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No.COOP-FE2-TRNG-0007-2023- 7{64 /Coo p., Dated: t1. Dl.2tzs

Government of Odisha in Cooperation Department have been pleased to develop the
existing Centre for Cooperative Management (CCM) Gopalpur-on-sea as "State Training lnstitute
for Cooperative Development" in collaboration with lnstitute of Rural Management Anand, Gujurat
vide Notiflcation No. 6782, dated 06.06.2023. Now, for development of the said Training lnstitute
for Cooperative Development and to look into the day to day business of the lnstitute, a Steering
Committee is hereby constituted under the Chairmanship of the Registrar of Cooperative Societies
(O), Bhubaneswar with the following members.
The steering committee is to take the overall charge of the centre under the guidance of the
Government of Odisha and the Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Odisha, Bhubaneswar.

('1) Registrar of Cooperative Societies (O), Bhubaneswar - Chairman

(2) Special Secretary / Additional Secretary (licof Training)

Cooperation Department - Member

(3) Auditor General of Cooperative Societies (O), Bhubaneswar - Member

(4) Representative of Director, IRMA - Member

(5) Representative of CGM, NABARD - Member

(6) Director, State Training lnstitute for Cooperative Development, Gopalpur- Member

(7) JRCS (T&P) O/o the RCS, Odisha, Bhubaneswar - l\4ember -Convenor

By Order of the Principal Secretary to Government

Additional Secre6"ry to Goiernment

Memo No. /Coop, dated 0). 07. 2_ozg

Copy along with the approved Role of the Steering Committee (Terms of Reference)
foMarded to the members of the Committee for information and necessary action.

Additional Se .,k:%r,K.,

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coo P-FE2-TRNG-0007 -2023 I 5 I 2023
Role of the Steerinq Committee (Terms of Reference)

A. Prepare annual budget for hard infrastructure creation and maintenance.

B. Prepare organogram, governance structure, and functional policies for the
C. Conduct training needs analysis (TNA) by sector, and by theme.
D. Prepare annual training calendar for the secto(s).
E. Prepare ToT modules for the trainers and enhance their competencies with a
sectoral focus
F. Create a pool of expert trainers with theme base expertise and experience on
the field.
G. Design training modules with associated content, pedagogy, delivery, and
feedback mechanisms.
H. Assess the remuneration structure for each module.
l. Plan for annual workshops, conferences, and expert panel discussions on
contemporary and emerging themes.
J. Advise centre to establish networks with academic and training institutions,
universities with sectoral focus, cooperatives and federations for better
outreach and access to best practices.
K. Prepare a team of experts to develop case studies, case lets, cases with
teaching notes to be used by trainers.
L. Act as a think tank for the GoO and the RCS, cooperatives in the state.
M. Suggest ways to establish innovation-driven cooperatives entrepreneurship to
establish business-ready sustainable cooperatives.
N. Any other terms of the GoO/ECS

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