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Followers Verified $ per

Impressions Engagement Profile Visits Mentions followers Payout Payout
@teslaboomermama Posts (Fedica) Impressions Link Clicks Reposts Likes Replies end of Organization thousand
per day Rate (Fedica) (Fedica) since last Amount Date
period set up impressions
March 2023 1,630 6,600,000 213,700 2.50% 13,000 3,700 61,300 7,800 16,290 7,770 49,000
April 2023 1,645 6,800,000 226,000 2.40% 12,500 3,200 55,300 9,200 28,197 9,097 55,000 6,000
May 2023 1,860 6,800,000 218,300 2.10% 6,700 3,000 55,000 8,600 13,106 7,603 60,000 5,000
June 2023 2,896 10,800,000 358,600 3.00% 10,900 6,100 234,600 14,000 21,600 12,960 68,000 8,000 $1,817.00 07/13/2023 $0.059 over multiple months
July 2023 2,709 10,600,000 342,700 2.00% 10,200 8,100 85,300 12,400 15,468 11,094 76,250 8,250 $698.70 08/07/2023 08/10/2023 $0.066 over one month
$204.82 08/18/2023 10 days
August 2023 2,786 12,700,000 409,100 1.90% 9,100 7,300 86,000 13,100 17,618 10,760 83,559 7,309
$651.59 09/01/2023 bi-weekly
$249.55 9/15/2023 bi-weekly
September 2023 2,070 9,300,000 310,400 2.10% 5,800 10,700 83,700 11,500 11,336 9,579 87,950 4,391
$166.42 9/29/2023 bi-weekly
$204.48 10/13/2023 bi-weekly
October 2023
$191.31 10/27/2023 bi-weekly
November 2023 $4,183.87
December 2023

by pay period
ten days between half The
payouts 08/07- 2,757 3,600,000 323,700 2.10% 4,700 2,000 25,500 3,600 17,313 10,089 80,400 2,411 $204.82 08/18/2023 Boomer $0.057
08/17/2023 Haus
13 days between the full The
payouts 08/18 - 1,381 6,700,000 481,900 1.70% 2,100 3,900 44,300 7,000 7,461 5,626 83,559 3,159 $651.59 09/01/2023 Boomer $0.097
08/31/2023 Haus
14 days between the full The
payouts 09/01 - 1,015 4,900,000 348,000 2.20% 3,100 6,200 44,500 6,400 5,784 5,061 85,800 2,241 $249.55 9/15/2023 Boomer $0.051
09/14/2023 Haus
14 days between the full The
payouts 09/15 - 766 3,800,000 268,300 2.00% 2,100 4,000 34,300 4,300 4,369 3,348 87,800 2,000 $166.42 9/29/2023 Boomer $0.044
09/28/2023 Haus
14 days between the full The
payouts 09/29 - 1,107 4,200,000 298,100 1.80% 2,900 2,800 30,700 5,900 4,173 4,504 88,900 1,100 $204.48 10/13/2023 Boomer $0.049
10/12/2023 Haus
14 days between the full The
payouts 10/13 - 1,045 4,500,000 320,700 1.90% 6,700 3,900 32,900 5,600 5,184 5,256 91,150 2,250 $191.31 10/27/2023 Boomer $0.043
10/26/2023 Haus
Followers Verified $ per
Impressions Engagement Profile Visits Mentions followers Payout Payout
@teslaboomermama Posts (Fedica) Impressions Link Clicks Reposts Likes Replies end of Organization thousand
per day Rate (Fedica) (Fedica) since last Amount Date
period set up impressions
Followers Verified $ per
Impressions Engagement Profile Visits Mentions followers Payout Payout
@teslaboomermama Posts (Fedica) Impressions Link Clicks Reposts Likes Replies end of Organization thousand
per day Rate (Fedica) (Fedica) since last Amount Date
period set up impressions
Followers Verified $ per
Impressions Engagement Profile Visits Mentions followers Payout Payout
@teslaboomermama Posts (Fedica) Impressions Link Clicks Reposts Likes Replies end of Organization thousand
per day Rate (Fedica) (Fedica) since last Amount Date
period set up impressions
Followers Verified $ per
Impressions Engagement Profile Visits Mentions followers Payout Payout
@teslaboomermama Posts (Fedica) Impressions Link Clicks Reposts Likes Replies end of Organization thousand
per day Rate (Fedica) (Fedica) since last Amount Date
period set up impressions
Followers Verified $ per
Impressions Engagement Profile Visits Mentions followers Payout Payout
@teslaboomermama Posts (Fedica) Impressions Link Clicks Reposts Likes Replies end of Organization thousand
per day Rate (Fedica) (Fedica) since last Amount Date
period set up impressions
Followers Verified $ per
Impressions Engagement Profile Visits Mentions followers Payout Payout
@teslaboomermama Posts (Fedica) Impressions Link Clicks Reposts Likes Replies end of Organization thousand
per day Rate (Fedica) (Fedica) since last Amount Date
period set up impressions
Followers Verified $ per
Impressions Engagement Profile Visits Mentions followers Payout Payout
@teslaboomermama Posts (Fedica) Impressions Link Clicks Reposts Likes Replies end of Organization thousand
per day Rate (Fedica) (Fedica) since last Amount Date
period set up impressions
Followers Verified $ per
Impressions Engagement Profile Visits Mentions followers Payout Payout
@teslaboomermama Posts (Fedica) Impressions Link Clicks Reposts Likes Replies end of Organization thousand
per day Rate (Fedica) (Fedica) since last Amount Date
period set up impressions
Followers Verified $ per
Impressions Engagement Profile Visits Mentions followers Payout Payout
@teslaboomermama Posts (Fedica) Impressions Link Clicks Reposts Likes Replies end of Organization thousand
per day Rate (Fedica) (Fedica) since last Amount Date
period set up impressions

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