge. Selenium L -seroacepoouvetv on THe GES AND OPESATON OF NOUSTRIAL FFLUENTTAEATMENT SYSTEMS Sprains oe le 3.7 contin, 2.0 Design criteria | i 24 Organic loading rate OLR haCear | Saeotet from kgOOD/ Selected from 22 Sod loading rate BA | ane [rbeaa : Hydra retention ‘Selected from j 2 AT 3 time i i ™ \miess | | \ | 24 | Expected efficiency 2 Hit : | ee : { 3.0 |Computed values 3.1 Reactor volume re = aac] | Sot eee ee GT Avia | 3.10 Design Methodology for Nutrient Removal Varlous provesses Utal Gani be used to remove nitrogon from induetrial effluents, | The processes can be categorized as biological or physical chemical processes. By enlarge, in practice, biological processes are the most commonly employed processes for nitronen removal. | Under the IER, the only nutrient regulated is nitrogen. Table 8.8 summarizes the 8; Nitrogen remo . Biological process eee oe ____| Physical chemical process | ‘Suspended growth Fixed film pine eel * Nitrification * Nitrification * breakpoint chionnation | + trickling filter * ammonia stripping = aerobic fier * ion oxchenge * Nivifnation/cenitification |* denitrification = ‘tickling fiter : - fluidized bed __* membrane processes | | Ihe design engineers shall follow standaru design criteria, procedure and calculation steps for the design of processes to romove nitrogen from industrial effluents. Typically, tho criteria and calculations involved ara similar to thase adopted in the desian of nitrogen removal processes in sewage treatment systems. The criteria and procedure recommended by Eckenfelder, Ford and Englande (2008); Metcalf and Eddy (2003) or Qassim (1994) or other authorized design manuals are acceptable. | GUIDANCE DOCUMENT ON THE DESIGN AND OPERATION OF INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT TREATMENT SYSTEMS = 3.11, Design Methodology for Stabilization Ponds Although not a commonly preferred option in Malaysia, waste stabilization ponds are sometimes employed for treating industrial efiuents especially when space is not a imjor constraint. Various types of puniny systems are found in practice: anaerobic * ponds, acrated ponds and aorated lagoons. Effiuonte from a varioty of industios | have been treated by ponding systems either as a pretreatment or a polishing step. The industries include meat and poultry, pulp and paper, petroleum, oleo-chemicals, | textile, etc. Typical design methodology for stabiization ponds is based either on Kinetic concepts or empirical considerations. The former requires information on kanetic constants such as KUL removal rate constant, yield coemoient, ete., while me | latter requires information on empirical data, such as BOD loading, detention time, | etc., both of which may not be easily available for the industrial effuent in question. | Bath dasign methodologies are acceptable if sufficient information/data are available or reasonable assumptions can be justified. Useful design examples are ilustrated | and performance data for anaerobic, facultative and aerobic ponds reported in | Eckenfelder, Ford and Englande (2008). The design methodology adopted by the | engineer shall be properly documented. ‘An example of the procedure for tha design of stabilization ponds based on the kinetics approach is outlined below. The pond retention time required is calculated using the equation below: Le [LyL) 11109. nf.) where: t retention time, d L, = effluent BOD, mg/L | L, = influent BOD, mg/L KC = trst-order rate coemicient tor BOD removal, a ‘The value of Kie dependant onthe effluent charactoristics, hence shouldbe determined ‘experimentally. In the absence of experimentally determined values of K, wherever applicable, the values reported by Eckenfelder, Ford and Englande (2008) for various industrial effluents may be used. Variation of K with temperature is described by the Arrhenius equation as follows: Key = Ky Oss csessnseereecse( 19) | where: | K,,= rate coefficient for BOD removal at temperature T2, °C | K,,= rate coefiicient for BOD removal at temperature T1, °C | = Arrhenius constant (typical value for design is between 1.05- 1.09}, | {esis Goaerce Dosen Ses TbeRDOEEISS | ——— Table 2.2 continued Silver Zine Porcelain works; photographic industry; electroplating industry; ink | manufacture; printed wire board industry. | Steelworks; rayon yarn and fiber manufacture; rubber glove industry; wood-pulp production; recirculating cooling water employing cathodic treatment. Boron manufacture; detergent industry; fertilizer manufacture; metalluray Ceramic industry; fiberglass insulation industry; borosilicate glass industry, 2.5 26 27 Preliminary or Primary Treatment Effective temoval_of grit, debris. excessive of and grease, metals and other contaminants that could affect the biolonical process shall be accomplished prior to subjecting the effluent to the biological treatment processes. Segregation of Effluent Streams Separate drainage system for storm water shall be provided with no possibilty for the storm water to be mixed with pronase affluent simams. Praferahly, the effhient streams are conveyed through a