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CHAPTER ONE............................................................................................................................................1

1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................................1


1.2 Statement of problem...........................................................................................................................2

1.3 Objective of Study...............................................................................................................................2

1.3.1 General Objective.........................................................................................................................2

1.3.2 Specific Objective.........................................................................................................................2

1 .4 Significance of Study..........................................................................................................................3

1.5 Delimitation (scope) of the study.........................................................................................................3

1.6 Limitation of the study.......................................................................................................................3

CHAPTER TWO...........................................................................................................................................4

2 Literature Review........................................................................................................................................4

2.1 Differential equation............................................................................................................................4

2.2 Classification of Differential Equations...............................................................................................4

2.3 second order linear ordinary differential equations.............................................................................4

2.4 Solution method of non-homogeneous second order ordinary differential equation..........................5

2.4.1 Variation of parameter..................................................................................................................5

2.4.2 Method of undetermined coefficient.............................................................................................5

2.5 Application of second order ODE........................................................................................................6

2.5.1 Simple harmo

ic motion........................................................................................................................................................6

2.5.2 Electric circuits and resonance......................................................................................................7

CHAPTER THREE.....................................................................................................................................10

3. Methodology of study..............................................................................................................................10

3.1 Data of study and Period....................................................................................................................10

3.2 Method of data collection..................................................................................................................10

3.3 Method of data analysis.....................................................................................................................10

3.4 Ethical Issues.....................................................................................................................................10

CHAPTER FOUR........................................................................................................................................11

4 Time table and Financial Requirements of project...................................................................................11

4.1. Project Time Table............................................................................................................................11

4.2. Cost Budgeting..................................................................................................................................11




Differential equation is a containing the derivative of one or more dependent variable with to one
or more independent variable. It is a mathematical tool invented by (Isaac Newton in 1676),
The exact chronological origin and history to subjective of differential equation is a bit of Murky
subject of a number of reason such as being seretivenery being publication issue and being the
nature of the battle of mathematical and scientific discovery.

The method of undetermined coefficient is used to solve a class of nonhomogeneous second

order differential equations. This method makes use of the characteristics equation of the
corresponding homogeneous differential equation. Differential equations are mathematical
equation which represents a relationship between a function one or more of its derivatives.
Differential equations are used to mathematically model physics, engineering, economics and
….etc. problem.[7]

In mathematics the undetermined coefficients is an approach to finding a particular solution to

certain nonhomogeneous ordinary differential equations and recurrence relations. It is closely
related to the annihilator method, but instead of using a particular kind of differential operator
(the annihilator) in order to find the best possible form of the particular solution, a "guess" is
made as to the appropriate form, which is then tested by differentiating the resulting equation.
For complex equations, the annihilator method or variation of parameters is less time consuming
to perform.

Undetermined coefficient is not as general a method as variation of parameters, since it only

works for differential equations that follow certain forms. [1]

Consider a linear non-homogeneous ordinary differential equation of the form

n n−1
a n ( x ) y + an−1 ( x ) y +…+ a0 ( x ) y=g (x)

Where i=0, 1,2,3,…,n

y Denotes the i-th derivative of y and a 0 (x), a1 (x ), a 2(x ), … , an−1 (x), an (x )denotes a function
(i )

of x

The method consists of finding the general homogeneous solution Y c for the complementary
linear homogeneous differential equation

n n−1
a n ( x ) y + an−1 ( x ) y +…+ a0 ( x ) y=0

And a particular solutionY p of the linear non-homogeneous ordinary differential equation based
on g(x). Then the general solution Y to the linear non-homogeneous ordinary equation would be
Y =Y c +Y P [2]

If g(x) consists of the sum of two functions h(x) + w(x) and we say that Y p 1 is a solution based
on h(x) and Y p 2is the solution based on w(x). Then the using a superposition principle we say
that the particular solution Y p is

Y p=Y p 1+Y p 2 [2]

1.2 Statement of problem

Solving by undetermined coefficient method is important method to for solving the linear second
d y dy
order differential equations of the form a 2
+b + cy=g ( x )where a≠0, a, b and c are constant
dx dx
coefficients and can tell us special case of our solution. BUT I will analyze solution of second
order linear constant coefficient ODE application by undetermined coefficient.

Some statement problems of project are by questionnaires

 How to write the general solution of non homogenous differential equation?

 How to solve a non homogeneous linear differential equation by the method of
undetermined coefficients?
 How solve the example of linear second order ordinary differential equation application
by using undetermined coefficient?

