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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Mati Central District
Mati City , Davao Oriental

Name:______________________________________ Score:_________
Learning Center: _____________________________ Level: A&E Elem. A&E
Learning Strand No. : 5 Understanding Oneself and Society


(Learning Activity Sheets)


dis·as·ter (noun) - a sudden event, such as an accident or a natural

catastrophe, that
causes great damage or loss of life. It is also called as
a calamity.

Types of disaster

There are two types of disaster: natural and man-made.

1. Natural Disaster: A disaster caused by natural factors called as

a natural disaster e.g., Earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, landslides,
hurricanes/typhoons, wildfires, droughts, and volcanic eruptions
are some examples of natural disasters. They are caused by
nature, and men have no control over them. Such disasters cause
massive loss of life, property, and many other miseries.

2. Man-made disaster: A disaster caused due to the human

activities e.g., wars, fire accidents, industrial accidents, structural
collapse, utility failure, fire, explosion, contamination, crash or
collision etc. They are events that are caused by humans and
occur in or close to human settlements. Man-made disasters are
less complicated and occupy smaller areas making them easier to
control. Being prepared can reduce fear, anxiety, and losses that
accompany disasters.
People also can reduce the impact of disasters (flood proofing,
elevating a home or moving home out of harm's way, and securing

Discuss correct practices at home and in school in times of disaster

ACTIVITY 1 – Loop A Word

Directions: Find and encircle the following words in the puzzle below.

landslide car accident

natural disaster earthquake tsunami
fire typhoon wildfire
drought flashflood storm surge

Directions: Given are the lists of disasters. Categorize them as to man-made or
natural disaster

flashfloods train accident landslides typhoon/hurricane fire

wildfire oil spill earthquake drought
harmful chemical leak

Man-made Disaster Natural Disaster

Directions: Identify the small pictures and use their names to complete the
sentences. You may choose your answer from the words or phrase inside the box
and write it on the space provided.

1. __________
2. ___________
3. ___________


Directions: Read the table below then answer the questions that follow. Encircle
the letter of the correct

Before the Typhoon Season During a Typhoon After a Typhoon

1. Check your house if it is in 1. Don’t panic. Just 1. Listen to your
good condition, particularly listen to the radio for radio. Don’t go
the roof. warnings and advice. outside until advised
officially that the
2. Trim tree branches well near
2. Stay inside. Take typhoon has passed,
your house.
shelter in the or that it is already
3. Fix loose iron sheets. strongest part of your safe to go out.
4. Prepare an emergency kit. 2. Beware of fallen
Keep it ready in your home. 3. If your house starts power
The kit should contain:
to break up, protect lines, damaged
♦ Portable radio with extra
yourself with buildings
(fresh) batteries
♦ Flashlight, kerosene mattress, rugs and trees, and
lamp, candles and or blankets. Get under flooded
matches a strong table or bed. waterways.
♦ Potable (drinking) water,
canned goods, can
opener and extra clothes
♦ First aid kit and important

1. Before the typhoon season, you should check your house particularly the

a. bathroom
b. roof
c. kitchen
d. bedroom
2. If your house starts to break up, what should you do?
a. Watch a television show.
b. Get out of the house immediately.
c. Call the police.
d. Protect yourself with mattress, rugs or blankets.
3. Which of the following things is NOT necessary to keep before the typhoon
a. flashlight and extra batteries
b. first aid kit and important medicines
c. chocolates and candies
d. potable water and canned goods
4. Which of the following is safe to do after a typhoon has passed?
a. swimming
b. listening to the radio
c. sight-seeing
d. fishing
5. Which of the following is NOT necessary to do before the typhoon season?
a. Build a small fish pond near your house.
b. Fix loose iron sheets.
c. Prepare an emergency kit.
d. Trim tree branches

Directions: Match the items in Column A with those in Column B. Write the correct
letters in the blanks provided.

Column A Column B

_____1. a very strong storm in a tropical region a. area near the

sea b. flood
_____2. The weather suddenly calms down when it passes. c. places
near volcanoes

_____3. caused by heavy rains and lack of trees d. “eye” of the

_____4. places which are at greater risk when there is a typhoon e. very
big waves

_____5. caused by heavy rains and very strong winds at sea f.


Directions: Put a check mark (√) in the box before the things that you should do to
prepare for a coming
typhoon. Put an X–mark before the things that you don’t need to do.

1.Turn on the radio and listen to the latest news about the weather.
2. Keep spare batteries for flashlights and radios in case of power
3. Listen to rumors or hearsays about the weather.
4. Store extra food, especially fresh fish, meat and vegetables.
5. Make sure that there is extra wood, charcoal or fuel for cooking.
6. Prepare a first aid kit.
7. Tie the posts or roofs of your house with strong ropes, or nail them
securely, so that
they will not be carried away by the wind.
8. Leave your house if you live near rivers or in low-lying areas.
Directions: Read the table below then answer the questions that follow. Write your
answer on the space

Before Volcanic Eruptions During a Volcanic After a Volcanic

Eruotions Eruptions
1. If you are planning to build a house, 1. During an 1. If you are in an
avoid low places or areas that are ashfall, you evacuation center or
prone to mudflows. should cover your staying with a relative in
nose with a wet a safe place, wait for
2. Because lahar flows more easily piece of cloth. instructions before
when there are no trees you should returning home.
avoid cutting trees on slopes of 2. In between
volcanoes without replacing them. heavy ashfalls, 2. Once you get home,
3. If you live on or around a volcano, scrape off ashes you
you that have may start repairing the
should always have ready means of collected on damaged portions of
transportation because the volcano rooftops to your
might erupt anytime. prevent their property. Scrape off the
collapse or ash from your roof.
4. The Philippine Institute of destruction.
Volcanology and Seismology 3. Make sure that the
(PHIVOLCS) prohibits settling in areas water is safe to drink.
within 4–6 km around the peak of Check if it is clear and
active volcanoes. Comply with this has no unusual odor.
prohibition. It’s for your own safety. If Always boil water for 10-
PHIVOLCS orders you to evacuate, do 15 minutes before
so. drinking it.