piping system which shall be properly colored and labeled, Incompatible effluent streams, for example cyanide - bearing effluent stream must be segregated from acicic effluent streams to prevent the evolution of toxic hydrogen cyanide ges. Sirvilarly, highly concentrated batch dumps must be treated egparately and must not be mixed with the rest of the effluent streams. Redundancies The prinoiple of redunaaney to be aanered to n the design process is that the cesign of major components of the IETS, shell provide sufficient units and capacity to ensure that the IETS is fully operational even during maintenance period and peak flows, Provision of “off spectfcation® storage tanks to divert non-compliant effluent for temporary storage is a recommended design practice to confirm to the redundancy principle. If this redundanoy principle has not been complied with in the design, the ~ manutacturing activity generating the effluent streamsneeds to be shutdown whenever there is an equipment malfunction ur the IETS is scheduled [or mainlenarioe. Essential acces0ry equipment ouch aa inalrumenta/acneora for perfomanos monitoring shall also be provided with redundancies. GUIDANCE OOCUNENT ON THE DESIGN'ANO OPERATION OF INOUSTAIL EFFLUENT TREATWENT SYSTEMS ibe DOEESS}— Hi Woon ta scharges ww Rae ¢ wan IETS is designed lo discharge ils final effluent on a batch basis, any discharge of effluent shall be proceded by sampling of the effluent and analysis of the relevant parameters which can ha made in a short time frame. Such pararnaters inclucle CAD and metals which are amenable to rapid measurement using portable equipment. Compliance with the discharge standards shall be assured before the discharge is allowed. A record of the discharge details including the time, the discharge quality, the competent person authorizing the discharge etc. shall be maintained by the industry {ur Ihe inspection by tthe DOE officers. 2.9 Submittal of Design Calculations Detailed engineering calculations shall be submitted to justify the basis of design for all the unit processes and unit operations of the entire IETS. The calculations shall show the basis for sizing the aeration tanks, aeration equipment, clartiers, return activated sludge (RAS) equipment, waste activated sludge (WAS) equipment, corrugated plate intercaptnr, diseoved air flatatian (DAF) unit, pracipitetion tank, coagulation tank, flocculation tank, ion-exchange column, adsorption column, chemical dosing system, nutrient requirements, media fiter, equipment involving membrane processes, transfer pumps, metering pumps, equalization tanks, screens, sludge handling and dewatering facilles, etc. The quantities of chemicals to be used shall also be computed, All assumptions made shall be cloary stated 2.10 Flow Charts and Process and. Instrumentation Diagram (PID) The following flowcharts and diagrams shall be prepared and submitted to the DOE in the notiication package, ‘+ Flow chart of tho manufacturing process indicating the points of generation of affluent streams: | © Flow chart of the IETS | * Process and instrumentation diagram (PID) of the IETS -| 2.11 All Effluent Streams Must Undergo Treatment The design engineer shall identify all effiuent streams both directly attributable to the various manufacturing processes and those generated! via other artivitias onc uring £ within the industrial premise. The latter sources include contaminated stormwater from raw materials storage yard, shop floor cleaning, spill, valve leeks, and boiler a blow down water which has been pretreated with copper-based biocides, water ‘scrubber effiuents, non-contact cooling water as well as general slorrn waler, ElllueriL ‘streams generated from manufacturing processes and from activities/events which generate contaminated discharges (e.g. contaminated stormwater. valve leaks, biocide-pretreated boiler blowcowns) shall be collected and channeled to the IETS for Lic GoeANcEboCuUENT ON THE DESIGNIAND OREAATIONTOR NOLEN OF APTA SPSTENS i 4 CPR REREOR REPRESS mere 242 2.13 244 2.45 “Techical Giles Document Sees Number COBIETSS treatment, Accitionally, best industry practices for managing otha generated on the premise such as non-contact cooling water and ston identified and considered in the design of the industrial premise. Discharge, effluent from the premise shall take place only thraugh the designated dischehy immediately downstream of the last unit nparatinn ar unit procass of the IETS. An effluent stream can be considered for separate treatment ifthe practice conforms to the industry's best practice for that category of industry or type of effluent. In such a case, the final effluent from the separale treatment unit can be discharged separately through another diechargo point, All diecharge points shall conform to the requirements set out in regulation 17 of the IER. Compliance with Discharge Standards The specifications slipulaled in this Guidance Document represent the minimum Foquiromonte and criteria to be complied in the design ancl operation of an IETS. However, the overall responsibility