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Desalination 474 (2020) 114165

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Performance enhancement of a tubular solar still by utilizing wire mesh T

packing under harmonic motion

Emad M.S. El-Saida, Samir M. Elshamyb, A.E. Kabeelc,
Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Fayoum University, Fayoum, Egypt
High Institute of Engineering, 6 October, Egypt
Mechanical Power Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Tanta University, Egypt


Keywords: In this study, a porous packed media is formed from steel wire mesh screen is utilized to augment the perfor-
Solar still mance of absorbing, transferring and storing the heat in tubular solar still. Also, a vibrator is attached to the wire
Wire mesh mesh screen to generate forced vibration that is a transverse harmonic movement. This vibrator is utilized to
Vibratory harmonic motion destroy the surface tension and boundary layer of the salty water, which augment the heat transfer and va-
Cost analysis
porization rate. Experimental investigation and thermodynamic and economic analysis is performed. The per-
Exergy analysis
formance of the modified solar still was compared with the conventional design. The modified still yield was
4.2 L/m2 with augmentation by 34% rather than a conventional one. Also, the first and second law efficiencies
were with improved by about 33.80% and 42.31% respectively. The modified still produced a fresh water with
cost about 0.0309 US$/L.m2 with reduction about 14.39% than a conventional one. The specific work con-
sumption of fresh water produced from modified still was 30.51 W.h/L–33.62 W.h/L.

1. Introduction Commonly, heat transfer rate in thermal systems, such as SS, can be
augmented utilizing a various methods can be grouped into: passive
The need for efficient, sustainable and credible desalinating systems method such as treated surfaces, rough surfaces, extended surfaces,
is incremented every day. These systems are considered the vital al- displaced enhancement devices, swirl flow devices, coiled tubes, sur-
ternative source of fresh water supply for any communities, lack of face tension devices, additives for liquids and gases [14] and active
connection with urbanized water supplies. Utilizing a low quality water method such as mechanical aids, surface-fluid vibration, the injection
or transported water by vehicles may be the hard solution for such and the suction of the fluid, the jet impingement, and the electrostatic
customers in current time [1]. To augment the status in these regions, fields [15]. Many studies introduced a review about improvement
small scale desalination systems are needed with low grade power technics such as porous materials and nanofluids and their advantages
consuming [2]. There are various techniques and devices for water and limitations on solar energy systems [16–19]. Hansen et al. [20]
purification. A type of this device is solar still with high benefits [3]. investigated an inclined type SS was experimentally utilizing various
The solar stills (SSs) are utilized to yield water with suitable salt wick materials on different absorber plate configurations; flat absorber,
concentration from brackish water utilizing solar power directly stepped absorber and stepped absorber with wire mesh. Their results
without needing to professional skills [4]. showed that the highest water yield was 4.28 L/day by utilizing water
Many previous studies were presented the developments in design coral fleece with wire mesh-stepped absorber plate. Eldalil [21] studied
and operating performance of SSs [5–11]. Mohamed et al. [12] ex- an active vibratory SS utilizing stretched helical coiled copper wires as
perimentally studied the effect of the augmented heat and mass transfer a flexible packed media installed in the bottom of the trough. He found
on the SS performance by utilizing a fine basalt black stones as a porous that the daily water yield with helical wires was augmented by 35% and
absorber. They showed that the exergy efficiency was augmented by when vibration was applied this value incremented to 132%. Kabeel
about 123%. Ahsan et al. [13] studied a different tubular solar still et al. [22] experimentally studied trough type solar still productivity
(TSS) model based on the design, fabrication, cost and water yield. enhancing utilizing a rotating fan with a vertical shaft powered by a
Their results showed that the water yield depended on the temperature small photovoltaic system. They found that utilizing the rotating fan in
difference in the SS cavity. the SS incremented the water yield by 25% with 38% daily efficiency

