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Global warming is one of the most serious issues that the world is facing today.

What are the causes of

global warming and what measures can governments and individuals take to tackle the issue?

Our planet is gradually getting hotter, and there has been a significant increase in temperature in recent years
due to pollution. The threat of global warming has raised concerns as it is continuously causing damaging the
earth in the form of heat waves, resulting in melting of glaciers whose persistence is utterly important for
mankind's survival. This essay will analyze the root causes of global warming and will suggest remedies to
lower the risk associated with this alarming problem.


 There are many causes of global warming, but it is mostly due to the greenhouse effect. The
greenhouse effect is a phenomenon where gases such as carbon dioxide trap heat from the sun which
causes the global temperature to rise above optimal level.
 Activities of human beings contribute equally to the increase of global warming. Factories and vehicles
result in the emission of carbon gases and fumes which are depleting the ozone layer surrounding the
earth. Utilization of fossil fuels and other hazardous chemicals are other reasons of global warming.
Moreover, population explosion has resulted in excessive dependence on fossil fuels for cars, public
transport and railways, these machines emit a lot of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
 Countries are becoming more industrialized and are dumping waste into the atmosphere without
realizing its harmful effects and severity of the issue. Rising temperatures due to global warming would
result in melting of polar ice-caps which will trigger severe floods, droughts and other extreme weather
conditions. Deforestation done by the humans for their habitat and agriculture has resulted in huge
loss of trees who are the cleaners of combustion gases from the atmosphere. Furthermore, ozone layer
is depleted from many parts of earth, thus allowing harmful rays of sun to enter the earth’s surface.


 This critical issue which could potentially eliminate the human race should be dealt on government and
individual level. Governments should enforce strict policies and regulations to control the emission of
carbon gases from industries. Release of gases from industries should be reduced by installing pollution
control filters.
 More focus should be made on using alternative petroleum products that are environment-friendly.
Industries that are certified green should be charged lower tax rate. Discouraging use of fossil fuels for
vehicles and promoting usage of renewable source of energy such as solar energy, tidal power and
wind power.
 Awareness programs should be organized to educate masses. Apart from government, individual
members of the society should step forward and play their role. People should select green vehicles for
their transportation requirement; they should dump the waste properly, prefer to work in green
certified industries and educate others.
 Conserving the forest area by implementing strict norms and encouraging people to plant more trees
in the cities.

To conclude, global warming poses a serious threat to mankind, wildlife and ecosystem of the planet.
Governments and civilians both share equal responsibility to overcome this issue and make planet earth safer
for mankind and other inhabitants.
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