still rests with the owner of the industry to ensure the final effluent quality meets the applicable cischarge standards. The design engineers and the owner shall take additional measures deemed appropriate to ensure discharge compliance is met at all time. The discharge standards stipulated in the Fifth, Seventh and ighth Schedules of the IER are reproduced in Table 2.3, 2.4, and 2.6 for ease uf refererive. Maintenance of IETS and its camponants Provisions must be made in the design to easily remove major components to permit maintenance and repair without interrupting the operation of the IETS. For example, aeration aiftusers must be easily removed tor service or replacement without lawatering the aeration tank and without inhibiting the operation of the other aeration equipment. Operation and Maintenance Manual A complete and comprehensive IETS operation and maintenance manual shall be prepared and made avallable to the supervisor/operator of the IE IS. On Site Lab Facilities To ensure optimal performance of the IETS, constant monitoring of the processes occurring in the IETS is essential. This warrants the establishment of a laboratory equipped with basic facilities within the industry premise to enable the IETS Personnel to conduct ruuline performance monitoring activities such as sampling, sample preservation, equipment calibration, sample analysis, etc. Performance monitoring measurement of flow, pH, oxidation reduction potential (ORP), dissolved oxygen (DO) .mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS), mixed liquor volatile [GUIDANCE DOCUMENT ON THEDESIGN AND OPERATION OF INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT TREATMENT SYSTEMS by usit } Table 2.3: Fifth Schedule to the Industrial Effluents Regulations 2009 1 @ w | ™ “ “ (wil) (si c) o { © i) 6x \ tx) bod xt) ai) | sy if boa boi) | boa EAE OREN NE TE [Paragraph 11] ACCEPTABLE CONDITIONS FOR DISCHARGE OF Temperatura pH Value BUD, at 2UU Suspended Solids Mercury Cadmium Chromium, Hexavalent Chromium, Tivalent Arsenio | Oyanice Lead Copper | Manganese Nickel Tn Zine fs0ron tron (Fe) | siver | Alurninurn | Selenium | Barium | Fluoride mg/L. mg/l. gf. mg/ maf. mg/l. mg/L. mg my | | | | | | L 6.09.0 20 0.005 0.01 0.05 0.20 0.05 0.05 o.10 0.20 L. GupaNce DOCUMENT ON THE DESIGN AND OPERATION OF NDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT TREATMENT SYSTEMS INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT OR MIXCD CPTLUENT OF ETANDARDS A AND & 0.02 0.05 1.0 uu 0.10 0s 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 40 5.0 1.0 15 05 20 bo | (SOU) and jar tests, etc. Is par and parcel OTETS operation which can be mace” | in-situ rapid testing methods or portable instruments without having to | of these parameters which is done on a routine basis Ts facilitated by having a laboratory provided in close proximity to the IETS site. The laboratory shall be equipped with sui apparatus for routine testing and performance manitoring_of the IETS. Appropriate adjustments to the IETS operation can immediately be made based on the results of Unis routine monitoring —eaeaGiaaree Deere Sei Table 2.3 continued Pemareines Te cs mgt (oe) ete carro mg/l. |texv) | Supniae mgt Gow) | Oil and Crease mg (xi) =" Nitrogen | git. boo) can | ADMIF “ADMI- American Dye Manufacturers Inctituto (Regulation 12) Lone .001 0.50 Table 2.4: Seventh Schedlule to the Industrial Effluents Regulations 2009 ACCEPTABLE CONDITIONS FOR DISCHANGE OF INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT CONTAINING CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (COD) FOR SPECIFIC TRADE OR INDUSTRY SECTOR a) (2) (3) (4) Trade/industry Unit | Standard | Standard a ih - ~ | (2) | Pulpand panes inctistry (0 pulp mit mg. 80 360 {i) paper mil (ecycted) git. 80 250 {i pulp and paper mil mg/L 80 300 | (©) | Textte industry mgt, 80 250 (2) | Fermentation and distilery industry (9 Before 30.6.2009 mg. 500 500 ()1.7.2009 and thereafter =| mgyt. 400 400 (8 | Other incusties oy 80 200 Lge [GUDANGE DOCUMENT ON THE DESIGN AND OPERATION OF INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT TREATMENT SYSTEMS nee | “Tathnical Guidance Bocument Series Numbe-DOEICTE-8 Table 2.5: Eighth Schedule to the Industrial Effuerts Regulations 2009 (Regulation 13) | ACCEPTABLE CONDITIONS FOR DISCHARGE OF MIXED EFFLUENT | CONTAINING CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (COD) i U) @) 8) Unit Standard | Standard mg 20 2.16 Proper Operation of IETS ‘At the operational stage, the IETS shall be properly operated where the operational parameters as determined and specified at the design stage are maintained within the acceptable ranges. 