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (E.M.S. El-Said), (S.M. Elshamy), (A.E. Kabeel).
Received 10 August 2019; Received in revised form 29 August 2019; Accepted 27 September 2019
0011-9164/ © 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V.
E.M.S. El-Said, et al. Desalination 474 (2020) 114165

and cost 0.0447$/L. Omara et al. [23] presented a development for

Kabeel et al. [22] work by utilizing a wind turbine to drive the water Transparent tube Water trough
fan inside the trough. They found that the utilizing water fan aug-
mented the daily yield by about 17% with daily efficiency about 39.8%.
Rashidi et al. [24] experimentally investigated the effect of reticular
porous insert made up by black sponge rubber in a single slope solar
still performance improvement. They found that the yield enhanced by
about 17.35% compared to conventional still. Rashidi et al. [25] stu-
died the influence of a porous layer in enhancing the evaporation and
condensation rates in a SS. They presented that about 39% increase in
the yield with utilizing of a sponge rubber porous layer.
There are many works utilized the second law analysis as a tool to Wooden cover
optimize, design and improve the energy system performance [26].
Sharshir et al. [27] addressed many studies about the first and second Wooden cover
law analyses of many types of SSs. Bait [28] analyzed the exergy per-
formance, enviro–economic and economic for a tubular solar collector
coupled SS. Their results indicated that the yearly water productivity of Metal frame
the conventional and enhanced SSs was about 405.04 and 549.77 kg/
m2 respectively. The global exergy efficiency of the modified SS was
41%. The cost reached about 0.036 $/L in case of augmented SS. Yousef
et al. [29] presented an energetic, exergetic, economic and enviro-
economic analyses of single slope SS utilizing steel mesh fibers (SMF)
and hollow cylindrical pin fins (HCPF) as absorbing materials. They Fig. 1. Schematic sketch of SS model.
found that the daily water yield of SS with SMF and HCPF augmented
by 16% and 25%, respectively in comparison with traditional SS. Also,
Link Wire mesh
the maximum energy efficiencies of SS with SMF and HCPF were Motor
45.5%, and 52.5%, respectively, with improvement in daily exergy ef-
ficiency by about 14% and 23%, respectively and cost 0.0416$, and
0.0343$, respectively. Rashidi et al. [30] used the computational fluid Guide
dynamic tool to estimate the entropy generation for the design augment
of a single slope SS.
Looking at previous studies, we find that no works available related
to the tubular type SS were performed utilizing wire mesh under har-
monic motion for enhancing the heat and mass transfer processes. So,
the novel work in the current study based on using a vibrated steel wire A
mesh screen as a porous packed media to improve the heat absorbing,
transferring and storing performance tubular solar still inside the SS
cavity by destroying the surface tension and boundary layer of the salty
water. First and second law analysis and economic feasibility for two
models of the SS; conventional without wire mesh (TCSS) and modified Water trough
with wire mesh (TMSS) are performed.

2. Experimental set-up and Instrumentation devices

2.1. Experimental set-up

Fig. 2. Schematic of water trough with wire mesh screen and moving me-
As presented in Fig. 1, the studied TSS is made of a transparent chanism.
polycarbonate tube with 150 cm length, 55 cm diameter and 2 mm
thickness. Two wooden covers are utilized to close both ends of the
an eccentric mechanism to move the steel wire mesh screen in the
tube; the rear cover has a small hole at the bottom to collect the dis-
horizontal direction with 10 cm transverse stroke. The electrical motor
tilled water. A galvanized steel trough with 100× 40 × 5 cm was uti-
consumes 50 W per hour at speed is 50 RPM.
lized as basin to hold saline water. A metal support frame is utilized to
maintain the trough in the horizontal plane and the tube with 30° in-
2.3. Porous packed media
clination angle. A porous packed media is formed from steel wire mesh
screen, which utilized to augment the heat absorbing, transferring and
Taking into account the temperature operation and materials cost,
storage in the solar still. Also, a vibrator is attached to the wire mesh
the metal wire mesh screen has been used as a porous packed media due
screen to generate forced vibration that is a transverse harmonic
to its many advantages for the solar stills as compared with other types
movement to destroy the boundary layer and surface tension of the
of porous materials such as foams, sponges, etc. as following:
salty water and augment the heat transfer by convection and increase
the rate of vaporization of water.
• High heat absorbing and storage,
• Long operating life time with low cost,
2.2. Vibrator-system
• High heat transfer,
• Low thermal gradients and thermal stresses and,
As shown in Fig. 2, the aim of the vibratory excitation system, de-
pending on the excitation influence of the vibratory harmonic forced • High temperature resistance to any degradation.
motion on the steel wire mesh screen utilizing an electrical motor with