1.3 Objective of Study

1.3.1 General Objective

The general objective of this project is to solve linear second order ordinary differential equation
application using the method of undetermined coefficient.

1.3.2 Specific Objective

The specific of this project are

 To discuss the solution for application of linear constant coefficients second order
ordinary differential equation.
 To describe the solution for nonhomogeneous linear second order ordinary differential
 To determine the solution of this linear second order differential equation application by
undetermined coefficient method.

1 .4 Significance of Study
The study on the method of solving second order linear differential equation with constant
coefficients will be of immense benefit to mathematics department in the sense that study will
determine the solution around the origin for homogeneous and nonhomogeneous second order
differential equation and application with constant coefficient, the solution at other point and the
method of solution to second order linear equation and its solution to the physics problem with
constant coefficient. The study will serve as repository of information to other researchers that
desire to carry out similar project on the above topic. The study will be contributes to the body of
existing literature on solution to second order linear constant coefficients differential equations.

1.5 Delimitation (scope) of the study

The scope of this study is limited to solving the second order linear constant coefficient of
ordinary differential equation and its application by using undetermined coefficient and also
some definitions, examples and solving non-homogeneous second order problem using
undetermined coefficient.
1.6 Limitation of the study
Conducting the study was not easily done without any problem. So, there will different problem
faced while conducting this research.

Some of the problems are:

 Financial problem.
 Lack of internet use in time.
 Shortage of materials in the libraries.
 Time constraint (shortage of time) for gathering documents.


2 Literature Review

2.1 Differential equation

An equation containing the derivatives of one or more unknown functions with respect to one or
more independent variables is said to be a differential equation (DE). On the other hand an
equation relating an unknown function and one or more of its derivative is called differential

Differential equation is an equation containing some or all of the unknown function, the
independent variable of the unknown function, at least one derivative of the function and one or
more constant. The constants are also called parameters and the function itself is called the
dependent variables. Every differential equation contains at least one derivative of the unknown
function. These derivative could be the first derivative, second derivative, etc., or any
combination of these.[11]

2.2 Classification of Differential Equations

We classify differential equation into two based on their type. Those are Partial Differential
Equation and Ordinary Differential Equation.

#Partial differential equation is differential equations whose unknown is a function of two or

more independent variables.

#Ordinary differential equation is a differential equation whose unknown is a function of

single independent variables.[11]

2.3 second order linear ordinary differential equations

Linear second order differential equations with constant coefficients are the simplest of the
higher order differential equations and they have many applications. They are of the general
form y ' ' + A y ' + By=F(x ) with A and B constants and F (x), called the nonhomogeneous term, a
known function of x. The equation is called nonhomogeneous when F (x) is not identically zero;
otherwise, it is called homogeneous. All general solutions are shown to be the sum of two quite
different parts one being a solution of the homogeneous equation called the complementary
function that contains the expected two arbitrary constants of integration, and the other a special
solution called a particular integral that depends only on F (x) and contains no arbitrary
2.4 Solution method of non-homogeneous second order ordinary differential

2.4.1 Variation of parameter

This is the method of finding a particular solution of linear differential equation when the general
solution of the homogeneous equations. The method of variation of parameters, perhaps more
properly called variation of constants, is a powerful method used to find a particular integral of a
linear differential equation once its complementary function is known.[10]

2.4.2 Method of undetermined coefficient

The general solution of nonhomogeneous differential equation y ' ' + p ( x ) y ' ' +q ( x ) y=G(x )(1).
The method of undetermined coefficient requires that we make an initial assumption about the
form of the particular solution y (t), but with the coefficients left unspecified. We then substitute
the assumed expression in to equation (1) and attempt to determine the coefficients so as to
satisfy that equation. If we are successful, then we have found a solution of the differential
equation (1) and can use it for the particular solution y(t). If we cannot determine the
coefficients, then this means that there is no solution of the form that we assumed. In this case,
we may modify the initial assumption and try again [8]

2.5 Application of second order ODE.

The principal quantities used to describe the motion of an object are position ( s), velocity ( v),
and acceleration ( a). Since velocity is the time derivative of the position, and acceleration is the
time derivative of the velocity, acceleration is the second time derivative of the position [6].
Therefore, the position function s( t) for a moving object can be determined by writing Newton's
Second Law, F net = ma, in the form

d s
F net=m 2

and solving this second‐order differential equation for s.