2.17 Requirement for IETS Competent Person In accordance with regulation 10 of the IER, the operation of the IETS shall be ae ‘supervised by a competent person. The requirement is also stipulated in section 494, of the EQA (Amendment 2012) i 2418 Report of Studies Report of any studies (such as industrial effluent characterization studise or effluent treatability studies, jar tests) conducted in cannentinn with the IFTS design exernisa shall be submitted together with the notification package. | cure soci ovr 0:50 AN0 OFERATON OF NOUSTRAL EFRUENT TREATMENT SYSTEMS ‘erage Berets aerseRRRaN terware come and 34 3.2 Technical Guida Doaument Series Number GOEIETS-@ — = CHAPTER 3: DESIGN OF BIOLOGICAL TREATMENT PROCESSES ‘This chapter describes the general design considerations that shall be taken into account the criteria followed when designing any biological treatment system, Process Selection Dissolved organle matter found in the industrial etiuents is removed by employing biological treatment processes. These inclu SusperiUeU yruwth sysiuris SUCH ws the activated sludge processes and attached growth systems (or foced film systems) such as the trickling filters or rotating biological contactors. In the Malaysian satting, with the exception of a few installations, attached growth processes are seldom used to treat industrial effluents. Biological treatment processes are also categorized as aerobic process, anaerobic process or anoxic process. Most biological treatment processes employed for the treatment of industrial effluents in Malaysia are typically of the aerobic process type. However, with the requirement on nutrients control in the IFR, anoxic prncass may became moro prevalent in Malayeia in tho futuro. Based on effluent characteristics and practical experiance with similar industries, the engineer shal justify the choice of the biological treatment process for the industrial eftiuent to produce tinal effluent that would comply with the applicable discharge standards. The design of the relaled unit processes such as clarifiers and sludge pproosesing, chall alco comply with the requirements stipulated in the other chapte's of this Guidance Document. Calculations and documentation shall be submitted to the DOE to justify the basis of design of the entire IETS as required under regulation 4(2) of the IER (see the Second Schedue), Equalization Basins/ Tanks Equalization basins serve the objactive of minimizing the fluctuation in the flow and concentration of the influent. Whenever necessary, equalization basins shall be Provided to serve any of the folowing purposes: ioe Nee ayes /es/ estat (J Elimination of organic shock load (Stabilization of pH, hence minimizing chemical treatment (i) Minimization of flow surges to physical chemical treatment systems (4) Prevention of high eoneontration of toxic materiale ontering tho biological systems. 3.2.1 Design of Equalization Basins/Tanks Equalization shail Le provided when there Is considerable fluctuation in flow ancl pollutant concentrations. The size of the equalization basin shall be adeyuate to absorb pollutant fluctuations and dampen concentrated batches, Adequate [GUIDANCE DOCUMENT ON THE DESIGN AND OPERATION OF INDUSTRI. EFFLUENT TREATMENT SYSTEMS mixing shall be provided through the use mechanical'mixers or other methods of mixing. For an existing Industry, if an equalization basin is to be provided, the actual size of the basin shall be determined by performing a series of calculations involving time versus flowrate data. For a new industry to be established, the size of the equalization basin shall be determined on the basis of aeceptable» detention timeyranging trom # tos nours.or more depenaing on the Industrys particular needs. The volume (V) of the basin is computed from the general rolationchip. V = Qh KART scene Bel) where: Qh = maximum daily flow, m°h. Vv = volume of equalization basin, r* HRT — hydraulic retention time, h 3.3 Activated Sludge Process and its Variants The activated sludge process and ts various modifications have been widely employed successfully 1o treat Industrial eluents trom a wide rarigy of Indust mariufactuting facilities for the removal of biedegradable-organics. The choice of the process most applicable to.a particular situation willbe dictated by savaral factors auich as the effiiant flowrate, effluent characteristics, degree and consistency of treatment required and stipulated discharged standards imposed by the regulatory agency. All designs shall incorporate for flexiblity of different modes of operation of the IETS to cater for the variability in manufacturing operation of the industry. ‘There are a number of veriants of the activated aludgo oyatom which can bo clacsifiod according to several characteristics such as siuirigerage(@) or food to microorganism (F/Miratio or flow, Based on the sludae age, comparing the conventional activated sludge systems with the extended aeration systems, the latter are operated at low organic loadings (i.e. low F/M ratios and high sludge ages) resulting in a low sludge ‘production anda high-quality effuert, From the tiow standpoint, the activated sludge system can be a continuous or a ball syste, In Malaysia, thara ara thraa major tynes of activated sludge systems which are commonly used to treat industrial effluents. These are: conventional activated sludge (CAS) system, extended aeration activated sludge system (EAAS) and sequencing batch reactors (SBRs). Another version of the