E.M.S. El-Said, et al. Desalination 474 (2020) 114165


2.5. System working principle

As mentioned above, two identical SSs were designed, manu-

factured and tested under same climatological conditions of 6 October
City, Giza, Egypt in the period from 30 May-10 June 2018, the TSS was
operated at 9:00 AM and the data were collected hourly until 5:00 PM.
In this study, the feeding water salinity and depth of the SS trough
were taken as a constant value; 3500 ppm, 2.5 cm respectively. Also,
the variation of the salt concentration in the feeding water was ne-
glected because the effects of them on the system yield are little
The operating steps were: (1) charging saline water into the water
basin until the water level reaches 2.5 cm, (2) collecting the fresh water
in the calibrated flask. The amount of distilled water and other mea-
sured environmental and operating variables were collected every hour.

2.6. Uncertainty analysis

Fig. 3. Photo of wire mesh screen.
The standard uncertainty for the measuring experimental devices
Table 1 such as thermometer, solar meter, thermocouples, and measuring cy-
Characteristics of the wire mesh screen. linder are evaluated according to accuracy of measuring devices as
given by Holman [34]:
Parameter Value
The experimental measurements are used to calculate some desired
Material AISI 310 alloy result of the experiment (F). Thus
Wire diameter, mm 0.56
Mesh size, mm 2.5 F = F (x1 , x2 , x3,…………., x n )
Porosity, % 61
The uncertainty in the result is calculated as follows:
2 2 2 2 1/2
uF = ⎡ ⎛ ∂F ⎞ ⎛ ∂F ⎞ ⎛ ∂F ⎞ ⎛ ∂F ⎞ ⎤
Guide bar Wire mesh screen ⎢ ∂x1 u1 + ∂x2 u2 + ∂x3 u3 ……………….+ ∂x n un ⎥
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟

⎣⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎦ (1)
Water trough where uF is the uncertainty in the result, n is the number of experi-
mental variables and u1,u2, …, un are the uncertainties in the in-
dependent variables (x1, x2, ...... and xn).
Based on the accuracies of instruments shown in Table 2, the un-
certainty in the experimental results was calculated according to the Eq.
Fig. 4. Schematic of water trough with wire mesh and moving mechanisms at
(1), and briefed in Table 3.
section A-A in Fig. 1.

3. Performance metric
An aluminum frame with length = 90 cm, width = 34 cm is utilized
to support the wire mesh screen. The wire mesh screen is made of alloy- 3.1. First law efficiency
310 commercial square plain-weave wire mesh as shown in Fig. 3 with
characteristics as presented in Table 1. The wire mesh screen motion is The daily first law efficiency during the running time (RT) is defined
guided by utilizing two bars supported with trough and submerged in as [35]:
2 cm form the trough base as presented in Fig. 4.
i = RT ⋅
∑ (mfw × hfg )
2.4. Instrumentation devices η1 = i = RT
⎛⎜A × ∑ I × 3600⎟⎞ + (W × RT )
bs t em
⎝ i=1 ⎠ (2)
The water and ambient temperatures were measured with four
temperature sensors. The three temperature sensors are is located in the where hfgis the latent heat of vaporization of water [36]:
water trough to know the average water temperature. The air tem-
perature was measured with a single temperature sensor. Solar intensity Table 3
was successively measured by a solar power meter. The surrounded air Uncertainty values of different quantities.
velocity, measured by a handheld vane anemometer. Table 2 presents Parameter Value
the parameters of the measurement instruments utilized in the
Uncertainty of the mass flow rate measurement (kg/s)
Table 2 Air flow rate ± 0.25
Technical specifications of sensors and probes. Uncertainty of temperature measurement (C)
Water temperature ± 0.43
Sensor/type Reference Description Accuracy
Air temperature ± 0.43

