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COVID-19 Foundation 360 eBook

Chapter 1. Viruses……………………………………………………………………………… 3
Chapter 2. Immune System……………………………………………………………….. 4
Chapter 3. Upper Airway…………………………………………………………………… 5
Chapter 4. Autoimmunity………………………………………………………………….. 6
Chapter 5. Main Symptoms……………………………………………………………….. 8
Chapter 6. Vaccines…………………………………………………………………………… 9
Chapter 7. Long Covid……………………………………………………………………….. 10

About Dr Philip McMillan
Dr Philip McMillan is a physician in the UK,
with over 20 years of medical expertise.
For over a year, he has conducted
research to improve the understanding of
COVID-19. In April 2020, he proposed that
severe disease is an immune response
triggered by the virus. Since then, he has
co-authored and published two papers
outlining the theory of autoimmunity in
COVID-19 and providing a comprehensive
explanation of the associated symptoms.

Dr McMillan is also an international

Dr Philip McMillan
keynote speaker on dementia, having
Course Developer and Instructor
presented at conferences in Singapore,
Japan, Italy, Ireland, UK, Canada and
China. He recently proposed a
breakthrough theory on the pathology of
dementia, and has developed deep
insights into brain function and strategies
to protect memory.

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Viruses are small infectious particles that cannot replicate on their own; to
multiply, they need the living cells of a host.
SARS-COV2 is an RNA coronavirus which is responsible for the COVID-19
pandemic that began in 2019.
The SARS-COV2 virus is spread by droplet infection and enters the nose where
it infects specific cells. Spike proteins on the surface of the virus play a key role
in this process, allowing the virus to bind tightly to host cells and enter them.
Once inside the host cells, replication can take place.
Recent coronavirus epidemics include:
- SARS – Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (2003)
- MERS – Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (2012)
Examples of other RNA viruses are influenza, Ebola and polio.

Human Coronavirus Structure

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There are multiple immune system compartments in the body. One of these is
the upper airway immune system which includes the nose and mouth.
In response to an infection, the immune system can produce several types of
antibodies which reduce the ability of the virus to infect the host.
Some antibodies, such as IgG antibodies, provide long-term protection. IgG
levels in the blood are measured to determine if someone’s immune system
has responded to a vaccine.

Types of Antibodies

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The primary site of infection for SARS-COV2 is the nose. The virus initially
evades the immune system resulting in a delay in the body’s immune
response. As a result, a stuffy nose is not a typical symptom of COVID-19
whereas it is common in most upper respiratory viral infections.
In the first few days of infection, the virus spreads undetected to the lungs
where it causes inflammation.
People who have had previous exposure to other coronaviruses, such as the
common cold, are better able to block severe COVID-19 infection.

Viral Particles in Upper Airway

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Hypersensitivity is an exaggerated immune response. This response can be

triggered by the body itself (autoimmunity) or by external substances (allergy).
In a small percentage of the population, a bee sting allergy causes a severe
immune response and may lead to death.

Penicillin is an example of a drug to which some people are allergic; when it

enters the body, the immune system reacts in a way that causes damage to the
Viruses can, in some cases, stimulate the body to attack itself. Examples of
autoimmune diseases that are triggered by various viruses are:
- Systemic lupus erythematosus
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Type I diabetes mellitus
The SARS-COV2 virus triggers a severe immune response in some cases. This is
described as a “cytokine storm” and may cause severe lung damage, shortness
of breath and death. As steroids are used to suppress the immune system, they
can be of value in the treatment of these cases.

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In severe COVID-19, damage to the lungs is, in most cases, caused by the
immune system and not directly by the virus.

>>> Immune activation in COVID-19 is discussed in more detail in the

COVID-19 Advanced 360 Course. View course outline here >>

COVID-19 does not affect everyone in the same way. Elderly people, as a
group, are considered to be particularly vulnerable to severe COVID-19. It
would have been expected that new-born babies, whose immune systems
have not had time to develop fully, would also be disproportionately affected
by COVID-19, however, this is not the case.
Most of the deaths in COVID-19 are associated with at least one comorbidity or
medical condition. In addition to age, there are underlying medical conditions
that are associated with a higher risk of hospitalization in severe cases of
COVID-19. These conditions include hypertension, obesity and cardiovascular
disease amongst others.

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COVID-19 has a wide range of symptoms. The most common symptoms are
fever, cough and loss of smell. In many individuals, the disease is described as
asymptomatic. Even if the infection is mild or sub-clinical, with no obvious
symptoms, inflammation may be occurring in the lungs.
Patients typically seek admission to hospital when they feel short of breath;
this is a condition called hypoxia. In some cases, people are unaware that they
have very low levels of blood oxygen because they experience only mild
shortness of breath. This condition is referred to as “happy hypoxia”.

Oxygen Saturation Monitor

An infected person, whether symptomatic or asymptomatic, can transmit the

virus. Asymptomatic transmission is the main method by which the virus is

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Vaccines are used to prepare the immune system to fight infection. There are
many types of viral vaccines. The main COVID-19 vaccines are viral vector
vaccines (examples – AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson) and mRNA vaccines
(examples – Pfizer and Moderna).
Both viral vector and mRNA vaccines produce spike proteins that are similar to
the viral spike proteins on the SARS-COV2 virus.

Main COVID-19 Vaccines

When spike protein is created by a vaccine, the immune system responds and
produces antibodies that target the SARS-COV2 viral spike protein if it enters
the blood stream of the vaccinated person.
COVID-19 vaccines are intended to reduce the occurrence of severe disease in
those who become infected.

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Long Covid is a condition that can occur after a COVID-19 infection. It has been
experienced after both mild and severe cases of COVID-19.
Long Covid results from ongoing low-grade immune activation, and may be
triggered and prolonged by exposure to external factors such as diet.
There are a wide variety of long Covid symptoms, the most common of which
are fatigue and headache. The symptoms may persist for many months.

Long-Term Effects of Long Covid

Lopez-Leon, Sandra, et al. "More than 50 Long-term effects of COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis." Available at SSRN 3769978 (2021).

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>>> Gain an understanding of the pattern of long Covid symptoms – this is
covered in the COVID-19 Advanced 360 Course. More details here >>

The long-term symptoms of long Covid are similar to those of other chronic
inflammatory conditions such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and
post-Lyme syndrome.


>>> Why should you take the COVID-19 Advanced 360 Course?
You will build on the knowledge gained in the COVID-19 Foundation 360
Course, learning more about viruses, the immune system, the upper
airway, autoimmunity in COVID-19, the main symptoms, vaccines and
long Covid.
In the COVID-19 Advanced 360 Course, Dr Philip McMillan discusses a
series of intriguing topics so that you can gain a better understanding of
- DNA and RNA viruses
- Coronavirus entry receptors, including ACE-2
- Mucosal immunity
- Macrophages and interferon
- Differences between the main COVID-19 vaccines
- Breakthrough infections
- Potential impact of COVID-19 vaccines

Click here for course outline >>

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