activated sludge process which has been adopted by several industries is the membrang bloreactor (MBR). Upfiow anaerobic sludge blanket (UAB) is an anaerobic process which Is gaining popularity for troating high ctrongth organic offluente. All of the above processes are briefly dascribed below: | | GUDANGE DOCUVENT ON THE DESTGA/AND OPERATION OF INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT AREATVENT SYSTEMS #9 Maan ee ree Te TTT 34 aay [1 taeiical ican Beet ies NumBSEDOE * CAS system is characterized by introduction of influent stream and return activated sludge at one end of the aeration tank, a plug-flow aeration tank and different lypes uf aeration system. ‘+ EMS systom is characterized by a low F/M ratio, long 8, and long asration tank. HAT © SBRisa fil-and-draw, non steady state activated sludge process in which one or more reactor basins are filed with effluent during a disorete time period and then operated in a batch treatment mode. SBR accomplishes equalization, aeration and clarification in a timed sequence. + MDRis an activated sludge system where the secondary clarifiers replaced by a membrane fitration unit, Its typified by long 8, and high MLSS, Other variants of activated sludge process are: step aeration, tapered aeration, contact stabilization, high-rate aeration and high purity oxygen. These are not common in Malaysia, hence will not be discussed in this Guidance Document Conventional Activated Sludge System 3.4.1 Design Criteria for Conventional Activated Sludge System The design engineer shall use the design criteria summatized in Table 3.1. when designing a conventional activated siudge (CAS) system tor treating industrial effluents. ‘All design parameters shall be checked to determine if they fall within the typical range for the selected F/M ratio or sludge age and the aeration tank. volume. Diurnal load variation and peak loading shall be considered when checking critical parameters, 9.4.2. Design Methodology for Conventional Activated Sludge System ‘The volume of the aeration tank shall be determined by using the F/M ratio or the sludge age approach based on the Kinetic relationships. Table 8.1: Summary of typical design criteria for conventional activated sludge systetns "Wik bor of : ; aeration tank | a | | FIM ratio kg BOD/kg MV$S.q) | 0.25 100.60 | | | \ i yom pocune ov OE8EN No CREATION OF fPUSTRAL ERLENT TREAT SSTENS ‘Table 3.1 continued : 61016 ] (for ammonia removal) HAT h 1210 1216 | (for tatalnitragen | | removal) | ©, requirement kg Oko BOD, O5t014 | [ass mg/l {5u0 to 3000 oe ts een | 00 in aeration tank mgt 201030 | (with nitrification) g | Yteta coemictet, | ta vss 19 500, us 0u8 So Decay coettcient, ky d 0.08 to 0.15 j Sludge ege, 0, d 5t010 | Organic loading kg BOD, fm.) astoo6 Note: aes ‘The values of Kinetic coefficients and appropriate design variables depend on the characteristics of the effluent, hence for existing industries must be etermined for each effluent from bench or pilot plant studies. Values given here are typical for sewage. The formula for calculating the aeration tank volume is commonly written as: V =_Yos, -s) (8.2) X(1 + Kf.) where V = aeration tank volurne, m* yield coefficient, kg VSS produced/kg BOD, removed sludge age, d influent flowrate, m*/d {otal BOD, of aeration tank influent, mg/L. soluble BOD, of aeration tank effluent, mg/L. MLVES concentration, mg/L decay coeficient, d* lodearadable fraction of VSS immediately after aeneration in the system (8, = 0) ‘ u OFX ODDS < ‘A smaller aeration tank volume is obtained if f, is not taken into account (8. =O. Le cuibanice 0OCOMENT ON THE DESiGH AND OPERATIONTOF INDUSTRIAL/EFFLUENT-TREATHENT SYSTEMS ‘wen ‘Apart from the aeration tank volume, the design engineer shall compute other, parameters which include F/M ratio, return sludge flow, excess sludge flow and hydraulic retention time. The relevant formulas for computing the above: parameters are given below. Calculation of retum sludge ratio (R) R=Q avrere (828) return sludge ratio. return flow, md return flow, m/c Calculation of ratum sludge suspended solids concentration (X): X= X (Ret) vse (8.4) Q were: X, = SS in return sludge, mg/L X= SS in aeration tank, mo/L | Calculation of hydraulic retention time (HAT or 0): HBT (or @) = V sessees (8.5) Q where: HRT (or @) = hydraulic retention time, d or h + \V = aeration tank volume, m? ffluent flowrate, med Calculation of food to microorganism (F/M) ratio: F/M = QS, ooo) VK, whore FIM ~ food to microorganism ratio, ot" Q = effluent flowrate, mi/d S, = effluent BOD, mg/L. eration tank volume, m? X,= Mixed liquor volatile suspended solids concentraliun, mg/L Calculation of sludge wasting rate (Q,,.) If sludge wasting is carried out directiy from the aeration tank, Qe =¥ esol 7] i Q._..