Digital thermometer (TM-82 N) Tenmars Temperature ± 0.05% Uncertainties in calculating of performance parameters (%)
Digital air flow meter (Davm +) Supco Wind speed ± 3% Exergy efficiency ± 5.68
Solar power meter (TM-206) Tenmars Solar radiation ± 5% System efficiency ± 7.8
Calibrated flask (0–2000 ml) Local Water yield ± 0.88% Water yield ± 0.57%

E.M.S. El-Said, et al. Desalination 474 (2020) 114165

hfg = a1 + a2 Tw, bs + a3 Tw2 , bs + a4 Tw3 , bs + a5 Tw4, bs (3)

a1 = 2.5 × 10 , a2 = − 2.369 × 10 ,
6 3
a3 = 2.678 × 10 ,
a4 = − 8.103 × 10−3,a5 = − 2.079 × 10−5.

3.2. Second law efficiency

In this section, the available energy assessment is performed based

on the second law analysis and exergy efficiency [37]:
Exergy output of solar still Ex , evap
ηII = =
Exergy input to solar still Ex , in (4)
where the exergy input is calculated based on solar power exergy as
follows [38]:
⋅ 4
4 ⎛ Ta + 273 ⎞ 1 T + 273 ⎞ ⎤
Ex , i = Abs It ⎡
⎢1 − 3
⎜ + ⎛ a
⎟ ⎜

⎣ ⎝ Ts ⎠ 3⎝ Ts ⎠⎦ (5)
And the exergy output for evaporation process is determined from
the following relation [39]:

⋅ mfw hfg ⎡ T + 273 ⎞ ⎤
Ex , o = 1 − ⎜⎛ a ⎟
3600 ⎢ ⎣ ⎝ Tsw

, bs + 273 ⎠ ⎦ (6)

3.3. Economic analysis

The calculation methodology is depending on; the salvage value of

the units will be zero at the end of the amortization period [40]. The
total estimated fabrication, installation and testing costs (capital cost) Fig. 5. Variation of ambient temperature and wind speed with time.
for the SS are calculated according to the real purchasing prices and
equal 295 US $ as shown in Table 4. The total cost (TC) is determined as N = 340 days/year [45].
follows [41];
TC = CO + CM + CF (7) 3.4. Specific work
where; CO, CM and CF are the operating, maintenance and fixed
charges costs. CO and CM are assumed 20% of the CF [42]. Specific work (SW) is the ratio of the auxiliary electricity power
CF is calculated as follows; consumed per unit amount of water produced in the system [46]:

CF = AF × CC (8) Pem
SW = ⋅
mfw (11)
where; AF and CC are the amortization factor and capital cost respec-
The AF is given by [43]: 4. Results and discussion
i (1 + i)n
AF = Fig. 5 shows the wind speed and ambient temperature hourly var-
(1 + i)n − 1 (9)
iation for different test days. This figure shows that the ambient tem-
So, the water cost is calculated as follows [41]: perature increments and records the peak value at the mid-day and then
TC it begins to decrement.
CP = i = RT Fig. 6 illustrates the hourly variation of the volume of distilled water

n × N × ∑ mfw collected and trough water temperature for TCSS and TMSS with solar
i=1 (10)
intensity. These figures indicated that the temperature increments from
where; n is the system lifetime and taken as 10 years [43] and i, is the 09:00 AM to the mid-day. This may explain as; the solar radiation af-
annual interest rate (%) and taken as 15% [44]. The operation days, fects the water temperature variation profile. As the time passes in a
day, more solar radiations are absorbed by the basin and the heat stored
Table 4 in the basin is transferred to the feed water, which increases the trough
Fabrication, installation and testing cost of SS system. water temperature. These figures show that the utilizing of the vibrated
Item Price (US $) wire mesh screen increments the water temperature and SS yield more
than in the case without it. In TMSS, water in the trough heated as well
Iron structure 48 as the thin water layer starts the evaporation. The presence of metal
Electrostatic paint 24
wire mesh screen, the flexible packed media, enhances the thermal
Plastic casing 48
Wooden covers 5 energy absorption and storage, which improves the water heating and
Measuring cylinder 2 evaporation. Due to both heating and evaporation, the temperature of
Insulation material 5 water vapor increments and with the increment of temperature, the
Installation and testing 108 energy and random motion of water vapor molecules also increments.
Wire mesh with aluminum frame 17
Due to the random motion, water vapor sticking with the inner surface
Motor with mechanism 38
Total cost 295 of walls and glass covers increment. After sticking, water vapor con-
densed on the walls and glass covers inner surface by releasing its latent