2.5.1 Simple harmonic motion.
Consider a spring fastened to a wall, with a block attached to its free end at rest on an essentially
frictionless horizontal table. The block can be set into motion by pulling or pushing it from its
original position and then letting go, or by striking it (that is, by giving the block a nonzero initial
velocity). The force exerted by the spring keeps the block oscillating on the tabletop. This is the
prototypical example of simple harmonic motion.

The force exerted by a spring is given by Hooke's Law; this states that if a spring is stretched or
compressed a distance x from its natural length, then it exerts a force given by the equation


Newton's Second Law can be applied to this spring‐block system. Once the block is set into
motion, the only horizontal force that acts on it is the restoring force of the spring. Therefore, the

d x
F=ma becomes ( F=−kx =m 2 )


d x
m 2
+kx =0

This is a homogeneous second‐order linear equation with constant coefficients. [6]


2.5.2 Electric circuits and resonance.

When an electric circuit containing an ac voltage source, an inductor, a capacitor, and a resistor
in series is analyzed mathematically, the equation that results is a second‐order linear
differentially equation with constant coefficients. Kirchhoff’s loop rule states that the algebraic
sum of the voltage differences as one goes around any closed loop in a circuit is equal to zero.
dt q
vsinωt−L − −iR=0
dt C

Now if an expression for i(t)-the current in the circuit as a function of time and then differentiate
the equation directly and use i=dq /dt .this differential equation governs behavior of an LRC
series circuit with a source of sinusoidally varying voltage.

d i di 1
L 2
+ R + i=ωVcosωt
dt dt C

This is a non-homogeneous second order linear equation with constant coefficients.[9]

3. Methodology of study

3.1 Data of study and Period

The study will conduct in department of Mathematics College of natural sciences Bonga
University from November, 2019 to June, 2020 in the academic year of 2019/20. The source of
the study will relate documents to the project title (Books, Journals, research papers, etc.).

3.2 Method of data collection

The data gathering tools in this project will collect from internet, reference and related books in
library and e-library that is secondary data. An internet will use to generate information from
different source.

3.3 Method of data analysis

Data will check for completeness in the variable study. Then they shall be organize and structure
in their respective categories. Finally, after the data or information will collect it shall
summarize, categorize and re arrange, and analyze in different ways.

3.4 Ethical Issues

Before, starting the study a letter of permission or orientation will obtain from Bonga University
College of natural sciences department of mathematics. My advisor will also advice to me how I
prepare this study. The confidentiality of respondent was taken in to account throughout all
process of the study.


4 Time table and Financial Requirements of project

4.1. Project Time Table

The study will be completed within the eight months. The following tables explain each of the
important phases necessary for conducting study.

N Activities Months(Duration) Remark

o Nev. Dec. Jan Feb Apr Mar May Jun
1 Specify the topics X
2 Selection of topics X
3 Write introduction and X
literature review
4 proposal preparing X
5 Proposal presentation X
6 Write project X
7 Review project X
circulation for
8 Document Processing X
and summarizing
9 Presentation and X

4.2. Cost Budgeting

Financial source is one of the most important to carry out the project. Hence the budget cost that
necessary for the study is show as following table

No Materials Number of Units(birr) Total cost (birr)

1 Pen 3 10 30
2 Paper 200 0.50 100
3 Card 8 25 200
4 Flash memory 1 300 300
5 Typing and print 27 1 27
6 Miscelleous cost 300
7 Total 957
[1]Ralpa P. Grimaldi 2000, Non-homogeneous Recurrence Relation.
[2]Dennis G. Zill, 2005, Differential Equations with Modeling Applications, tenth

[3] John willey, 2014, Differential Equation An Introduction to Modern Method

and Application, third edition.

[4]James Stewart, 2008, Calculus Early Transcendental, sixth edition.

[5] Zachary S Tseng, 2008, Notes second order Ordinary Differential Equation.

[6]Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2016, Application of second order equation.

[7] Dennis, 2002, Advanced Mathematics for Engineering, seventh edition.

[8] ] James R. Barannan , Willian E.Boyce, Richard C.Diprima , 2002,Elementary

Differential Equation and Boundary Value Problems-wiley

[9] Kenkuty, Harcourt and Kreyszing, Advanced Engineering Mathemathicts,2002

[10] Simmons, G.F, Differential Equations with Application and historical

note ,1972

[11] Paul Dawkins, Differential Equation

[12] L.ROSS.R,Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equation, fourth edition,


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