= sludge wasting rate, d" eration tank volume, m* ludge age, d yaw (GUIDANCE DOCUMENT ON THE ESIGN AND OPERATION OF NOUSTRIAL EFFLUENT TREATMENT SYSTEMS a oT \ i ‘piesa cticance Geument Saies Numbé BOE ETSS|— If sludge wasting is performed from the recycle line, Qyas = VE (9.8) 0%, where: Q.... = sludge wasting rate, d” \V= aeration tank volume, m? X = SS in aeration tank, mg/l. 8, = sludge age, d X, = 8S in return sludge, mg/L. ‘The other relevant formulae for designing the associated components of the activated sludge system are described in other sections of the Guidance Document. Table 3.3 gives a guide on the calculation sequence in a typical design exercise. 3.8 Extended Aeration Activated Sludge System | 4.5.1. Desian Criteria for Extended Aeration Activated Sludae System ‘The design criteria summarized in Table 3.2. shall be used for designing an extended aeration activated sludge (EAAS) system for treating industrial emus. Table 3.2: Summary of typical dasign criteria for axtancled aeration activated sludge systems Design variable Unit Desian Range Minimum number af - 2 kg BOD/kg MLVSS.0) 0.08 t0 0.15 HRT 1810.98 ©, requirement 121018 MLSS 3500 to 6000 ne 1.0102 DO in aeration tank mo 2.0103.0 at i (wth iteiication) Yield coeticient, Y* kg VSS /kg BOD, 081005 ecay costicient, Ky a 0.0310 0.15) ‘Sludge age, 8, d 151035 Organic loading kg BOD, /(r?.g) 4 100.4 L. GunaNoe DocuMENT ON THE DESIGN AND OPERATION OF INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT TREATMENT SYSTEMS wa 3.5.2 Design Methodology for the Extended Aeration Activated Sludge System “The clesign of the aeration tank and other components of tho EAS eystorn follows tho same procedure as the case of the CAS system To acsist the, design engineers in the desian exercise, typical steps involved in the design of a CAS system or an EAAS system are summarized in Table 3.3. Table3.3: Sequence of calculation for the design of conventional ar extended aeration auiivaled siuuge sysleriis 4, Design + | variable | 1A Qa Influent flowrate: md Design value i - ~ Design value (Total a 12 8, Iniyent 800, mg. ; ‘Soluble BOD; effluent Gaal pera Capon on yier > ‘Sludge age: a 5-10 d for CAS and - = _ ce “15-35 d for EAAS : ‘Mixed liquor Depends on system; vwlalle 1200-2400 mg/L for i eee suspended Mo CAs and 2800- 4800 solids (MLVSS) mg. for AAS, 2 Coefficients ! as Depends on system: oy Yield cooticient YER’ 0.6 10.0.8 for CAS and - a ee ee? ee 0.08 to 0.16; normaly Decay 22 assumed for design : ey pine ea ar Biodegradable froation of VSS Farell) Typical value = 0.8, 20 Gartertenion >‘ ermaly essured for - oe Gesian purpose nthe a L | Biodearadable frecion of VSS 24 subject wa i Depends ‘on system sludge age 8, amar CGUDANCE DOCUMENT ON THE DESIGN AND OPERATION OF NOSTRA. EFFLUENT TREATHENT SYSTENS Fre aC EOE Computed | & Values oa ¥ Aeration tank ne - vaYa.ors-s. | | volume XO + KAO.) ; eae Depends on systern; ot” 32 HHI no SBhiorcaSaid 18. HAT = wa ___tetiontime Oe Ge RAAS | Food to ka BOD/ Depends on system; | 3.3 FiMratio microorganism = kg_——(0.25-0.5 for GAS and asx, ratio. MLVSS.c). 0.05-0.15 for BAAS Roturn studgo 34 R ae unis j aq D@PENd on where Q,./8,0rQ,.,= | BE 1D Westng rete m4 ating & done (eee | 3.6 Membrane Bioreactor Systems ‘A membrane bioreactor (MBR) system combines an activated sludge process with a membrane filtration unit; the latter replaces the secondary clarifier in a typical activated sludge system. The design enginéer shall design the activated sludge process according to the design provedury desorbed earlier in sections 9.4 and 2.5. In the design of the membrane fittation unit, the design engineer shall take into consideration, incorparata, ar span the following: © Type of design of the membrane unit-submerged or external Membrane configuration-hollow fiber or plate and frame * Membrane type based on pore size-ultratiter or microfiter Coarse screen installation + Scouring air facltice; ooour oir flowrato (m/min) © Vacuum air pressure (har) * Membrane unit operation and maintenance (frequency and specifications on physical inspection, chemical treatment, etc.) Design criteria and performance monitoring set points/tanges 3.7 Sequencing Balu Reactor Systems | Sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) are principally fil-and-draw reactors that remove dissolved organic contaminants and nutrients from industrial effluents. SBRs are an attractive option for small and medium effiuent flows of 19,000 mY/d or less. One of the advantages of the SBR is that it eliminates the need for the clantier because equalization, reaction and clarification all happen in one tank via 2 time controlled sequence, hence affords substantial savings in capital cost. SBRs are typically | docigned and operated on an extended aeration mada LL GuaNcE DOCUMENT ON THE DESIGN AND OPERATION OF INCUSTRIAL EFFLUENT TREATMENT SYSTEMS Design SBR systems that receive efiuent intermittently shell be designed using the same basic design parameters of the continuous flow activated sludge system. The design engineers shall use the design criteria summarized in Table 3.4 {for designing SBR systems to treat industrial effluents. Other criteria such as oxygen requirements, oxygen level to be maintained, etc shall comply with the criteria set for the continuous flow activated sludge system. Design range Design range Design for operation : Unit