E.M.S. El-Said, et al. Desalination 474 (2020) 114165

Tsw, tf for TMSS Yield for TMSS Tsw, tf for TMSS Yield for TMSS
Tsw, tf for TCSS Yield for TCSS Tsw, tf for TCSS Yield for TCSS
Solar intensity Solar intensity
4000 4500

3500 4000
Accumulated water productivity, (mm litre/m2)

Accumulated water productivity, (mm litre/m2)

3000 3500

Trough water temperature, (ºC)

Trough water temperature, (ºC)

Solar intensity, (w/m2)

Solar intensity, (w/m2)



0 0
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
(a) Run (1)on 30/05/2018. Time (hr)
(a) Run (2) on 31/05/2018.

Tsw, tf for TMSS Yield for TMSS Tsw, tf for TMSS Yield for TMSS
Tsw, tf for TCSS Yield for TCSS Tsw, tf for TCSS Yield for TCSS
Solar intensity Solar intensity
4500 4500

4000 4000
Accumulated water productivity, (mm litre/m2)

Accumulated water productivity, (mm litre/m2)

3500 3500
Trough water temperature, (ºC)

Trough water temperature, (ºC)

Solar intensity, (w/m2)

Solar intensity, (w/m2)

3000 3000

2500 2500

2000 2000

1500 1500

1000 1000

500 500

0 0
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Time (hr) Time (hr)
(a) Run (3) on 04/06/2018. (a) Run (4) on 05/06/2018.

Tsw, tf for TMSS Yield for TMSS

Tsw, tf for TCSS Yield for TCSS
Solar intensity


Accumulated water productivity, (mm litre/m2)

Trough water temperature, (ºC)
Solar intensity, (w/m2)







9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Time (hr)
(a) Run (5) on 10/06/2018.

Fig. 6. Variation of water yield, trough water temperature and solar intensity with time for TMSS and TCSS with different test days.

E.M.S. El-Said, et al. Desalination 474 (2020) 114165

Trough water temperature, (ºC)

Daily thermal efficiency, (%)

Tsw, tf for TMSS
Tsw, tf for TCSS TMSS

Fig. 9. Comparison of daily thermal efficiency between TMSS and TCSS.

Fig. 7. Variation of average trough water temperature with time for TMSS and
first law efficiency for TCSS and TMSS. This comparison concluded that
the presence of the vibrated wire mesh screen increments the first law
efficiency during all operating days. As shown in Fig. 9, the daily first
heat of vaporization. In addition, the transverse harmonic movement law efficiency of the TCSS changes between 37.3% and 38.6% and for
destroys the boundary layer and surface tension of the salty water and TMSS between 47.52% and 50.3% based on the experimental condi-
augments the heat transfer by convection. So, the presence of the vi- tions for different days. This illustrates that the TMSS first law effi-
brated wire mesh screen causes an increment the water vaporization ciency is enhanced by about 29.1% to 33.8% compared to cases of
rate, which it leads to an increment in the fresh water. Fig. 7 indicates without it.
that the average trough water temperatures for TMSS are increased by A second law analysis for SS is carried out based on Eqs. (4–6).
2.78% to 4.12% more than for TCSS. Fig. 10 shows the daily second law efficiency for TCSS compared to
Fig. 8 shows the daily water yield of TCSS and TMSS. The highest TMSS. This figure indicated that the daily second law efficiency of the
daily productivity of TCSS and TMSS is 1.3 and 1.68 L or 3.25 and TCSS changes between 2.54% and 3.26% and for TMSS between 3.55%
4.2 L/m2 of the trough area respectively. The vibrated wire mesh screen and 4.64% based on the experimental conditions for different days. For
augments the daily water yield by about 26.1% to 34.0% compared to all test cases, this figure shows that the TMSS daily second law effi-
the conventional SS. ciency is more than without it and enhanced by about 34.61% to
The system first law efficiency is determined depending on Eq. (2) 42.31%.
for different test days Fig. 9 presents a comparison between the daily Depending on the experimental results of the daily water yield,
Fig. 11 shows the distilled water cost per unit area of water trough of
TCSS and variations in it with utilizing TMSS. The TCSS produces water
TCSS with cost per liter changes between 0.0348 US$/L and 0.0393 US$/L
and for TMSS between 0.0309 US$/L and 0.0347 US$/L. So, the cost of
TMSS fresh water from TMSS saves about 8.96 to 14.39% compared to TCSS.


