Perilaku Konsumen

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Nama : Christine

Npm : 210910073
Mata Kuliah : Perilaku Konsumen


Imagine you are a marketing manager for Starbucks. You need consumer research to support future
decisions about additional menu items and promotions. Which research methods would you use to
uncover the answers to the following questions and why?

Consider the following:

■ Do customers prefer Starbucks coffee over those of its main competitors?

■ Would Starbucks sell more coffee if the company lowered its prices?

■ Would using coupons positively impact sales?

Ask a friend to identify his or her favourite possession and conduct an in-depth interview with them
to determine the underlying reasons for his or her choice. Why is this object so important? Is any
other object as important to them?

Next, create a survey that could elicit the same information from another friend. Collect the data
from your second friend using the survey. Do the results differ? Are there any advantages to
collecting the information using one research method versus the other?

Answer :

To uncover answers to these questions as Starbucks' marketing manager, I would employ a mix of
quantitative and qualitative research methods:

Do customers prefer Starbucks coffee over those of its main competitors?

Quantitative method: Conducting surveys with a large sample size to gather numerical data on
customers' preferences, including their frequency of visits to Starbucks versus competitors,
satisfaction levels, and reasons for choosing one over the other.

Qualitative method: Organizing focus groups to delve deeper into customers' perceptions, emotions,
and attitudes towards Starbucks and its competitors, allowing for more nuanced insights.

Would Starbucks sell more coffee if the company lowered its prices?

Quantitative method: Analyzing sales data before and after price changes to identify any significant
correlations between price adjustments and sales volume.

Qualitative method: Using in-depth interviews with loyal customers to understand how price
influences their purchase decisions and their willingness to switch brands based on price changes.

Would using coupons positively impact sales?

Quantitative method: Implementing A/B testing by offering coupons to a portion of customers and
comparing their purchase behavior against a control group that doesn't receive coupons.

Qualitative method: Conducting follow-up surveys or interviews with coupon recipients to gauge
their perceptions of the offer, whether it influenced their purchase, and if they would be more likely
to return to Starbucks with future promotions.

For the in-depth interview and survey:

In-depth interview:

I would ask my friend about their favorite possession, probe into the emotional attachment,
memories associated with it, and its significance in their life. This method allows for open-ended
exploration and deeper insights into personal experiences and values.


I would design a survey with questions about possessions, asking participants to rate the importance
of each possession and explain the reasons behind their choices. This method allows for collecting
data from a larger sample size quickly but might miss the depth and context provided by in-depth

Comparing the results:

The in-depth interview may yield richer, more nuanced insights due to its open-ended nature and
the opportunity for follow-up questions. However, the survey can reach a larger audience, providing
broader perspectives and potentially identifying trends that may not be apparent in individual

In conclusion, using a combination of research methods allows for a comprehensive understanding

of consumer behavior and preferences, providing valuable insights for strategic decision-making.

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