for operation in variable conventional made: in extended Minium umber of 2 2 tanks io kg BOD, e F/M rati (kg MLVSS.c) 0.15 to 0.40 0.05 to 0.10 MLVSS mg/L 2000 to 4000 4000 to 6000 Operational a ; pn h 4024 Sto doponde on affuent depends on eluent HRT h characteristics, typically, characteristics, 6to8 typically, 15 to 40 Freeboard an mm 460 460 ay for Sequencing Batch Reactor Systems Inpractice, several methods are commonly used for the design ot SBRsystems. The majority of the methods are based on the sludge volume index (SV) approach (Eckentelder, ord and Englands, 2008; Metealf and Eddy, 2003; (Orhon and tran, 1994) while von Sperling (1998) acinntaa cifferent approach where a sequence of calculations is proposed to determine the reactor volume land duration of the operational cycle. Both approaches are acceptable as long as the chosen method is property followed and clearly referenced in the design document submitted to the DOE with the notification package. The design Calculalluns may involve the estiation Of the concentration and volume of the settled eludge, duration of the operational cycle, volume of the reactor, number of basins, decant volume, and detention time. Then, the aeration equipment, decanter and associated piping shall be computed (GUIDANCE DOCUMENT ON THE DESIGN AND OPERATION OF INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT TREATMENT SYSTEMS 3.8 29 L.. cuipayce DOCUMENT ON THE DESIGN ANO OPERATION OF INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT TREATMENT SYSTEMS In SBR design, special conditions shall be given to tho following: ‘© The design shall include at least two parallel SBRs to enable operation to continue when one urit is taken out of service for maintenance. ‘+ Apre-aeration, flow equalization basin shall be provided for when the SBR is in the settle and/or draw phases. If multiple SBH basins are provided a pre-aeration basin will not be needed if each SBR basin Is capable of handling all the influent peak flow while anothor bacin ie in tho eettle and/or raw phase. ‘+ When discharging from the SBR means shall be provided to avoid surges to the succeeding treatment units. ‘+ The effluent from the SBR shall be removed from just below the water surface (below the scum level) or a device which excludes scum shall be Used. All decanters stall Ue blanied so that the effluent will be drewn equally from the offiuont end of the reactor. To assist the design engineers in the design exercise of a SBR, typical steps involved in the design calculations are summarized in Table 3.5. Membrane Bioreactor Systems Principally, the membrane bioreastor (MBA) systems shall bo dasigned using similar methodology as the activated sludge systems with additional desian considerations related to the membrane fitration unt (external or internal design). The latter include provision of vacuum pressure pump, fine soreen, aeration system for preventing membrane clogging, membrane back flushing and membrane cleaning system. Ina MBR system, the membrane filtration unit replaces the secondary dlarfer in a typical aclvated sludge syste. Upflow Anaerohic Sludge Rlankat Systems UASB is a form of anaerobic treatment process which combines both physical and biological processes typified by a high 0, high hydraulic retention time (HRT), absence of mechanical mixing and presence of internal three-phase gas/sludgevliquid (BSL) separator system. Anaerobic treatment is an attractive treatment option for high strength industrial @ffiuents. Reports in the literature indicate that effluents from a wide range of manufacturing industry including textile industry, petrochemical industry and landfill leachates have been successfully treated via anaerobic treatment process. piesa crea) Guida SSeS WOES Table 3.5: Sequence of calculation for the design of SBRs. Source: {adapted from Eckenfelder, Ford and Englande, 2008) Invent flow Gan | med : 12 bilan volume Feated per g 7 i 18 s () Feed plus aeration 3 n | | 1.4 setting = | | Sum of (G9, and cit (i), decent a \ | Total cyote time Stila | 2.0 Assumed values - Depends on system; Mixed liquor volatile Muyss | @/L 2000-4000 for suspended sols conventional, 4000-6000 ee —_ i “forextended aeration 2.1 Sludge volume index su | mig | 82 upper range, fe Ls | typically 2.2 | Degradable traction 2.3 | Fresboard | 2.4 | Sidewater depth (SWD) wb \~ Hydraulic rtentiontime—) yay I Based on Q,, Hae 3.0 | Computed values Was of nixed Haun “fe 2.1 suspanded-soids inone MLSS nas joyce : fet areee 3.2 Settled sludge volume a ree "Aeration tank volume 8:3 volume for aeration plus y, me | settled sludge volume 4s 3.4 | Aeration tank area | & me 3.5 | Tank diameter Qo, ; mm ——— Hi, = FB from Ga) + 3.6 Tank depth H, ™ | SWO from (2.5) [GUOANGE DOCUMENT ON THEDDESIGN AND OPERATION OF NDUSTRIA EFFLUENT TREATMENT SYSTEMS 3.9.1. Design criteria for Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Systems : The Upfiow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) systems shall be designed at average flow using the criteria shown in Table 3.6, The surface overflow