1. Aling Lina’s son has asthma. When the volcano in a nearby province
erupted, the ashfall reached their place. What should Aling Lina do?

2. After their class, Elsa, Carlo and Ronald played patintero on their school
grounds. Suddenly, they felt that the ground was shaking. They could see the
branches of trees swaying violently. What should they do?

Directions: Draw a happy face if the statement is correct and sad face if not.

_______1. When earthquake strikes in a certain place, learners in the school must
observe the Dock, Cover and Hold strategy.
_______2. We should have a hotline number to the proper authorities in case of
emergency situation for help and rescue purposes.
_______3. In case of fire at home, family members should have first save all the
appliances before getting to a safer place.
_______4. There is man-made and natural calamities or disasters.
_______5. The danger of electrocution can be prevented by having the lines of
electricity turned off in the case of flood in the area.
_______6. We cannot prevent calamities from happening but there are measures we
can take before,
during and after they happen.
_______ 7. When a certain calamity hits or strikes us, it is important that we do panic
_______ 8. Drills in schools or community learning centers help the students/learners
a lot in terms of preparedness to any calamities might come.
_______9. We should prepare or be familiarize with the home or school evacuation
plan for any untoward incidents or disasters to avoid panic and confusion.
_______ 10. First-aid kit should be prepared at home or in school being a part of
disaster readiness.
_______ 11. Before the Earthquake, find out if your school or learning center has an
emergency plan. If it has one, make sure that you know how the plan goes. If it
doesn’t have one, take the initiative to encourage your companions to make one.
_______ 12. Earthquake drills are necessary for a community, so that in case of an
earthquake, everyone would know what to do.
_______ 13. If you are indoors, stand against the wall nearest the center of the
building. You may also stand against a doorway or stay under a desk or some other
sturdy furniture during an earthquake.

_______ 14. Check water, gas and electric lines. If these are damaged, close the
valves. Check for leaking gas by odor only. If gas is leaking, open all windows and
doors, leave immediately and report the damage to authorities.
_______ 15. In case of volcanic eruptions, avoid low places or areas vulnerable to
avalanches, rock falls, lava flows and mudflows.

Directions: Match the correct picture as to the given situation. Write the letter of
your answer on the space provided before the number.

______1. If you are indoors during an earthquake, take cover

under a heavy table or desk. Stay away from glass windows,
paintings, hangings on a wall, or anything that might fall.

______2. If you are in the kitchen, get away from the stove, refrigerator
and cabinets with heavy objects. Leave the kitchen if necessary or get
under a table. B.

______3. If you are in a crowded public place, do not rush to the door.
Everyone will be doing that, and this may cause a stampede. Instead, C.
take cover under something heavy.

______4. If you are in a tall building, do not use elevators. To get

out to an open area, use the stairs instead. Or better yet, D.
just take cover under something heavy like a table or chair.

______5. If you are outdoors, move to a clear area. Avoid power

lines, trees, signs, buildings, vehicles and other hazards. E.

______6. If you are driving, pull over to the side of the road, stop,
and set the parking brake. Avoid overpasses, bridges,
power lines, signs and other hazards. Stay inside the F.
vehicle until the earthquake is over.

______7. If you are planning to build a house, avoid low places or

areas that are prone to mudflows. G.

______8. Because lahar flows more easily when there

are no trees you should avoid cutting trees on
slopes of volcanoes without replacing them. H.

______9. If you live on or around a volcano, you
should always have ready means of
transportation because the volcano might I.
erupt anytime.

______10. The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and

Seismology (PHIVOLCS) prohibits settling
in areas within 4–6 km around the peak of
active volcanoes. Comply with this
prohibition. It’s for your own safety. If J.
PHIVOLCS orders you to evacuate, do so.

______11. During an ashfall, you should cover your

nose with a wet piece of cloth. K.

_____12. In between heavy ashfalls, scrape off ashes

that have collected on rooftops to prevent
their collapse or destruction. L.

______13. If you are in an evacuation center or staying with a

relative in a safe place, wait for instructions before
returning home. M.

______14. Once you get home, you may start repairing the
damaged portions of your property. Scrape off the ash N.
from your roof.

______15. Make sure that the water is safe to drink. Check if it is

clear and has no unusual odor. Always boil water for O.
10-15 minutes before drinking it.

_____16. Check your house if it is in good condition, particularly

the roof. P.

_____17. Prepare an emergency kit. Keep it ready in your home.

The kit should contain:
♦ Portable radio with extra (fresh) batteries Q.
♦ Flashlight, kerosene lamp, candles and matches
♦ Potable (drinking) water, canned goods, can opener and extra clothes
♦ First aid kit and important medicines

______18. Don’t panic. Just listen to the radio for warnings and advice. R.

Stay inside. Take shelter in the strongest part of your house.
If your house starts to break up, protect yourself with mattress, rugs
or blankets. Get under a strong table or bed.

______19. Listen to your radio. Don’t go outside until advised

officially that the typhoon has passed, or that it is already safe to go out. S.

______20. Beware of fallen powerlines, damaged buildings

and trees, and flooded waterways. T.

_____________________________ _____________________________
Learner’s Signature Learning Facilitator’s
Date: ______________

10 | P a g e

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