Daily exergy efficiency, (%)




Daily water productivity, (mm litre)

Fig. 8. Comparison of daily water productivity for TMSS and TCSS. Fig. 10. Comparison of daily exergy efficiency between TMSS and TCSS.

E.M.S. El-Said, et al. Desalination 474 (2020) 114165

studies in literature. The calculated performance parameters and water

TCSS yield of TMSS were compared with previous results of similar systems
and provided a worthwhile augment.
5. Conclusion
1.30 L/d
1.64 L/d In this paper, a vibrated porous packed media was utilized to aug-
ment the tubular SS performance and productivity. The important and
1.20 L/d essential results are briefed:
1.57 L/d
1. The SS water yield was improved when utilizes vibrated wire mesh
screen by 34% more than the case without it.
1.18 L/d

04/06/2018 2. The SS daily first law efficiency with vibrated wire mesh screen was
1.53 L/d augmented by about 33.8% compared to without it.
3. The SS daily second law efficiency was enhanced by 42.31% by
1.25 L/d utilizing vibrated wire mesh screen.
1.68 L/d 4. The price of water collected from TMSS reduced by about 14.39%
less than TCSS.
5. Specific work consumption of fresh water produced from TMSS
1.15 L/d
30/05/2018 varied 30.51 W.h/L–33.62 W.h/L.
1.49 L/d

Water cost, Cprod ($/Liter) Latin symbols

Fig. 11. Comparison of product water cost between TMSS and TCSS.
A Area, m2
AF Amortization factor, %
Table 5 I Solar radiation flux, W/m2

Thermal efficiency of selected desalination units. m Collected water rate per hour, kg/h
Process Power Daily productivity, L/ Thermal daily Reference RT Running time, hr
m2 efficiency, % T Temperature, °C
Eẋ Exergy rate, W
TMSS Solar 4.2 50.03 Present work
TCSS Solar 3.25 38.60 Present work
P Power, WN
SS Solar 2.8 38 [47] TC Total cost, US $
SS Solar 0.69 49.29 [48] CO Operating cost, US $
SS Solar 1.52 30.07 [49] CM Maintenance cost, US $
SS Solar 1.485 30.96 [50]
CP Water cost, US $
SS Solar 3.32 34.8 [12]
CF Fixed cost, US $
n System life, year
Table 6 N Running days per year, day/year
Exergy of selected desalination units. i Interest rate per year, %
SW Specific work, W.h/L
Process Power Daily productivity, L/m2 Cost, $/L.m2 Reference
hfg Latent heat, kJ/kg
TMSS Solar 4.2 4.64 Present work
TCSS Solar 3.25 3.26 Present work Greek symbols
SS Solar 1.52 3.67 [49]
SS Solar 1.485 3.48 [50]
SS Solar 3.46 1.6 [52]
η efficiency, dimensionless

Table 7
Unit product cost of selected desalination systems. s sky
2 2
sw Saline water
Process Power Daily productivity, L/m Cost, $/L.m Reference
a ambient
TMSS Solar 4.2 0.0139 Present work o out
TCSS Solar 3.25 0.0136 Present work em electrical motor
SS Solar 2.5 0.048 [11] i in
SS Solar 5 0.036 [11]
SS Solar 6 0.025 [11]
tf trough
SS Solar 5.8 0.0331 [12] I First law
SS Solar 3.32 0.09558 [51] II Second law
fw Distillate or fresh water
t time
Specific work consumption (SW) was also calculated. It was found
that the TMSS need electrical power per one liter of collected fresh References
water varied 30.51 W.h/L–33.62 W.h/L.
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