rate (SOR) shall not exceed 20 m*i(méd) at average flow and 36 m/(md) at peak flow. The liquid upfiow velocity (Uv) at peak flow shall not exceed 0.9 rv, The f minimurn height of the reactor (H) shall not be less than 4.0 m to, accommodate | sludge bed, aludge blanket and gas-liquid-solid (GLS) eeparatar The slurige | ‘bad height shall ha in the range of 1.5 to 2.5 m. In certain circumstances, more ' conservative design values for all the above parameters and the parameters : listed in Table 3.6 may be required and these shall be determined by the design engineer on a case to case basis. Table 3.6: Typival Uesign criteria for UASBs based on COD loading (Source: ‘Ghangrokar) Influent | CODeff, category | mgL Upto 750 1.0108.0 0.1t003 61018 | 0.251007 Gna OLR, SLR, | KgCOD/ | kgCOD/ HRT,h UV, min | efficiency, (md) (kgVSS d) | | low : strength Medium strength Sato strength Vevnigh |. 19000 |s0to160| 2101.0 >24 fie |e Pee 61024 0.26t00.7 coro | 6t024 | 0.18t00.7 | 751085 3.9 Nasign Methadology for Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Systems UASB systems shall be designed based on proper selection of the following parameters: organic loading rate (OLR), solids loading rate (SLH) ana hydraulic retention time (HRT) based on limitations of superficial liquid upflow velocity (UV). The reactor volume shall be detormined in order to comply with the | docign loading criteria, and the height and cis sectional area to satisfy the | : upfiow velocity criteria as stipulated in Table 3.6. Reactor volume shall be determined as follows. From Table 3.6, select the Upper range of OLR for the corresponding COD range. The reactor volurne is then computed by using Uy fullowity formula, V, = (00D, OLR. (8.9) where: \V, = reactor volume, m? LL. quiosice OocUMENT ON THE DESIGN AND OPERATION OF INDLSIHIAL EPPLUEN TREATIENT SYSTEMS wom! Q = influent fow, md COD,, = influent COL concentration, mg/L OLR= upper organic loading rate, KgCOD/m*d) - Tha height of tha reactor shall be based on the liauid upflow velocity and hydraulic retention time considerations and computed according to the folowing equations. Hydraulic retention time Is computed using he relationship: HAT, = 24 (8.10) y, Q where: HRT, = computed hydraulic retention time, h \V, = computed reactor volume, m* = uri Mow, 107A Chanse a stiitahle reactor height (4m-m) and calculate the liquid upflow velocity using the following equation: where: UV, = calculated liquid upto velocity, mm/h HRT, = calculated hydraulic retention time (from equation 3.4), h The calculated upfiow velocity shall comply with the range stipulated in Table 3.6. If the UV criterion is not met, the reactor height shall be reduced gradually until the stipulated range is satisfied while at the same tme satstying the minimum reactor height of 4.0 n, The calculation procedure shall be repeated with @ new OLN if the UV critcrion cannot bo complied with the minimum reactor height. ‘Table 8.7 illustrates the sequence of caiculation involved in the design of UASB reactors. Taulu 3.7, Sequence of calculation for the design of Upflow Anaorobie Sludgo Blanket Systems is i z Notation Units FormulaNotes 1.2 _| influent COD {GUIDANCE DOCUMENT ON THE DESIGN AND OPERATION OF NOUSTRIAL EFFLUENT TREATMENT SYSTEMS — — The mid depth pond area is determined by using the following formula: A=QUD os seseenl.14) where: A= mid depth pond araa, m2 Q = volumetric flow rate, m'/d, retention time, d D = the pond depth, m. Design Methodology fur Trickling Filte Tickling filers (TFs) are commonly classified as low rate, intermediate rate and high rate filters, based on the surface or organic loading rate applied to the fters. High rate ‘TFs have surface loading rate of 1.0 to 4.0 m*/(m*d) and organic loading rate of 0.1 410 0.4 kgBOD/(m‘d); while the values for intermediate TFs are 3.5 to 10 m*/(m*d) and 0.2 10 0.8 KBUL/(m°9) respectively. High rate TRS have surfavy (uauitiy rate Uf 10 tu 40 m/(m*d) and 0.5 to 1.0 kgBOD/(m*c). Application of trickling fiters for treating industrial effluents in Malaysia is rare. However, @ brief discussion of the design methodology is given below. The engineer may follow the procedure described below or any other well established methods such as the empirical model developed by the National Hesearch Council (NU) USA for the design of the trickling fiters. ‘The mean retention time through the filter packing is given by the exoression below. t/D=CA, "1, (8.1) where: vine 1 =mean detention time, D = fiter depth, m A, ~ specific surface, m2im? LL, = hydraulic loading rate, m®/(méd) G,n,m = constants dependent on packing surface characteristics and configuration, When recirculation is practiced, the BOD applied to the tricking filter is calculated by the following equation: S, = (8, + NS VAAN) oes oeeee (3.18) where: S, = BOD applied to the tricking fiter after mixing with the recirculated flow, ng/L, (GUIDANCE DOCUMENT ON THE DESIGN AND OPERATION OF INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT TREATMENT SYSTEMS a SSS

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