Collocations With Prepositions

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1. My brother works a lot. He’s experienced_____such affairs.

2. Black is always associated____something bad.

3. Tom usuallu deals___ different papers. He works in an office.
4. I’ve got a lot of e-mails. I need to reply____all of them.
5. Kate has won a lot of competitions. Her parents must be proud____her.
6. I’m so happy___my brother. He did his best at the exam, and got the best
7. My sister is responsible___doing this project.
8. Our boss should provide us_____all the necessary things.
9. It’s very difficult but I have to concentrate____solving this problem.
10.Congratulations Max. I’m so happy____you and your wife.
11.I’d be more than heppy to provide you____the catalogue of our company.
12. You shouldn’t be proud ______ yourself. What you did was wrong.
13.We supply all major companies____ all the products.

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